{ "domain": "converse", "locale_data": { "converse": { "": { "domain": "converse", "lang": "id" }, "unencrypted": [ null, "tak dienkripsi" ], "unverified": [ null, "tak diverifikasi" ], "verified": [ null, "diverifikasi" ], "finished": [ null, "selesai" ], "This contact is busy": [ null, "Teman ini sedang sibuk" ], "This contact is online": [ null, "Teman ini terhubung" ], "This contact is offline": [ null, "Teman ini tidak terhubung" ], "This contact is unavailable": [ null, "Teman ini tidak tersedia" ], "This contact is away for an extended period": [ null, "Teman ini tidak di tempat untuk waktu yang lama" ], "This contact is away": [ null, "Teman ini tidak di tempat" ], "My contacts": [ null, "Teman saya" ], "Pending contacts": [ null, "Teman yang menunggu" ], "Contact requests": [ null, "Permintaan pertemanan" ], "Ungrouped": [ null, "" ], "Contacts": [ null, "Teman" ], "Groups": [ null, "" ], "Error": [ null, "Kesalahan" ], "Connecting": [ null, "Menyambung" ], "Authenticating": [ null, "Melakukan otentikasi" ], "Authentication Failed": [ null, "Otentikasi gagal" ], "Online Contacts": [ null, "Teman yang Terhubung" ], "Re-establishing encrypted session": [ null, "Menyambung kembali sesi terenkripsi" ], "Generating private key.": [ null, "" ], "Your browser might become unresponsive.": [ null, "" ], "Could not verify this user's identify.": [ null, "Tak dapat melakukan verifikasi identitas pengguna ini." ], "Exchanging private key with contact.": [ null, "" ], "Personal message": [ null, "Pesan pribadi" ], "me": [ null, "saya" ], "is typing": [ null, "" ], "has stopped typing": [ null, "" ], "Show this menu": [ null, "Tampilkan menu ini" ], "Write in the third person": [ null, "Tulis ini menggunakan bahasa pihak ketiga" ], "Remove messages": [ null, "Hapus pesan" ], "Are you sure you want to clear the messages from this chat box?": [ null, "" ], "Your message could not be sent": [ null, "Pesan anda tak dapat dikirim" ], "We received an unencrypted message": [ null, "Kami menerima pesan terenkripsi" ], "We received an unreadable encrypted message": [ null, "Kami menerima pesan terenkripsi yang gagal dibaca" ], "This user has requested an encrypted session.": [ null, "Pengguna ini meminta sesi terenkripsi" ], "Here are the fingerprints, please confirm them with %1$s, outside of this chat.\n\nFingerprint for you, %2$s: %3$s\n\nFingerprint for %1$s: %4$s\n\nIf you have confirmed that the fingerprints match, click OK, otherwise click Cancel.": [ null, "Ini adalah sidik jari anda, konfirmasikan bersama mereka dengan %1$s, di luar percakapan ini.\n\nSidik jari untuk anda, %2$s: %3$s\n\nSidik jari untuk %1$s: %4$s\n\nJika anda bisa mengkonfirmasi sidik jadi cocok, klik Lanjutkan, jika tidak klik Batal." ], "What is your security question?": [ null, "Apakah pertanyaan keamanan anda?" ], "What is the answer to the security question?": [ null, "Apa jawaban dari pertanyaan keamanan tersebut?" ], "Invalid authentication scheme provided": [ null, "Skema otentikasi salah" ], "Your messages are not encrypted anymore": [ null, "Pesan anda tidak lagi terenkripsi" ], "Your messages are not encrypted. Click here to enable OTR encryption.": [ null, "Pesan anda tak terenkripsi. Klik di sini untuk menyalakan enkripsi OTR." ], "End encrypted conversation": [ null, "Sudahi percakapan terenkripsi" ], "Hide the list of participants": [ null, "" ], "Refresh encrypted conversation": [ null, "Setel ulang percakapan terenkripsi" ], "Start a call": [ null, "" ], "Start encrypted conversation": [ null, "Mulai sesi terenkripsi" ], "Verify with fingerprints": [ null, "Verifikasi menggunakan sidik jari" ], "Verify with SMP": [ null, "Verifikasi menggunakan SMP" ], "What's this?": [ null, "Apakah ini?" ], "Online": [ null, "Terhubung" ], "Busy": [ null, "Sibuk" ], "Away": [ null, "Pergi" ], "Offline": [ null, "Tak Terhubung" ], "Contact name": [ null, "Nama teman" ], "Search": [ null, "Cari" ], "Contact username": [ null, "Username teman" ], "Add": [ null, "Tambah" ], "Click to add new chat contacts": [ null, "Klik untuk menambahkan teman baru" ], "Add a contact": [ null, "Tambah teman" ], "No users found": [ null, "Pengguna tak ditemukan" ], "Click to add as a chat contact": [ null, "Klik untuk menambahkan sebagai teman" ], "Room name": [ null, "Nama ruangan" ], "Nickname": [ null, "Nama panggilan" ], "Server": [ null, "Server" ], "Join": [ null, "Ikuti" ], "Show rooms": [ null, "Perlihatkan ruangan" ], "Rooms": [ null, "Ruangan" ], "No rooms on %1$s": [ null, "Tak ada ruangan di %1$s" ], "Rooms on %1$s": [ null, "Ruangan di %1$s" ], "Click to open this room": [ null, "Klik untuk membuka ruangan ini" ], "Show more information on this room": [ null, "Tampilkan informasi ruangan ini" ], "Description:": [ null, "Keterangan:" ], "Occupants:": [ null, "Penghuni:" ], "Features:": [ null, "Fitur:" ], "Requires authentication": [ null, "Membutuhkan otentikasi" ], "Hidden": [ null, "Tersembunyi" ], "Requires an invitation": [ null, "Membutuhkan undangan" ], "Moderated": [ null, "Dimoderasi" ], "Non-anonymous": [ null, "Tidak anonim" ], "Open room": [ null, "Ruangan terbuka" ], "Permanent room": [ null, "Ruangan permanen" ], "Public": [ null, "Umum" ], "Semi-anonymous": [ null, "Semi-anonim" ], "Temporary room": [ null, "Ruangan sementara" ], "Unmoderated": [ null, "Tak dimoderasi" ], "This user is a moderator": [ null, "Pengguna ini adalah moderator" ], "This user can send messages in this room": [ null, "Pengguna ini dapat mengirim pesan di ruangan ini" ], "This user can NOT send messages in this room": [ null, "Pengguna ini tak dapat mengirim pesan di ruangan ini" ], "Invite...": [ null, "" ], "You are about to invite %1$s to the chat room \"%2$s\". ": [ null, "" ], "You may optionally include a message, explaining the reason for the invitation.": [ null, "" ], "Message": [ null, "Pesan" ], "Error: could not execute the command": [ null, "" ], "Remove user's ability to post messages": [ null, "" ], "Change your nickname": [ null, "" ], "Allow muted user to post messages": [ null, "" ], "Save": [ null, "Simpan" ], "Cancel": [ null, "Batal" ], "An error occurred while trying to save the form.": [ null, "Kesalahan terjadi saat menyimpan formulir ini." ], "This chatroom requires a password": [ null, "Ruangan ini membutuhkan kata sandi" ], "Password: ": [ null, "Kata sandi: " ], "Submit": [ null, "Kirim" ], "This room is not anonymous": [ null, "Ruangan ini tidak anonim" ], "This room now shows unavailable members": [ null, "Ruangan ini menampilkan anggota yang tak tersedia" ], "This room does not show unavailable members": [ null, "Ruangan ini tidak menampilkan anggota yang tak tersedia" ], "Non-privacy-related room configuration has changed": [ null, "Konfigurasi ruangan yang tak berhubungan dengan privasi telah diubah" ], "Room logging is now enabled": [ null, "Pencatatan di ruangan ini sekarang dinyalakan" ], "Room logging is now disabled": [ null, "Pencatatan di ruangan ini sekarang dimatikan" ], "This room is now non-anonymous": [ null, "Ruangan ini sekarang tak-anonim" ], "This room is now semi-anonymous": [ null, "Ruangan ini sekarang semi-anonim" ], "This room is now fully-anonymous": [ null, "Ruangan ini sekarang anonim" ], "A new room has been created": [ null, "Ruangan baru telah dibuat" ], "You have been banned from this room": [ null, "Anda telah dicekal dari ruangan ini" ], "You have been kicked from this room": [ null, "Anda telah ditendang dari ruangan ini" ], "You have been removed from this room because of an affiliation change": [ null, "Anda telah dihapus dari ruangan ini karena perubahan afiliasi" ], "You have been removed from this room because the room has changed to members-only and you're not a member": [ null, "Anda telah dihapus dari ruangan ini karena ruangan ini hanya terbuka untuk anggota dan anda bukan anggota" ], "You have been removed from this room because the MUC (Multi-user chat) service is being shut down.": [ null, "Anda telah dihapus dari ruangan ini karena layanan MUC (Multi-user chat) telah dimatikan." ], "%1$s has been banned": [ null, "%1$s telah dicekal" ], "%1$s has been kicked out": [ null, "%1$s telah ditendang keluar" ], "%1$s has been removed because of an affiliation change": [ null, "%1$s telah dihapus karena perubahan afiliasi" ], "%1$s has been removed for not being a member": [ null, "%1$s telah dihapus karena bukan anggota" ], "The reason given is: \"": [ null, "" ], "You are not on the member list of this room": [ null, "Anda bukan anggota dari ruangan ini" ], "No nickname was specified": [ null, "Nama panggilan belum ditentukan" ], "You are not allowed to create new rooms": [ null, "Anda tak diizinkan untuk membuat ruangan baru" ], "Your nickname doesn't conform to this room's policies": [ null, "Nama panggilan anda tidak sesuai aturan ruangan ini" ], "Your nickname is already taken": [ null, "Nama panggilan anda telah digunakan orang lain" ], "This room does not (yet) exist": [ null, "Ruangan ini belum dibuat" ], "This room has reached it's maximum number of occupants": [ null, "Ruangan ini telah mencapai jumlah penghuni maksimum" ], "Topic set by %1$s to: %2$s": [ null, "Topik diganti oleh %1$s menjadi: %2$s" ], "%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s": [ null, "" ], "%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s, and left the following reason: \"%3$s\"": [ null, "" ], "Minimized": [ null, "" ], "Click to remove this contact": [ null, "Klik untuk menghapus teman ini" ], "Click to chat with this contact": [ null, "Klik untuk mulai perbinjangan dengan teman ini" ], "Type to filter": [ null, "" ], "I am %1$s": [ null, "Saya %1$s" ], "Click here to write a custom status message": [ null, "Klik untuk menulis status kustom" ], "Click to change your chat status": [ null, "Klik untuk mengganti status" ], "Custom status": [ null, "Status kustom" ], "online": [ null, "terhubung" ], "busy": [ null, "sibuk" ], "away for long": [ null, "lama tak di tempat" ], "away": [ null, "tak di tempat" ], "Your XMPP provider's domain name:": [ null, "" ], "Fetch registration form": [ null, "" ], "Tip: A list of public XMPP providers is available": [ null, "" ], "here": [ null, "" ], "Register": [ null, "" ], "Sorry, the given provider does not support in band account registration. Please try with a different provider.": [ null, "" ], "Requesting a registration form from the XMPP server": [ null, "" ], "Something went wrong while establishing a connection with \"%1$s\". Are you sure it exists?": [ null, "" ], "Now logging you in": [ null, "" ], "Registered successfully": [ null, "" ], "Return": [ null, "" ], "The provider rejected your registration attempt. ": [ null, "" ], "Password:": [ null, "Kata sandi:" ], "Log In": [ null, "Masuk" ], "Sign in": [ null, "Masuk" ], "Toggle chat": [ null, "" ] } } }