JC Brand 15c10376b0 Rename all templates to camelCase
To conform with naming conventions regarding functions, which the
templates are.
2023-02-15 14:29:07 +01:00

60 lines
2.1 KiB

import 'plugins/chatview/heading.js';
import 'plugins/chatview/bottom-panel.js';
import BaseChatView from 'shared/chat/baseview.js';
import tplChat from './templates/chat.js';
import { __ } from 'i18n';
import { _converse, api } from '@converse/headless/core';
* The view of an open/ongoing chat conversation.
* @class
* @namespace _converse.ChatBoxView
* @memberOf _converse
export default class ChatView extends BaseChatView {
length = 200
async initialize () {
_converse.chatboxviews.add(this.jid, this);
this.model = _converse.chatboxes.get(this.jid);
this.listenTo(_converse, 'windowStateChanged', this.onWindowStateChanged);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:hidden', () => !this.model.get('hidden') && this.afterShown());
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:show_help_messages', () => this.requestUpdate());
await this.model.messages.fetched;
!this.model.get('hidden') && this.afterShown()
* Triggered once the {@link _converse.ChatBoxView} has been initialized
* @event _converse#chatBoxViewInitialized
* @type { _converse.ChatBoxView }
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('chatBoxViewInitialized', view => { ... });
api.trigger('chatBoxViewInitialized', this);
render () {
return tplChat(Object.assign({
'model': this.model,
'help_messages': this.getHelpMessages(),
'show_help_messages': this.model.get('show_help_messages'),
}, this.model.toJSON()));
getHelpMessages () { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
return [
`<strong>/clear</strong>: ${__('Remove messages')}`,
`<strong>/close</strong>: ${__('Close this chat')}`,
`<strong>/me</strong>: ${__('Write in the third person')}`,
`<strong>/help</strong>: ${__('Show this menu')}`
afterShown () {
api.elements.define('converse-chat', ChatView);