Shaun Wu 9ea8653ef7 Upgrade to Webpack 3
Had to make various other changes due to incompatibilities.

- Use the new `lit` package instead of `lit-html` or `lit-element`
- Drop `haunted` since it breaks the rules by specifying `type: module`
  but then doesn't import with file extensions
- Use Sass Dart instead of node-sass (fixes #2445)
- Upgrade Karma
2021-04-30 13:50:50 +02:00

40 lines
1.3 KiB

import { html } from "lit";
import { __ } from 'i18n';
import tpl_occupant from "./occupant.js";
'offline': 'Offline',
'unavailable': 'Unavailable',
'xa': 'Extended Away',
'away': 'Away',
'dnd': 'Do not disturb',
'chat': 'Chattty',
'online': 'Online'
export default (o) => {
const i18n_occupant_hint = (occupant) => __('Click to mention %1$s in your message.', occupant.get('nick'))
const i18n_participants = __('Participants');
const occupant_tpls = o.occupants.map(occupant => {
return tpl_occupant(Object.assign({
'jid': '',
'hint_show': PRETTY_CHAT_STATUS[occupant.get('show')],
'hint_occupant': i18n_occupant_hint(occupant),
'onOccupantClicked': o.onOccupantClicked
}, occupant.toJSON()));
return html`
<div class="occupants-header">
<i class="hide-occupants fa fa-times" @click=${o.closeSidebar}></i>
<div class="occupants-header--title">
<span class="occupants-heading">${i18n_participants}</span>
<div class="dragresize dragresize-occupants-left"></div>
<ul class="occupant-list">${occupant_tpls}</ul>