import './config-form.js'; import './password-form.js'; import 'shared/autocomplete/index.js'; import MUCInviteModal from 'modals/muc-invite.js'; import ModeratorToolsModal from 'modals/moderator-tools.js'; import OccupantModal from 'modals/occupant.js'; import RoomDetailsModal from 'modals/muc-details.js'; import log from '@converse/headless/log'; import tpl_chatroom from 'templates/chatroom.js'; import tpl_chatroom_head from 'templates/chatroom_head.js'; import tpl_muc_bottom_panel from 'templates/muc_bottom_panel.js'; import tpl_muc_destroyed from 'templates/muc_destroyed.js'; import tpl_muc_disconnect from 'templates/muc_disconnect.js'; import { $build, $pres, Strophe } from 'strophe.js/src/strophe'; import tpl_muc_nickname_form from 'templates/muc_nickname_form.js'; import tpl_spinner from 'templates/spinner.js'; import { Model } from '@converse/skeletor/src/model.js'; import { __ } from 'i18n'; import { _converse, api, converse } from '@converse/headless/core'; import { debounce } from 'lodash-es'; import { render } from 'lit-html'; const { sizzle } = converse.env; const u = converse.env.utils; const OWNER_COMMANDS = ['owner']; const ADMIN_COMMANDS = ['admin', 'ban', 'deop', 'destroy', 'member', 'op', 'revoke']; const MODERATOR_COMMANDS = ['kick', 'mute', 'voice', 'modtools']; const VISITOR_COMMANDS = ['nick']; const COMMAND_TO_ROLE = { 'deop': 'participant', 'kick': 'none', 'mute': 'visitor', 'op': 'moderator', 'voice': 'participant' }; const COMMAND_TO_AFFILIATION = { 'admin': 'admin', 'ban': 'outcast', 'member': 'member', 'owner': 'owner', 'revoke': 'none' }; /** * Mixin which turns a ChatBoxView into a ChatRoomView * @mixin * @namespace _converse.ChatRoomView * @memberOf _converse */ const ChatRoomViewMixin = { length: 300, tagName: 'div', className: 'chatbox chatroom hidden', is_chatroom: true, events: { 'click .chatbox-navback': 'showControlBox', 'click .hide-occupants': 'hideOccupants', 'click .new-msgs-indicator': 'viewUnreadMessages', // Arrow functions don't work here because you can't bind a different `this` param to them. 'click .occupant-nick': function (ev) { this.insertIntoTextArea(; }, 'click .send-button': 'onFormSubmitted', 'dragover .chat-textarea': 'onDragOver', 'drop .chat-textarea': 'onDrop', 'input .chat-textarea': 'inputChanged', 'keydown .chat-textarea': 'onKeyDown', 'keyup .chat-textarea': 'onKeyUp', 'mousedown .dragresize-occupants-left': 'onStartResizeOccupants', 'paste .chat-textarea': 'onPaste', 'submit .muc-nickname-form': 'submitNickname' }, async initialize () { this.initDebounced(); this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', debounce(() => this.renderHeading(), 250) ); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:composing_spoiler', this.renderMessageForm); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:hidden', m => (m.get('hidden') ? this.hide() :; this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:hidden_occupants', this.onSidebarToggle); this.listenTo(this.model, 'configurationNeeded', this.getAndRenderConfigurationForm); this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.hide); this.listenTo(this.model, 'show',; this.listenTo(this.model.features, 'change:moderated', this.renderBottomPanel); this.listenTo(this.model.features, 'change:open', this.renderHeading); this.listenTo(this.model.messages, 'rendered', this.maybeScrollDown); this.listenTo(this.model.session, 'change:connection_status', this.onConnectionStatusChanged); // Bind so that we can pass it to addEventListener and removeEventListener this.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this); this.onMouseUp = this.onMouseUp.bind(this); await this.render(); // Need to be registered after render has been called. this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:show_help_messages', this.renderHelpMessages); this.listenTo(this.model.messages, 'add', this.onMessageAdded); this.listenTo(this.model.messages, 'change', this.renderChatHistory); this.listenTo(this.model.messages, 'remove', this.renderChatHistory); this.listenTo(this.model.messages, 'reset', this.renderChatHistory); this.listenTo(this.model.notifications, 'change', this.renderNotifications); this.model.occupants.forEach(o => this.onOccupantAdded(o)); this.listenTo(this.model.occupants, 'add', this.onOccupantAdded); this.listenTo(this.model.occupants, 'change', this.renderChatHistory); this.listenTo(this.model.occupants, 'change:affiliation', this.onOccupantAffiliationChanged); this.listenTo(this.model.occupants, 'change:role', this.onOccupantRoleChanged); this.listenTo(this.model.occupants, 'change:show', this.showJoinOrLeaveNotification); this.listenTo(this.model.occupants, 'remove', this.onOccupantRemoved); this.renderChatContent(); this.insertIntoDOM(); // Register later due to await const user_settings = await _converse.api.user.settings.getModel(); this.listenTo(user_settings, 'change:mucs_with_hidden_subject', this.renderHeading); this.onConnectionStatusChanged(); this.model.maybeShow(); this.scrollDown(); /** * Triggered once a { @link _converse.ChatRoomView } has been opened * @event _converse#chatRoomViewInitialized * @type { _converse.ChatRoomView } * @example _converse.api.listen.on('chatRoomViewInitialized', view => { ... }); */ api.trigger('chatRoomViewInitialized', this); }, async render () { const sidebar_hidden = !this.shouldShowSidebar(); this.el.setAttribute('id', this.model.get('box_id')); render( tpl_chatroom({ sidebar_hidden, 'model': this.model, 'occupants': this.model.occupants, 'show_sidebar': !this.model.get('hidden_occupants') && this.model.session.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED, 'markScrolled': ev => this.markScrolled(ev), 'muc_show_logs_before_join': api.settings.get('muc_show_logs_before_join'), 'show_send_button': _converse.show_send_button }), this.el ); this.notifications = this.el.querySelector('.chat-content__notifications'); this.content = this.el.querySelector('.chat-content'); this.msgs_container = this.el.querySelector('.chat-content__messages'); this.help_container = this.el.querySelector('.chat-content__help'); this.renderBottomPanel(); if ( !api.settings.get('muc_show_logs_before_join') && this.model.session.get('connection_status') !== converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED ) { this.showSpinner(); } // Render header as late as possible since it's async and we // want the rest of the DOM elements to be available ASAP. // Otherwise e.g. this.notifications is not yet defined when accessed elsewhere. await this.renderHeading(); !this.model.get('hidden') &&; }, getNotifications () { const actors_per_state = this.model.notifications.toJSON(); const role_changes = api.settings .get('muc_show_info_messages') .filter(role_change => converse.MUC_ROLE_CHANGES_LIST.includes(role_change)); const join_leave_events = api.settings .get('muc_show_info_messages') .filter(join_leave_event => converse.MUC_TRAFFIC_STATES_LIST.includes(join_leave_event)); const states = [...converse.CHAT_STATES, ...join_leave_events, ...role_changes]; return states.reduce((result, state) => { const existing_actors = actors_per_state[state]; if (!existing_actors?.length) { return result; } const actors = => this.model.getOccupant(a)?.getDisplayName() || a); if (actors.length === 1) { if (state === 'composing') { return `${result}${__('%1$s is typing', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === 'paused') { return `${result}${__('%1$s has stopped typing', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === _converse.GONE) { return `${result}${__('%1$s has gone away', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === 'entered') { return `${result}${__('%1$s has entered the groupchat', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === 'exited') { return `${result}${__('%1$s has left the groupchat', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === 'op') { return `${result}${__('%1$s is now a moderator', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === 'deop') { return `${result}${__('%1$s is no longer a moderator', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === 'voice') { return `${result}${__('%1$s has been given a voice', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === 'mute') { return `${result}${__('%1$s has been muted', actors[0])}\n`; } } else if (actors.length > 1) { let actors_str; if (actors.length > 3) { actors_str = `${Array.from(actors) .slice(0, 2) .join(', ')} and others`; } else { const last_actor = actors.pop(); actors_str = __('%1$s and %2$s', actors.join(', '), last_actor); } if (state === 'composing') { return `${result}${__('%1$s are typing', actors_str)}\n`; } else if (state === 'paused') { return `${result}${__('%1$s have stopped typing', actors_str)}\n`; } else if (state === _converse.GONE) { return `${result}${__('%1$s have gone away', actors_str)}\n`; } else if (state === 'entered') { return `${result}${__('%1$s have entered the groupchat', actors_str)}\n`; } else if (state === 'exited') { return `${result}${__('%1$s have left the groupchat', actors_str)}\n`; } else if (state === 'op') { return `${result}${__('%1$s are now moderators', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === 'deop') { return `${result}${__('%1$s are no longer moderators', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === 'voice') { return `${result}${__('%1$s have been given voices', actors[0])}\n`; } else if (state === 'mute') { return `${result}${__('%1$s have been muted', actors[0])}\n`; } } return result; }, ''); }, getHelpMessages () { const setting = api.settings.get('muc_disable_slash_commands'); const disabled_commands = Array.isArray(setting) ? setting : []; return [ `/admin: ${__("Change user's affiliation to admin")}`, `/ban: ${__('Ban user by changing their affiliation to outcast')}`, `/clear: ${__('Clear the chat area')}`, `/close: ${__('Close this groupchat')}`, `/deop: ${__('Change user role to participant')}`, `/destroy: ${__('Remove this groupchat')}`, `/help: ${__('Show this menu')}`, `/kick: ${__('Kick user from groupchat')}`, `/me: ${__('Write in 3rd person')}`, `/member: ${__('Grant membership to a user')}`, `/modtools: ${__('Opens up the moderator tools GUI')}`, `/mute: ${__("Remove user's ability to post messages")}`, `/nick: ${__('Change your nickname')}`, `/op: ${__('Grant moderator role to user')}`, `/owner: ${__('Grant ownership of this groupchat')}`, `/register: ${__('Register your nickname')}`, `/revoke: ${__("Revoke the user's current affiliation")}`, `/subject: ${__('Set groupchat subject')}`, `/topic: ${__('Set groupchat subject (alias for /subject)')}`, `/voice: ${__('Allow muted user to post messages')}` ] .filter(line => disabled_commands.every(c => !line.startsWith(c + '<', 9))) .filter(line => this.getAllowedCommands().some(c => line.startsWith(c + '<', 9))); }, /** * Renders the MUC heading if any relevant attributes have changed. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#renderHeading * @param { _converse.ChatRoom } [item] */ async renderHeading () { const tpl = await this.generateHeadingTemplate(); render(tpl, this.el.querySelector('.chat-head-chatroom')); }, renderBottomPanel () { const container = this.el.querySelector('.bottom-panel'); const entered = this.model.session.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED; const can_edit = entered && !(this.model.features.get('moderated') && this.model.getOwnRole() === 'visitor'); render(tpl_muc_bottom_panel({ can_edit, entered }), container); if (entered && can_edit) { this.renderMessageForm(); this.initMentionAutoComplete(); } }, onStartResizeOccupants (ev) { this.resizing = true; this.el.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove); this.el.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp); const sidebar_el = this.el.querySelector('converse-muc-sidebar'); const style = window.getComputedStyle(sidebar_el); this.width = parseInt(style.width.replace(/px$/, ''), 10); this.prev_pageX = ev.pageX; }, onMouseMove (ev) { if (this.resizing) { ev.preventDefault(); const delta = this.prev_pageX - ev.pageX; this.resizeSidebarView(delta, ev.pageX); this.prev_pageX = ev.pageX; } }, onMouseUp (ev) { if (this.resizing) { ev.preventDefault(); this.resizing = false; this.el.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove); this.el.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp); const sidebar_el = this.el.querySelector('converse-muc-sidebar'); const element_position = sidebar_el.getBoundingClientRect(); const occupants_width = this.calculateSidebarWidth(element_position, 0); const attrs = { occupants_width }; _converse.connection.connected ? : this.model.set(attrs); } }, resizeSidebarView (delta, current_mouse_position) { const sidebar_el = this.el.querySelector('converse-muc-sidebar'); const element_position = sidebar_el.getBoundingClientRect(); if (this.is_minimum) { this.is_minimum = element_position.left < current_mouse_position; } else if (this.is_maximum) { this.is_maximum = element_position.left > current_mouse_position; } else { const occupants_width = this.calculateSidebarWidth(element_position, delta); = '0 0 ' + occupants_width + 'px'; } }, calculateSidebarWidth (element_position, delta) { let occupants_width = element_position.width + delta; const room_width = this.el.clientWidth; // keeping display in boundaries if (occupants_width < room_width * 0.2) { // set pixel to 20% width occupants_width = room_width * 0.2; this.is_minimum = true; } else if (occupants_width > room_width * 0.75) { // set pixel to 75% width occupants_width = room_width * 0.75; this.is_maximum = true; } else if (room_width - occupants_width < 250) { // resize occupants if chat-area becomes smaller than 250px (min-width property set in css) occupants_width = room_width - 250; this.is_maximum = true; } else { this.is_maximum = false; this.is_minimum = false; } return occupants_width; }, getAutoCompleteList () { return this.model.getAllKnownNicknames().map(nick => ({ 'label': nick, 'value': `@${nick}` })); }, getAutoCompleteListItem (text, input) { input = input.trim(); const element = document.createElement('li'); element.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false'); if (api.settings.get('muc_mention_autocomplete_show_avatar')) { const img = document.createElement('img'); let dataUri = 'data:' + _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE + ';base64,' + _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE; if (_converse.vcards) { const vcard = _converse.vcards.findWhere({ 'nickname': text }); if (vcard) dataUri = 'data:' + vcard.get('image_type') + ';base64,' + vcard.get('image'); } img.setAttribute('src', dataUri); img.setAttribute('width', '22'); img.setAttribute('class', 'avatar avatar-autocomplete'); element.appendChild(img); } const regex = new RegExp('(' + input + ')', 'ig'); const parts = input ? text.split(regex) : [text]; parts.forEach(txt => { if (input && txt.match(regex)) { const match = document.createElement('mark'); match.textContent = txt; element.appendChild(match); } else { element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt)); } }); return element; }, initMentionAutoComplete () { this.mention_auto_complete = new _converse.AutoComplete(this.el, { 'auto_first': true, 'auto_evaluate': false, 'min_chars': api.settings.get('muc_mention_autocomplete_min_chars'), 'match_current_word': true, 'list': () => this.getAutoCompleteList(), 'filter': api.settings.get('muc_mention_autocomplete_filter') == 'contains' ? _converse.FILTER_CONTAINS : _converse.FILTER_STARTSWITH, 'ac_triggers': ['Tab', '@'], 'include_triggers': [], 'item': this.getAutoCompleteListItem }); this.mention_auto_complete.on('suggestion-box-selectcomplete', () => (this.auto_completing = false)); }, /** * Get the nickname value from the form and then join the groupchat with it. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#submitNickname * @param { Event } */ submitNickname (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); const nick =; nick && this.model.join(nick); }, onKeyDown (ev) { if (this.mention_auto_complete.onKeyDown(ev)) { return; } return, ev); }, onKeyUp (ev) { this.mention_auto_complete.evaluate(ev); return, ev); }, async onMessageRetractButtonClicked (message) { const retraction_warning = __( 'Be aware that other XMPP/Jabber clients (and servers) may ' + 'not yet support retractions and that this message may not ' + 'be removed everywhere.' ); if (message.mayBeRetracted()) { const messages = [__('Are you sure you want to retract this message?')]; if (api.settings.get('show_retraction_warning')) { messages[1] = retraction_warning; } !!(await api.confirm(__('Confirm'), messages)) && this.model.retractOwnMessage(message); } else if (await message.mayBeModerated()) { if (message.get('sender') === 'me') { let messages = [__('Are you sure you want to retract this message?')]; if (api.settings.get('show_retraction_warning')) { messages = [messages[0], retraction_warning, messages[1]]; } !!(await api.confirm(__('Confirm'), messages)) && this.retractOtherMessage(message); } else { let messages = [ __('You are about to retract this message.'), __('You may optionally include a message, explaining the reason for the retraction.') ]; if (api.settings.get('show_retraction_warning')) { messages = [messages[0], retraction_warning, messages[1]]; } const reason = await api.prompt(__('Message Retraction'), messages, __('Optional reason')); reason !== false && this.retractOtherMessage(message, reason); } } else { const err_msg = __(`Sorry, you're not allowed to retract this message`); api.alert('error', __('Error'), err_msg); } }, /** * Retract someone else's message in this groupchat. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#retractOtherMessage * @param { _converse.Message } message - The message which we're retracting. * @param { string } [reason] - The reason for retracting the message. */ async retractOtherMessage (message, reason) { const result = await this.model.retractOtherMessage(message, reason); if (result === null) { const err_msg = __(`A timeout occurred while trying to retract the message`); api.alert('error', __('Error'), err_msg); log(err_msg, Strophe.LogLevel.WARN); } else if (u.isErrorStanza(result)) { const err_msg = __(`Sorry, you're not allowed to retract this message.`); api.alert('error', __('Error'), err_msg); log(err_msg, Strophe.LogLevel.WARN); log(result, Strophe.LogLevel.WARN); } }, showModeratorToolsModal (affiliation) { if (!this.verifyRoles(['moderator'])) { return; } let modal = api.modal.get(; if (modal) { modal.model.set('affiliation', affiliation); } else { const model = new Model({ 'affiliation': affiliation }); modal = api.modal.create(ModeratorToolsModal, { model, _converse, 'chatroomview': this }); }; }, showRoomDetailsModal (ev) { ev.preventDefault();, { 'model': this.model }, ev); }, showOccupantDetailsModal (ev, message) { ev.preventDefault();, { 'model': message.occupant }, ev); }, showChatStateNotification (message) { if (message.get('sender') === 'me') { return; } return _converse.ChatBoxView.prototype.showChatStateNotification.apply(this, arguments); }, shouldShowSidebar () { return ( !this.model.get('hidden_occupants') && this.model.session.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED ); }, onSidebarToggle () { this.renderToolbar(); this.el.querySelector('.occupants')?.setVisibility(); }, onOccupantAffiliationChanged (occupant) { if (occupant.get('jid') === _converse.bare_jid) { this.renderHeading(); } }, onOccupantRoleChanged (occupant) { if (occupant.get('jid') === _converse.bare_jid) { this.renderBottomPanel(); } }, /** * Returns a list of objects which represent buttons for the groupchat header. * @emits _converse#getHeadingButtons * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#getHeadingButtons */ getHeadingButtons (subject_hidden) { const buttons = []; buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Details'), 'i18n_title': __('Show more information about this groupchat'), 'handler': ev => this.showRoomDetailsModal(ev), 'a_class': 'show-muc-details-modal', 'icon_class': 'fa-info-circle', 'name': 'details' }); if (this.model.getOwnAffiliation() === 'owner') { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Configure'), 'i18n_title': __('Configure this groupchat'), 'handler': ev => this.getAndRenderConfigurationForm(ev), 'a_class': 'configure-chatroom-button', 'icon_class': 'fa-wrench', 'name': 'configure' }); } if (this.model.invitesAllowed()) { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Invite'), 'i18n_title': __('Invite someone to join this groupchat'), 'handler': ev => this.showInviteModal(ev), 'a_class': 'open-invite-modal', 'icon_class': 'fa-user-plus', 'name': 'invite' }); } const subject = this.model.get('subject'); if (subject && subject.text) { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': subject_hidden ? __('Show topic') : __('Hide topic'), 'i18n_title': subject_hidden ? __('Show the topic message in the heading') : __('Hide the topic in the heading'), 'handler': ev => this.toggleTopic(ev), 'a_class': 'hide-topic', 'icon_class': 'fa-minus-square', 'name': 'toggle-topic' }); } const conn_status = this.model.session.get('connection_status'); if (conn_status === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED) { const allowed_commands = this.getAllowedCommands(); if (allowed_commands.includes('modtools')) { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Moderate'), 'i18n_title': __('Moderate this groupchat'), 'handler': () => this.showModeratorToolsModal(), 'a_class': 'moderate-chatroom-button', 'icon_class': 'fa-user-cog', 'name': 'moderate' }); } if (allowed_commands.includes('destroy')) { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Destroy'), 'i18n_title': __('Remove this groupchat'), 'handler': ev => this.destroy(ev), 'a_class': 'destroy-chatroom-button', 'icon_class': 'fa-trash', 'name': 'destroy' }); } } if (!api.settings.get('singleton')) { buttons.push({ 'i18n_text': __('Leave'), 'i18n_title': __('Leave and close this groupchat'), 'handler': async ev => { ev.stopPropagation(); const messages = [__('Are you sure you want to leave this groupchat?')]; const result = await api.confirm(__('Confirm'), messages); result && this.close(ev); }, 'a_class': 'close-chatbox-button', 'standalone': api.settings.get('view_mode') === 'overlayed', 'icon_class': 'fa-sign-out-alt', 'name': 'signout' }); } return _converse.api.hook('getHeadingButtons', this, buttons); }, /** * Returns the groupchat heading TemplateResult to be rendered. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#generateHeadingTemplate */ async generateHeadingTemplate () { const subject_hidden = await this.model.isSubjectHidden(); const heading_btns = await this.getHeadingButtons(subject_hidden); const standalone_btns = heading_btns.filter(b => b.standalone); const dropdown_btns = heading_btns.filter(b => !b.standalone); return tpl_chatroom_head( Object.assign(this.model.toJSON(), { _converse, subject_hidden, 'dropdown_btns': => this.getHeadingDropdownItem(b)), 'standalone_btns': => this.getHeadingStandaloneButton(b)), 'title': this.model.getDisplayName() }) ); }, toggleTopic () { this.model.toggleSubjectHiddenState(); }, showInviteModal (ev) { ev.preventDefault();, { 'model': new Model(), 'chatroomview': this }, ev); }, /** * Callback method that gets called after the chat has become visible. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#afterShown */ afterShown () { // Override from converse-chatview, specifically to avoid // the 'active' chat state from being sent out prematurely. // This is instead done in `onConnectionStatusChanged` below. if (u.isPersistableModel(this.model)) { this.model.clearUnreadMsgCounter(); } this.scrollDown(); }, onConnectionStatusChanged () { const conn_status = this.model.session.get('connection_status'); if (conn_status === converse.ROOMSTATUS.NICKNAME_REQUIRED) { this.renderNicknameForm(); } else if (conn_status === converse.ROOMSTATUS.PASSWORD_REQUIRED) { this.renderPasswordForm(); } else if (conn_status === converse.ROOMSTATUS.CONNECTING) { this.showSpinner(); } else if (conn_status === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED) { this.renderBottomPanel(); this.hideSpinner(); this.maybeFocus(); } else if (conn_status === converse.ROOMSTATUS.DISCONNECTED) { this.showDisconnectMessage(); } else if (conn_status === converse.ROOMSTATUS.DESTROYED) { this.showDestroyedMessage(); } }, getToolbarOptions () { return Object.assign(_converse.ChatBoxView.prototype.getToolbarOptions.apply(this, arguments), { 'is_groupchat': true, 'label_hide_occupants': __('Hide the list of participants'), 'show_occupants_toggle': _converse.visible_toolbar_buttons.toggle_occupants }); }, /** * Closes this chat box, which implies leaving the groupchat as well. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#close */ async close () { this.hide(); if (_converse.router.history.getFragment() === 'converse/room?jid=' + this.model.get('jid')) { _converse.router.navigate(''); } await this.model.leave(); return _converse.ChatBoxView.prototype.close.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Hide the right sidebar containing the chat occupants. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#hideOccupants */ hideOccupants (ev) { if (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); }{ 'hidden_occupants': true }); this.scrollDown(); }, verifyRoles (roles, occupant, show_error = true) { if (!Array.isArray(roles)) { throw new TypeError('roles must be an Array'); } if (!roles.length) { return true; } occupant = occupant || this.model.occupants.findWhere({ 'jid': _converse.bare_jid }); if (occupant) { const role = occupant.get('role'); if (roles.includes(role)) { return true; } } if (show_error) { const message = __('Forbidden: you do not have the necessary role in order to do that.'); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); } return false; }, verifyAffiliations (affiliations, occupant, show_error = true) { if (!Array.isArray(affiliations)) { throw new TypeError('affiliations must be an Array'); } if (!affiliations.length) { return true; } occupant = occupant || this.model.occupants.findWhere({ 'jid': _converse.bare_jid }); if (occupant) { const a = occupant.get('affiliation'); if (affiliations.includes(a)) { return true; } } if (show_error) { const message = __('Forbidden: you do not have the necessary affiliation in order to do that.'); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); } return false; }, validateRoleOrAffiliationChangeArgs (command, args) { if (!args) { const message = __( 'Error: the "%1$s" command takes two arguments, the user\'s nickname and optionally a reason.', command ); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); return false; } return true; }, getNickOrJIDFromCommandArgs (args) { if (u.isValidJID(args.trim())) { return args.trim(); } if (!args.startsWith('@')) { args = '@' + args; } const [text, references] = this.model.parseTextForReferences(args); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars if (!references.length) { const message = __("Error: couldn't find a groupchat participant based on your arguments"); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); return; } if (references.length > 1) { const message = __('Error: found multiple groupchat participant based on your arguments'); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); return; } const nick_or_jid = references.pop().value; const reason = args.split(nick_or_jid, 2)[1]; if (reason && !reason.startsWith(' ')) { const message = __("Error: couldn't find a groupchat participant based on your arguments"); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); return; } return nick_or_jid; }, setAffiliation (command, args, required_affiliations) { const affiliation = COMMAND_TO_AFFILIATION[command]; if (!affiliation) { throw Error(`ChatRoomView#setAffiliation called with invalid command: ${command}`); } if (!this.verifyAffiliations(required_affiliations)) { return false; } if (!this.validateRoleOrAffiliationChangeArgs(command, args)) { return false; } const nick_or_jid = this.getNickOrJIDFromCommandArgs(args); if (!nick_or_jid) { return false; } let jid; const reason = args.split(nick_or_jid, 2)[1].trim(); const occupant = this.model.getOccupant(nick_or_jid); if (occupant) { jid = occupant.get('jid'); } else { if (u.isValidJID(nick_or_jid)) { jid = nick_or_jid; } else { const message = __( "Couldn't find a participant with that nickname. " + 'They might have left the groupchat.' ); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); return; } } const attrs = { jid, reason }; if (occupant && api.settings.get('auto_register_muc_nickname')) { attrs['nick'] = occupant.get('nick'); } this.model .setAffiliation(affiliation, [attrs]) .then(() => this.model.occupants.fetchMembers()) .catch(err => this.onCommandError(err)); }, getReason (args) { return args.includes(',') ? args.slice(args.indexOf(',') + 1).trim() : null; }, setRole (command, args, required_affiliations = [], required_roles = []) { /* Check that a command to change a groupchat user's role or * affiliation has anough arguments. */ const role = COMMAND_TO_ROLE[command]; if (!role) { throw Error(`ChatRoomView#setRole called with invalid command: ${command}`); } if (!this.verifyAffiliations(required_affiliations) || !this.verifyRoles(required_roles)) { return false; } if (!this.validateRoleOrAffiliationChangeArgs(command, args)) { return false; } const nick_or_jid = this.getNickOrJIDFromCommandArgs(args); if (!nick_or_jid) { return false; } const reason = args.split(nick_or_jid, 2)[1].trim(); // We're guaranteed to have an occupant due to getNickOrJIDFromCommandArgs const occupant = this.model.getOccupant(nick_or_jid); this.model.setRole(occupant, role, reason, undefined, this.onCommandError.bind(this)); return true; }, onCommandError (err) { log.fatal(err); const message = __('Sorry, an error happened while running the command.') + ' ' + __("Check your browser's developer console for details."); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); }, getAllowedCommands () { let allowed_commands = ['clear', 'help', 'me', 'nick', 'register']; if (this.model.config.get('changesubject') || ['owner', 'admin'].includes(this.model.getOwnAffiliation())) { allowed_commands = [...allowed_commands, ...['subject', 'topic']]; } const occupant = this.model.occupants.findWhere({ 'jid': _converse.bare_jid }); if (this.verifyAffiliations(['owner'], occupant, false)) { allowed_commands = allowed_commands.concat(OWNER_COMMANDS).concat(ADMIN_COMMANDS); } else if (this.verifyAffiliations(['admin'], occupant, false)) { allowed_commands = allowed_commands.concat(ADMIN_COMMANDS); } if (this.verifyRoles(['moderator'], occupant, false)) { allowed_commands = allowed_commands.concat(MODERATOR_COMMANDS).concat(VISITOR_COMMANDS); } else if (!this.verifyRoles(['visitor', 'participant', 'moderator'], occupant, false)) { allowed_commands = allowed_commands.concat(VISITOR_COMMANDS); } allowed_commands.sort(); if (Array.isArray(api.settings.get('muc_disable_slash_commands'))) { return allowed_commands.filter(c => !api.settings.get('muc_disable_slash_commands').includes(c)); } else { return allowed_commands; } }, async destroy () { const messages = [__('Are you sure you want to destroy this groupchat?')]; let fields = [ { 'name': 'challenge', 'label': __('Please enter the XMPP address of this groupchat to confirm'), 'challenge': this.model.get('jid'), 'placeholder': __(''), 'required': true }, { 'name': 'reason', 'label': __('Optional reason for destroying this groupchat'), 'placeholder': __('Reason') }, { 'name': 'newjid', 'label': __('Optional XMPP address for a new groupchat that replaces this one'), 'placeholder': __('') } ]; try { fields = await api.confirm(__('Confirm'), messages, fields); const reason = fields.filter(f => === 'reason').pop()?.value; const newjid = fields.filter(f => === 'newjid').pop()?.value; return this.model.sendDestroyIQ(reason, newjid).then(() => this.close()); } catch (e) { log.error(e); } }, parseMessageForCommands (text) { if ( api.settings.get('muc_disable_slash_commands') && !Array.isArray(api.settings.get('muc_disable_slash_commands')) ) { return _converse.ChatBoxView.prototype.parseMessageForCommands.apply(this, arguments); } text = text.replace(/^\s*/, ''); const command = (text.match(/^\/([a-zA-Z]*) ?/) || ['']).pop().toLowerCase(); if (!command) { return false; } const args = text.slice(('/' + command).length + 1).trim(); if (!this.getAllowedCommands().includes(command)) { return false; } switch (command) { case 'admin': { this.setAffiliation(command, args, ['owner']); break; } case 'ban': { this.setAffiliation(command, args, ['admin', 'owner']); break; } case 'modtools': { this.showModeratorToolsModal(args); break; } case 'deop': { // FIXME: /deop only applies to setting a moderators // role to "participant" (which only admin/owner can // do). Moderators can however set non-moderator's role // to participant (e.g. visitor => participant). // Currently we don't distinguish between these two // cases. this.setRole(command, args, ['admin', 'owner']); break; } case 'destroy': { if (!this.verifyAffiliations(['owner'])) { break; } this.destroy().catch(e => this.onCommandError(e)); break; } case 'help': { this.model.set({ 'show_help_messages': true }); break; } case 'kick': { this.setRole(command, args, [], ['moderator']); break; } case 'mute': { this.setRole(command, args, [], ['moderator']); break; } case 'member': { this.setAffiliation(command, args, ['admin', 'owner']); break; } case 'nick': { if (!this.verifyRoles(['visitor', 'participant', 'moderator'])) { break; } else if (args.length === 0) { // e.g. Your nickname is "coolguy69" const message = __('Your nickname is "%1$s"', this.model.get('nick')); this.model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' }); } else { const jid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(this.model.get('jid')); api.send( $pres({ from: _converse.connection.jid, to: `${jid}/${args}`, id: u.getUniqueId() }).tree() ); } break; } case 'owner': this.setAffiliation(command, args, ['owner']); break; case 'op': { this.setRole(command, args, ['admin', 'owner']); break; } case 'register': { if (args.length > 1) { this.model.createMessage({ 'message': __('Error: invalid number of arguments'), 'type': 'error' }); } else { this.model.registerNickname().then(err_msg => { err_msg && this.model.createMessage({ 'message': err_msg, 'type': 'error' }); }); } break; } case 'revoke': { this.setAffiliation(command, args, ['admin', 'owner']); break; } case 'topic': case 'subject': this.model.setSubject(args); break; case 'voice': { this.setRole(command, args, [], ['moderator']); break; } default: return _converse.ChatBoxView.prototype.parseMessageForCommands.apply(this, arguments); } return true; }, /** * Renders a form given an IQ stanza containing the current * groupchat configuration. * Returns a promise which resolves once the user has * either submitted the form, or canceled it. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#renderConfigurationForm * @param { XMLElement } stanza: The IQ stanza containing the groupchat config. */ renderConfigurationForm (stanza) { this.hideChatRoomContents();'config_stanza', stanza.outerHTML); if (!this.config_form) { this.config_form = new _converse.MUCConfigForm({ 'model': this.model, 'chatroomview': this }); const container_el = this.el.querySelector('.chatroom-body'); container_el.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.config_form.el); } u.showElement(this.config_form.el); }, /** * Renders a form which allows the user to choose theirnickname. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#renderNicknameForm */ renderNicknameForm () { const tpl_result = tpl_muc_nickname_form(this.model.toJSON()); if (api.settings.get('muc_show_logs_before_join')) { const container = this.el.querySelector('.muc-bottom-panel'); render(tpl_result, container); u.addClass('muc-bottom-panel--nickname', container); } else { const form = this.el.querySelector('.muc-nickname-form'); const form_el = u.getElementFromTemplateResult(tpl_result); if (form) { sizzle('.spinner', this.el).forEach(u.removeElement); form.outerHTML = form_el.outerHTML; } else { this.hideChatRoomContents(); const container = this.el.querySelector('.chatroom-body'); container.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', form_el); } } u.safeSave(this.model.session, { 'connection_status': converse.ROOMSTATUS.NICKNAME_REQUIRED }); }, /** * Remove the configuration form without submitting and return to the chat view. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#closeForm */ closeForm () { sizzle('.chatroom-form-container', this.el).forEach(e => u.addClass('hidden', e)); this.renderAfterTransition(); }, /** * Start the process of configuring a groupchat, either by * rendering a configuration form, or by auto-configuring * based on the "roomconfig" data stored on the * {@link _converse.ChatRoom}. * Stores the new configuration on the {@link _converse.ChatRoom} * once completed. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#getAndRenderConfigurationForm * @param { Event } ev - DOM event that might be passed in if this * method is called due to a user action. In this * case, auto-configure won't happen, regardless of * the settings. */ getAndRenderConfigurationForm () { if (!this.config_form || !u.isVisible(this.config_form.el)) { this.showSpinner(); this.model .fetchRoomConfiguration() .then(iq => this.renderConfigurationForm(iq)) .catch(e => log.error(e)); } else { this.closeForm(); } }, hideChatRoomContents () { const container_el = this.el.querySelector('.chatroom-body'); if (container_el !== null) { [], child => child.classList.add('hidden')); } }, renderPasswordForm () { this.hideChatRoomContents(); const message = this.model.get('password_validation_message');'password_validation_message', undefined); if (!this.password_form) { this.password_form = new _converse.MUCPasswordForm({ 'model': new Model({ 'validation_message': message }), 'chatroomview': this }); const container_el = this.el.querySelector('.chatroom-body'); container_el.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', this.password_form.el); } else { this.password_form.model.set('validation_message', message); } u.showElement(this.password_form.el);'connection_status', converse.ROOMSTATUS.PASSWORD_REQUIRED); }, showDestroyedMessage () { u.hideElement(this.el.querySelector('.chat-area')); u.hideElement(this.el.querySelector('.occupants')); sizzle('.spinner', this.el).forEach(u.removeElement); const reason = this.model.get('destroyed_reason'); const moved_jid = this.model.get('moved_jid');{ 'destroyed_reason': undefined, 'moved_jid': undefined }); const container = this.el.querySelector('.disconnect-container'); render(tpl_muc_destroyed(moved_jid, reason), container); const switch_el = container.querySelector('a.switch-chat'); if (switch_el) { switch_el.addEventListener('click', async ev => { ev.preventDefault(); const room = await api.rooms.get(moved_jid, null, true); room.maybeShow(true); this.model.destroy(); }); } u.showElement(container); }, showDisconnectMessage () { const message = this.model.get('disconnection_message'); if (!message) { return; } u.hideElement(this.el.querySelector('.chat-area')); u.hideElement(this.el.querySelector('.occupants')); sizzle('.spinner', this.el).forEach(u.removeElement); const messages = [message]; const actor = this.model.get('disconnection_actor'); if (actor) { messages.push(__('This action was done by %1$s.', actor)); } const reason = this.model.get('disconnection_reason'); if (reason) { messages.push(__('The reason given is: "%1$s".', reason)); }{ 'disconnection_message': undefined, 'disconnection_reason': undefined, 'disconnection_actor': undefined }); const container = this.el.querySelector('.disconnect-container'); render(tpl_muc_disconnect(messages), container); u.showElement(container); }, onOccupantAdded (occupant) { if (occupant.get('jid') === _converse.bare_jid) { this.renderHeading(); this.renderBottomPanel(); } }, /** * Working backwards, get today's most recent join/leave notification * from the same user (if any exists) after the most recent chat message. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#getPreviousJoinOrLeaveNotification * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {string} nick */ getPreviousJoinOrLeaveNotification (el, nick) { const today = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]; while (el !== null) { if (!el.classList.contains('chat-info')) { return; } // Check whether el is still from today. // We don't use `Dayjs.same` here, since it's about 4 times slower. const date = el.getAttribute('data-isodate'); if (date && date.split('T')[0] !== today) { return; } const data = el?.dataset || {}; if (data.join === nick || data.leave === nick || data.leavejoin === nick || data.joinleave === nick) { return el; } el = el.previousElementSibling; } }, /** * Rerender the groupchat after some kind of transition. For * example after the spinner has been removed or after a * form has been submitted and removed. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#renderAfterTransition */ renderAfterTransition () { const conn_status = this.model.session.get('connection_status'); if (conn_status == converse.ROOMSTATUS.NICKNAME_REQUIRED) { this.renderNicknameForm(); } else if (conn_status == converse.ROOMSTATUS.PASSWORD_REQUIRED) { this.renderPasswordForm(); } else if (conn_status == converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED) { this.hideChatRoomContents(); u.showElement(this.el.querySelector('.chat-area')); this.el.querySelector('.occupants')?.setVisibility(); this.scrollDown(); } }, showSpinner () { sizzle('.spinner', this.el).forEach(u.removeElement); this.hideChatRoomContents(); const container_el = this.el.querySelector('.chatroom-body'); container_el.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', u.getElementFromTemplateResult(tpl_spinner())); }, /** * Check if the spinner is being shown and if so, hide it. * Also make sure then that the chat area and occupants * list are both visible. * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomView#hideSpinner */ hideSpinner () { const spinner = this.el.querySelector('.spinner'); if (spinner !== null) { u.removeElement(spinner); this.renderAfterTransition(); } return this; } }; export default ChatRoomViewMixin;