2012-07-01 12:05:37 +02:00

135 lines
4.7 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>store.js test</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { margin: 50px; font-family: helvetica; color: #333; }
div { color: green; }
#errorOutput div { color: red; }
<script src="json.js"></script>
<script src="store.js"></script>
tests for <a href="http://github.com/marcuswestin/store.js">store.js</a>
<div id="errorOutput"></div>
(function() {
var doc = document,
errorOutput = doc.getElementById('errorOutput'),
testFailed = false,
isSecondPass = (doc.location.hash == '#secondPass')
function outputError(msg) { errorOutput.appendChild(doc.createElement('div')).innerHTML = msg }
function assert(truthy, msg) {
if (!truthy) {
outputError((isSecondPass ? 'second' : 'first') + ' pass bad assert: ' + msg);
if (store.disabled) { outputError('<br>Note that store.disabled == true') }
testFailed = true
function doFirstPass() {
store.set('foo', 'bar')
assert(store.get('foo') == 'bar', "stored key 'foo' not equal to stored value 'bar'")
assert(store.get('foo') == null, "removed key 'foo' not null")
store.set('foo', 'bar1')
store.set('foo', 'bar2')
assert(store.get('foo') == 'bar2', "key 'foo' is not equal to second value set 'bar2'")
store.set('foo', 'bar')
store.set('bar', 'foo')
assert(store.get('bar') == 'foo', "removing key 'foo' also removed key 'bar'")
store.set('foo', 'bar')
store.set('bar', 'foo')
assert(store.get('foo') == null && store.get('bar') == null, "keys foo and bar not cleared after store cleared")
store.transact('foosact', function(val) {
assert(typeof val == 'object', "new key is not an object at beginning of transaction")
val.foo = 'foo'
store.transact('foosact', function(val) {
assert(val.foo == 'foo', "first transaction did not register")
val.bar = 'bar'
assert(store.get('foosact').bar == 'bar', "second transaction did not register")
store.set('foo', { name: 'marcus', arr: [1,2,3] })
assert(typeof store.get('foo') == 'object', "type of stored object 'foo' is not 'object'")
assert(store.get('foo') instanceof Object, "stored object 'foo' is not an instance of Object")
assert(store.get('foo').name == 'marcus', "property 'name' of stored object 'foo' is not 'marcus'")
assert(store.get('foo').arr instanceof Array, "Array property 'arr' of stored object 'foo' is not an instance of Array")
assert(store.get('foo').arr.length == 3, "The length of Array property 'arr' stored on object 'foo' is not 3")
assert(store.enabled = !store.disabled, "Store.enabled is not the reverse of .disabled");
var circularOne = {}
var circularTwo = { one:circularOne }
circularOne.two = circularTwo
var threw = false
try { store.set('circularReference', circularOne) }
catch(e) { threw = true }
assert(threw, "storing object with circular reference did not throw")
assert(!store.get('circularReference'), "attempting to store object with circular reference which should have faile affected store state")
// The following stored values get tested in doSecondPass after a page reload
store.set('firstPassFoo', 'bar')
store.set('firstPassObj', { woot: true })
var all = store.getAll()
assert(all.firstPassFoo == 'bar', 'getAll gets firstPassFoo')
assert(countProperties(all) == 4, 'getAll gets all 4 values')
function doSecondPass() {
assert(store.get('firstPassFoo') == 'bar', "first pass key 'firstPassFoo' not equal to stored value 'bar'")
var all = store.getAll()
assert(all.firstPassFoo == 'bar', "getAll still gets firstPassFoo on second pass")
assert(countProperties(all) == 4, "getAll gets all 4 values")
assert(store.get('firstPassFoo') == null, "first pass key 'firstPassFoo' not null after store cleared")
var all = store.getAll()
assert(countProperties(all) == 0, "getAll returns 0 properties after store.clear() has been called")
function countProperties(obj) {
var count = 0
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { count++ }
return count
try {
if (isSecondPass) { doSecondPass() }
else { doFirstPass() }
} catch(e) {
assert(false, 'Tests should not throw: "' + JSON.stringify(e) + '"')
if (!testFailed) {
if (!isSecondPass) {
doc.location.hash = '#secondPass'
} else {
doc.location.hash = '#'
doc.body.appendChild(doc.createElement('div')).innerHTML = 'Tests passed'