Maxime “pep” Buquet 215086ffb2 Fix quotes and escaping in make help
Signed-off-by: Maxime “pep” Buquet <pep@bouah.net>
2018-10-25 21:16:52 +01:00

248 lines
8.4 KiB

# You can set these variables from the command line.
BABEL ?= node_modules/.bin/babel
BOOTSTRAP = ./node_modules/
BOURBON = ./node_modules/bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets/
BUILDDIR = ./docs
BUNDLE ?= ./.bundle/bin/bundle
CHROMIUM ?= ./node_modules/.bin/run-headless-chromium
CLEANCSS ?= ./node_modules/clean-css-cli/bin/cleancss --skip-rebase
ESLINT ?= ./node_modules/.bin/eslint
HTTPSERVE ?= ./node_modules/.bin/http-server
INKSCAPE ?= inkscape
JSDOC ?= ./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc
LERNA ?= ./node_modules/.bin/lerna
OXIPNG ?= oxipng
PO2JSON ?= ./node_modules/.bin/po2json
RJS ?= ./node_modules/.bin/r.js
WEBPACK ?= ./node_modules/.bin/npx
SASS ?= ./.bundle/bin/sass
SED ?= sed
SPHINXBUILD ?= ./bin/sphinx-build
UGLIFYJS ?= node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs
# In the case user wishes to use RVM
USE_RVM ?= false
ifeq ($(USE_RVM),true)
# Internal variables.
ALLSPHINXOPTS = -d $(BUILDDIR)/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) ./docs/source
.PHONY: all
all: dev dist
.PHONY: help
@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of the following:"
@echo ""
@echo " all A synonym for 'make dev'."
@echo " build Create minified builds of converse.js and all its dependencies."
@echo " clean Remove all NPM and Ruby packages."
@echo " check Run all tests."
@echo " css Generate CSS from the Sass files."
@echo " dev Set up the development environment. To force a fresh start, run 'make clean' first."
@echo " html Make standalone HTML files of the documentation."
@echo " po Generate gettext PO files for each i18n language."
@echo " po2json Generate JSON files from the language PO files."
@echo " pot Generate a gettext POT file to be used for translations."
@echo " release Prepare a new release of converse.js. E.g. make release VERSION=0.9.5"
@echo " serve Serve this directory via a webserver on port 8000."
@echo " serve_bg Same as \"serve\", but do it in the background"
@echo " stamp-npm Install NPM dependencies"
@echo " stamp-bundler Install Bundler (Ruby) dependencies"
@echo " watch Tells Sass to watch the .scss files for changes and then automatically update the CSS files."
@echo " logo Generate PNG logos of multiple sizes."
## Miscellaneous
.PHONY: serve
serve: dev
.PHONY: serve_bg
serve_bg: dev
## Translation machinery
GETTEXT = xgettext --language="JavaScript" --keyword=__ --keyword=___ --from-code=UTF-8 --output=locale/converse.pot dist/converse-no-dependencies.js --package-name=Converse.js --copyright-holder="Jan-Carel Brand" --package-version=4.0.3 -c
.PHONY: pot
pot: dist/converse-no-dependencies-es2015.js
$(GETTEXT) 2>&1 > /dev/null; exit $$?;
.PHONY: po
find ./locale -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec msgmerge {}/LC_MESSAGES/converse.po ./locale/converse.pot -U \;
.PHONY: po2json
find ./locale -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec $(PO2JSON) -f jed1.x -d converse {}/LC_MESSAGES/converse.po {}/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json \;
## Release management
.PHONY: release
$(SED) -ri s/Version:\ [0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+/Version:\ $(VERSION)/ COPYRIGHT
$(SED) -ri s/Project-Id-Version:\ Converse\.js\ [0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+/Project-Id-Version:\ Converse.js\ $(VERSION)/ locale/converse.pot
$(SED) -ri s/\"version\":\ \"[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\"/\"version\":\ \"$(VERSION)\"/ package.json
$(SED) -ri s/--package-version=[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+/--package-version=$(VERSION)/ Makefile
$(SED) -ri s/v[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.zip/v$(VERSION)\.zip/ index.html
$(SED) -ri s/v[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.tar\.gz/v$(VERSION)\.tar\.gz/ index.html
$(SED) -ri s/version\ =\ \'[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\'/version\ =\ \'$(VERSION)\'/ docs/source/conf.py
$(SED) -ri s/release\ =\ \'[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\'/release\ =\ \'$(VERSION)\'/ docs/source/conf.py
$(SED) -ri "s/(Unreleased)/`date +%Y-%m-%d`/" CHANGES.md
$(SED) -ri "s/cdn.conversejs.org\/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/cdn.conversejs.org\/$(VERSION)/" docs/source/quickstart.rst
make pot
make po
make po2json
make build
## Install dependencies
npm install lerna
stamp-npm: $(LERNA) package.json package-lock.json src/headless/package.json
$(LERNA) bootstrap --hoist
touch stamp-npm
stamp-bundler: Gemfile
mkdir -p .bundle
gem install --user bundler --bindir .bundle/bin
$(BUNDLE) install --path .bundle --binstubs .bundle/bin
touch stamp-bundler
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf node_modules .bundle stamp-npm stamp-bundler
rm dist/*.min.js
rm css/website.min.css
rm css/converse.min.css
rm css/*.map
.PHONY: dev
dev: stamp-bundler stamp-npm
## Builds
.PHONY: css
css: dev sass/*.scss css/converse.css css/converse.min.css css/website.css css/website.min.css css/fonts.css
css/converse.css:: dev sass
$(SASS) -I $(BOURBON) -I $(BOOTSTRAP) sass/converse.scss css/converse.css
css/website.css:: dev sass
$(SASS) -I $(BOURBON) -I $(BOOTSTRAP) sass/website.scss $@
css/%.min.css:: css/%.css
make dev
$(CLEANCSS) $< > $@
.PHONY: watchcss
watchcss: dev
$(SASS) --watch -I $(BOURBON) -I $(BOOTSTRAP) sass:css
.PHONY: watchjs
watchjs: dev dist/converse-headless.js
./node_modules/.bin/npx webpack --mode=development --watch
.PHONY: watchjsheadless
watchjsheadless: dev
./node_modules/.bin/npx webpack --mode=development --watch --type=headless
.PHONY: watch
watch: dev
make -j 3 watchcss watchjsheadless watchjs
.PHONY: logo
logo: logo/conversejs-transparent16.png \
logo/conversejs-transparent19.png \
logo/conversejs-transparent48.png \
logo/conversejs-transparent128.png \
logo/conversejs-transparent512.png \
logo/conversejs-filled16.png \
logo/conversejs-filled19.png \
logo/conversejs-filled48.png \
logo/conversejs-filled128.png \
logo/conversejs-filled512.png \
logo/conversejs-transparent%.png:: logo/conversejs-transparent.svg
$(INKSCAPE) -e $@ -w $* $<
$(OXIPNG) $@
logo/conversejs-filled%.png:: logo/conversejs-filled.svg
$(INKSCAPE) -e $@ -w $* $<
$(OXIPNG) $@
BUILDS = dist/converse.js \
dist/converse.min.js \
dist/converse-headless.js \
dist/converse-headless.min.js \
dist/converse-no-dependencies.min.js \
dist/converse-no-dependencies.js \
dist/converse.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
./node_modules/.bin/npx webpack --mode=development
dist/converse.min.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
./node_modules/.bin/npx webpack --mode=production
dist/converse-headless.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
./node_modules/.bin/npx webpack --mode=development --type=headless
dist/converse-headless.min.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
./node_modules/.bin/npx webpack --mode=production --type=headless
dist/converse-no-dependencies.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
./node_modules/.bin/npx webpack --mode=development --type=nodeps
dist/converse-no-dependencies.min.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
./node_modules/.bin/npx webpack --mode=production --type=nodeps
dist/converse-no-dependencies-es2015.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
./node_modules/.bin/npx webpack --mode=development --type=nodeps --lang=es2015
@converse/headless: src/headless
.PHONY: dist
dist:: build
.PHONY: build
build:: dev css $(BUILDS)
## Tests
.PHONY: eslint
eslint: stamp-npm
$(ESLINT) src/
$(ESLINT) spec/
.PHONY: check
check: eslint
LOG_CR_VERBOSITY=INFO $(CHROMIUM) --no-sandbox http://localhost:$(HTTPSERVE_PORT)/tests/index.html
## Documentation
.PHONY: html
rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/html
make apidoc
@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
ePHONY: apidoc
$(JSDOC) --readme docs/source/jsdoc_intro.md -c docs/source/conf.json -d docs/html/api src/*.js