JC Brand 476069ec50 Let npm pack create the assets tarball for us
That way the tarball we upload to Github is the same as the one that we
get from installing Converse via NPM.

CC @ChaosKid42

To create the tarball containing the assets, just run `npm pack`.
This is the same tarball that gets uploaded to https://npmjs.org
2019-05-10 12:57:30 +02:00

247 lines
8.4 KiB

# You can set these variables from the command line.
BABEL ?= node_modules/.bin/babel
BOOTSTRAP = ./node_modules/
BOURBON = ./node_modules/bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets/
BUILDDIR = ./docs
CHROMIUM ?= ./node_modules/.bin/run-headless-chromium
CLEANCSS ?= ./node_modules/clean-css-cli/bin/cleancss --skip-rebase
ESLINT ?= ./node_modules/.bin/eslint
HTTPSERVE ?= ./node_modules/.bin/http-server
INKSCAPE ?= inkscape
INSTALL ?= install
JSDOC ?= ./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc
LERNA ?= ./node_modules/.bin/lerna
OXIPNG ?= oxipng
PO2JSON ?= ./node_modules/.bin/po2json
RJS ?= ./node_modules/.bin/r.js
NPX ?= ./node_modules/.bin/npx
SASS ?= ./node_modules/.bin/node-sass
SED ?= sed
SPHINXBUILD ?= ./bin/sphinx-build
UGLIFYJS ?= node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs
# Internal variables.
ALLSPHINXOPTS = -d $(BUILDDIR)/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) ./docs/source
VERSION_FORMAT = [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+
.PHONY: all
all: dev dist
.PHONY: help
@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of the following:"
@echo ""
@echo " all Set up dev environment and create all builds
@echo " build Create minified builds of converse.js and all its dependencies."
@echo " clean Remove all NPM packages."
@echo " check Run all tests."
@echo " css Generate CSS from the Sass files."
@echo " dev Set up the development environment. To force a fresh start, run 'make clean' first."
@echo " html Make standalone HTML files of the documentation."
@echo " po Generate gettext PO files for each i18n language."
@echo " po2json Generate JSON files from the language PO files."
@echo " pot Generate a gettext POT file to be used for translations."
@echo " release Prepare a new release of converse.js. E.g. make release VERSION=0.9.5"
@echo " serve Serve this directory via a webserver on port 8000."
@echo " serve_bg Same as \"serve\", but do it in the background"
@echo " stamp-npm Install NPM dependencies"
@echo " watch Watch for changes on JS and scss files and automatically update the generated files."
@echo " logo Generate PNG logos of multiple sizes."
## Miscellaneous
.PHONY: serve
serve: stamp-npm
.PHONY: serve_bg
serve_bg: stamp-npm
## Translation machinery
GETTEXT = xgettext --language="JavaScript" --keyword=__ --keyword=___ --from-code=UTF-8 --output=locale/converse.pot dist/converse-no-dependencies.js --package-name=Converse.js --copyright-holder="Jan-Carel Brand" --package-version=4.2.0 -c
.PHONY: pot
pot: dist/converse-no-dependencies-es2015.js
$(GETTEXT) 2>&1 > /dev/null; exit $$?;
.PHONY: po
find ./locale -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec msgmerge {}/LC_MESSAGES/converse.po ./locale/converse.pot -U \;
.PHONY: po2json
find ./locale -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec $(PO2JSON) -f jed1.x -d converse {}/LC_MESSAGES/converse.po {}/LC_MESSAGES/converse.json \;
## Release management
.PHONY: release
$(SED) -i '/^_converse.VERSION_NAME =/s/=.*/= "v$(VERSION)";/' src/headless/converse-core.js
$(SED) -i '/Version:/s/:.*/: $(VERSION)/' COPYRIGHT
$(SED) -i '/Project-Id-Version:/s/:.*/: Converse.js $(VERSION)\n"/' locale/converse.pot
$(SED) -i '/"version":/s/:.*/: "$(VERSION)",/' package.json
$(SED) -i '/"version":/s/:.*/: "$(VERSION)",/' src/headless/package.json
$(SED) -ri 's/--package-version=$(VERSION_FORMAT)/--package-version=$(VERSION)/' Makefile
$(SED) -i -e "/version =/s/=.*/= '$(VERSION)'/" -e "/release =/s/=.*/= '$(VERSION)'/" docs/source/conf.py
$(SED) -i "s/[Uu]nreleased/`date +%Y-%m-%d`/" CHANGES.md
$(SED) -ri 's,cdn.conversejs.org/$(VERSION_FORMAT),cdn.conversejs.org/$(VERSION),' docs/source/quickstart.rst
make pot
make po
make po2json
make build
npm run pack
## Install dependencies
npm install lerna
stamp-npm: $(LERNA) package.json package-lock.json src/headless/package.json
$(LERNA) bootstrap --hoist
touch stamp-npm
.PHONY: clean
npm run clean
.PHONY: dev
dev: stamp-npm
## Builds
.PHONY: css
css: sass/*.scss dist/converse.css dist/converse.min.css dist/website.css dist/website.min.css dist/font-awesome.css
dist/website.css:: stamp-npm sass
$(SASS) --source-map true --include-path $(BOURBON) --include-path $(BOOTSTRAP) sass/website.scss $@
dist/website.min.css:: stamp-npm dist/website.css
$(CLEANCSS) $< > $@
dist/font-awesome.css:: stamp-npm sass
$(SASS) --source-map true --include-path $(BOURBON) --include-path $(BOOTSTRAP) sass/font-awesome.scss $@
dist/converse.css:: stamp-npm webpack.config.js sass
npm run converse.css
dist/converse.min.css:: stamp-npm dist/converse.css
npm run converse.min.css
.PHONY: watchcss
watchcss: stamp-npm
$(NPX) webpack --type=css --mode=development --watch
.PHONY: watchjs
watchjs: stamp-npm src/headless/dist/converse-headless.js
$(NPX) webpack --mode=development --watch
.PHONY: watchjsheadless
watchjsheadless: stamp-npm
$(NPX) webpack --mode=development --watch --type=headless
.PHONY: watch
watch: stamp-npm
make -j 3 watchcss watchjsheadless watchjs
.PHONY: logo
logo: logo/conversejs-transparent16.png \
logo/conversejs-transparent19.png \
logo/conversejs-transparent48.png \
logo/conversejs-transparent128.png \
logo/conversejs-transparent512.png \
logo/conversejs-filled16.png \
logo/conversejs-filled19.png \
logo/conversejs-filled48.png \
logo/conversejs-filled128.png \
logo/conversejs-filled512.png \
logo/conversejs-transparent%.png:: logo/conversejs-transparent.svg
$(INKSCAPE) -e $@ -w $* $<
$(OXIPNG) $@
logo/conversejs-filled%.png:: logo/conversejs-filled.svg
$(INKSCAPE) -e $@ -w $* $<
$(OXIPNG) $@
BUILDS = dist/converse.js \
dist/converse.min.js \
src/headless/dist/converse-headless.js \
src/headless/dist/converse-headless.min.js \
dist/converse-no-dependencies.min.js \
dist/converse-no-dependencies.js \
dist/converse.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
npm run converse.js
dist/converse.min.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
npm run converse.min.js
src/headless/dist/converse-headless.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
npm run converse-headless.js
src/headless/dist/converse-headless.min.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
npm run converse-headless.min.js
dist/converse-no-dependencies.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
$(NPX) webpack --mode=development --type=nodeps
dist/converse-no-dependencies.min.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
$(NPX) webpack --mode=production --type=nodeps
dist/converse-no-dependencies-es2015.js: src webpack.config.js stamp-npm @converse/headless
$(NPX) webpack --mode=development --type=nodeps --lang=es2015
@converse/headless: src/headless
.PHONY: dist
dist:: build
.PHONY: build
build:: stamp-npm css $(BUILDS)
## Tests
.PHONY: eslint
eslint: stamp-npm
$(ESLINT) src/*.js
$(ESLINT) src/utils/*.js
$(ESLINT) src/headless/*.js
$(ESLINT) src/headless/utils/*.js
$(ESLINT) spec/
.PHONY: check
check: eslint dist/converse.js
LOG_CR_VERBOSITY=INFO $(CHROMIUM) --disable-gpu --no-sandbox http://localhost:$(HTTPSERVE_PORT)/tests/index.html
## Documentation
virtualenv .
.installed.cfg: requirements.txt buildout.cfg
./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
./bin/buildout -v
docsdev: ./bin/activate .installed.cfg
.PHONY: html
html: stamp-npm docsdev apidoc
rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/html
make apidoc
@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
PHONY: apidoc
$(JSDOC) --private --readme docs/source/jsdoc_intro.md -c docs/source/conf.json -d docs/html/api src/*.js src/utils/*.js src/headless/*.js src/headless/utils/*.js