2018-04-30 16:17:11 +02:00

1 line
15 KiB

{"domain":"converse","locale_data":{"converse":{"":{"domain":"converse","plural_forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 < 11 || n % 100 > 19)) ? 0 : ((n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 9 && (n % 100 < 11 || n % 100 > 19)) ? 1 : 2);","lang":"lt"},"Download":[""],"Download: \"%1$s":[""],"Download video file":[""],"Download audio file":[""],"The connection has dropped, attempting to reconnect.":["Ryšys nutrūko, bandoma prisijungti iš naujo."],"An error occurred while connecting to the chat server.":["Bandant prisijungti prie pokalbių serverio įvyko klaida."],"Your Jabber ID and/or password is incorrect. Please try again.":["Jūsų vartotojo vardas ir / arba slaptažodis yra neteisingas. Prašome, pabandyki dar kartą."],"Sorry, we could not connect to the XMPP host with domain: %1$s":["Atsiprašome, nepavyko prisijungti prie XMPP serverio su domenu: %1$s"],"The XMPP server did not offer a supported authentication mechanism":["XMPP serveris nepateikė palaikomo autentifikavimo mechanizmo"],"Sorry, there was an error while trying to add %1$s as a contact.":["Atsiprašome, bandant pridėti %1$s kaip kontaktą įvyko klaida."],"This client does not allow presence subscriptions":["Šis klientas neleidžia aktyvumo prenumeratos"],"Click to hide these contacts":["Spustelėkite, kad paslėptumėte šiuos kontaktus"],"Sorry, could not determine file upload URL.":[""],"Sorry, could not determine upload URL.":[""],"Sorry, could not succesfully upload your file.":[""],"Your server's response: \"%1$s\"":[""],"Sorry, looks like file upload is not supported by your server.":[""],"The size of your file, %1$s, exceeds the maximum allowed by your server, which is %2$s.":[""],"Close this chat box":["Uždarykite šį pokalbių laukelį"],"You have unread messages":["Jūs turite neperskaitytų pranešimų"],"Hidden message":["Paslėpta žinutė"],"Personal message":["Asmeninė žinutė"],"Send":["Siųsti"],"Optional hint":["Neprivaloma užuomina"],"Choose a file to send":[""],"Click to write as a normal (non-spoiler) message":["Spustelėkite, jei norite parašyti įprastą (neatskleidžiamą) pranešimą"],"Click to write your message as a spoiler":["Spustelėkite, jei norite parašyti pranešimą kaip atskleidėją"],"Clear all messages":["Išvalyti visus pranešimus"],"Start a call":["Pradėti skambutį"],"Typing from another device":["Rašoma iš kito įrenginio"],"is typing":["rašo"],"Stopped typing on the other device":["Nustojo rašyti kitame įrenginyje"],"has stopped typing":["nustojo rašyti"],"has gone away":["pasišalines"],"Remove messages":["Pašalinti pranešimus"],"Write in the third person":["Rašykite trečiuoju asmeniu"],"Show this menu":["Rodyti šį meniu"],"has gone offline":["atsijungė"],"is busy":["užsiėmęs"],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s":[""],"%1$s has invited you to join a chat room: %2$s, and left the following reason: \"%3$s\"":[""],"Bookmark this room":[""],"The name for this bookmark:":[""],"Would you like this room to be automatically joined upon startup?":[""],"What should your nickname for this room be?":[""],"Save":["Išsaugoti"],"Cancel":["Atšaukti"],"Are you sure you want to remove the bookmark \"%1$s\"?":[""],"Sorry, something went wrong while trying to save your bookmark.":[""],"Leave this room":[""],"Remove this bookmark":[""],"Unbookmark this room":[""],"Show more information on this room":[""],"Click to open this room":[""],"Click to toggle the bookmarks list":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"XMPP Username:":["XMPP vartotojo vardas:"],"Password:":["Slaptažodis:"],"password":["slaptažodis"],"Submit":["Pateikti"],"Click here to log in anonymously":["Spauskite čia norėdami prisijungti anonimiškai"],"This contact is busy":["Šis kontaktas užimtas"],"This contact is online":["Šis kontaktas yra prisijungęs"],"This contact is offline":["Šis kontaktas yra atsijungęs"],"This contact is unavailable":["Šis kontaktas yra nepasiekiamas"],"This contact is away for an extended period":["Šis kontaktas yra ilgai pasišalines"],"This contact is away":["Šis kontaktas yra pasišalines"],"Contacts":["Kontaktai"],"Groups":["Grupės"],"My contacts":["Mano kontaktai"],"Pending contacts":["Laukiantys kontaktai"],"Contact requests":["Prašymai pridėti prie kontaktų"],"Ungrouped":["Nesugrupuota"],"Contact name":["Kontakto vardas"],"Optional nickname":["Neprivalomas slapyvardis"],"Add a Contact":["Pridėti kontaktą"],"XMPP Address":["XMPP adresas"],"name@example.org":["vardas@pavyzdys.lt"],"Add":["Pridėti"],"Please enter a valid XMPP address":["Įveskite teisingą XMPP adresą"],"Filter":["Filtras"],"Filter by contact name":["Filtruoti pagal kontaktinį vardą"],"Filter by group name":["Filtruoti pagal grupės pavadinimą"],"Filter by status":["Filtruoti 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Profile":["Tavo profilis"],"Close":["Uždaryti"],"Custom status":["Pasirinktinis statusas"],"Away for long":["Ilgai pasišalines"],"Change chat status":["Keisti pokalbio būseną"],"Personal status message":["Asmeninis statuso pranešimas"],"I am %1$s":["Aš esu %1$s"],"Change settings":["Pakeisti nustatymus"],"Click to change your chat status":["Spustelėkite norėdami pakeisti pokalbio būseną"],"Log out":["Atsijungti"],"Your profile":["Jūsų profilis"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["Ar tikrai norite atsijungti?"],"online":["prisijungęs"],"busy":["užsiėmes"],"away for long":["ilgai pasišalines"],"away":["pasišalines"],"offline":["neprisijungęs"],"Username":["Vartotojo vardas"],"user@domain":["vartotojas@domenas"],"Chat Contacts":["Pokalbių kontaktai"],"Toggle chat":["Perjungti pokalbius"],"Minimize this chat box":[""],"Click to restore this chat":[""],"Minimized":[""],"This room is not anonymous":["Šis pokalbių kambarys nėra anonimiškas"],"This room now shows unavailable members":["Šis pokalbių kambarys dabar rodo nepasiekiamus narius"],"This room does not show unavailable members":["Šiame kambaryje nerodomi nepasiekiami nariai"],"The room configuration has changed":["Kambario konfigūracija pasikeitė"],"Room logging is now enabled":["Kambarių loginimas dabar įgalintas"],"Room logging is now disabled":["Kambarių loginimas dabar išjungtas"],"This room is now no longer anonymous":["Šis kambarys nebėra anonimiškas"],"This room is now semi-anonymous":["Šis kambarys dabar yra pusiau anonimiškas"],"This room is now fully-anonymous":["Šis kambarys dabar visiškai anonimiškas"],"A new room has been created":["Naujas kambarys buvo sukurtas"],"You have been banned from this room":["Jums buvo uždrausta prieeiga prie šio kambario"],"You have been kicked from this room":["Jūs buvote pašalintas iš šio kambario"],"You have been removed from this room because of an affiliation change":["Jūs esate pašalinti iš šio kambario dėl priklausymo pakeitimo"],"You have been removed from this room because the room has changed to members-only and you're not a member":["Jūs esate pašalinti iš šio kambario, nes kambarys pakeistas skirtas tik nariams ir jūs nesate narys"],"You have been removed from this room because the MUC (Multi-user chat) service is being shut down":["Jūs esate pašalinti iš šio kambario, nes MUC (daugiafunkcinis pokalbis) paslauga yra uždaryta"],"%1$s has been banned":["%1$s buvo užblokuotas"],"%1$s's nickname has changed":["%1$s slapyvardis buvo pakeistas"],"%1$s has been kicked out":["%1$s buvo pašalintas"],"%1$s has been removed because of an affiliation change":["%1$s buvo pašalintas dėl priklausymo pokyčių"],"%1$s has been removed for not being a member":[""],"Your nickname has been automatically set to %1$s":[""],"Your nickname has been changed to %1$s":[""],"Description:":[""],"Room Address (JID):":[""],"Occupants:":[""],"Features:":[""],"Requires authentication":[""],"Hidden":[""],"Requires an 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nickname":[""],"Grant moderator role to user":[""],"Grant ownership of this room":[""],"Revoke user's membership":[""],"Set room subject":[""],"Set room subject (alias for /subject)":[""],"Allow muted user to post messages":[""],"The nickname you chose is reserved or currently in use, please choose a different one.":[""],"Please choose your nickname":[""],"Nickname":[""],"Enter room":[""],"This chatroom requires a password":[""],"Password: ":[""],"This action was done by %1$s.":[""],"The reason given is: \"%1$s\".":[""],"%1$s has left and re-entered the room":[""],"%1$s has entered the room":[""],"%1$s has entered the room. \"%2$s\"":[""],"%1$s has entered and left the room":[""],"%1$s has entered and left the room. \"%2$s\"":[""],"%1$s has left the room":[""],"%1$s has left the room. \"%2$s\"":[""],"You are not on the member list of this room.":[""],"You have been banned from this room.":[""],"No nickname was specified.":[""],"You are not allowed to create new rooms.":[""],"Your nickname doesn't conform to this room's policies.":[""],"This room does not (yet) exist.":[""],"This room has reached its maximum number of occupants.":[""],"Topic set by %1$s":[""],"Chatrooms":[""],"Add a new room":[""],"Query for rooms":[""],"Click to mention %1$s in your message.":[""],"This user is a moderator.":[""],"This user can send messages in this room.":[""],"This user can NOT send messages in this room.":[""],"Occupants":[""],"Invite":[""],"Features":[""],"Message archiving":[""],"Members only":[""],"Open":[""],"Password protected":[""],"Persistent":[""],"Temporary":[""],"No password":[""],"This room is not publicly searchable":[""],"Messages are archived on the server":[""],"This room is restricted to members only":[""],"This room is being moderated":[""],"All other room occupants can see your XMPP username":[""],"Anyone can join this room":[""],"This room requires a password before entry":[""],"This room persists even if it's unoccupied":[""],"This room is publicly searchable":[""],"Only moderators can see your XMPP username":[""],"This room will disappear once the last person leaves":[""],"This room is not being moderated":[""],"This room does not require a password upon entry":[""],"You are about to invite %1$s to the chat room \"%2$s\". You may optionally include a message, explaining the reason for the invitation.":[""],"Please enter a valid XMPP username":[""],"Notification from %1$s":[""],"%1$s says":[""],"has come online":[""],"wants to be your contact":[""],"Re-establishing encrypted session":[""],"Generating private key.":[""],"Your browser might become unresponsive.":[""],"Authentication request from %1$s\n\nYour chat contact is attempting to verify your identity, by asking you the question below.\n\n%2$s":[""],"Could not verify this user's identify.":[""],"Exchanging private key with contact.":[""],"Your messages are not encrypted anymore":[""],"Your messages are now encrypted but your contact's identity has not been verified.":[""],"Your contact's identify has been verified.":[""],"Your contact has ended encryption on their end, you should do the same.":[""],"Your message could not be sent":[""],"We received an unencrypted message":[""],"We received an unreadable encrypted message":[""],"Here are the fingerprints, please confirm them with %1$s, outside of this chat.\n\nFingerprint for you, %2$s: %3$s\n\nFingerprint for %1$s: %4$s\n\nIf you have confirmed that the fingerprints match, click OK, otherwise click Cancel.":[""],"You will be prompted to provide a security question and then an answer to that question.\n\nYour contact will then be prompted the same question and if they type the exact same answer (case sensitive), their identity will be verified.":[""],"What is your security question?":[""],"What is the answer to the security question?":[""],"Invalid authentication scheme provided":[""],"Your messages are not encrypted. Click here to enable OTR encryption.":[""],"Your messages are encrypted, but your contact has not been verified.":[""],"Your messages are encrypted and your contact verified.":[""],"Your contact has closed their end of the private session, you should do the same":[""],"End encrypted conversation":[""],"Refresh encrypted conversation":[""],"Start encrypted conversation":[""],"Verify with fingerprints":[""],"Verify with SMP":[""],"What's this?":[""],"unencrypted":[""],"unverified":[""],"verified":[""],"finished":[""],"Don't have a chat account?":[""],"Create an account":[""],"Create your account":[""],"Please enter the XMPP provider to register with:":[""],"Already have a chat account?":[""],"Log in here":[""],"Account Registration:":[""],"Register":[""],"Choose a different provider":[""],"Hold tight, we're fetching the registration form…":[""]," e.g. conversejs.org":[""],"Fetch registration form":[""],"Tip: A list of public XMPP providers is available":[""],"here":[""],"Sorry, we're unable to connect to your chosen provider.":[""],"Sorry, the given provider does not support in band account registration. Please try with a different provider.":[""],"Something went wrong while establishing a connection with \"%1$s\". Are you sure it exists?":[""],"Now logging you in":[""],"Registered successfully":[""],"The provider rejected your registration attempt. Please check the values you entered for correctness.":[""],"Click to toggle the rooms list":[""],"Open Rooms":[""],"Are you sure you want to leave the room %1$s?":[""]}}}