JC Brand f9650f33be Add support for XEP-0393 message styling
Fixes #1083

Directives are rendered as templates and their bodies are MessageText instances.
We thereby achieve the necessary nesting of directives (and other rich
elements inside directives) by letting each directive
body render itself similarly to how the whole message body is rendered.
2020-11-24 16:06:48 +01:00

268 lines
10 KiB

import URI from 'urijs';
import log from '@converse/headless/log';
import { _converse, api, converse } from '@converse/headless/converse-core';
import { convertASCII2Emoji } from '@converse/headless/converse-emoji.js';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { containsDirectives, getDirectiveAndLength, getDirectiveTemplate, isQuoteDirective } from './styling.js';
import { getCodePointReferences, getEmojiMarkup, getShortnameReferences } from '../../headless/converse-emoji.js';
const u = converse.env.utils;
const isString = (s) => typeof s === 'string';
const tpl_mention_with_nick = (o) => html`<span class="mention mention--self badge badge-info">${o.mention}</span>`;
const tpl_mention = (o) => html`<span class="mention">${o.mention}</span>`;
* @class MessageText
* A String subclass that is used to represent the rich text
* of a chat message.
* The "rich" parts of the text is represented by lit-html TemplateResult
* objects which are added via the {@link MessageText.addTemplateResult}
* method and saved as metadata.
* By default Converse adds TemplateResults to support emojis, hyperlinks,
* images, map URIs and mentions.
* 3rd party plugins can listen for the `beforeMessageBodyTransformed`
* and/or `afterMessageBodyTransformed` events and then call
* `addTemplateResult` on the MessageText instance in order to add their own
* rich features.
export class MessageText extends String {
* Create a new {@link MessageText} instance.
* @param { String } text - The plain text that was received from the `<message>` stanza.
* @param { Message } model
* @param { Integer } offset - The offset of this particular piece of text
* from the start of the original message text. This is necessary because
* MessageText instances can be nested when templates call directives
* which create new MessageText instances (as happens with XEP-393 styling directives).
* @param { Boolean } show_images - Whether image URLs should be rendered as <img> tags.
* @param { Function } onImgLoad
* @param { Function } onImgClick
constructor (text, model, offset=0, show_images, onImgLoad, onImgClick) {
this.model = model;
this.offset = offset;
this.onImgClick = onImgClick;
this.onImgLoad = onImgLoad;
this.references = [];
this.show_images = show_images;
this.payload = [];
addHyperlinks (text) {
const objs = [];
try {
const parse_options = { 'start': /\b(?:([a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:\/\/)|xmpp:|mailto:|www\.)/gi };
URI.withinString(text, (url, start, end) => {
objs.push({url, start, end})
return url;
} , parse_options);
} catch (error) {
objs.forEach(url_obj => {
const url_text = text.slice(url_obj.start, url_obj.end);
const filtered_url = u.filterQueryParamsFromURL(url_text);
this.show_images && u.isImageURL(url_text) && u.isImageDomainAllowed(url_text) ?
u.convertToImageTag(filtered_url, this.onImgLoad, this.onImgClick) :
addMapURLs (text) {
const regex = /geo:([\-0-9.]+),([\-0-9.]+)(?:,([\-0-9.]+))?(?:\?(.*))?/g;
const matches = text.matchAll(regex);
for (const m of matches) {
u.convertUrlToHyperlink(m.input.replace(regex, _converse.geouri_replacement))
async addEmojis (text) {
await api.emojis.initialize();
const references = [...getShortnameReferences(text.toString()), ...getCodePointReferences(text.toString())];
references.forEach(e => {
getEmojiMarkup(e, {'add_title_wrapper': true})
addMentionReferences (text, offset) {
if (!this.model.collection) {
// This model doesn't belong to a collection anymore, so it must be
// have been removed in the meantime and can be ignored.
log.debug('addMentionReferences: ignoring dangling model');
const nick = this.model.collection.chatbox.get('nick');
this.model.get('references')?.forEach(ref => {
const begin = Number(ref.begin)-offset;
if (begin >= text.length) {
const end = Number(ref.end)-offset;
const mention = text.slice(begin, end);
if (mention === nick) {
this.addTemplateResult(begin, end, tpl_mention_with_nick({mention}));
} else {
this.addTemplateResult(begin, end, tpl_mention({mention}));
addStylingReferences () {
if (this.model.get('is_unstyled') || !api.settings.get('allow_message_styling')) {
let i = 0;
const references = [];
if (containsDirectives(this)) {
while (i < this.length) {
const { d, length } = getDirectiveAndLength(this, i);
if (d && length) {
const begin = d === '```' ? i+d.length+1 : i+d.length;
const end = i+length;
const slice_end = isQuoteDirective(d) ? end : end-d.length;
'begin': i,
'template': getDirectiveTemplate(d, this.slice(begin, slice_end), this.model, i+d.length),
i = end;
references.forEach(ref => this.addTemplateResult(ref.begin, ref.end, ref.template));
trimMeMessage () {
if (this.offset === 0) {
// Subtract `/me ` from 3rd person messages
if (this.isMeCommand()) {
this.payload[0] = this.payload[0].substring(4);
* Parse the text and add template references for rendering the "rich" parts.
* @param { MessageText } text
* @param { Boolean } show_images - Should URLs of images be rendered as `<img>` tags?
* @param { Function } onImgLoad
* @param { Function } onImgClick
async addTemplates() {
* Synchronous event which provides a hook for transforming a chat message's body text
* before the default transformations have been applied.
* @event _converse#beforeMessageBodyTransformed
* @param { _converse.Message } model - The model representing the message
* @param { MessageText } text - A {@link MessageText } instance. You
* can call {@link MessageText#addTemplateResult } on it in order to
* add TemplateResult objects meant to render rich parts of the
* message.
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('beforeMessageBodyTransformed', (view, text) => { ... });
await api.trigger('beforeMessageBodyTransformed', this, {'Synchronous': true});
const payload = this.marshall();
let offset = this.offset;
for (const text of payload) {
if (isString(text)) {
await this.addEmojis(text);
this.addMentionReferences(text, offset);
offset += text.length;
} else {
offset += text.begin;
* Synchronous event which provides a hook for transforming a chat message's body text
* after the default transformations have been applied.
* @event _converse#afterMessageBodyTransformed
* @param { _converse.Message } model - The model representing the message
* @param { MessageText } text - A {@link MessageText } instance. You
* can call {@link MessageText#addTemplateResult} on it in order to
* add TemplateResult objects meant to render rich parts of the
* message.
* @example _converse.api.listen.on('afterMessageBodyTransformed', (view, text) => { ... });
await api.trigger('afterMessageBodyTransformed', this, {'Synchronous': true});
this.payload = this.marshall();
this.payload = this.payload.map(item => isString(item) ? item : item.template);
* The "rich" markup parts of a chat message are represented by lit-html
* TemplateResult objects.
* This method can be used to add new template results to this message's
* text.
* @method MessageText.addTemplateResult
* @param { Number } begin - The starting index of the plain message text
* which is being replaced with markup.
* @param { Number } end - The ending index of the plain message text
* which is being replaced with markup.
* @param { Object } template - The lit-html TemplateResult instance
addTemplateResult (begin, end, template) {
this.references.push({begin, end, template});
isMeCommand () {
const text = this.toString();
if (!text) {
return false;
return text.startsWith('/me ');
static replaceText (text) {
return convertASCII2Emoji(text.replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n'));
marshall () {
let list = [this.toString()];
.sort((a, b) => b.begin - a.begin)
.forEach(ref => {
const text = list.shift();
list = [
text.slice(0, ref.begin),
return list.reduce((acc, i) => isString(i) ? [...acc, MessageText.replaceText(i)] : [...acc, i], []);