JC Brand abec9bc39e Fixes #2064 and move message markup into template
After some back-and-forth, I think it's still better to keep markup in
templates (instead of having them directly inside the components)
becaues it makes it easier for people to modify Converse.js (at the
expense of some developer ergonomics).
2020-06-11 15:27:45 +02:00

261 lines
10 KiB

import "./message-body.js";
import './dropdown.js';
import './message-actions.js';
import MessageVersionsModal from '../modals/message-versions.js';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import filesize from "filesize";
import tpl_chat_message from '../templates/chat_message.js';
import tpl_spinner from '../templates/spinner.js';
import { CustomElement } from './element.js';
import { __ } from '@converse/headless/i18n';
import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/converse-core";
import { html } from 'lit-element';
import { renderAvatar } from './../templates/directives/avatar';
const { Strophe } = converse.env;
const u = converse.env.utils;
const i18n_show = __('Show more');
const i18n_show_less = __('Show less');
const i18n_uploading = __('Uploading file:');
class Message extends CustomElement {
static get properties () {
return {
allow_retry: { type: Boolean },
chatview: { type: Object},
correcting: { type: Boolean },
editable: { type: Boolean },
error: { type: String },
error_text: { type: String },
from: { type: String },
has_mentions: { type: Boolean },
hats: { type: Array },
edited: { type: String },
is_delayed: { type: Boolean },
is_encrypted: { type: Boolean },
is_first_unread: { type: Boolean },
is_me_message: { type: Boolean },
is_only_emojis: { type: Boolean },
is_retracted: { type: Boolean },
is_spoiler: { type: Boolean },
is_spoiler_visible: { type: Boolean },
message_type: { type: String },
model: { type: Object },
moderated_by: { type: String },
moderation_reason: { type: String },
msgid: { type: String },
occupant_affiliation: { type: String },
occupant_role: { type: String },
oob_url: { type: String },
progress: { type: Number },
reason: { type: String },
received: { type: String },
retractable: { type: Boolean },
sender: { type: String },
show_spinner: { type: Boolean },
spoiler_hint: { type: String },
subject: { type: String },
time: { type: String },
username: { type: String }
render () {
const format = api.settings.get('time_format');
this.pretty_time = dayjs(this.time).format(format);
if (this.show_spinner) {
return tpl_spinner();
} else if (this.model.get('file') && !this.model.get('oob_url')) {
return this.renderFileProgress();
} else if (['error', 'info'].includes(this.message_type)) {
return this.renderInfoMessage();
} else {
return this.renderChatMessage();
updated () {
// XXX: This is ugly but tests rely on this event.
// For "normal" chat messages the event is fired in
// src/templates/directives/body.js
if (
this.show_spinner ||
(this.model.get('file') && !this.model.get('oob_url')) ||
(['error', 'info'].includes(this.message_type))
) {
this.model.collection?.trigger('rendered', this.model);
renderInfoMessage () {
const isodate = dayjs(this.model.get('time')).toISOString();
const i18n_retry = __('Retry');
return html`
<div class="message chat-info chat-${this.message_type}"
<div class="chat-info__message">
${ this.model.getMessageText() }
${ this.reason ? html`<q class="reason">${this.reason}</q>` : `` }
${ this.error_text ? html`<q class="reason">${this.error_text}</q>` : `` }
${ this.allow_retry ? html`<a class="retry" @click=${this.onRetryClicked}>${i18n_retry}</a>` : '' }
renderFileProgress () {
const filename = this.model.file.name;
const size = filesize(this.model.file.size);
return html`
<div class="message chat-msg">
${ renderAvatar(this.getAvatarData()) }
<div class="chat-msg__content">
<span class="chat-msg__text">${i18n_uploading} <strong>${filename}</strong>, ${size}</span>
<progress value="${this.progress}"/>
renderChatMessage () {
return tpl_chat_message(this);
shouldShowAvatar () {
return api.settings.get('show_message_avatar') && !this.is_me_message && this.type !== 'headline';
getAvatarData () {
const image_type = this.model.vcard?.get('image_type') || _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE;
const image_data = this.model.vcard?.get('image') || _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE;
const image = "data:" + image_type + ";base64," + image_data;
return {
'classes': 'chat-msg__avatar',
'height': 36,
'width': 36,
async onRetryClicked () {
this.show_spinner = true;
await this.model.error.retry();
isFollowup () {
const messages = this.model.collection.models;
const idx = messages.indexOf(this.model);
const prev_model = idx ? messages[idx-1] : null;
if (prev_model === null) {
return false;
const date = dayjs(this.time);
return this.from === prev_model.get('from') &&
!this.is_me_message &&
!prev_model.isMeCommand() &&
this.message_type !== 'info' &&
prev_model.get('type') !== 'info' &&
date.isBefore(dayjs(prev_model.get('time')).add(10, 'minutes')) &&
this.is_encrypted === prev_model.get('is_encrypted');
getExtraMessageClasses () {
const extra_classes = [
this.isFollowup() ? 'chat-msg--followup' : null,
this.is_delayed ? 'delayed' : null,
this.is_me_message ? 'chat-msg--action' : null,
this.is_retracted ? 'chat-msg--retracted' : null,
this.shouldShowAvatar() ? 'chat-msg--with-avatar' : null,
].map(c => c);
if (this.message_type === 'groupchat') {
this.occupant_role && extra_classes.push(this.occupant_role);
this.occupant_affiliation && extra_classes.push(this.occupant_affiliation);
if (this.sender === 'them' && this.has_mentions) {
this.correcting && extra_classes.push('correcting');
return extra_classes.filter(c => c).join(" ");
getRetractionText () {
if (this.message_type === 'groupchat' && this.moderated_by) {
const retracted_by_mod = this.moderated_by;
const chatbox = this.model.collection.chatbox;
if (!this.model.mod) {
this.model.mod =
chatbox.occupants.findOccupant({'jid': retracted_by_mod}) ||
chatbox.occupants.findOccupant({'nick': Strophe.getResourceFromJid(retracted_by_mod)});
const modname = this.model.mod ? this.model.mod.getDisplayName() : 'A moderator';
return __('%1$s has removed this message', modname);
} else {
return __('%1$s has removed this message', this.model.getDisplayName());
renderRetraction () {
const retraction_text = this.is_retracted ? this.getRetractionText() : null;
return html`
${ this.moderation_reason ? html`<q class="chat-msg--retracted__reason">${this.moderation_reason}</q>` : '' }
renderMessageText () {
const tpl_spoiler_hint = html`
<div class="chat-msg__spoiler-hint">
<span class="spoiler-hint">${this.spoiler_hint}</span>
<a class="badge badge-info spoiler-toggle" href="#" @click=${this.toggleSpoilerMessage}>
<i class="fa ${this.is_spoiler_visible ? 'fa-eye-slash' : 'fa-eye'}"></i>
${ this.is_spoiler_visible ? i18n_show_less : i18n_show }
return html`
${ this.is_spoiler ? tpl_spoiler_hint : '' }
${ this.subject ? html`<div class="chat-msg__subject">${this.subject}</div>` : '' }
${ this.oob_url ? html`<div class="chat-msg__media">${u.getOOBURLMarkup(_converse, this.oob_url)}</div>` : '' }
<div class="chat-msg__error">${ this.error_text || this.error }</div>
renderAvatarByline () {
return html`
${ this.hats.map(h => html`<span class="badge badge-secondary">${h.title}</span>`) }
<time timestamp="${this.time}" class="chat-msg__time">${this.pretty_time}</time>
showMessageVersionsModal (ev) {
if (this.message_versions_modal === undefined) {
this.message_versions_modal = new MessageVersionsModal({'model': this.model});
toggleSpoilerMessage (ev) {
this.model.save({'is_spoiler_visible': !this.model.get('is_spoiler_visible')});
customElements.define('converse-chat-message', Message);