1374 lines
56 KiB
1374 lines
56 KiB
* @module converse-omemo
* @copyright The Converse.js contributors
* @license Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
/* global libsignal */
import "converse-profile";
import log from "@converse/headless/log";
import { Collection } from "@converse/skeletor/src/collection";
import { Model } from '@converse/skeletor/src/model.js';
import { __ } from './i18n';
import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/converse-core";
import { concat, debounce, difference, invokeMap, range, omit } from "lodash-es";
import { html } from 'lit-html';
const { Strophe, sizzle, $build, $iq, $msg } = converse.env;
const u = converse.env.utils;
Strophe.addNamespace('OMEMO_DEVICELIST', Strophe.NS.OMEMO+".devicelist");
Strophe.addNamespace('OMEMO_VERIFICATION', Strophe.NS.OMEMO+".verification");
Strophe.addNamespace('OMEMO_WHITELISTED', Strophe.NS.OMEMO+".whitelisted");
Strophe.addNamespace('OMEMO_BUNDLES', Strophe.NS.OMEMO+".bundles");
const UNDECIDED = 0;
const TRUSTED = 1; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const UNTRUSTED = -1;
const TAG_LENGTH = 128;
const KEY_ALGO = {
'name': "AES-GCM",
'length': 128
class IQError extends Error {
constructor (message, iq) {
super(message, iq);
this.name = 'IQError';
this.iq = iq;
function parseEncryptedMessage (stanza, attrs) {
if (attrs.is_encrypted && attrs.encrypted.key) {
// https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0384.html#usecases-receiving
if (attrs.encrypted.prekey === true) {
return decryptPrekeyWhisperMessage(attrs);
} else {
return decryptWhisperMessage(attrs);
} else {
return attrs;
function onChatBoxesInitialized () {
_converse.chatboxes.on('add', chatbox => {
if (chatbox.get('type') === _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE) {
chatbox.occupants.on('add', o => onOccupantAdded(chatbox, o));
chatbox.features.on('change', () => checkOMEMOSupported(chatbox));
function onChatInitialized (view) {
view.listenTo(view.model.messages, 'add', (message) => {
if (message.get('is_encrypted') && !message.get('is_error')) {
view.model.save('omemo_supported', true);
view.listenTo(view.model, 'change:omemo_supported', () => {
if (!view.model.get('omemo_supported') && view.model.get('omemo_active')) {
view.model.set('omemo_active', false);
} else {
// Manually trigger an update, setting omemo_active to
// false above will automatically trigger one.
view.listenTo(view.model, 'change:omemo_active', () => {
const omemo = converse.env.omemo = {
async encryptMessage (plaintext) {
// The client MUST use fresh, randomly generated key/IV pairs
// with AES-128 in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM).
// For GCM a 12 byte IV is strongly suggested as other IV lengths
// will require additional calculations. In principle any IV size
// can be used as long as the IV doesn't ever repeat. NIST however
// suggests that only an IV size of 12 bytes needs to be supported
// by implementations.
// https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/26783/ciphertext-and-tag-size-and-iv-transmission-with-aes-in-gcm-mode
const iv = crypto.getRandomValues(new window.Uint8Array(12)),
key = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(KEY_ALGO, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]),
algo = {
'name': 'AES-GCM',
'iv': iv,
'tagLength': TAG_LENGTH
encrypted = await crypto.subtle.encrypt(algo, key, u.stringToArrayBuffer(plaintext)),
length = encrypted.byteLength - ((128 + 7) >> 3),
ciphertext = encrypted.slice(0, length),
tag = encrypted.slice(length),
exported_key = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", key);
return {
'key': exported_key,
'tag': tag,
'key_and_tag': u.appendArrayBuffer(exported_key, tag),
'payload': u.arrayBufferToBase64(ciphertext),
'iv': u.arrayBufferToBase64(iv)
async decryptMessage (obj) {
const key_obj = await crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', obj.key, KEY_ALGO, true, ['encrypt','decrypt']);
const cipher = u.appendArrayBuffer(u.base64ToArrayBuffer(obj.payload), obj.tag);
const algo = {
'name': "AES-GCM",
'iv': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(obj.iv),
'tagLength': TAG_LENGTH
return u.arrayBufferToString(await crypto.subtle.decrypt(algo, key_obj, cipher));
function getSessionCipher (jid, id) {
const address = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress(jid, id);
return new window.libsignal.SessionCipher(_converse.omemo_store, address);
async function handleDecryptedWhisperMessage (attrs, key_and_tag) {
const encrypted = attrs.encrypted;
const devicelist = _converse.devicelists.getDeviceList(attrs.from);
await devicelist._devices_promise;
let device = devicelist.get(encrypted.device_id);
if (!device) {
device = await devicelist.devices.create({'id': encrypted.device_id, 'jid': attrs.from}, {'promise': true});
if (encrypted.payload) {
const key = key_and_tag.slice(0, 16);
const tag = key_and_tag.slice(16);
const result = await omemo.decryptMessage(Object.assign(encrypted, {'key': key, 'tag': tag}));
device.save('active', true);
return result;
function getDecryptionErrorAttributes (e) {
if (api.settings.get("loglevel") === 'debug') {
return {
'error_text': __("Sorry, could not decrypt a received OMEMO message due to an error.") + ` ${e.name} ${e.message}`,
'error_type': 'Decryption',
'is_ephemeral': true,
'is_error': true,
'type': 'error',
} else {
return {};
async function decryptPrekeyWhisperMessage (attrs) {
const session_cipher = getSessionCipher(attrs.from, parseInt(attrs.encrypted.device_id, 10));
const key = u.base64ToArrayBuffer(attrs.encrypted.key);
let key_and_tag;
try {
key_and_tag = await session_cipher.decryptPreKeyWhisperMessage(key, 'binary');
} catch (e) {
// TODO from the XEP:
// There are various reasons why decryption of an
// OMEMOKeyExchange or an OMEMOAuthenticatedMessage
// could fail. One reason is if the message was
// received twice and already decrypted once, in this
// case the client MUST ignore the decryption failure
// and not show any warnings/errors. In all other cases
// of decryption failure, clients SHOULD respond by
// forcibly doing a new key exchange and sending a new
// OMEMOKeyExchange with a potentially empty SCE
// payload. By building a new session with the original
// sender this way, the invalid session of the original
// sender will get overwritten with this newly created,
// valid session.
log.error(`${e.name} ${e.message}`);
return Object.assign(attrs, getDecryptionErrorAttributes(e));
// TODO from the XEP:
// When a client receives the first message for a given
// ratchet key with a counter of 53 or higher, it MUST send
// a heartbeat message. Heartbeat messages are normal OMEMO
// encrypted messages where the SCE payload does not include
// any elements. These heartbeat messages cause the ratchet
// to forward, thus consequent messages will have the
// counter restarted from 0.
try {
const plaintext = await handleDecryptedWhisperMessage(attrs, key_and_tag);
await _converse.omemo_store.generateMissingPreKeys();
await _converse.omemo_store.publishBundle();
if (plaintext) {
return Object.assign(attrs, {'plaintext': plaintext});
} else {
return Object.assign(attrs, {'is_only_key': true});
} catch (e) {
log.error(`${e.name} ${e.message}`);
return Object.assign(attrs, getDecryptionErrorAttributes(e));
async function decryptWhisperMessage (attrs) {
const from_jid = attrs.from_muc ? attrs.from_real_jid : attrs.from;
if (!from_jid) {
Object.assign(attrs, {
'error_text': __("Sorry, could not decrypt a received OMEMO because we don't have the JID for that user."),
'error_type': 'Decryption',
'is_ephemeral': false,
'is_error': true,
'type': 'error',
const session_cipher = getSessionCipher(from_jid, parseInt(attrs.encrypted.device_id, 10));
const key = u.base64ToArrayBuffer(attrs.encrypted.key);
try {
const key_and_tag = await session_cipher.decryptWhisperMessage(key, 'binary')
const plaintext = await handleDecryptedWhisperMessage(attrs, key_and_tag);
return Object.assign(attrs, {'plaintext': plaintext});
} catch (e) {
log.error(`${e.name} ${e.message}`);
return Object.assign(attrs, getDecryptionErrorAttributes(e));
function addKeysToMessageStanza (stanza, dicts, iv) {
for (const i in dicts) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(dicts, i)) {
const payload = dicts[i].payload;
const device = dicts[i].device;
const prekey = 3 == parseInt(payload.type, 10);
stanza.c('key', {'rid': device.get('id') }).t(btoa(payload.body));
if (prekey) {
stanza.attrs({'prekey': prekey});
if (i == dicts.length-1) {
return Promise.resolve(stanza);
function parseBundle (bundle_el) {
/* Given an XML element representing a user's OMEMO bundle, parse it
* and return a map.
const signed_prekey_public_el = bundle_el.querySelector('signedPreKeyPublic');
const signed_prekey_signature_el = bundle_el.querySelector('signedPreKeySignature');
const prekeys = sizzle(`prekeys > preKeyPublic`, bundle_el)
.map(el => ({
'id': parseInt(el.getAttribute('preKeyId'), 10),
'key': el.textContent
return {
'identity_key': bundle_el.querySelector('identityKey').textContent.trim(),
'signed_prekey': {
'id': parseInt(signed_prekey_public_el.getAttribute('signedPreKeyId'), 10),
'public_key': signed_prekey_public_el.textContent,
'signature': signed_prekey_signature_el.textContent
'prekeys': prekeys
async function generateFingerprint (device) {
if (device.get('bundle')?.fingerprint) {
const bundle = await device.getBundle();
bundle['fingerprint'] = u.arrayBufferToHex(u.base64ToArrayBuffer(bundle['identity_key']));
device.save('bundle', bundle);
device.trigger('change:bundle'); // Doesn't get triggered automatically due to pass-by-reference
async function getDevicesForContact (jid) {
await api.waitUntil('OMEMOInitialized');
const devicelist = _converse.devicelists.get(jid) || _converse.devicelists.create({'jid': jid});
await devicelist.fetchDevices();
return devicelist.devices;
function generateDeviceID () {
/* Generates a device ID, making sure that it's unique */
const existing_ids = _converse.devicelists.get(_converse.bare_jid).devices.pluck('id');
let device_id = libsignal.KeyHelper.generateRegistrationId();
// Before publishing a freshly generated device id for the first time,
// a device MUST check whether that device id already exists, and if so, generate a new one.
let i = 0;
while (existing_ids.includes(device_id)) {
device_id = libsignal.KeyHelper.generateRegistrationId();
if (i === 10) {
throw new Error("Unable to generate a unique device ID");
return device_id.toString();
async function buildSession (device) {
// TODO: check device-get('jid') versus the 'from' attribute which is used
// to build a session when receiving an encrypted message in a MUC.
// https://github.com/conversejs/converse.js/issues/1481#issuecomment-509183431
const address = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress(device.get('jid'), device.get('id'));
const sessionBuilder = new libsignal.SessionBuilder(_converse.omemo_store, address);
const prekey = device.getRandomPreKey();
const bundle = await device.getBundle();
return sessionBuilder.processPreKey({
'registrationId': parseInt(device.get('id'), 10),
'identityKey': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(bundle.identity_key),
'signedPreKey': {
'keyId': bundle.signed_prekey.id, // <Number>
'publicKey': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(bundle.signed_prekey.public_key),
'signature': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(bundle.signed_prekey.signature)
'preKey': {
'keyId': prekey.id, // <Number>
'publicKey': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(prekey.key),
async function getSession (device) {
if (!device.get('bundle')) {
log.error(`Could not build an OMEMO session for device ${device.get('id')} because we don't have its bundle`);
return null;
const address = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress(device.get('jid'), device.get('id'));
const session = await _converse.omemo_store.loadSession(address.toString());
if (session) {
return session;
} else {
try {
const session = await buildSession(device);
return session;
} catch (e) {
log.error(`Could not build an OMEMO session for device ${device.get('id')}`);
return null;
function updateBundleFromStanza (stanza) {
const items_el = sizzle(`items`, stanza).pop();
if (!items_el || !items_el.getAttribute('node').startsWith(Strophe.NS.OMEMO_BUNDLES)) {
const device_id = items_el.getAttribute('node').split(':')[1];
const jid = stanza.getAttribute('from');
const bundle_el = sizzle(`item > bundle`, items_el).pop();
const devicelist = _converse.devicelists.getDeviceList(jid);
const device = devicelist.devices.get(device_id) || devicelist.devices.create({'id': device_id, 'jid': jid});
device.save({'bundle': parseBundle(bundle_el)});
function updateDevicesFromStanza (stanza) {
const items_el = sizzle(`items[node="${Strophe.NS.OMEMO_DEVICELIST}"]`, stanza).pop();
if (!items_el) {
const device_selector = `item list[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.OMEMO}"] device`;
const device_ids = sizzle(device_selector, items_el).map(d => d.getAttribute('id'));
const jid = stanza.getAttribute('from');
const devicelist = _converse.devicelists.getDeviceList(jid);
const devices = devicelist.devices;
const removed_ids = difference(devices.pluck('id'), device_ids);
removed_ids.forEach(id => {
if (jid === _converse.bare_jid && id === _converse.omemo_store.get('device_id')) {
return // We don't set the current device as inactive
devices.get(id).save('active', false);
device_ids.forEach(device_id => {
const device = devices.get(device_id);
if (device) {
device.save('active', true);
} else {
devices.create({'id': device_id, 'jid': jid})
if (u.isSameBareJID(jid, _converse.bare_jid)) {
// Make sure our own device is on the list
// (i.e. if it was removed, add it again).
function registerPEPPushHandler () {
// Add a handler for devices pushed from other connected clients
_converse.connection.addHandler((message) => {
try {
if (sizzle(`event[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.PUBSUB}#event"]`, message).length) {
} catch (e) {
return true;
}, null, 'message', 'headline');
function restoreOMEMOSession () {
if (_converse.omemo_store === undefined) {
const id = `converse.omemosession-${_converse.bare_jid}`;
_converse.omemo_store = new _converse.OMEMOStore({'id': id});
_converse.omemo_store.browserStorage = _converse.createStore(id);
return _converse.omemo_store.fetchSession();
function fetchDeviceLists () {
return new Promise((success, error) => _converse.devicelists.fetch({success, 'error': (m, e) => error(e)}));
async function fetchOwnDevices () {
await fetchDeviceLists();
let own_devicelist = _converse.devicelists.get(_converse.bare_jid);
if (own_devicelist) {
} else {
own_devicelist = await _converse.devicelists.create({'jid': _converse.bare_jid}, {'promise': true});
return own_devicelist._devices_promise;
async function initOMEMO () {
if (!_converse.config.get('trusted') || api.settings.get('clear_cache_on_logout')) {
log.warn("Not initializing OMEMO, since this browser is not trusted or clear_cache_on_logout is set to true");
_converse.devicelists = new _converse.DeviceLists();
const id = `converse.devicelists-${_converse.bare_jid}`;
_converse.devicelists.browserStorage = _converse.createStore(id);
try {
await fetchOwnDevices();
await restoreOMEMOSession();
await _converse.omemo_store.publishBundle();
} catch (e) {
log.error("Could not initialize OMEMO support");
* Triggered once OMEMO support has been initialized
* @event _converse#OMEMOInitialized
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('OMEMOInitialized', () => { ... }); */
async function onOccupantAdded (chatroom, occupant) {
if (occupant.isSelf() || !chatroom.features.get('nonanonymous') || !chatroom.features.get('membersonly')) {
if (chatroom.get('omemo_active')) {
const supported = await _converse.contactHasOMEMOSupport(occupant.get('jid'));
if (!supported) {
'message': __("%1$s doesn't appear to have a client that supports OMEMO. " +
"Encrypted chat will no longer be possible in this grouchat.", occupant.get('nick')),
'type': 'error'
chatroom.save({'omemo_active': false, 'omemo_supported': false});
async function checkOMEMOSupported (chatbox) {
let supported;
if (chatbox.get('type') === _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE) {
await api.waitUntil('OMEMOInitialized');
supported = chatbox.features.get('nonanonymous') && chatbox.features.get('membersonly');
} else if (chatbox.get('type') === _converse.PRIVATE_CHAT_TYPE) {
supported = await _converse.contactHasOMEMOSupport(chatbox.get('jid'));
chatbox.set('omemo_supported', supported);
if (supported && api.settings.get('omemo_default')) {
chatbox.set('omemo_active', true);
function toggleOMEMO (ev) {
const toolbar_el = u.ancestor(ev.target, 'converse-chat-toolbar');
if (!toolbar_el.model.get('omemo_supported')) {
let messages;
if (toolbar_el.model.get('type') === _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE) {
messages = [__(
'Cannot use end-to-end encryption in this groupchat, '+
'either the groupchat has some anonymity or not all participants support OMEMO.'
} else {
messages = [__(
"Cannot use end-to-end encryption because %1$s uses a client that doesn't support OMEMO.",
return api.alert('error', __('Error'), messages);
toolbar_el.model.save({'omemo_active': !toolbar_el.model.get('omemo_active')});
function getOMEMOToolbarButton (toolbar_el, buttons) {
const model = toolbar_el.model;
const is_muc = model.get('type') === _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE;
let title;
if (is_muc && model.get('omemo_supported')) {
const i18n_plaintext = __('Messages are being sent in plaintext');
const i18n_encrypted = __('Messages are sent encrypted');
title = model.get('omemo_active') ? i18n_encrypted : i18n_plaintext;
} else {
title = __('This groupchat needs to be members-only and non-anonymous in '+
'order to support OMEMO encrypted messages');
<button class="toggle-omemo"
<converse-icon class="fa ${model.get('omemo_active') ? `fa-lock` : `fa-unlock`}"
path-prefix="${api.settings.get('assets_path')}" size="1em"
color="${model.get('omemo_active') ? `var(--info-color)` : `var(--error-color)`}"
return buttons;
* Mixin object that contains OMEMO-related methods for
* {@link _converse.ChatBox} or {@link _converse.ChatRoom} objects.
* @typedef {Object} OMEMOEnabledChatBox
const OMEMOEnabledChatBox = {
encryptKey (plaintext, device) {
return getSessionCipher(device.get('jid'), device.get('id'))
.then(payload => ({'payload': payload, 'device': device}));
handleMessageSendError (e) {
if (e.name === 'IQError') {
this.save('omemo_supported', false);
const err_msgs = [];
if (sizzle(`presence-subscription-required[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.PUBSUB_ERROR}"]`, e.iq).length) {
__("Sorry, we're unable to send an encrypted message because %1$s "+
"requires you to be subscribed to their presence in order to see their OMEMO information",
} else if (sizzle(`remote-server-not-found[xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"]`, e.iq).length) {
__("Sorry, we're unable to send an encrypted message because the remote server for %1$s could not be found",
} else {
err_msgs.push(__("Unable to send an encrypted message due to an unexpected error."));
api.alert('error', __('Error'), err_msgs);
} else if (e.user_facing) {
api.alert('error', __('Error'), [e.message]);
} else {
throw e;
converse.plugins.add('converse-omemo', {
enabled (_converse) {
return window.libsignal &&
_converse.config.get('trusted') &&
!api.settings.get('clear_cache_on_logout') &&
dependencies: ["converse-chatview", "converse-pubsub", "converse-profile"],
overrides: {
ProfileModal: {
events: {
'change input.select-all': 'selectAll',
'click .generate-bundle': 'generateOMEMODeviceBundle',
'submit .fingerprint-removal': 'removeSelectedFingerprints'
initialize () {
this.debouncedRender = debounce(this.render, 50);
this.devicelist = _converse.devicelists.get(_converse.bare_jid);
this.listenTo(this.devicelist.devices, 'change:bundle', this.debouncedRender);
this.listenTo(this.devicelist.devices, 'reset', this.debouncedRender);
this.listenTo(this.devicelist.devices, 'reset', this.debouncedRender);
this.listenTo(this.devicelist.devices, 'remove', this.debouncedRender);
this.listenTo(this.devicelist.devices, 'add', this.debouncedRender);
return this.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
beforeRender () {
const device_id = _converse.omemo_store.get('device_id');
if (device_id) {
this.current_device = this.devicelist.devices.get(device_id);
this.other_devices = this.devicelist.devices.filter(d => (d.get('id') !== device_id));
if (this.__super__.beforeRender) {
return this.__super__.beforeRender.apply(this, arguments);
selectAll (ev) {
let sibling = u.ancestor(ev.target, 'li');
while (sibling) {
sibling.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]').checked = ev.target.checked;
sibling = sibling.nextElementSibling;
removeSelectedFingerprints (ev) {
ev.target.querySelector('.select-all').checked = false
const device_ids = sizzle('.fingerprint-removal-item input[type="checkbox"]:checked', ev.target).map(c => c.value);
.catch(err => {
__('Error'), [__('Sorry, an error occurred while trying to remove the devices.')]
generateOMEMODeviceBundle (ev) {
if (confirm(__(
"Are you sure you want to generate new OMEMO keys? " +
"This will remove your old keys and all previously encrypted messages will no longer be decryptable on this device.")
)) {
UserDetailsModal: {
events: {
'click .fingerprint-trust .btn input': 'toggleDeviceTrust'
initialize () {
const jid = this.model.get('jid');
this.devicelist = _converse.devicelists.getDeviceList(jid);
this.listenTo(this.devicelist.devices, 'change:bundle', this.render);
this.listenTo(this.devicelist.devices, 'change:trusted', this.render);
this.listenTo(this.devicelist.devices, 'remove', this.render);
this.listenTo(this.devicelist.devices, 'add', this.render);
this.listenTo(this.devicelist.devices, 'reset', this.render);
return this.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
toggleDeviceTrust (ev) {
const radio = ev.target;
const device = this.devicelist.devices.get(radio.getAttribute('name'));
device.save('trusted', parseInt(radio.value, 10));
ChatBox: {
async sendMessage (text, spoiler_hint) {
if (this.get('omemo_active') && text) {
const attrs = this.getOutgoingMessageAttributes(text, spoiler_hint);
attrs['is_encrypted'] = true;
attrs['plaintext'] = attrs.message;
let message, stanza;
try {
const devices = await _converse.getBundlesAndBuildSessions(this);
message = await this.createMessage(attrs);
stanza = await _converse.createOMEMOMessageStanza(this, message, devices);
} catch (e) {
return null;
return message;
} else {
return this.__super__.sendMessage.apply(this, arguments);
initialize () {
/* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is
* loaded by Converse.js's plugin machinery.
api.settings.extend({'omemo_default': false});
_converse.NUM_PREKEYS = 100; // Set here so that tests can override
Object.assign(_converse.ChatBox.prototype, OMEMOEnabledChatBox);
_converse.generateFingerprints = async function (jid) {
const devices = await getDevicesForContact(jid)
return Promise.all(devices.map(d => generateFingerprint(d)));
_converse.getDeviceForContact = function (jid, device_id) {
return getDevicesForContact(jid).then(devices => devices.get(device_id));
_converse.contactHasOMEMOSupport = async function (jid) {
/* Checks whether the contact advertises any OMEMO-compatible devices. */
const devices = await getDevicesForContact(jid);
return devices.length > 0;
_converse.getBundlesAndBuildSessions = async function (chatbox) {
const no_devices_err = __("Sorry, no devices found to which we can send an OMEMO encrypted message.");
let devices;
if (chatbox.get('type') === _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE) {
const collections = await Promise.all(chatbox.occupants.map(o => getDevicesForContact(o.get('jid'))));
devices = collections.reduce((a, b) => concat(a, b.models), []);
} else if (chatbox.get('type') === _converse.PRIVATE_CHAT_TYPE) {
const their_devices = await getDevicesForContact(chatbox.get('jid'));
if (their_devices.length === 0) {
const err = new Error(no_devices_err);
err.user_facing = true;
throw err;
const own_devices = _converse.devicelists.get(_converse.bare_jid).devices;
devices = [...own_devices.models, ...their_devices.models];
// Filter out our own device
const id = _converse.omemo_store.get('device_id');
devices = devices.filter(d => d.get('id') !== id);
// Fetch bundles if necessary
await Promise.all(devices.map(d => d.getBundle()));
const sessions = devices.filter(d => d).map(d => getSession(d));
await Promise.all(sessions);
if (sessions.includes(null)) {
// We couldn't build a session for certain devices.
devices = devices.filter(d => sessions[devices.indexOf(d)]);
if (devices.length === 0) {
const err = new Error(no_devices_err);
err.user_facing = true;
throw err;
return devices;
_converse.createOMEMOMessageStanza = function (chatbox, message, devices) {
const body = __("This is an OMEMO encrypted message which your client doesn’t seem to support. "+
"Find more information on https://conversations.im/omemo");
if (!message.get('message')) {
throw new Error("No message body to encrypt!");
const stanza = $msg({
'from': _converse.connection.jid,
'to': chatbox.get('jid'),
'type': chatbox.get('message_type'),
'id': message.get('msgid')
if (message.get('type') === 'chat') {
stanza.c('request', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.RECEIPTS}).up();
// An encrypted header is added to the message for
// each device that is supposed to receive it.
// These headers simply contain the key that the
// payload message is encrypted with,
// and they are separately encrypted using the
// session corresponding to the counterpart device.
stanza.c('encrypted', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.OMEMO})
.c('header', {'sid': _converse.omemo_store.get('device_id')});
return omemo.encryptMessage(message.get('message')).then(obj => {
// The 16 bytes key and the GCM authentication tag (The tag
// SHOULD have at least 128 bit) are concatenated and for each
// intended recipient device, i.e. both own devices as well as
// devices associated with the contact, the result of this
// concatenation is encrypted using the corresponding
// long-standing SignalProtocol session.
const promises = devices
.filter(device => (device.get('trusted') != UNTRUSTED && device.get('active')))
.map(device => chatbox.encryptKey(obj.key_and_tag, device));
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(dicts => addKeysToMessageStanza(stanza, dicts, obj.iv))
.then(stanza => {
stanza.c('store', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.HINTS});
return stanza;
_converse.OMEMOStore = Model.extend({
Direction: {
getIdentityKeyPair () {
const keypair = this.get('identity_keypair');
return Promise.resolve({
'privKey': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(keypair.privKey),
'pubKey': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(keypair.pubKey)
getLocalRegistrationId () {
return Promise.resolve(parseInt(this.get('device_id'), 10));
isTrustedIdentity (identifier, identity_key, direction) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
if (identifier === null || identifier === undefined) {
throw new Error("Can't check identity key for invalid key");
if (!(identity_key instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
throw new Error("Expected identity_key to be an ArrayBuffer");
const trusted = this.get('identity_key'+identifier);
if (trusted === undefined) {
return Promise.resolve(true);
return Promise.resolve(u.arrayBufferToBase64(identity_key) === trusted);
loadIdentityKey (identifier) {
if (identifier === null || identifier === undefined) {
throw new Error("Can't load identity_key for invalid identifier");
return Promise.resolve(u.base64ToArrayBuffer(this.get('identity_key'+identifier)));
saveIdentity (identifier, identity_key) {
if (identifier === null || identifier === undefined) {
throw new Error("Can't save identity_key for invalid identifier");
const address = new libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress.fromString(identifier);
const existing = this.get('identity_key'+address.getName());
const b64_idkey = u.arrayBufferToBase64(identity_key);
this.save('identity_key'+address.getName(), b64_idkey)
if (existing && b64_idkey !== existing) {
return Promise.resolve(true);
} else {
return Promise.resolve(false);
getPreKeys () {
return this.get('prekeys') || {};
loadPreKey (key_id) {
const res = this.getPreKeys()[key_id];
if (res) {
return Promise.resolve({
'privKey': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(res.privKey),
'pubKey': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(res.pubKey)
return Promise.resolve();
storePreKey (key_id, key_pair) {
const prekey = {};
prekey[key_id] = {
'pubKey': u.arrayBufferToBase64(key_pair.pubKey),
'privKey': u.arrayBufferToBase64(key_pair.privKey)
this.save('prekeys', Object.assign(this.getPreKeys(), prekey));
return Promise.resolve();
removePreKey (key_id) {
this.save('prekeys', omit(this.getPreKeys(), key_id));
return Promise.resolve();
loadSignedPreKey (keyId) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const res = this.get('signed_prekey');
if (res) {
return Promise.resolve({
'privKey': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(res.privKey),
'pubKey': u.base64ToArrayBuffer(res.pubKey)
return Promise.resolve();
storeSignedPreKey (spk) {
if (typeof spk !== "object") {
// XXX: We've changed the signature of this method from the
// example given in InMemorySignalProtocolStore.
// Should be fine because the libsignal code doesn't
// actually call this method.
throw new Error("storeSignedPreKey: expected an object");
this.save('signed_prekey', {
'id': spk.keyId,
'privKey': u.arrayBufferToBase64(spk.keyPair.privKey),
'pubKey': u.arrayBufferToBase64(spk.keyPair.pubKey),
// XXX: The InMemorySignalProtocolStore does not pass
// in or store the signature, but we need it when we
// publish out bundle and this method isn't called from
// within libsignal code, so we modify it to also store
// the signature.
'signature': u.arrayBufferToBase64(spk.signature)
return Promise.resolve();
removeSignedPreKey (key_id) {
if (this.get('signed_prekey')['id'] === key_id) {
return Promise.resolve();
loadSession (identifier) {
return Promise.resolve(this.get('session'+identifier));
storeSession (identifier, record) {
return Promise.resolve(this.save('session'+identifier, record));
removeSession (identifier) {
return Promise.resolve(this.unset('session'+identifier));
removeAllSessions (identifier) {
const keys = Object.keys(this.attributes).filter(key => key.startsWith('session'+identifier) ? key : false);
const attrs = {};
keys.forEach(key => {attrs[key] = undefined});
return Promise.resolve();
publishBundle () {
const signed_prekey = this.get('signed_prekey');
const node = `${Strophe.NS.OMEMO_BUNDLES}:${this.get('device_id')}`;
const item = $build('item')
.c('bundle', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.OMEMO})
.c('signedPreKeyPublic', {'signedPreKeyId': signed_prekey.id})
Object.values(this.get('prekeys')).forEach((prekey, id) => item.c('preKeyPublic', {'preKeyId': id}).t(prekey.pubKey).up());
const options = {'pubsub#access_model': 'open'};
return api.pubsub.publish(null, node, item, options, false);
async generateMissingPreKeys () {
const missing_keys = difference(
invokeMap(range(0, _converse.NUM_PREKEYS), Number.prototype.toString),
if (missing_keys.length < 1) {
log.warn("No missing prekeys to generate for our own device");
return Promise.resolve();
const keys = await Promise.all(missing_keys.map(id => libsignal.KeyHelper.generatePreKey(parseInt(id, 10))));
keys.forEach(k => this.storePreKey(k.keyId, k.keyPair));
const marshalled_keys = Object.keys(this.getPreKeys()).map(k => ({'id': k.keyId, 'key': u.arrayBufferToBase64(k.pubKey)}));
const devicelist = _converse.devicelists.get(_converse.bare_jid);
const device = devicelist.devices.get(this.get('device_id'));
const bundle = await device.getBundle();
device.save('bundle', Object.assign(bundle, {'prekeys': marshalled_keys}));
* Generate a the data used by the X3DH key agreement protocol
* that can be used to build a session with a device.
async generateBundle () {
// The first thing that needs to happen if a client wants to
// start using OMEMO is they need to generate an IdentityKey
// and a Device ID. The IdentityKey is a Curve25519 [6]
// public/private Key pair. The Device ID is a randomly
// generated integer between 1 and 2^31 - 1.
const identity_keypair = await libsignal.KeyHelper.generateIdentityKeyPair();
const bundle = {};
const identity_key = u.arrayBufferToBase64(identity_keypair.pubKey);
const device_id = generateDeviceID();
bundle['identity_key'] = identity_key;
bundle['device_id'] = device_id;
'device_id': device_id,
'identity_keypair': {
'privKey': u.arrayBufferToBase64(identity_keypair.privKey),
'pubKey': identity_key
'identity_key': identity_key
const signed_prekey = await libsignal.KeyHelper.generateSignedPreKey(identity_keypair, 0);
bundle['signed_prekey'] = {
'id': signed_prekey.keyId,
'public_key': u.arrayBufferToBase64(signed_prekey.keyPair.privKey),
'signature': u.arrayBufferToBase64(signed_prekey.signature)
const keys = await Promise.all(range(0, _converse.NUM_PREKEYS).map(id => libsignal.KeyHelper.generatePreKey(id)));
keys.forEach(k => _converse.omemo_store.storePreKey(k.keyId, k.keyPair));
const devicelist = _converse.devicelists.get(_converse.bare_jid);
const device = await devicelist.devices.create({'id': bundle.device_id, 'jid': _converse.bare_jid}, {'promise': true});
const marshalled_keys = keys.map(k => ({'id': k.keyId, 'key': u.arrayBufferToBase64(k.keyPair.pubKey)}));
bundle['prekeys'] = marshalled_keys;
device.save('bundle', bundle);
fetchSession () {
if (this._setup_promise === undefined) {
this._setup_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
'success': () => {
if (!_converse.omemo_store.get('device_id')) {
} else {
'error': (model, resp) => {
log.warn("Could not fetch OMEMO session from cache, we'll generate a new one.");
return this._setup_promise;
* @class
* @namespace _converse.Device
* @memberOf _converse
_converse.Device = Model.extend({
defaults: {
'trusted': UNDECIDED,
'active': true
getRandomPreKey () {
// XXX: assumes that the bundle has already been fetched
const bundle = this.get('bundle');
return bundle.prekeys[u.getRandomInt(bundle.prekeys.length)];
async fetchBundleFromServer () {
const stanza = $iq({
'type': 'get',
'from': _converse.bare_jid,
'to': this.get('jid')
}).c('pubsub', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.PUBSUB})
.c('items', {'node': `${Strophe.NS.OMEMO_BUNDLES}:${this.get('id')}`});
let iq;
try {
iq = await api.sendIQ(stanza)
} catch (iq) {
log.error(`Could not fetch bundle for device ${this.get('id')} from ${this.get('jid')}`);
return null;
if (iq.querySelector('error')) {
throw new IQError("Could not fetch bundle", iq);
const publish_el = sizzle(`items[node="${Strophe.NS.OMEMO_BUNDLES}:${this.get('id')}"]`, iq).pop();
const bundle_el = sizzle(`bundle[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.OMEMO}"]`, publish_el).pop();
const bundle = parseBundle(bundle_el);
this.save('bundle', bundle);
return bundle;
* Fetch and save the bundle information associated with
* this device, if the information is not cached already.
* @method _converse.Device#getBundle
getBundle () {
if (this.get('bundle')) {
return Promise.resolve(this.get('bundle'), this);
} else {
return this.fetchBundleFromServer();
_converse.Devices = Collection.extend({
model: _converse.Device,
* @class
* @namespace _converse.DeviceList
* @memberOf _converse
_converse.DeviceList = Model.extend({
idAttribute: 'jid',
initialize () {
this.devices = new _converse.Devices();
const id = `converse.devicelist-${_converse.bare_jid}-${this.get('jid')}`;
this.devices.browserStorage = _converse.createStore(id);
async onDevicesFound (collection) {
if (collection.length === 0) {
let ids;
try {
ids = await this.fetchDevicesFromServer()
} catch (e) {
if (e === null) {
log.error(`Timeout error while fetching devices for ${this.get('jid')}`);
} else {
log.error(`Could not fetch devices for ${this.get('jid')}`);
if (this.get('jid') === _converse.bare_jid) {
await this.publishCurrentDevice(ids);
fetchDevices () {
if (this._devices_promise === undefined) {
this._devices_promise = new Promise(resolve => {
'success': c => resolve(this.onDevicesFound(c)),
'error': (m, e) => { log.error(e); resolve(); }
return this._devices_promise;
async getOwnDeviceId () {
let device_id = _converse.omemo_store.get('device_id');
if (!this.devices.findWhere({'id': device_id})) {
// Generate a new bundle if we cannot find our device
await _converse.omemo_store.generateBundle();
device_id = _converse.omemo_store.get('device_id');
return device_id;
async publishCurrentDevice (device_ids) {
if (this.get('jid') !== _converse.bare_jid) {
return // We only publish for ourselves.
await restoreOMEMOSession();
if (!_converse.omemo_store) {
// Happens during tests. The connection gets torn down
// before publishCurrentDevice has time to finish.
log.warn('publishCurrentDevice: omemo_store is not defined, likely a timing issue');
if (!device_ids.includes(await this.getOwnDeviceId())) {
return this.publishDevices();
async fetchDevicesFromServer () {
const stanza = $iq({
'type': 'get',
'from': _converse.bare_jid,
'to': this.get('jid')
}).c('pubsub', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.PUBSUB})
.c('items', {'node': Strophe.NS.OMEMO_DEVICELIST});
let iq;
try {
iq = await api.sendIQ(stanza);
} catch (e) {
return [];
const selector = `list[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.OMEMO}"] device`;
const device_ids = sizzle(selector, iq).map(d => d.getAttribute('id'));
await Promise.all(
device_ids.map(id => this.devices.create({id, 'jid': this.get('jid')}, {'promise': true}))
return device_ids;
* Send an IQ stanza to the current user's "devices" PEP node to
* ensure that all devices are published for potential chat partners to see.
* See: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0384.html#usecases-announcing
publishDevices () {
const item = $build('item', {'id': 'current'}).c('list', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.OMEMO})
this.devices.filter(d => d.get('active')).forEach(d => item.c('device', {'id': d.get('id')}).up());
const options = {'pubsub#access_model': 'open'};
return api.pubsub.publish(null, Strophe.NS.OMEMO_DEVICELIST, item, options, false);
removeOwnDevices (device_ids) {
if (this.get('jid') !== _converse.bare_jid) {
throw new Error("Cannot remove devices from someone else's device list");
device_ids.forEach(device_id => this.devices.get(device_id).destroy());
return this.publishDevices();
* @class
* @namespace _converse.DeviceLists
* @memberOf _converse
_converse.DeviceLists = Collection.extend({
model: _converse.DeviceList,
* Returns the {@link _converse.DeviceList} for a particular JID.
* The device list will be created if it doesn't exist already.
* @private
* @method _converse.DeviceLists#getDeviceList
* @param { String } jid - The Jabber ID for which the device list will be returned.
getDeviceList (jid) {
return this.get(jid) || this.create({'jid': jid});
/******************** Event Handlers ********************/
api.listen.on('parseMessage', parseEncryptedMessage);
api.listen.on('parseMUCMessage', parseEncryptedMessage);
api.listen.on('chatBoxViewInitialized', onChatInitialized);
api.listen.on('chatRoomViewInitialized', onChatInitialized);
api.listen.on('connected', registerPEPPushHandler);
api.listen.on('getToolbarButtons', getOMEMOToolbarButton);
api.listen.on('statusInitialized', initOMEMO);
() => api.disco.own.features.add(`${Strophe.NS.OMEMO_DEVICELIST}+notify`));
api.listen.on('userDetailsModalInitialized', contact => {
const jid = contact.get('jid');
_converse.generateFingerprints(jid).catch(e => log.error(e));
api.listen.on('profileModalInitialized', () => {
_converse.generateFingerprints(_converse.bare_jid).catch(e => log.error(e));
api.listen.on('afterTearDown', () => (delete _converse.omemo_store));
api.listen.on('clearSession', () => {
if (_converse.shouldClearCache() && _converse.devicelists) {
delete _converse.devicelists;
/************************ API ************************/
Object.assign(_converse.api, {
* The "omemo" namespace groups methods relevant to OMEMO
* encryption.
* @namespace _converse.api.omemo
* @memberOf _converse.api
'omemo': {
* The "bundle" namespace groups methods relevant to the user's
* OMEMO bundle.
* @namespace _converse.api.omemo.bundle
* @memberOf _converse.api.omemo
'bundle': {
* Lets you generate a new OMEMO device bundle
* @method _converse.api.omemo.bundle.generate
* @returns {promise} Promise which resolves once we have a result from the server.
'generate': async () => {
// Remove current device
const devicelist = _converse.devicelists.get(_converse.bare_jid);
const device_id = _converse.omemo_store.get('device_id');
if (device_id) {
const device = devicelist.devices.get(device_id);
if (device) {
await new Promise(done => device.destroy({'success': done, 'error': done}));
// Generate new device bundle and publish
// https://xmpp.org/extensions/attic/xep-0384-0.3.0.html#usecases-announcing
await _converse.omemo_store.generateBundle();
await devicelist.publishDevices();
const device = devicelist.devices.get(_converse.omemo_store.get('device_id'));
const fp = generateFingerprint(device);
await _converse.omemo_store.publishBundle();
return fp;