JC Brand 2c042cc3fa Fixes #2184: Headless build relies on locale directory
Removed Jed from the headless build and instead let `__` call sprintf.

It's now up to downstream users for `@converse/headless` to decide
whether they want i18n support for the few translatable strings in that package
and to implement it themselves.
2020-09-10 08:55:38 +02:00

90 lines
6.2 KiB

import { __ } from '../i18n';
import { html } from "lit-html";
import { modal_close_button, modal_header_close_button } from "./buttons"
import { unsafeHTML } from 'lit-html/directives/unsafe-html.js';
import xss from "xss/dist/xss";
const subject = (o) => {
const i18n_topic = __('Topic');
const i18n_topic_author = __('Topic author');
return html`
<p class="room-info"><strong>${i18n_topic}</strong>: ${unsafeHTML(xss.filterXSS(o.subject.text, {'whiteList': {}}))}</p>
<p class="room-info"><strong>${i18n_topic_author}</strong>: ${o.subject && o.subject.author}</p>
export default (o) => {
const i18n_address = __('Groupchat address (JID)');
const i18n_archiving = __('Message archiving');
const i18n_archiving_help = __('Messages are archived on the server');
const i18n_desc = __('Description');
const i18n_features = __('Features');
const i18n_hidden = __('Hidden');
const i18n_hidden_help = __('This groupchat is not publicly searchable');
const i18n_members_help = __('This groupchat is restricted to members only');
const i18n_members_only = __('Members only');
const i18n_moderated = __('Moderated');
const i18n_moderated_help = __('Participants entering this groupchat need to request permission to write');
const i18n_name = __('Name');
const i18n_no_pass_help = __('This groupchat does not require a password upon entry');
const i18n_no_password_required = __('No password required');
const i18n_not_anonymous = __('Not anonymous');
const i18n_not_anonymous_help = __('All other groupchat participants can see your XMPP address');
const i18n_not_moderated = __('Not moderated');
const i18n_not_moderated_help = __('Participants entering this groupchat can write right away');
const i18n_online_users = __('Online users');
const i18n_open = __('Open');
const i18n_open_help = __('Anyone can join this groupchat');
const i18n_password_help = __('This groupchat requires a password before entry');
const i18n_password_protected = __('Password protected');
const i18n_persistent = __('Persistent');
const i18n_persistent_help = __('This groupchat persists even if it\'s unoccupied');
const i18n_public = __('Public');
const i18n_semi_anon = __('Semi-anonymous');
const i18n_semi_anon_help = __('Only moderators can see your XMPP address');
const i18n_temporary = __('Temporary');
const i18n_temporary_help = __('This groupchat will disappear once the last person leaves');
return html`
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h5 class="modal-title" id="room-details-modal-label">${o.display_name}</h5>
<div class="modal-body">
<span class="modal-alert"></span>
<div class="room-info">
<p class="room-info"><strong>${i18n_name}</strong>: ${o.name}</p>
<p class="room-info"><strong>${i18n_address}</strong>: ${o.jid}</p>
<p class="room-info"><strong>${i18n_desc}</strong>: ${o.config.description}</p>
${ (o.subject) ? subject(o) : '' }
<p class="room-info"><strong>${i18n_online_users}</strong>: ${o.num_occupants}</p>
<p class="room-info"><strong>${i18n_features}</strong>:
<div class="chatroom-features">
<ul class="features-list">
${ o.features.passwordprotected ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-lock"></span>${i18n_password_protected} - <em>${i18n_password_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.unsecured ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-unlock"></span>${i18n_no_password_required} - <em>${i18n_no_pass_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.hidden ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-eye-slash"></span>${i18n_hidden} - <em>${i18n_hidden_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.public_room ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-eye"></span>${i18n_public} - <em>${o.__('This groupchat is publicly searchable') }</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.membersonly ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-address-book"></span>${i18n_members_only} - <em>${i18n_members_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.open ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-globe"></span>${i18n_open} - <em>${i18n_open_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.persistent ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-save"></span>${i18n_persistent} - <em>${i18n_persistent_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.temporary ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-snowflake-o"></span>${i18n_temporary} - <em>${i18n_temporary_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.nonanonymous ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-id-card"></span>${i18n_not_anonymous} - <em>${i18n_not_anonymous_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.semianonymous ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-user-secret"></span>${i18n_semi_anon} - <em>${i18n_semi_anon_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.moderated ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-gavel"></span>${i18n_moderated} - <em>${i18n_moderated_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.unmoderated ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-info-circle"></span>${i18n_not_moderated} - <em>${i18n_not_moderated_help}</em></li>` : '' }
${ o.features.mam_enabled ? html`<li class="feature" ><span class="fa fa-database"></span>${i18n_archiving} - <em>${i18n_archiving_help}</em></li>` : '' }
<div class="modal-footer">${modal_close_button}</div>