JC Brand e0f0617629 Don't store the File object in browserStorage
With the recent fixes in backbone.browserStorage, the 'file' attributes
gets persisted to browserStorage before Converse tries to upload the

The File object can't actually be serialized, so an empty map gets
stored and then returned together with a 'change' event.

Instead, store the file as a direct attribute on the message object.

Fixes #1261
2018-10-24 22:59:43 +02:00

264 lines
10 KiB

// Converse.js
// https://conversejs.org
// Copyright (c) 2013-2018, the Converse.js developers
// Licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
import converse from "@converse/headless/converse-core";
import filesize from "filesize";
import html from "./utils/html";
import tpl_csn from "templates/csn.html";
import tpl_file_progress from "templates/file_progress.html";
import tpl_info from "templates/info.html";
import tpl_message from "templates/message.html";
import tpl_message_versions_modal from "templates/message_versions_modal.html";
import u from "utils/emoji";
import xss from "xss";
const { Backbone, _, moment } = converse.env;
converse.plugins.add('converse-message-view', {
initialize () {
/* The initialize function gets called as soon as the plugin is
* loaded by converse.js's plugin machinery.
const { _converse } = this,
{ __ } = _converse;
'show_images_inline': true
_converse.MessageVersionsModal = _converse.BootstrapModal.extend({
toHTML () {
return tpl_message_versions_modal(_.extend(
this.model.toJSON(), {
'__': __
_converse.MessageView = _converse.ViewWithAvatar.extend({
events: {
'click .chat-msg__edit-modal': 'showMessageVersionsModal'
initialize () {
if (this.model.vcard) {
this.model.vcard.on('change', this.render, this);
this.model.on('change', this.onChanged, this);
this.model.on('destroy', this.remove, this);
async render () {
const is_followup = u.hasClass('chat-msg--followup', this.el);
if (this.model.isOnlyChatStateNotification()) {
} else if (this.model.get('file') && !this.model.get('oob_url')) {
if (!this.model.file) {
_converse.log("Attempted to render a file upload message with no file data");
return this.el;
} else if (this.model.get('type') === 'error') {
} else {
await this.renderChatMessage();
if (is_followup) {
u.addClass('chat-msg--followup', this.el);
return this.el;
async onChanged (item) {
// Jot down whether it was edited because the `changed`
// attr gets removed when this.render() gets called further
// down.
const edited = item.changed.edited;
if (this.model.changed.progress) {
return this.renderFileUploadProgresBar();
if (_.filter(['correcting', 'message', 'type', 'upload'],
prop => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.model.changed, prop)).length) {
await this.render();
if (edited) {
onMessageEdited () {
if (this.model.get('is_archived')) {
this.el.addEventListener('animationend', () => u.removeClass('onload', this.el));
u.addClass('onload', this.el);
replaceElement (msg) {
if (!_.isNil(this.el.parentElement)) {
this.el.parentElement.replaceChild(msg, this.el);
return this.el;
async renderChatMessage () {
const is_me_message = this.isMeCommand(),
moment_time = moment(this.model.get('time')),
role = this.model.vcard ? this.model.vcard.get('role') : null,
roles = role ? role.split(',') : [];
const msg = u.stringToElement(tpl_message(
this.model.toJSON(), {
'__': __,
'is_me_message': is_me_message,
'roles': roles,
'pretty_time': moment_time.format(_converse.time_format),
'time': moment_time.format(),
'extra_classes': this.getExtraMessageClasses(),
'label_show': __('Show more'),
'username': this.model.getDisplayName()
const url = this.model.get('oob_url');
if (url) {
msg.querySelector('.chat-msg__media').innerHTML = _.flow(
_.partial(u.renderFileURL, _converse),
_.partial(u.renderMovieURL, _converse),
_.partial(u.renderAudioURL, _converse),
_.partial(u.renderImageURL, _converse))(url);
let text = this.getMessageText();
const msg_content = msg.querySelector('.chat-msg__text');
if (text && text !== url) {
if (is_me_message) {
text = text.replace(/^\/me/, '');
text = xss.filterXSS(text, {'whiteList': {}});
msg_content.innerHTML = _.flow(
_.partial(u.geoUriToHttp, _, _converse.geouri_replacement),
_.partial(u.addMentionsMarkup, _, this.model.get('references'), this.model.collection.chatbox),
_.partial(u.addEmoji, _converse, _)
const promises = [];
promises.push(u.renderImageURLs(_converse, msg_content));
if (this.model.get('type') !== 'headline') {
await Promise.all(promises);
this.model.collection.trigger('rendered', this);
renderErrorMessage () {
const moment_time = moment(this.model.get('time')),
msg = u.stringToElement(
tpl_info(_.extend(this.model.toJSON(), {
'extra_classes': 'chat-error',
'isodate': moment_time.format()
return this.replaceElement(msg);
renderChatStateNotification () {
let text;
const from = this.model.get('from'),
name = this.model.getDisplayName();
if (this.model.get('chat_state') === _converse.COMPOSING) {
if (this.model.get('sender') === 'me') {
text = __('Typing from another device');
} else {
text = __('%1$s is typing', name);
} else if (this.model.get('chat_state') === _converse.PAUSED) {
if (this.model.get('sender') === 'me') {
text = __('Stopped typing on the other device');
} else {
text = __('%1$s has stopped typing', name);
} else if (this.model.get('chat_state') === _converse.GONE) {
text = __('%1$s has gone away', name);
} else {
const isodate = moment().format();
'message': text,
'from': from,
'isodate': isodate
renderFileUploadProgresBar () {
const msg = u.stringToElement(tpl_file_progress(
_.extend(this.model.toJSON(), {
'filesize': filesize(this.model.file.size),
showMessageVersionsModal (ev) {
if (_.isUndefined(this.model.message_versions_modal)) {
this.model.message_versions_modal = new _converse.MessageVersionsModal({'model': this.model});
getMessageText () {
if (this.model.get('is_encrypted')) {
return this.model.get('plaintext') ||
(_converse.debug ? __('Unencryptable OMEMO message') : null);
return this.model.get('message');
isMeCommand () {
const text = this.getMessageText();
if (!text) {
return false;
const match = text.match(/^\/(.*?)(?: (.*))?$/);
return match && match[1] === 'me';
processMessageText () {
var text = this.get('message');
text = u.geoUriToHttp(text, _converse.geouri_replacement);
getExtraMessageClasses () {
let extra_classes = this.model.get('is_delayed') && 'delayed' || '';
if (this.model.get('type') === 'groupchat' && this.model.get('sender') === 'them') {
if (this.model.collection.chatbox.isUserMentioned(this.model)) {
// Add special class to mark groupchat messages
// in which we are mentioned.
extra_classes += ' mentioned';
if (this.model.get('correcting')) {
extra_classes += ' correcting';
return extra_classes;