Michal Čihař 16e6be4ccc Fix support for Qt translation (and probably others)
Use po specific features only if they are available
2012-03-01 14:45:47 +01:00

63 lines
2.1 KiB

from django.db import models
from lang.models import Language
from util import is_plural, split_plural, join_plural, msg_checksum
class TranslationManager(models.Manager):
def update_from_blob(self, subproject, code, path, blob, force = False):
Parses translation meta info and creates/updates translation object.
lang = Language.objects.get(code = code)
trans, created = self.get_or_create(
language = lang,
subproject = subproject,
filename = path)
trans.update_from_blob(blob, force)
class UnitManager(models.Manager):
def update_from_unit(self, translation, unit, pos):
Process translation toolkit unit and stores/updates database entry.
if hasattr(unit.source, 'strings'):
src = join_plural(unit.source.strings)
src = unit.source
ctx = unit.getcontext()
checksum = msg_checksum(src, ctx)
import trans.models
dbunit = self.get(
translation = translation,
checksum = checksum)
force = False
dbunit = trans.models.Unit(
translation = translation,
checksum = checksum,
source = src,
context = ctx)
force = True
dbunit.update_from_unit(unit, pos, force)
return dbunit
def filter_type(self, rqtype):
import trans.models
if rqtype == 'all':
return self.all()
elif rqtype == 'fuzzy':
return self.filter(fuzzy = True)
elif rqtype == 'untranslated':
return self.filter(translated = False)
elif rqtype == 'suggestions':
sample = self.all()[0]
sugs = trans.models.Suggestion.objects.filter(
language = sample.translation.language,
project = sample.translation.subproject.project)
sugs = sugs.values_list('checksum', flat = True)
return self.filter(checksum__in = sugs)