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2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
%%% File : mod_conversejs.erl
%%% Author : Alexey Shchepin <alexey@process-one.net>
%%% Purpose : Serve simple page for Converse.js XMPP web browser client
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
%%% Created : 8 Nov 2021 by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@process-one.net>
2024-01-22 16:40:01 +01:00
%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2024 ProcessOne
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% General Public License for more details.
%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, process/2, depends/2,
mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, mod_doc/0]).
start(_Host, _Opts) ->
stop(_Host) ->
reload(_Host, _NewOpts, _OldOpts) ->
depends(_Host, _Opts) ->
process([], #request{method = 'GET', host = Host, raw_path = RawPath}) ->
ExtraOptions = get_auth_options(Host)
++ get_register_options(Host)
++ get_extra_options(Host),
DomainRaw = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, default_domain),
Domain = misc:expand_keyword(<<"@HOST@">>, DomainRaw, Host),
Script = get_file_url(Host, conversejs_script,
<<RawPath/binary, "/converse.min.js">>,
CSS = get_file_url(Host, conversejs_css,
<<RawPath/binary, "/converse.min.css">>,
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
Init = [{<<"discover_connection_methods">>, false},
{<<"default_domain">>, Domain},
{<<"domain_placeholder">>, Domain},
{<<"registration_domain">>, Domain},
{<<"assets_path">>, RawPath},
{<<"view_mode">>, <<"fullscreen">>}
| ExtraOptions],
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
Init2 =
2022-03-31 21:01:48 +02:00
case mod_host_meta:get_url(?MODULE, websocket, any, Host) of
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
undefined -> Init;
WSURL -> [{<<"websocket_url">>, WSURL} | Init]
Init3 =
2022-03-31 21:01:48 +02:00
case mod_host_meta:get_url(?MODULE, bosh, any, Host) of
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
undefined -> Init2;
BoshURL -> [{<<"bosh_service_url">>, BoshURL} | Init2]
{200, [html],
[<<"<!DOCTYPE html>">>,
<<"<meta charset='utf-8'>">>,
<<"<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='">>,
fxml:crypt(CSS), <<"'>">>,
<<"<script src='">>, fxml:crypt(Script), <<"' charset='utf-8'></script>">>,
<<"converse.initialize(">>, jiffy:encode({Init3}), <<");">>,
process(LocalPath, #request{host = Host}) ->
case is_served_file(LocalPath) of
true -> serve(Host, LocalPath);
false -> ejabberd_web:error(not_found)
%% File server
is_served_file([<<"converse.min.js">>]) -> true;
is_served_file([<<"converse.min.css">>]) -> true;
is_served_file([<<"converse.min.js.map">>]) -> true;
is_served_file([<<"converse.min.css.map">>]) -> true;
is_served_file([<<"emojis.js">>]) -> true;
is_served_file([<<"locales">>, _]) -> true;
is_served_file([<<"locales">>, <<"dayjs">>, _]) -> true;
is_served_file([<<"webfonts">>, _]) -> true;
is_served_file(_) -> false.
serve(Host, LocalPath) ->
case get_conversejs_resources(Host) of
undefined ->
Path = str:join(LocalPath, <<"/">>),
{303, [{<<"Location">>, <<"https://cdn.conversejs.org/dist/", Path/binary>>}], <<>>};
MainPath -> serve2(LocalPath, MainPath)
get_conversejs_resources(Host) ->
Opts = gen_mod:get_module_opts(Host, ?MODULE),
%% Copied from mod_muc_log_http.erl
serve2(LocalPathBin, MainPathBin) ->
LocalPath = [binary_to_list(LPB) || LPB <- LocalPathBin],
MainPath = binary_to_list(MainPathBin),
FileName = filename:join(filename:split(MainPath) ++ LocalPath),
case file:read_file(FileName) of
{ok, FileContents} ->
?DEBUG("Delivering content.", []),
[{<<"Content-Type">>, content_type(FileName)}],
{error, eisdir} ->
{403, [], "Forbidden"};
{error, Error} ->
?DEBUG("Delivering error: ~p", [Error]),
case Error of
eacces -> {403, [], "Forbidden"};
enoent -> {404, [], "Not found"};
_Else -> {404, [], atom_to_list(Error)}
content_type(Filename) ->
case string:to_lower(filename:extension(Filename)) of
".css" -> "text/css";
".js" -> "text/javascript";
".map" -> "application/json";
".ttf" -> "font/ttf";
".woff" -> "font/woff";
".woff2" -> "font/woff2"
%% Options parsing
get_auth_options(Domain) ->
case {ejabberd_auth_anonymous:is_login_anonymous_enabled(Domain),
ejabberd_auth_anonymous:is_sasl_anonymous_enabled(Domain)} of
{false, false} ->
[{<<"authentication">>, <<"login">>}];
{true, false} ->
[{<<"authentication">>, <<"external">>}];
{_, true} ->
[{<<"authentication">>, <<"anonymous">>},
{<<"jid">>, Domain}]
get_register_options(Server) ->
AuthSupportsRegister =
fun(ejabberd_auth_mnesia) -> true;
(ejabberd_auth_external) -> true;
(ejabberd_auth_sql) -> true;
(_) -> false
Modules = get_register_modules(Server),
ModRegisterAllowsMe = (Modules == all) orelse lists:member(?MODULE, Modules),
[{<<"allow_registration">>, AuthSupportsRegister and ModRegisterAllowsMe}].
get_register_modules(Server) ->
try mod_register_opt:allow_modules(Server)
error:{module_not_loaded, mod_register, _} ->
?DEBUG("mod_conversejs couldn't get mod_register configuration for "
"vhost ~p: module not loaded in that vhost.", [Server]),
get_extra_options(Host) ->
RawOpts = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, conversejs_options),
lists:map(fun({Name, <<"true">>}) -> {Name, true};
({Name, <<"false">>}) -> {Name, false};
({<<"locked_domain">> = Name, Value}) ->
{Name, misc:expand_keyword(<<"@HOST@">>, Value, Host)};
({Name, Value}) ->
{Name, Value}
get_file_url(Host, Option, Filename, Default) ->
FileRaw = case gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, Option) of
auto -> get_auto_file_url(Host, Filename, Default);
F -> F
misc:expand_keyword(<<"@HOST@">>, FileRaw, Host).
get_auto_file_url(Host, Filename, Default) ->
case get_conversejs_resources(Host) of
undefined -> Default;
_ -> Filename
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
mod_opt_type(bosh_service_url) ->
2022-03-31 21:01:48 +02:00
econf:either(auto, econf:binary());
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
mod_opt_type(websocket_url) ->
2022-03-31 21:01:48 +02:00
econf:either(auto, econf:binary());
mod_opt_type(conversejs_resources) ->
econf:either(undefined, econf:directory());
mod_opt_type(conversejs_options) ->
econf:map(econf:binary(), econf:either(econf:binary(), econf:int()));
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
mod_opt_type(conversejs_script) ->
mod_opt_type(conversejs_css) ->
mod_opt_type(default_domain) ->
mod_options(_) ->
2022-03-31 21:01:48 +02:00
[{bosh_service_url, auto},
{websocket_url, auto},
{default_domain, <<"@HOST@">>},
{conversejs_resources, undefined},
{conversejs_options, []},
{conversejs_script, auto},
{conversejs_css, auto}].
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
mod_doc() ->
#{desc =>
[?T("This module serves a simple page for the "
"https://conversejs.org/[Converse] XMPP web browser client."), "",
?T("This module is available since ejabberd 21.12."),
?T("Several options were improved in ejabberd 22.05."), "",
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
?T("To use this module, in addition to adding it to the 'modules' "
"section, you must also enable it in 'listen' -> 'ejabberd_http' -> "
"http://../listen-options/#request-handlers[request_handlers]."), "",
2022-03-31 21:01:48 +02:00
?T("Make sure either 'mod_bosh' or 'ejabberd_http_ws' "
"http://../listen-options/#request-handlers[request_handlers] "
"are enabled."), "",
?T("When 'conversejs_css' and 'conversejs_script' are 'auto', "
"by default they point to the public Converse client.")
2022-03-31 19:14:09 +02:00
example =>
[{?T("Manually setup WebSocket url, and use the public Converse client:"),
" -",
" port: 5280",
" module: ejabberd_http",
" request_handlers:",
" /bosh: mod_bosh",
" /websocket: ejabberd_http_ws",
" /conversejs: mod_conversejs",
" mod_bosh: {}",
" mod_conversejs:",
" websocket_url: \"ws://@HOST@:5280/websocket\""]},
{?T("Host Converse locally and let auto detection of WebSocket and Converse URLs:"),
" -",
" port: 443",
" module: ejabberd_http",
" tls: true",
" request_handlers:",
" /websocket: ejabberd_http_ws",
" /conversejs: mod_conversejs",
" mod_conversejs:",
" conversejs_resources: \"/home/ejabberd/conversejs-9.0.0/package/dist\""]},
{?T("Configure some additional options for Converse"),
" mod_conversejs:",
" websocket_url: auto",
" conversejs_options:",
" auto_away: 30",
" clear_cache_on_logout: true",
" i18n: \"pt\"",
" locked_domain: \"@HOST@\"",
" message_archiving: always",
" theme: dracula"]}
2022-03-31 19:14:09 +02:00
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
opts =>
2022-03-31 21:01:48 +02:00
#{value => ?T("auto | WebSocketURL"),
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
desc =>
2022-03-31 21:01:48 +02:00
?T("A WebSocket URL to which Converse can connect to. "
"The keyword '@HOST@' is replaced with the real virtual "
"host name. "
"If set to 'auto', it will build the URL of the first "
"configured WebSocket request handler. "
"The default value is 'auto'.")}},
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
2022-03-31 21:01:48 +02:00
#{value => ?T("auto | BoshURL"),
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
desc =>
2022-03-31 21:01:48 +02:00
?T("BOSH service URL to which Converse can connect to. "
"The keyword '@HOST@' is replaced with the real "
"virtual host name. "
"If set to 'auto', it will build the URL of the first "
"configured BOSH request handler. "
"The default value is 'auto'.")}},
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
#{value => ?T("Domain"),
desc =>
?T("Specify a domain to act as the default for user JIDs. "
"The keyword '@HOST@' is replaced with the hostname. "
"The default value is '@HOST@'.")}},
#{value => ?T("Path"),
note => "added in 22.05",
desc =>
?T("Local path to the Converse files. "
"If not set, the public Converse client will be used instead.")}},
#{value => "{Name: Value}",
note => "added in 22.05",
desc =>
?T("Specify additional options to be passed to Converse. "
"See https://conversejs.org/docs/html/configuration.html[Converse configuration]. "
"Only boolean, integer and string values are supported; "
"lists are not supported.")}},
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
#{value => ?T("auto | URL"),
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
desc =>
?T("Converse main script URL. "
"The keyword '@HOST@' is replaced with the hostname. "
"The default value is 'auto'.")}},
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
#{value => ?T("auto | URL"),
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00
desc =>
?T("Converse CSS URL. "
"The keyword '@HOST@' is replaced with the hostname. "
"The default value is 'auto'.")}}]
2021-11-23 06:43:54 +01:00