439 lines
18 KiB
439 lines
18 KiB
(function (root, factory) {
define(['es6-promise', 'mock'], factory);
}(this, function (Promise, mock) {
const _ = converse.env._;
const $msg = converse.env.$msg;
const $pres = converse.env.$pres;
const $iq = converse.env.$iq;
const Strophe = converse.env.Strophe;
const sizzle = converse.env.sizzle;
const u = converse.env.utils;
const utils = {};
utils.waitUntilDiscoConfirmed = async function (_converse, entity_jid, identities, features=[], items=[], type='info') {
const iq = await u.waitUntil(() => {
return _.filter(
(iq) => sizzle(`iq[to="${entity_jid}"] query[xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#${type}"]`, iq).length
}, 300);
const stanza = $iq({
'type': 'result',
'from': entity_jid,
'to': 'romeo@montague.lit/orchard',
'id': iq.getAttribute('id'),
}).c('query', {'xmlns': 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#'+type});
_.forEach(identities, function (identity) {
stanza.c('identity', {'category': identity.category, 'type': identity.type}).up()
_.forEach(features, function (feature) {
stanza.c('feature', {'var': feature}).up();
_.forEach(items, function (item) {
stanza.c('item', {'jid': item}).up();
utils.createRequest = function (iq) {
iq = typeof iq.tree == "function" ? iq.tree() : iq;
var req = new Strophe.Request(iq, function() {});
req.getResponse = function () {
var env = new Strophe.Builder('env', {type: 'mock'}).tree();
return env;
return req;
utils.closeAllChatBoxes = function (_converse) {
return Promise.all(_converse.chatboxviews.map(view => view.close()));
utils.openControlBox = async function (_converse) {
const model = await _converse.api.controlbox.open();
await u.waitUntil(() => model.get('connected'));
var toggle = document.querySelector(".toggle-controlbox");
if (!u.isVisible(document.querySelector("#controlbox"))) {
if (!u.isVisible(toggle)) {
u.removeClass('hidden', toggle);
return this;
utils.closeControlBox = function () {
const controlbox = document.querySelector("#controlbox");
if (u.isVisible(controlbox)) {
const button = controlbox.querySelector(".close-chatbox-button");
if (!_.isNull(button)) {
return this;
utils.waitUntilBookmarksReturned = async function (_converse, bookmarks=[]) {
await utils.waitUntilDiscoConfirmed(
_converse, _converse.bare_jid,
[{'category': 'pubsub', 'type': 'pep'}],
const IQ_stanzas = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas;
const sent_stanza = await u.waitUntil(
() => IQ_stanzas.filter(s => sizzle('items[node="storage:bookmarks"]', s).length).pop()
const stanza = $iq({
'to': _converse.connection.jid,
}).c('pubsub', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.PUBSUB})
.c('items', {'node': 'storage:bookmarks'})
.c('item', {'id': 'current'})
.c('storage', {'xmlns': 'storage:bookmarks'});
bookmarks.forEach(bookmark => {
stanza.c('conference', {
'name': bookmark.name,
'autojoin': bookmark.autojoin,
'jid': bookmark.jid
await _converse.api.waitUntil('bookmarksInitialized');
utils.openChatBoxes = function (converse, amount) {
const views = [];
for (let i=0; i<amount; i++) {
const jid = mock.cur_names[i].replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@montague.lit';
return views;
utils.openChatBoxFor = async function (_converse, jid) {
await _converse.api.waitUntil('rosterContactsFetched');
return u.waitUntil(() => _converse.chatboxviews.get(jid), 1000);
utils.openChatRoomViaModal = async function (_converse, jid, nick='') {
// Opens a new chatroom
const model = await _converse.api.controlbox.open('controlbox');
await u.waitUntil(() => model.get('connected'));
const view = await _converse.chatboxviews.get('controlbox');
const roomspanel = view.roomspanel;
const modal = roomspanel.add_room_modal;
await u.waitUntil(() => u.isVisible(modal.el), 1500)
modal.el.querySelector('input[name="chatroom"]').value = jid;
if (nick) {
modal.el.querySelector('input[name="nickname"]').value = nick;
modal.el.querySelector('form input[type="submit"]').click();
await u.waitUntil(() => _converse.chatboxviews.get(jid), 1000);
return _converse.chatboxviews.get(jid);
utils.openChatRoom = async function (_converse, room, server) {
const model = await _converse.api.rooms.open(`${room}@${server}`);
await model.messages.fetched;
return model;
utils.getRoomFeatures = async function (_converse, room, server, features=[]) {
const muc_jid = `${room}@${server}`.toLowerCase();
const stanzas = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas;
const index = stanzas.length-1;
const stanza = await u.waitUntil(() => _.filter(
iq => iq.querySelector(
`iq[to="${muc_jid}"] query[xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"]`
const features_stanza = $iq({
'from': muc_jid,
'id': stanza.getAttribute('id'),
'to': 'romeo@montague.lit/desktop',
'type': 'result'
}).c('query', { 'xmlns': 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info'})
.c('identity', {
'category': 'conference',
'name': room[0].toUpperCase() + room.slice(1),
'type': 'text'
features = features.length ? features : mock.default_muc_features;
features.forEach(f => features_stanza.c('feature', {'var': f}).up());
features_stanza.c('x', { 'xmlns':'jabber:x:data', 'type':'result'})
.c('field', {'var':'FORM_TYPE', 'type':'hidden'})
.c('field', {'type':'text-single', 'var':'muc#roominfo_description', 'label':'Description'})
.c('value').t('This is the description').up().up()
.c('field', {'type':'text-single', 'var':'muc#roominfo_occupants', 'label':'Number of occupants'})
utils.waitForReservedNick = async function (_converse, muc_jid, nick) {
const view = _converse.chatboxviews.get(muc_jid);
const stanzas = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas;
const selector = `iq[to="${muc_jid.toLowerCase()}"] query[node="x-roomuser-item"]`;
const iq = await u.waitUntil(() => stanzas.filter(s => sizzle(selector, s).length).pop());
// We remove the stanza, otherwise we might get stale stanzas returned in our filter above.
stanzas.splice(stanzas.indexOf(iq), 1)
// The XMPP server returns the reserved nick for this user.
const IQ_id = iq.getAttribute('id');
const stanza = $iq({
'type': 'result',
'id': IQ_id,
'from': view.model.get('jid'),
'to': _converse.connection.jid
}).c('query', {'xmlns': 'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info', 'node': 'x-roomuser-item'});
if (nick) {
stanza.c('identity', {'category': 'conference', 'name': nick, 'type': 'text'});
if (nick) {
return u.waitUntil(() => view.model.get('nick'));
utils.returnMemberLists = async function (_converse, muc_jid, members=[], affiliations=['member', 'owner', 'admin']) {
const stanzas = _converse.connection.IQ_stanzas;
if (affiliations.includes('member')) {
const member_IQ = await u.waitUntil(() => _.filter(
s => sizzle(`iq[to="${muc_jid}"] query[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}"] item[affiliation="member"]`, s).length
const member_list_stanza = $iq({
'from': 'coven@chat.shakespeare.lit',
'id': member_IQ.getAttribute('id'),
'to': 'romeo@montague.lit/orchard',
'type': 'result'
}).c('query', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN});
members.filter(m => m.affiliation === 'member').forEach(m => {
member_list_stanza.c('item', {
'affiliation': m.affiliation,
'jid': m.jid,
'nick': m.nick
if (affiliations.includes('admin')) {
const admin_IQ = await u.waitUntil(() => _.filter(
s => sizzle(`iq[to="${muc_jid}"] query[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}"] item[affiliation="admin"]`, s).length
const admin_list_stanza = $iq({
'from': 'coven@chat.shakespeare.lit',
'id': admin_IQ.getAttribute('id'),
'to': 'romeo@montague.lit/orchard',
'type': 'result'
}).c('query', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN});
members.filter(m => m.affiliation === 'admin').forEach(m => {
admin_list_stanza.c('item', {
'affiliation': m.affiliation,
'jid': m.jid,
'nick': m.nick
if (affiliations.includes('owner')) {
const owner_IQ = await u.waitUntil(() => _.filter(
s => sizzle(`iq[to="${muc_jid}"] query[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN}"] item[affiliation="owner"]`, s).length
const owner_list_stanza = $iq({
'from': 'coven@chat.shakespeare.lit',
'id': owner_IQ.getAttribute('id'),
'to': 'romeo@montague.lit/orchard',
'type': 'result'
}).c('query', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.MUC_ADMIN});
members.filter(m => m.affiliation === 'owner').forEach(m => {
owner_list_stanza.c('item', {
'affiliation': m.affiliation,
'jid': m.jid,
'nick': m.nick
return new Promise(resolve => _converse.api.listen.on('membersFetched', resolve));
utils.receiveOwnMUCPresence = function (_converse, muc_jid, nick) {
const presence = $pres({
to: _converse.connection.jid,
from: `${muc_jid}/${nick}`,
id: u.getUniqueId()
affiliation: 'owner',
jid: _converse.bare_jid,
role: 'moderator'
// return utils.waitUntil(() => (view.model.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED));
utils.openAndEnterChatRoom = async function (_converse, muc_jid, nick, features=[], members=[]) {
muc_jid = muc_jid.toLowerCase();
const room = Strophe.getNodeFromJid(muc_jid);
const server = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(muc_jid);
await _converse.api.rooms.open(muc_jid);
await utils.getRoomFeatures(_converse, room, server, features);
await utils.waitForReservedNick(_converse, muc_jid, nick);
// The user has just entered the room (because join was called)
// and receives their own presence from the server.
// See example 24: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#enter-pres
utils.receiveOwnMUCPresence(_converse, muc_jid, nick);
const view = _converse.chatboxviews.get(muc_jid);
await u.waitUntil(() => (view.model.get('connection_status') === converse.ROOMSTATUS.ENTERED));
if (_converse.muc_fetch_members) {
await utils.returnMemberLists(_converse, muc_jid, members);
utils.clearChatBoxMessages = function (converse, jid) {
const view = converse.chatboxviews.get(jid);
view.el.querySelector('.chat-content').innerHTML = '';
return view.model.messages.clearSession();
utils.createContact = async function (_converse, name, ask, requesting, subscription) {
const jid = name.replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@montague.lit';
if (_converse.roster.get(jid)) {
return Promise.resolve();
const contact = await new Promise((success, error) => {
'ask': ask,
'fullname': name,
'jid': jid,
'requesting': requesting,
'subscription': subscription
}, {success, error});
return contact;
utils.createContacts = async function (_converse, type, length) {
/* Create current (as opposed to requesting or pending) contacts
* for the user's roster.
* These contacts are not grouped. See below.
await _converse.api.waitUntil('rosterContactsFetched');
let names, subscription, requesting, ask;
if (type === 'requesting') {
names = mock.req_names;
subscription = 'none';
requesting = true;
ask = null;
} else if (type === 'pending') {
names = mock.pend_names;
subscription = 'none';
requesting = false;
ask = 'subscribe';
} else if (type === 'current') {
names = mock.cur_names;
subscription = 'both';
requesting = false;
ask = null;
} else if (type === 'all') {
await this.createContacts(_converse, 'current');
await this.createContacts(_converse, 'requesting')
await this.createContacts(_converse, 'pending');
return this;
} else {
throw Error("Need to specify the type of contact to create");
const promises = names.slice(0, length).map(n => this.createContact(_converse, n, ask, requesting, subscription));
await Promise.all(promises);
utils.waitForRoster = async function (_converse, type='current', length=-1, include_nick=true, grouped=true) {
const iq = await u.waitUntil(() =>
iq => sizzle(`iq[type="get"] query[xmlns="${Strophe.NS.ROSTER}"]`, iq).length
const result = $iq({
'to': _converse.connection.jid,
'type': 'result',
'id': iq.getAttribute('id')
}).c('query', {
'xmlns': 'jabber:iq:roster'
if (type === 'pending' || type === 'all') {
const pend_names = (length > -1) ? mock.pend_names.slice(0, length) : mock.pend_names;
pend_names.map(name =>
result.c('item', {
jid: name.replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@montague.lit',
name: include_nick ? name : undefined,
subscription: 'none',
ask: 'subscribe'
if (type === 'current' || type === 'all') {
const cur_names = Object.keys(mock.current_contacts_map);
const names = (length > -1) ? cur_names.slice(0, length) : cur_names;
names.forEach(name => {
result.c('item', {
jid: name.replace(/ /g,'.').toLowerCase() + '@montague.lit',
name: include_nick ? name : undefined,
subscription: 'both',
ask: null
if (grouped) {
mock.current_contacts_map[name].forEach(g => result.c('group').t(g).up());
await _converse.api.waitUntil('rosterContactsFetched');
utils.createChatMessage = function (_converse, sender_jid, message) {
return $msg({
from: sender_jid,
to: _converse.connection.jid,
type: 'chat',
id: (new Date()).getTime()
.c('active', {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES}).tree();
utils.sendMessage = function (view, message) {
const promise = new Promise(resolve => view.once('messageInserted', resolve));
view.el.querySelector('.chat-textarea').value = message;
target: view.el.querySelector('textarea.chat-textarea'),
preventDefault: _.noop,
keyCode: 13
return promise;
return utils;