JC Brand 825e2643ae Use flex-direction: column-reverse
On the `<converse-chat-content>` element. This removes the need for all
the manual scrolling.

Firefox finally supports this feature. Unfortunately Firefox ESR doesn't
yet, but I can't wait anymore.
2021-06-07 19:26:16 +02:00

78 lines
2.9 KiB

import "./message";
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import tpl_new_day from "./templates/new-day.js";
import { CustomElement } from 'shared/components/element.js';
import { _converse, api } from "@converse/headless/core";
import { html } from 'lit';
import { repeat } from 'lit/directives/repeat.js';
// Return a TemplateResult indicating a new day if the passed in message is
// more than a day later than its predecessor.
function getDayIndicator (model) {
const models = model.collection.models;
const idx = models.indexOf(model);
const prev_model = models[idx-1];
if (!prev_model || dayjs(model.get('time')).isAfter(dayjs(prev_model.get('time')), 'day')) {
const day_date = dayjs(model.get('time')).startOf('day');
return tpl_new_day({
'type': 'date',
'time': day_date.toISOString(),
'datestring': day_date.format("dddd MMM Do YYYY")
// This is set to _converse so that it can be overriden. An attempt was made to use
// a hook instead, but hook returns a promise and it forces the asynchronicity up
// to the render method.
_converse.getHats = function (model) {
if (model.get('type') === 'groupchat') {
const allowed_hats = api.settings.get('muc_hats').filter(hat => hat).map((hat) => (hat.toLowerCase()));
let vcard_roles = []
if (allowed_hats.includes('vcard_roles')) {
vcard_roles = model.vcard ? model.vcard.get('role') : null;
vcard_roles = vcard_roles ? vcard_roles.split(',').filter(hat => hat).map((hat) => ({title: hat})) : [];
const muc_role = model.occupant ? [model.occupant.get('role')] : [];
const muc_affiliation = model.occupant ? [model.occupant.get('affiliation')] : [];
const affiliation_role_hats = [...muc_role, ...muc_affiliation]
.filter(hat => hat).filter((hat) => (allowed_hats.includes(hat.toLowerCase())))
.map((hat) => ({title: hat}));
const hats = allowed_hats.includes('xep317') ? model.occupant?.get('hats') || [] : [];
return [...hats, ...vcard_roles, ...affiliation_role_hats];
return [];
export default class MessageHistory extends CustomElement {
static get properties () {
return {
model: { type: Object },
messages: { type: Array }
render () {
const msgs = this.messages;
return msgs.length ? html`${repeat(msgs, m => m.get('id'), m => this.renderMessage(m)) }` : '';
renderMessage (model) {
if (model.get('dangling_retraction') || model.get('is_only_key')) {
return '';
const day = getDayIndicator(model);
const templates = day ? [day] : [];
const message = html`<converse-chat-message
return [...templates, message];
api.elements.define('converse-message-history', MessageHistory);