JC Brand 7b28cb7943 updates #497
Initial work on adding OMEMO support
2018-05-23 12:51:00 +02:00

212 lines
8.3 KiB

// Converse.js
// http://conversejs.org
// Copyright (c) 2013-2018, the Converse.js developers
// Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
/*global libsignal */
(function (root, factory) {
], factory);
}(this, function (converse, tpl_toolbar_omemo) {
const { Backbone, Promise, Strophe, sizzle, $build, _, b64_sha1 } = converse.env;
Strophe.addNamespace('OMEMO', "eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl");
Strophe.addNamespace('OMEMO_DEVICELIST', Strophe.NS.OMEMO+".devicelist");
Strophe.addNamespace('OMEMO_VERIFICATION', Strophe.NS.OMEMO+".verification");
Strophe.addNamespace('OMEMO_WHITELISTED', Strophe.NS.OMEMO+".whitelisted");
const UNDECIDED = 0;
const TRUSTED = 1;
const UNTRUSTED = -1;
converse.plugins.add('converse-omemo', {
enabled (_converse) {
return !_.isNil(window.libsignal);
overrides: {
ChatBoxView: {
addOMEMOToolbarButton (options) {
const { _converse } = this.__super__,
{ __ } = _converse,
data = this.model.toJSON();
tpl_toolbar_omemo({'__': __}));
renderToolbar (toolbar, options) {
const result = this.__super__.renderToolbar.apply(this, arguments);
return result;
initialize () {
/* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is
* loaded by Converse.js's plugin machinery.
const { _converse } = this;
_converse.OMEMOSession = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize () {
this.keyhelper = libsignal.KeyHelper;
fetchSession () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
'success': () => {
if (!_converse.omemo_session.get('registration_id')) {
this.keyhelper.generateIdentityKeyPair().then(function (keypair) {
'registration_id': this.keyhelper.generateRegistrationId(),
'pub_key': keypair.pubKey,
'priv_key': keypair.privKey
} else {
_converse.Device = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
'active': true,
'trusted': UNDECIDED
_converse.Devices = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: _converse.Device,
_converse.DeviceList = Backbone.Model.extend({
idAttribute: 'jid',
initialize () {
this.devices = new _converse.Devices();
fetchDevices () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
success (collection) {
if (collection.length === 0) {
} else {
fetchDevicesFromServer () {
// TODO: send IQ stanza to get device list.
return Promise.resolve([]);
_converse.DeviceLists = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: _converse.DeviceList,
function publishBundle () {
// TODO: publish bundle information (public key and pre keys)
// Keep the used device id consistant. You have to republish
// this because you don't know if the server was restarted or might have
// otherwise lost the information.
return Promise.resolve();
function fetchDeviceLists () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => _converse.devicelists.fetch({'success': resolve}));
function updateOwnDeviceList () {
/* If our own device is not on the list, add it.
* Also, deduplicate devices if necessary.
// TODO:
const devicelist = _converse.devicelists.get(_converse.bare_jid);
function updateDevicesFromStanza (stanza) {
const device_ids = _.map(
sizzle(`items[node="${Strophe.NS.OMEMO_DEVICELIST}"] item[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.OMEMO}"] device`, stanza),
(device) => device.getAttribute('id'));
const removed_ids = _.difference(_converse.devices.pluck('id'), device_ids);
_.forEach(removed_ids, (removed_id) => _converse.devices.get(removed_id).set('active', false));
_.forEach(device_ids, (device_id) => {
const dev = _converse.devices.get(device_id);
if (dev) {
dev.save({'active': true});
} else {
_converse.devices.create({'id': device_id})
function registerPEPPushHandler () {
// Add a handler for devices pushed from other connected clients
_converse.connection.addHandler((message) => {
if (message.querySelector('event[xmlns="'+Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+'#event"]')) {
}, null, 'message', 'headline', null, _converse.bare_jid);
function initOMEMO () {
/* Publish our bundle and then fetch our own device list.
* If our device list does not contain this device's id, publish the
* device list with the id added. Also deduplicate device ids in the list.
.then(() => fetchDeviceLists())
.then(() => _converse.devicelists.get(_converse.bare_jid).fetchDevices())
.catch(_.partial(_converse.log, _, Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR));
function onStatusInitialized () {
_converse.devicelists = new _converse.DeviceLists();
_converse.devicelists.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage.session(
_converse.omemo_session = new Backbone.Model();
_converse.omemo_session.browserStorage = new Backbone.BrowserStorage.session(
.catch(_.partial(_converse.log, _, Strophe.LogLevel.ERROR));
_converse.api.listen.on('statusInitialized', onStatusInitialized);
_converse.api.listen.on('connected', registerPEPPushHandler);
_converse.api.listen.on('afterTearDown', () => _converse.devices.reset());
() => _converse.api.disco.own.features.add(Strophe.NS.OMEMO_DEVICELIST+"notify"));