import log from '../../log'; import { Strophe } from 'strophe.js/src/strophe'; import { _converse, api } from '../../core.js'; /** * Mixing that turns a Message model into a ChatRoomMessage model. * @class * @namespace _converse.ChatRoomMessage * @memberOf _converse */ const ChatRoomMessageMixin = { initialize () { if (!this.checkValidity()) { return; } if (this.get('file')) { this.on('change:put', () => this.uploadFile()); } // If `type` changes from `error` to `groupchat`, we want to set the occupant. See #2733 this.on('change:type', () => this.setOccupant()); this.on('change:is_ephemeral', () => this.setTimerForEphemeralMessage()); this.setTimerForEphemeralMessage(); this.setOccupant(); /** * Triggered once a { @link _converse.ChatRoomMessage } has been created and initialized. * @event _converse#chatRoomMessageInitialized * @type { _converse.ChatRoomMessages} * @example _converse.api.listen.on('chatRoomMessageInitialized', model => { ... }); */ api.trigger('chatRoomMessageInitialized', this); }, getDisplayName () { return this.occupant?.getDisplayName() || this.get('nick'); }, /** * Determines whether this messsage may be moderated, * based on configuration settings and server support. * @async * @private * @method _converse.ChatRoomMessages#mayBeModerated * @returns { Boolean } */ mayBeModerated () { if (typeof this.get('from_muc') === 'undefined') { // If from_muc is not defined, then this message hasn't been // reflected yet, which means we won't have a XEP-0359 stanza id. return; } return ( ['all', 'moderator'].includes(api.settings.get('allow_message_retraction')) && this.get(`stanza_id ${this.get('from_muc')}`) && this.collection.chatbox.canModerateMessages() ); }, checkValidity () { const result =; !result && this.collection.chatbox.debouncedRejoin(); return result; }, onOccupantRemoved () { this.stopListening(this.occupant); delete this.occupant; const chatbox = this?.collection?.chatbox; if (!chatbox) { return log.error(`Could not get collection.chatbox for message: ${JSON.stringify(this.toJSON())}`); } this.listenTo(chatbox.occupants, 'add', this.onOccupantAdded); }, onOccupantAdded (occupant) { if (this.get('occupant_id')) { if (occupant.get('occupant_id') !== this.get('occupant_id')) { return; } } else if (occupant.get('nick') !== Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.get('from'))) { return; } const chatbox = this?.collection?.chatbox; if (!chatbox) { return log.error(`Could not get collection.chatbox for message: ${JSON.stringify(this.toJSON())}`); } this.occupant = occupant; if (occupant.get('jid')) {'from_real_jid', occupant.get('jid')); } this.trigger('occupantAdded'); this.listenTo(this.occupant, 'destroy', this.onOccupantRemoved); this.stopListening(chatbox.occupants, 'add', this.onOccupantAdded); }, setOccupant () { if (this.get('type') !== 'groupchat' || this.isEphemeral() || this.occupant) { return; } const chatbox = this?.collection?.chatbox; if (!chatbox) { return log.error(`Could not get collection.chatbox for message: ${JSON.stringify(this.toJSON())}`); } const nick = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(this.get('from')); const occupant_id = this.get('occupant_id'); this.occupant = chatbox.occupants.findOccupant({ nick, occupant_id }); if (!this.occupant && api.settings.get('muc_send_probes')) { this.occupant = chatbox.occupants.create({ nick, occupant_id, 'type': 'unavailable' }); const jid = `${chatbox.get('jid')}/${nick}`; api.user.presence.send('probe', jid); } if (this.occupant) { this.listenTo(this.occupant, 'destroy', this.onOccupantRemoved); } else { this.listenTo(chatbox.occupants, 'add', this.onOccupantAdded); } } }; export default ChatRoomMessageMixin;