JC Brand e63ba2075f Use repeat directive to render roster and MUC occupant items
If we don't use `repeat`, a DOM node may be reused with different state
(e.g. the `model` it receives originally changes upon next render).


Fixes #2816
2022-12-13 10:04:13 +01:00

64 lines
2.7 KiB

import 'shared/components/icons.js';
import { __ } from 'i18n';
import { _converse, converse } from "@converse/headless/core";
import { html } from "lit";
import { isUniView } from '@converse/headless/utils/core.js';
import { repeat } from 'lit/directives/repeat.js';
import { toggleGroup } from '../utils.js';
const { u } = converse.env;
function renderContact (contact) {
const jid = contact.get('jid');
const extra_classes = [];
if (isUniView()) {
const chatbox = _converse.chatboxes.get(jid);
if (chatbox && !chatbox.get('hidden')) {
const ask = contact.get('ask');
const requesting = contact.get('requesting');
const subscription = contact.get('subscription');
if ((ask === 'subscribe') || (subscription === 'from')) {
/* ask === 'subscribe'
* Means we have asked to subscribe to them.
* subscription === 'from'
* They are subscribed to us, but not vice versa.
* We assume that there is a pending subscription
* from us to them (otherwise we're in a state not
* supported by converse.js).
* So in both cases the user is a "pending" contact.
} else if (requesting === true) {
} else if (subscription === 'both' || subscription === 'to' || u.isSameBareJID(jid, _converse.connection.jid)) {
return html`
<li class="list-item d-flex controlbox-padded ${extra_classes.join(' ')}" data-status="${contact.presence.get('show')}">
<converse-roster-contact .model=${contact}></converse-roster-contact>
export default (o) => {
const i18n_title = __('Click to hide these contacts');
const collapsed = _converse.roster.state.get('collapsed_groups');
return html`
<div class="roster-group" data-group="${o.name}">
<a href="#" class="list-toggle group-toggle controlbox-padded" title="${i18n_title}" @click=${ev => toggleGroup(ev, o.name)}>
<converse-icon color="var(--chat-head-color-dark)" size="1em" class="fa ${ (collapsed.includes(o.name)) ? 'fa-caret-right' : 'fa-caret-down' }"></converse-icon> ${o.name}
<ul class="items-list roster-group-contacts ${ (collapsed.includes(o.name)) ? 'collapsed' : '' }" data-group="${o.name}">
${ repeat(o.contacts, (c) => c.get('jid'), renderContact) }