import BootstrapModal from "./base.js"; import log from "@converse/headless/log"; import sizzle from "sizzle"; import tpl_moderator_tools_modal from "./templates/moderator-tools.js"; import { AFFILIATIONS, ROLES } from "@converse/headless/plugins/muc.js"; import { __ } from '../i18n'; import { api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core"; const { Strophe } = converse.env; const u = converse.env.utils; let _converse; export default BootstrapModal.extend({ id: "converse-modtools-modal", persistent: true, initialize (attrs) { _converse = attrs._converse; this.chatroomview = attrs.chatroomview; BootstrapModal.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.affiliations_filter = ''; this.roles_filter = ''; this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:role', () => { this.users_with_role = this.chatroomview.model.getOccupantsWithRole(this.model.get('role')); this.render(); }); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:affiliation', async () => { this.loading_users_with_affiliation = true; this.users_with_affiliation = null; this.render(); const chatroom = this.chatroomview.model; const affiliation = this.model.get('affiliation'); if (this.shouldFetchAffiliationsList()) { this.users_with_affiliation = await chatroom.getAffiliationList(affiliation); } else { this.users_with_affiliation = chatroom.getOccupantsWithAffiliation(affiliation); } this.loading_users_with_affiliation = false; this.render(); }); }, toHTML () { const occupant = this.chatroomview.model.occupants.findWhere({'jid': _converse.bare_jid}); return tpl_moderator_tools_modal(Object.assign(this.model.toJSON(), { 'affiliations_filter': this.affiliations_filter, 'assignAffiliation': ev => this.assignAffiliation(ev), 'assignRole': ev => this.assignRole(ev), 'assignable_affiliations': this.getAssignableAffiliations(occupant), 'assignable_roles': this.getAssignableRoles(occupant), 'filterAffiliationResults': ev => this.filterAffiliationResults(ev), 'filterRoleResults': ev => this.filterRoleResults(ev), 'loading_users_with_affiliation': this.loading_users_with_affiliation, 'queryAffiliation': ev => this.queryAffiliation(ev), 'queryRole': ev => this.queryRole(ev), 'queryable_affiliations': AFFILIATIONS.filter(a => !_converse.modtools_disable_query.includes(a)), 'queryable_roles': ROLES.filter(a => !_converse.modtools_disable_query.includes(a)), 'roles_filter': this.roles_filter, 'switchTab': ev => this.switchTab(ev), 'toggleForm': ev => this.toggleForm(ev), 'users_with_affiliation': this.users_with_affiliation, 'users_with_role': this.users_with_role })); }, getAssignableAffiliations (occupant) { let disabled = api.settings.get('modtools_disable_assign'); if (!Array.isArray(disabled)) { disabled = disabled ? AFFILIATIONS : []; } if (occupant.get('affiliation') === 'owner') { return AFFILIATIONS.filter(a => !disabled.includes(a)); } else if (occupant.get('affiliation') === 'admin') { return AFFILIATIONS.filter(a => !['owner', 'admin', ...disabled].includes(a)); } else { return []; } }, getAssignableRoles (occupant) { let disabled = api.settings.get('modtools_disable_assign'); if (!Array.isArray(disabled)) { disabled = disabled ? ROLES : []; } if (occupant.get('role') === 'moderator') { return ROLES.filter(r => !disabled.includes(r)); } else { return []; } }, shouldFetchAffiliationsList () { const affiliation = this.model.get('affiliation'); if (affiliation === 'none') { return false; } const chatroom = this.chatroomview.model; const auto_fetched_affs = chatroom.occupants.getAutoFetchedAffiliationLists(); if (auto_fetched_affs.includes(affiliation)) { return false; } else { return true; } }, toggleForm (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); const form_class ='data-form'); const form = u.ancestor(, '.list-group-item').querySelector(`.${form_class}`); if (u.hasClass('hidden', form)) { u.removeClass('hidden', form); } else { u.addClass('hidden', form); } }, filterRoleResults (ev) { this.roles_filter =; this.render(); }, filterAffiliationResults (ev) { this.affiliations_filter =; this.render(); }, queryRole (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); const data = new FormData(; const role = data.get('role'); this.model.set({'role': null}, {'silent': true}); this.model.set({'role': role}); }, queryAffiliation (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); const data = new FormData(; const affiliation = data.get('affiliation'); this.model.set({'affiliation': null}, {'silent': true}); this.model.set({'affiliation': affiliation}); }, async assignAffiliation (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); const data = new FormData(; const affiliation = data.get('affiliation'); const attrs = { 'jid': data.get('jid'), 'reason': data.get('reason') } const current_affiliation = this.model.get('affiliation'); try { await this.chatroomview.model.setAffiliation(affiliation, [attrs]); } catch (e) { if (e === null) { this.alert(__('Timeout error while trying to set the affiliation'), 'danger'); } else if (sizzle(`not-allowed[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STANZAS}"]`, e).length) { this.alert(__('Sorry, you\'re not allowed to make that change'), 'danger'); } else { this.alert(__('Sorry, something went wrong while trying to set the affiliation'), 'danger'); } log.error(e); return; } this.alert(__('Affiliation changed'), 'primary'); await this.chatroomview.model.occupants.fetchMembers() this.model.set({'affiliation': null}, {'silent': true}); this.model.set({'affiliation': current_affiliation}); }, assignRole (ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); const data = new FormData(; const occupant = this.chatroomview.model.getOccupant(data.get('jid') || data.get('nick')); const role = data.get('role'); const reason = data.get('reason'); const current_role = this.model.get('role'); this.chatroomview.model.setRole(occupant, role, reason, () => { this.alert(__('Role changed'), 'primary'); this.model.set({'role': null}, {'silent': true}); this.model.set({'role': current_role}); }, (e) => { if (sizzle(`not-allowed[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.STANZAS}"]`, e).length) { this.alert(__('You\'re not allowed to make that change'), 'danger'); } else { this.alert(__('Sorry, something went wrong while trying to set the role'), 'danger'); if (u.isErrorObject(e)) { log.error(e); } } } ); } });