JC Brand ca3c8fc10b Fixes #3007
Bugfix: Links in message become text when the message is edited
2022-08-20 11:12:59 +02:00

112 lines
4.2 KiB

import debounce from 'lodash-es/debounce.js';
import { api, converse } from '@converse/headless/core.js';
const { u } = converse.env;
export function pruneHistory (model) {
const max_history = api.settings.get('prune_messages_above');
if (max_history && typeof max_history === 'number') {
if (model.messages.length > max_history) {
const non_empty_messages = model.messages.filter((m) => !u.isEmptyMessage(m));
if (non_empty_messages.length > max_history) {
while (non_empty_messages.length > max_history) {
* Triggered once the message history has been pruned, i.e.
* once older messages have been removed to keep the
* number of messages below the value set in `prune_messages_above`.
* @event _converse#historyPruned
* @type { _converse.ChatBox | _converse.ChatRoom }
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('historyPruned', this => { ... });
api.trigger('historyPruned', model);
* Given an array of {@link MediaURLMetadata} objects and text, return an
* array of {@link MediaURL} objects.
* @param { Array<MediaURLMetadata> } arr
* @param { String } text
* @returns{ Array<MediaURL> }
export function getMediaURLs (arr, text, offset=0) {
* @typedef { Object } MediaURLData
* An object representing a URL found in a chat message
* @property { Boolean } is_audio
* @property { Boolean } is_image
* @property { Boolean } is_video
* @property { String } end
* @property { String } start
* @property { String } url
return arr.map(o => {
const start = o.start - offset;
const end = o.end - offset;
if (start < 0 || start >= text.length) {
return null;
return Object.assign({}, o, {
'url': text.substring(o.start-offset, o.end-offset),
}).filter(o => o);
* Determines whether the given attributes of an incoming message
* represent a XEP-0308 correction and, if so, handles it appropriately.
* @private
* @method _converse.ChatBox#handleCorrection
* @param { _converse.ChatBox | _converse.ChatRoom }
* @param { object } attrs - Attributes representing a received
* message, as returned by {@link parseMessage}
* @returns { _converse.Message|undefined } Returns the corrected
* message or `undefined` if not applicable.
export async function handleCorrection (model, attrs) {
if (!attrs.replace_id || !attrs.from) {
const query = (attrs.type === 'groupchat' && attrs.occupant_id)
? ({ attributes: m }) => m.msgid === attrs.replace_id && m.occupant_id == attrs.occupant_id
// eslint-disable-next-line no-eq-null
: ({ attributes: m }) => m.msgid === attrs.replace_id && m.from === attrs.from && m.occupant_id == null
const message = model.messages.models.find(query);
if (!message) {
attrs['older_versions'] = {};
return await model.createMessage(attrs); // eslint-disable-line no-return-await
const older_versions = message.get('older_versions') || {};
if ((attrs.time < message.get('time')) && message.get('edited')) {
// This is an older message which has been corrected afterwards
older_versions[attrs.time] = attrs['message'];
message.save({'older_versions': older_versions});
} else {
// This is a correction of an earlier message we already received
if (Object.keys(older_versions).length) {
older_versions[message.get('edited')] = message.getMessageText();
} else {
older_versions[message.get('time')] = message.getMessageText();
attrs = Object.assign(attrs, { older_versions });
delete attrs['msgid']; // We want to keep the msgid of the original message
delete attrs['id']; // Delete id, otherwise a new cache entry gets created
attrs['time'] = message.get('time');
return message;
export const debouncedPruneHistory = debounce(pruneHistory, 500);