import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core"; import log from "@converse/headless/log"; const { Strophe, $iq, sizzle, u } = converse.env; export function getAutoCompleteListItem (text, input) { input = input.trim(); const element = document.createElement('li'); element.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false'); if (api.settings.get('muc_mention_autocomplete_show_avatar')) { const img = document.createElement('img'); let dataUri = 'data:' + _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE + ';base64,' + _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE; if (_converse.vcards) { const vcard = _converse.vcards.findWhere({ 'nickname': text }); if (vcard) dataUri = 'data:' + vcard.get('image_type') + ';base64,' + vcard.get('image'); } img.setAttribute('src', dataUri); img.setAttribute('width', '22'); img.setAttribute('class', 'avatar avatar-autocomplete'); element.appendChild(img); } const regex = new RegExp('(' + input + ')', 'ig'); const parts = input ? text.split(regex) : [text]; parts.forEach(txt => { if (input && txt.match(regex)) { const match = document.createElement('mark'); match.textContent = txt; element.appendChild(match); } else { element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt)); } }); return element; } export async function getAutoCompleteList () { const models = [...(await api.rooms.get()), ...(await api.contacts.get())]; const jids = [ Set( => Strophe.getDomainFromJid(o.get('jid'))))]; return jids; } export async function fetchCommandForm (command) { const node = command.node; const jid = command.jid; const stanza = $iq({ 'type': 'set', 'to': jid }).c('command', { 'xmlns': Strophe.NS.ADHOC, 'node': node, 'action': 'execute' }); try { const iq = await api.sendIQ(stanza); const cmd_el = sizzle(`command[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.ADHOC}"]`, iq).pop(); command.sessionid = cmd_el.getAttribute('sessionid'); command.instructions = sizzle('x[type="form"][xmlns="jabber:x:data"] instructions', cmd_el).pop()?.textContent; command.fields = sizzle('x[type="form"][xmlns="jabber:x:data"] field', cmd_el) .map(f => u.xForm2TemplateResult(f, cmd_el)); } catch (e) { if (e === null) { log.error(`Error: timeout while trying to execute command for ${jid}`); } else { log.error(`Error while trying to execute command for ${jid}`); log.error(e); } command.fields = []; } }