/*global converse */ (function (root, factory) { define([ "jquery", "underscore", "utils", "mock", "test_utils" ], factory); } (this, function ($, _, utils, mock, test_utils) { "use strict"; var $iq = converse_api.env.$iq, Strophe = converse_api.env.Strophe; describe("A chat room", function () { it("can be bookmarked", function () { var sent_stanza, IQ_id; var sendIQ = converse.connection.sendIQ; spyOn(converse.connection, 'sendIQ').andCallFake(function (iq, callback, errback) { sent_stanza = iq; IQ_id = sendIQ.bind(this)(iq, callback, errback); }); spyOn(converse.connection, 'getUniqueId').andCallThrough(); test_utils.openChatRoom('theplay', 'conference.shakespeare.lit', 'JC'); var jid = 'theplay@conference.shakespeare.lit'; var view = converse.chatboxviews.get(jid); spyOn(view, 'renderBookmarkForm').andCallThrough(); spyOn(view, 'cancelConfiguration').andCallThrough(); var $bookmark = view.$el.find('.icon-pushpin'); $bookmark.click(); expect(view.renderBookmarkForm).toHaveBeenCalled(); view.$el.find('.button-cancel').click(); expect(view.cancelConfiguration).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($bookmark.hasClass('on-button'), false); $bookmark.click(); expect(view.renderBookmarkForm).toHaveBeenCalled(); /* Client uploads data: * -------------------- * * * * * * * JC * * * * * * * * http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-options * * * true * * * whitelist * * * * * */ expect(view.model.get('bookmarked')).toBeFalsy(); var $form = view.$el.find('.chatroom-form'); $form.find('input[name="name"]').val('Play's the Thing'); $form.find('input[name="autojoin"]').prop('checked', true); $form.find('input[name="nick"]').val('JC'); $form.submit(); expect(view.model.get('bookmarked')).toBeTruthy(); expect($bookmark.hasClass('on-button'), true); expect(sent_stanza.toLocaleString()).toBe( ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ "JC"+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-options"+ ""+ ""+ "true"+ ""+ ""+ "whitelist"+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ "" ); /* Server acknowledges successful storage * * */ var stanza = $iq({ 'to':converse.connection.jid, 'type':'result', 'id':IQ_id }); converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); // We ignore this IQ stanza... (unless it's an error stanza), so // nothing to test for here. }); it("will be automatically opened if 'autojoin' is set on the bookmark", function () { var jid = 'lounge@localhost'; converse.bookmarks.create({ 'jid': jid, 'autojoin': false, 'name': 'The Lounge', 'nick': ' Othello' }); expect(_.isUndefined(converse.chatboxviews.get(jid))).toBeTruthy(); jid = 'theplay@conference.shakespeare.lit'; converse.bookmarks.create({ 'jid': jid, 'autojoin': true, 'name': 'The Play', 'nick': ' Othello' }); expect(_.isUndefined(converse.chatboxviews.get(jid))).toBeFalsy(); }); describe("when bookmarked", function () { beforeEach(function () { test_utils.closeAllChatBoxes(); converse.bookmarks.reset(); }); it("displays that it's bookmarked through its bookmark icon", function () { runs(function () { test_utils.openChatRoom('lounge', 'localhost', 'dummy'); }); waits(100); runs(function () { var view = converse.chatboxviews.get('lounge@localhost'); var $bookmark_icon = view.$('.icon-pushpin'); expect($bookmark_icon.hasClass('button-on')).toBeFalsy(); view.model.set('bookmarked', true); expect($bookmark_icon.hasClass('button-on')).toBeTruthy(); view.model.set('bookmarked', false); expect($bookmark_icon.hasClass('button-on')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); it("can be unbookmarked", function () { var view, sent_stanza, IQ_id; var sendIQ = converse.connection.sendIQ; spyOn(converse.connection, 'sendIQ').andCallFake(function (iq, callback, errback) { sent_stanza = iq; IQ_id = sendIQ.bind(this)(iq, callback, errback); }); spyOn(converse.connection, 'getUniqueId').andCallThrough(); runs(function () { test_utils.openChatRoom('theplay', 'conference.shakespeare.lit', 'JC'); }); waits(100); runs(function () { var jid = 'theplay@conference.shakespeare.lit'; view = converse.chatboxviews.get(jid); spyOn(view, 'toggleBookmark').andCallThrough(); spyOn(converse.bookmarks, 'sendBookmarkStanza').andCallThrough(); view.delegateEvents(); converse.bookmarks.create({ 'jid': view.model.get('jid'), 'autojoin': false, 'name': 'The Play', 'nick': ' Othello' }); expect(converse.bookmarks.length).toBe(1); }); waits(100); runs(function () { expect(view.model.get('bookmarked')).toBeTruthy(); var $bookmark_icon = view.$('.icon-pushpin'); expect($bookmark_icon.hasClass('button-on')).toBeTruthy(); $bookmark_icon.click(); expect(view.toggleBookmark).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($bookmark_icon.hasClass('button-on')).toBeFalsy(); expect(converse.bookmarks.length).toBe(0); // Check that an IQ stanza is sent out, containing no // conferences to bookmark (since we removed the one and // only bookmark). expect(sent_stanza.toLocaleString()).toBe( ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#publish-options"+ ""+ ""+ "true"+ ""+ ""+ "whitelist"+ ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ "" ); }); }); }); describe("and when autojoin is set", function () { beforeEach(function () { converse.bookmarks.reset(); }); it("will be be opened and joined automatically upon login", function () { spyOn(converse_api.rooms, 'open'); var jid = 'theplay@conference.shakespeare.lit'; var model = converse.bookmarks.create({ 'jid': jid, 'autojoin': false, 'name': 'The Play', 'nick': '' }); expect(converse_api.rooms.open).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); converse.bookmarks.remove(model); converse.bookmarks.create({ 'jid': jid, 'autojoin': true, 'name': 'Hamlet', 'nick': '' }); expect(converse_api.rooms.open).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe("Bookmarks", function () { beforeEach(function () { window.sessionStorage.clear(); }); it("can be pushed from the XMPP server", function () { // TODO /* The stored data is automatically pushed to all of the user's * connected resources. * * Publisher receives event notification * ------------------------------------- * * * * * * * JC * * * * * * * * * * * * * JC * * * * * * */ }); it("can be retrieved from the XMPP server", function () { var sent_stanza, IQ_id, sendIQ = converse.connection.sendIQ; spyOn(converse.connection, 'sendIQ').andCallFake(function (iq, callback, errback) { sent_stanza = iq; IQ_id = sendIQ.bind(this)(iq, callback, errback); }); converse.emit('connected'); /* Client requests all items * ------------------------- * * * * * * */ expect(sent_stanza.toLocaleString()).toBe( ""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ "" ); /* * Server returns all items * ------------------------ * * * * * * * JC * * * * * * */ expect(converse.bookmarks.models.length).toBe(0); var stanza = $iq({'to': converse.connection.jid, 'type':'result', 'id':IQ_id}) .c('pubsub', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.PUBSUB}) .c('items', {'node': 'storage:bookmarks'}) .c('item', {'id': 'current'}) .c('storage', {'xmlns': 'storage:bookmarks'}) .c('conference', { 'name': 'The Play's the Thing', 'autojoin': 'true', 'jid': 'theplay@conference.shakespeare.lit' }).c('nick').t('JC').up().up() .c('conference', { 'name': 'Another room', 'autojoin': 'false', 'jid': 'another@conference.shakespeare.lit' }).c('nick').t('JC').up().up(); converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); expect(converse.bookmarks.models.length).toBe(2); expect(converse.bookmarks.findWhere({'jid': 'theplay@conference.shakespeare.lit'}).get('autojoin')).toBe(true); expect(converse.bookmarks.findWhere({'jid': 'another@conference.shakespeare.lit'}).get('autojoin')).toBe(false); }); describe("The rooms panel", function () { beforeEach(function () { test_utils.openRoomsPanel(); }); it("shows a list of bookmarks", function () { var IQ_id; var sendIQ = converse.connection.sendIQ; spyOn(converse.connection, 'sendIQ').andCallFake(function (iq, callback, errback) { IQ_id = sendIQ.bind(this)(iq, callback, errback); }); converse.emit('connected'); var stanza = $iq({'to': converse.connection.jid, 'type':'result', 'id':IQ_id}) .c('pubsub', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.PUBSUB}) .c('items', {'node': 'storage:bookmarks'}) .c('item', {'id': 'current'}) .c('storage', {'xmlns': 'storage:bookmarks'}) .c('conference', { 'name': 'The Play's the Thing', 'autojoin': 'false', 'jid': 'theplay@conference.shakespeare.lit' }).c('nick').t('JC').up().up() .c('conference', { 'name': 'Bookmark with a very very long name that will be shortened', 'autojoin': 'false', 'jid': 'theplay@conference.shakespeare.lit' }).c('nick').t('JC').up().up() .c('conference', { 'name': 'Another room', 'autojoin': 'false', 'jid': 'another@conference.shakespeare.lit' }).c('nick').t('JC').up().up(); converse.connection._dataRecv(test_utils.createRequest(stanza)); expect($('#chatrooms ul.bookmarks li').length).toBe(3); }); }); }); }));