JC Brand dd91d3cc55 Use flexbox to keep the chat scrolled down
By using `display: flex` and `flex-direction: column-reverse`, the chat
now automatically scrolls down when loaded, without requiring any
extra JavaScript.

We still need to scroll down with JavaScript when sending a message.

By using `column-reverse`, the messages container now works in reverse.
So the newest message is the first element in the container and the
oldest message is the last. This is the reverse of before.

Due to this, this change will likely break some plugins.
2019-06-18 11:37:07 +02:00

634 lines
21 KiB

// Converse.js (A browser based XMPP chat client)
// https://conversejs.org
// This is a form utilities module.
// Copyright (c) 2013-2019, Jan-Carel Brand <jc@opkode.com>
// Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
import URI from "urijs";
import _ from "../headless/lodash.noconflict";
import sizzle from "sizzle";
import tpl_audio from "../templates/audio.html";
import tpl_field from "@converse/headless/templates/field.html";
import tpl_file from "../templates/file.html";
import tpl_form_captcha from "../templates/form_captcha.html";
import tpl_form_checkbox from "../templates/form_checkbox.html";
import tpl_form_input from "../templates/form_input.html";
import tpl_form_select from "../templates/form_select.html";
import tpl_form_textarea from "../templates/form_textarea.html";
import tpl_form_url from "../templates/form_url.html";
import tpl_form_username from "../templates/form_username.html";
import tpl_image from "../templates/image.html";
import tpl_select_option from "../templates/select_option.html";
import tpl_video from "../templates/video.html";
import u from "../headless/utils/core";
const URL_REGEX = /\b(https?:\/\/|www\.|https?:\/\/www\.)[^\s<>]{2,200}\b\/?/g;
function getAutoCompleteProperty (name, options) {
return {
'muc#roomconfig_lang': 'language',
'muc#roomconfig_roomsecret': options.new_password ? 'new-password' : 'current-password'
const logger = _.assign({
'debug': _.get(console, 'log') ? console.log.bind(console) : _.noop,
'error': _.get(console, 'log') ? console.log.bind(console) : _.noop,
'info': _.get(console, 'log') ? console.log.bind(console) : _.noop,
'warn': _.get(console, 'log') ? console.log.bind(console) : _.noop
}, console);
const XFORM_TYPE_MAP = {
'text-private': 'password',
'text-single': 'text',
'fixed': 'label',
'boolean': 'checkbox',
'hidden': 'hidden',
'jid-multi': 'textarea',
'list-single': 'dropdown',
'list-multi': 'dropdown'
function slideOutWrapup (el) {
/* Wrapup function for slideOut. */
el.style.overflow = "";
el.style.height = "";
const isImage = function (url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var img = new Image();
var timer = window.setTimeout(function () {
reject(new Error("Could not determine whether it's an image"));
img = null;
}, 3000);
img.onerror = img.onabort = function () {
reject(new Error("Could not determine whether it's an image"));
img.onload = function () {
img.src = url;
u.isAudioURL = function (url) {
if (!(url instanceof URI)) {
url = new URI(url);
const filename = url.filename().toLowerCase();
if (url.protocol().toLowerCase() !== "https") {
return false;
return filename.endsWith('.ogg') || filename.endsWith('.mp3') || filename.endsWith('.m4a');
u.isImageURL = function (url) {
if (!(url instanceof URI)) {
url = new URI(url);
const filename = url.filename().toLowerCase();
if (window.location.protocol === 'https:' && url.protocol().toLowerCase() !== "https") {
return false;
return filename.endsWith('.jpg') || filename.endsWith('.jpeg') ||
filename.endsWith('.png') || filename.endsWith('.gif') ||
filename.endsWith('.bmp') || filename.endsWith('.tiff') ||
u.isVideoURL = function (url) {
if (!(url instanceof URI)) {
url = new URI(url);
const filename = url.filename().toLowerCase();
if (url.protocol().toLowerCase() !== "https") {
return false;
return filename.endsWith('.mp4') || filename.endsWith('.webm');
u.renderAudioURL = function (_converse, url) {
const uri = new URI(url);
if (u.isAudioURL(uri)) {
const { __ } = _converse;
return tpl_audio({
'url': url,
'label_download': __('Download audio file "%1$s"', decodeURI(uri.filename()))
return url;
u.renderFileURL = function (_converse, url) {
const uri = new URI(url);
if (u.isImageURL(uri) || u.isVideoURL(uri) || u.isAudioURL(uri)) {
return url;
const { __ } = _converse,
filename = uri.filename();
return tpl_file({
'url': url,
'label_download': __('Download file "%1$s"', decodeURI(filename))
u.renderImageURL = function (_converse, url) {
if (!_converse.show_images_inline) {
return u.addHyperlinks(url);
const uri = new URI(url);
if (u.isImageURL(uri)) {
const { __ } = _converse;
return tpl_image({
'url': url,
'label_download': __('Download image "%1$s"', decodeURI(uri.filename()))
return url;
u.renderImageURLs = function (_converse, el) {
/* Returns a Promise which resolves once all images have been loaded.
if (!_converse.show_images_inline) {
return Promise.resolve();
const { __ } = _converse;
const list = el.textContent.match(URL_REGEX) || [];
return Promise.all(
_.map(list, url =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (u.isImageURL(url)) {
return isImage(url).then(img => {
const i = new Image();
i.src = img.src;
i.addEventListener('load', resolve);
// We also resolve for non-images, otherwise the
// Promise.all resolves prematurely.
i.addEventListener('error', resolve);
const { __ } = _converse;
_.each(sizzle(`a[href="${url}"]`, el), (a) => {
a.outerHTML= tpl_image({
'url': url,
'label_download': __('Download')
} else {
return resolve();
u.renderMovieURL = function (_converse, url) {
const uri = new URI(url);
if (u.isVideoURL(uri)) {
const { __ } = _converse;
return tpl_video({
'url': url,
'label_download': __('Download video file "%1$s"', decodeURI(uri.filename()))
return url;
u.renderNewLines = function (text) {
return text.replace(/\n\n+/g, '<br/><br/>').replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
u.calculateElementHeight = function (el) {
/* Return the height of the passed in DOM element,
* based on the heights of its children.
return _.reduce(
(result, child) => result + child.offsetHeight, 0
u.getNextElement = function (el, selector='*') {
let next_el = el.nextElementSibling;
while (!_.isNull(next_el) && !sizzle.matchesSelector(next_el, selector)) {
next_el = next_el.nextElementSibling;
return next_el;
u.getPreviousElement = function (el, selector='*') {
let prev_el = el.previousSibling;
while (!_.isNull(prev_el) && !sizzle.matchesSelector(prev_el, selector)) {
prev_el = prev_el.previousSibling
return prev_el;
u.getFirstChildElement = function (el, selector='*') {
let first_el = el.firstElementChild;
while (!_.isNull(first_el) && !sizzle.matchesSelector(first_el, selector)) {
first_el = first_el.nextSibling
return first_el;
u.getLastChildElement = function (el, selector='*') {
let last_el = el.lastElementChild;
while (!_.isNull(last_el) && !sizzle.matchesSelector(last_el, selector)) {
last_el = last_el.previousSibling
return last_el;
u.hasClass = function (className, el) {
return Array.from(el.classList).includes(className);
u.addClass = function (className, el) {
if (el instanceof Element) {
u.removeClass = function (className, el) {
if (el instanceof Element) {
return el;
u.removeElement = function (el) {
if (!_.isNil(el) && !_.isNil(el.parentNode)) {
u.showElement = _.flow(
_.partial(u.removeClass, 'collapsed'),
_.partial(u.removeClass, 'hidden')
u.hideElement = function (el) {
if (!_.isNil(el)) {
return el;
u.ancestor = function (el, selector) {
let parent = el;
while (!_.isNil(parent) && !sizzle.matchesSelector(parent, selector)) {
parent = parent.parentElement;
return parent;
u.nextUntil = function (el, selector, include_self=false) {
/* Return the element's siblings until one matches the selector. */
const matches = [];
let sibling_el = el.nextElementSibling;
while (!_.isNil(sibling_el) && !sibling_el.matches(selector)) {
sibling_el = sibling_el.nextElementSibling;
return matches;
* Helper method that replace HTML-escaped symbols with equivalent characters
* (e.g. transform occurrences of '&amp;' to '&')
* @private
* @method u#unescapeHTML
* @param { String } string - a String containing the HTML-escaped symbols.
u.unescapeHTML = function (string) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = string;
return div.innerText;
u.escapeHTML = function (string) {
return string
.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
u.addMentionsMarkup = function (text, references, chatbox) {
if (chatbox.get('message_type') !== 'groupchat') {
return text;
const nick = chatbox.get('nick');
.sort((a, b) => b.begin - a.begin)
.forEach(ref => {
const mention = text.slice(ref.begin, ref.end)
if (mention === nick) {
text = text.slice(0, ref.begin) + `<span class="mention mention--self badge badge-info">${mention}</span>` + text.slice(ref.end);
} else {
text = text.slice(0, ref.begin) + `<span class="mention">${mention}</span>` + text.slice(ref.end);
return text;
u.addHyperlinks = function (text) {
return URI.withinString(text, url => {
const uri = new URI(url);
url = uri.normalize()._string;
const pretty_url = uri._parts.urn ? url : uri.readable();
if (!uri._parts.protocol && !url.startsWith('http://') && !url.startsWith('https://')) {
url = 'http://' + url;
if (uri._parts.protocol === 'xmpp' && uri._parts.query === 'join') {
return `<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="open-chatroom" href="${url}">${u.escapeHTML(pretty_url)}</a>`;
return `<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="${url}">${u.escapeHTML(pretty_url)}</a>`;
}, {
'start': /\b(?:([a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:\/\/)|xmpp:|mailto:|www\.)/gi
u.slideInAllElements = function (elements, duration=300) {
return Promise.all(
_.partial(u.slideIn, _, duration)
u.slideToggleElement = function (el, duration) {
if (_.includes(el.classList, 'collapsed') ||
_.includes(el.classList, 'hidden')) {
return u.slideOut(el, duration);
} else {
return u.slideIn(el, duration);
* Shows/expands an element by sliding it out of itself
* @private
* @method u#slideOut
* @param { HTMLElement } el - The HTML string
* @param { Number } duration - The duration amount in milliseconds
u.slideOut = function (el, duration=200) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (_.isNil(el)) {
const err = "Undefined or null element passed into slideOut"
reject(new Error(err));
const marker = el.getAttribute('data-slider-marker');
if (marker) {
const end_height = u.calculateElementHeight(el);
if (window.converse_disable_effects) { // Effects are disabled (for tests)
el.style.height = end_height + 'px';
if (!u.hasClass('collapsed', el) && !u.hasClass('hidden', el)) {
const steps = duration/17; // We assume 17ms per animation which is ~60FPS
let height = 0;
function draw () {
height += end_height/steps;
if (height < end_height) {
el.style.height = height + 'px';
} else {
// We recalculate the height to work around an apparent
// browser bug where browsers don't know the correct
// offsetHeight beforehand.
el.style.height = u.calculateElementHeight(el) + 'px';
el.style.overflow = "";
el.style.height = "";
el.style.height = '0';
el.style.overflow = 'hidden';
u.slideIn = function (el, duration=200) {
/* Hides/collapses an element by sliding it into itself. */
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (_.isNil(el)) {
const err = "Undefined or null element passed into slideIn";
return reject(new Error(err));
} else if (_.includes(el.classList, 'collapsed')) {
return resolve(el);
} else if (window.converse_disable_effects) { // Effects are disabled (for tests)
el.style.height = "";
return resolve(el);
const marker = el.getAttribute('data-slider-marker');
if (marker) {
const original_height = el.offsetHeight,
steps = duration/17; // We assume 17ms per animation which is ~60FPS
let height = original_height;
el.style.overflow = 'hidden';
function draw () {
height -= original_height/steps;
if (height > 0) {
el.style.height = height + 'px';
} else {
el.style.height = "";
function afterAnimationEnds (el, callback) {
if (_.isFunction(callback)) {
u.isVisible = function (el) {
if (u.hasClass('hidden', el)) {
return false;
// XXX: Taken from jQuery's "visible" implementation
return el.offsetWidth > 0 || el.offsetHeight > 0 || el.getClientRects().length > 0;
u.fadeIn = function (el, callback) {
if (_.isNil(el)) {
logger.warn("Undefined or null element passed into fadeIn");
if (window.converse_disable_effects) {
return afterAnimationEnds(el, callback);
if (_.includes(el.classList, 'hidden')) {
el.addEventListener("webkitAnimationEnd", _.partial(afterAnimationEnds, el, callback));
el.addEventListener("animationend", _.partial(afterAnimationEnds, el, callback));
el.addEventListener("oanimationend", _.partial(afterAnimationEnds, el, callback));
} else {
afterAnimationEnds(el, callback);
* Takes a field in XMPP XForm (XEP-004: Data Forms) format
* and turns it into an HTML field.
* Returns either text or a DOM element (which is not ideal, but fine for now).
* @private
* @method u#xForm2webForm
* @param { XMLElement } field - the field to convert
u.xForm2webForm = function (field, stanza, options) {
if (field.getAttribute('type') === 'list-single' ||
field.getAttribute('type') === 'list-multi') {
const values = _.map(
u.queryChildren(field, 'value'),
_.partial(_.get, _, 'textContent')
const options = _.map(
u.queryChildren(field, 'option'),
function (option) {
const value = _.get(option.querySelector('value'), 'textContent');
return tpl_select_option({
'value': value,
'label': option.getAttribute('label'),
'selected': _.includes(values, value),
'required': !_.isNil(field.querySelector('required'))
return tpl_form_select({
'id': u.getUniqueId(),
'name': field.getAttribute('var'),
'label': field.getAttribute('label'),
'options': options.join(''),
'multiple': (field.getAttribute('type') === 'list-multi'),
'required': !_.isNil(field.querySelector('required'))
} else if (field.getAttribute('type') === 'fixed') {
const text = _.get(field.querySelector('value'), 'textContent');
return '<p class="form-help">'+text+'</p>';
} else if (field.getAttribute('type') === 'jid-multi') {
return tpl_form_textarea({
'name': field.getAttribute('var'),
'label': field.getAttribute('label') || '',
'value': _.get(field.querySelector('value'), 'textContent'),
'required': !_.isNil(field.querySelector('required'))
} else if (field.getAttribute('type') === 'boolean') {
return tpl_form_checkbox({
'id': u.getUniqueId(),
'name': field.getAttribute('var'),
'label': field.getAttribute('label') || '',
'checked': _.get(field.querySelector('value'), 'textContent') === "1" && 'checked="1"' || '',
'required': !_.isNil(field.querySelector('required'))
} else if (field.getAttribute('var') === 'url') {
return tpl_form_url({
'label': field.getAttribute('label') || '',
'value': _.get(field.querySelector('value'), 'textContent')
} else if (field.getAttribute('var') === 'username') {
return tpl_form_username({
'domain': ' @'+options.domain,
'name': field.getAttribute('var'),
'type': XFORM_TYPE_MAP[field.getAttribute('type')],
'label': field.getAttribute('label') || '',
'value': _.get(field.querySelector('value'), 'textContent'),
'required': !_.isNil(field.querySelector('required'))
} else if (field.getAttribute('var') === 'ocr') { // Captcha
const uri = field.querySelector('uri');
const el = sizzle('data[cid="'+uri.textContent.replace(/^cid:/, '')+'"]', stanza)[0];
return tpl_form_captcha({
'label': field.getAttribute('label'),
'name': field.getAttribute('var'),
'data': _.get(el, 'textContent'),
'type': uri.getAttribute('type'),
'required': !_.isNil(field.querySelector('required'))
} else {
const name = field.getAttribute('var');
return tpl_form_input({
'id': u.getUniqueId(),
'label': field.getAttribute('label') || '',
'name': name,
'fixed_username': options.fixed_username,
'autocomplete': getAutoCompleteProperty(name, options),
'placeholder': null,
'required': !_.isNil(field.querySelector('required')),
'type': XFORM_TYPE_MAP[field.getAttribute('type')],
'value': _.get(field.querySelector('value'), 'textContent')
export default u;