// Converse.js (A browser based XMPP chat client) // http://conversejs.org // // Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Jan-Carel Brand // Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2) // /*global define */ import "@converse/headless/converse-vcard"; import "converse-modal"; import _FormData from "formdata-polyfill"; import bootstrap from "bootstrap"; import converse from "@converse/headless/converse-core"; import tpl_chat_status_modal from "templates/chat_status_modal.html"; import tpl_client_info_modal from "templates/client_info_modal.html"; import tpl_profile_modal from "templates/profile_modal.html"; import tpl_profile_view from "templates/profile_view.html"; import tpl_status_option from "templates/status_option.html"; const { Strophe, Backbone, Promise, utils, _, moment } = converse.env; const u = converse.env.utils; converse.plugins.add('converse-profile', { dependencies: ["converse-modal", "converse-vcard", "converse-chatboxviews"], initialize () { /* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is * loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery. */ const { _converse } = this, { __ } = _converse; _converse.ProfileModal = _converse.BootstrapModal.extend({ events: { 'change input[type="file"': "updateFilePreview", 'click .change-avatar': "openFileSelection", 'submit .profile-form': 'onFormSubmitted' }, initialize () { this.model.on('change', this.render, this); _converse.BootstrapModal.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); _converse.emit('profileModalInitialized', this.model); }, toHTML () { return tpl_profile_modal(_.extend( this.model.toJSON(), this.model.vcard.toJSON(), { '_': _, '__': __, '_converse': _converse, 'alt_avatar': __('Your avatar image'), 'heading_profile': __('Your Profile'), 'label_close': __('Close'), 'label_email': __('Email'), 'label_fullname': __('Full Name'), 'label_jid': __('XMPP Address (JID)'), 'label_nickname': __('Nickname'), 'label_role': __('Role'), 'label_role_help': __('Use commas to separate multiple roles. Your roles are shown next to your name on your chat messages.'), 'label_url': __('URL'), 'utils': u, 'view': this })); }, afterRender () { this.tabs = _.map(this.el.querySelectorAll('.nav-item'), (tab) => new bootstrap.Tab(tab)); }, openFileSelection (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.el.querySelector('input[type="file"]').click(); }, updateFilePreview (ev) { const file = ev.target.files[0], reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = () => { this.el.querySelector('.avatar').setAttribute('src', reader.result); }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); }, setVCard (data) { _converse.api.vcard.set(_converse.bare_jid, data) .then(() => _converse.api.vcard.update(this.model.vcard, true)) .catch((err) => { _converse.log(err, Strophe.LogLevel.FATAL); _converse.api.alert.show( Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR, __('Error'), [__("Sorry, an error happened while trying to save your profile data."), __("You can check your browser's developer console for any error output.")] ) }); this.modal.hide(); }, onFormSubmitted (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const reader = new FileReader(), form_data = new FormData(ev.target), image_file = form_data.get('image'); const data = { 'fn': form_data.get('fn'), 'nickname': form_data.get('nickname'), 'role': form_data.get('role'), 'email': form_data.get('email'), 'url': form_data.get('url'), }; if (!image_file.size) { _.extend(data, { 'image': this.model.vcard.get('image'), 'image_type': this.model.vcard.get('image_type') }); this.setVCard(data); } else { reader.onloadend = () => { _.extend(data, { 'image': btoa(reader.result), 'image_type': image_file.type }); this.setVCard(data); }; reader.readAsBinaryString(image_file); } } }); _converse.ChatStatusModal = _converse.BootstrapModal.extend({ events: { "submit form#set-xmpp-status": "onFormSubmitted", "click .clear-input": "clearStatusMessage" }, toHTML () { return tpl_chat_status_modal( _.extend( this.model.toJSON(), this.model.vcard.toJSON(), { 'label_away': __('Away'), 'label_close': __('Close'), 'label_busy': __('Busy'), 'label_cancel': __('Cancel'), 'label_custom_status': __('Custom status'), 'label_offline': __('Offline'), 'label_online': __('Online'), 'label_save': __('Save'), 'label_xa': __('Away for long'), 'modal_title': __('Change chat status'), 'placeholder_status_message': __('Personal status message') })); }, afterRender () { this.el.addEventListener('shown.bs.modal', () => { this.el.querySelector('input[name="status_message"]').focus(); }, false); }, clearStatusMessage (ev) { if (ev && ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); u.hideElement(this.el.querySelector('.clear-input')); } const roster_filter = this.el.querySelector('input[name="status_message"]'); roster_filter.value = ''; }, onFormSubmitted (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const data = new FormData(ev.target); this.model.save({ 'status_message': data.get('status_message'), 'status': data.get('chat_status') }); this.modal.hide(); } }); _converse.ClientInfoModal = _converse.BootstrapModal.extend({ toHTML () { return tpl_client_info_modal( _.extend( this.model.toJSON(), this.model.vcard.toJSON(), { '__': __, 'modal_title': __('About'), 'version_name': _converse.VERSION_NAME, 'first_subtitle': __( '%1$s Open Source %2$s XMPP chat client brought to you by %3$s Opkode %2$s', '', '', '' ), 'second_subtitle': __('%1$s Translate %2$s it into your own language', '', '' ) } ) ); } }); _converse.XMPPStatusView = _converse.VDOMViewWithAvatar.extend({ tagName: "div", events: { "click a.show-profile": "showProfileModal", "click a.change-status": "showStatusChangeModal", "click .show-client-info": "showClientInfoModal", "click .logout": "logOut" }, initialize () { this.model.on("change", this.render, this); this.model.vcard.on("change", this.render, this); }, toHTML () { const chat_status = this.model.get('status') || 'offline'; return tpl_profile_view(_.extend( this.model.toJSON(), this.model.vcard.toJSON(), { '__': __, 'fullname': this.model.vcard.get('fullname') || _converse.bare_jid, 'status_message': this.model.get('status_message') || __("I am %1$s", this.getPrettyStatus(chat_status)), 'chat_status': chat_status, '_converse': _converse, 'title_change_settings': __('Change settings'), 'title_change_status': __('Click to change your chat status'), 'title_log_out': __('Log out'), 'info_details': __('Show details about this chat client'), 'title_your_profile': __('Your profile') })); }, afterRender () { this.renderAvatar(); }, showProfileModal (ev) { if (_.isUndefined(this.profile_modal)) { this.profile_modal = new _converse.ProfileModal({model: this.model}); } this.profile_modal.show(ev); }, showStatusChangeModal (ev) { if (_.isUndefined(this.status_modal)) { this.status_modal = new _converse.ChatStatusModal({model: this.model}); } this.status_modal.show(ev); }, showClientInfoModal(ev) { if (_.isUndefined(this.client_info_modal)) { this.client_info_modal = new _converse.ClientInfoModal({model: this.model}); } this.client_info_modal.show(ev); }, logOut (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const result = confirm(__("Are you sure you want to log out?")); if (result === true) { _converse.logOut(); } }, getPrettyStatus (stat) { if (stat === 'chat') { return __('online'); } else if (stat === 'dnd') { return __('busy'); } else if (stat === 'xa') { return __('away for long'); } else if (stat === 'away') { return __('away'); } else if (stat === 'offline') { return __('offline'); } else { return __(stat) || __('online'); } } }); } });