# Release checklist 1. Run `make check` to check that all tests pass. 2. Run `make release VERSION=6.0.1` 3. Do a `git diff` to check if things look sane. 4. Do a quick manual test with the `dist` files (via `index.html`) 5. `git commit -am "Release 6.0.1"` 6. `git tag -s v6.0.1 -m "Release 6.0.1"` 7. Run `git push && git push --tags` 8. Update https://conversejs.org * `cd /home/conversejs/converse.js` * `git clone --branch v6.0.1 git@github.com:conversejs/converse.js.git 6.0.1` * `cd 6.0.1 && ASSET_PATH=https://cdn.conversejs.org/6.0.1/dist/ make dist` * `cd .. && git pull && ASSET_PATH=https://cdn.conversejs.org/dist/ make dist` 9. Update release page on Github 11. Run `npm publish && cd src/headless/ && npm publish` 12. Update the repository on weblate 13. Decide on next release number and run `make postrelease VERSION=6.0.2`