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%%% File : xml.erl
%%% Author : Alexey Shchepin <alexey@process-one.net>
%%% Purpose : XML utils
%%% Created : 20 Nov 2002 by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@process-one.net>
2013-01-24 15:25:13 +01:00
%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2013 ProcessOne
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% General Public License for more details.
%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
%%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
%%% 02111-1307 USA
crypt/1, make_text_node/1, remove_cdata/1,
remove_subtags/3, get_cdata/1, get_tag_cdata/1,
get_attr/2, get_attr_s/2, get_tag_attr/2,
get_tag_attr_s/2, get_subtag/2, get_subtag_cdata/2,
append_subtags/2, get_path_s/2, start/0,
replace_tag_attr/3, to_xmlel/1]).
2010-07-01 12:54:01 +02:00
%% Select at compile time how to escape characters in binary text
%% nodes.
%% Can be choosen with ./configure --enable-full-xml
-define(ESCAPE_BINARY(CData), make_text_node(CData)).
-define(ESCAPE_BINARY(CData), crypt(CData)).
2010-07-01 12:54:01 +02:00
%% Replace element_to_binary/1 with NIF
%% Can be choosen with ./configure --enable-nif
2010-07-01 12:54:01 +02:00
start() ->
SOPath = filename:join(ejabberd:get_so_path(), "xml"),
case catch erlang:load_nif(SOPath, 0) of
ok -> ok;
Err -> ?WARNING_MSG("unable to load xml NIF: ~p", [Err])
2010-07-01 12:54:01 +02:00
2010-07-01 12:54:01 +02:00
start() -> ok.
2010-07-01 12:54:01 +02:00
-spec(element_to_binary/1 ::
El :: xmlel() | cdata())
-> binary()
element_to_binary(El) ->
-spec(element_to_string/1 ::
El :: xmlel() | cdata())
-> string()
element_to_string(El) ->
case catch element_to_string_nocatch(El) of
{'EXIT', Reason} -> erlang:error({badxml, El, Reason});
Result -> Result
-spec(element_to_string_nocatch/1 ::
El :: xmlel() | cdata())
-> iolist()
element_to_string_nocatch(El) ->
case El of
#xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs, children = Els} ->
if Els /= [] ->
[$<, Name, attrs_to_list(Attrs), $>,
[element_to_string_nocatch(E) || E <- Els], $<, $/,
Name, $>];
true -> [$<, Name, attrs_to_list(Attrs), $/, $>]
%% We do not crypt CDATA binary, but we enclose it in XML CDATA
{xmlcdata, CData} ->
attrs_to_list(Attrs) -> [attr_to_list(A) || A <- Attrs].
attr_to_list({Name, Value}) ->
[$\s, Name, $=, $', crypt(Value), $'].
%% Make a cdata_binary depending on what characters it contains
crypt(S) ->
<< <<(case C of
$& -> <<"&amp;">>;
$< -> <<"&lt;">>;
$> -> <<"&gt;">>;
$" -> <<"&quot;">>;
$' -> <<"&apos;">>;
_ -> <<C>>
|| <<C>> <= S >>.
-spec(make_text_node/1 ::
CData :: binary())
-> binary()
make_text_node(CData) ->
case cdata_need_escape(CData) of
cdata ->
CDATA1 = <<"<![CDATA[">>,
CDATA2 = <<"]]>">>,
iolist_to_binary([CDATA1, CData, CDATA2]);
none -> CData;
{cdata, EndTokens} ->
EscapedCData = escape_cdata(CData, EndTokens),
%% Returns escape type needed for the text node
%% none, cdata, {cdata, [Positions]}
%% Positions is a list a integer containing positions of CDATA end
%% tokens, so that they can be escaped
cdata_need_escape(CData) ->
cdata_need_escape(CData, 0, false, []).
cdata_need_escape(<<>>, _, false, _) -> none;
cdata_need_escape(<<>>, _, true, []) -> cdata;
cdata_need_escape(<<>>, _, true, CDataEndTokens) ->
{cdata, lists:reverse(CDataEndTokens)};
cdata_need_escape(<<$], $], $>, Rest/binary>>,
CurrentPosition, _XMLEscape, CDataEndTokens) ->
NewPosition = CurrentPosition + 3,
cdata_need_escape(Rest, NewPosition, true,
[CurrentPosition + 1 | CDataEndTokens]);
%% Only <, & need to be escaped in XML text node
%% See reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml11/#syntax
cdata_need_escape(<<$<, Rest/binary>>, CurrentPosition,
_XMLEscape, CDataEndTokens) ->
cdata_need_escape(Rest, CurrentPosition + 1, true,
cdata_need_escape(<<$&, Rest/binary>>, CurrentPosition,
_XMLEscape, CDataEndTokens) ->
cdata_need_escape(Rest, CurrentPosition + 1, true,
cdata_need_escape(<<_:8, Rest/binary>>, CurrentPosition,
XMLEscape, CDataEndTokens) ->
%% escape cdata that contain CDATA end tokens
%% EndTokens is a list of position of end tokens (integer)
%% This is supposed to be a very rare case: You need to generate several
%% fields, splitting it in the middle of the end token.
%% See example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CDATA#Uses_of_CDATA_sections
cdata_need_escape(Rest, CurrentPosition + 1, XMLEscape,
escape_cdata(CData, EndTokens) ->
escape_cdata(CData, 0, EndTokens, []).
escape_cdata(<<>>, _CurrentPosition, [], Acc) ->
escape_cdata(Rest, CurrentPosition, [], Acc) ->
CDATA1 = <<"<![CDATA[">>,
CDATA2 = <<"]]>">>,
escape_cdata(<<>>, CurrentPosition, [],
[CDATA2, Rest, CDATA1 | Acc]);
escape_cdata(CData, Index, [Pos | Positions], Acc) ->
CDATA1 = <<"<![CDATA[">>,
CDATA2 = <<"]]>">>,
Split = Pos - Index,
{Part, Rest} = split_binary(CData, Split + 1),
escape_cdata(Rest, Pos + 1, Positions,
[CDATA2, Part, CDATA1 | Acc]).
-spec(remove_cdata_p/1 ::
El :: xmlel() | cdata())
-> boolean()
remove_cdata_p(#xmlel{}) -> true;
remove_cdata_p(_) -> false.
-spec(remove_cdata/1 ::
L :: [xmlel() | cdata()])
-> [xmlel()]
remove_cdata(L) -> [E || E <- L, remove_cdata_p(E)].
-spec(remove_subtags/3 ::
Xmlel :: xmlel(),
Name :: binary(),
Attr :: attr())
-> Xmlel :: xmlel()
remove_subtags(#xmlel{name = TagName, attrs = TagAttrs, children = Els},
Name, Attr) ->
#xmlel{name = TagName, attrs = TagAttrs,
children = remove_subtags1(Els, [], Name, Attr)}.
-spec(remove_subtags1/4 ::
Els :: [xmlel() | cdata()],
NewEls :: [xmlel()],
Name :: binary(),
Attr :: attr())
-> NewEls :: [xmlel()]
remove_subtags1([], NewEls, _Name, _Attr) ->
remove_subtags1([El | Els], NewEls, Name,
{AttrName, AttrValue} = Attr) ->
case El of
#xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs} ->
case get_attr(AttrName, Attrs) of
false ->
remove_subtags1(Els, [El | NewEls], Name, Attr);
{value, AttrValue} ->
remove_subtags1(Els, NewEls, Name, Attr);
_ -> remove_subtags1(Els, [El | NewEls], Name, Attr)
_ -> remove_subtags1(Els, [El | NewEls], Name, Attr)
-spec(get_cdata/1 ::
L :: [xmlel() | cdata()])
-> binary()
get_cdata(L) ->
(iolist_to_binary(get_cdata(L, <<"">>))).
-spec(get_cdata/2 ::
L :: [xmlel() | cdata()],
S :: binary() | iolist())
-> binary() | iolist()
get_cdata([{xmlcdata, CData} | L], S) ->
get_cdata(L, [S, CData]);
get_cdata([_ | L], S) -> get_cdata(L, S);
get_cdata([], S) -> S.
-spec(get_tag_cdata/1 ::
Xmlel :: xmlel())
-> binary()
get_tag_cdata(#xmlel{children = Els}) -> get_cdata(Els).
-spec(get_attr/2 ::
AttrName :: binary(),
Attrs :: [attr()])
-> {value, binary()}
| false
get_attr(AttrName, Attrs) ->
case lists:keysearch(AttrName, 1, Attrs) of
{value, {_, Val}} -> {value, Val};
_ -> false
-spec(get_attr_s/2 ::
AttrName :: binary(),
Attrs :: [attr()])
-> Val :: binary()
get_attr_s(AttrName, Attrs) ->
case lists:keysearch(AttrName, 1, Attrs) of
{value, {_, Val}} -> Val;
_ -> <<"">>
-spec(get_tag_attr/2 ::
AttrName :: binary(),
Xmlel :: xmlel())
-> {value, binary()}
| false
get_tag_attr(AttrName, #xmlel{attrs = Attrs}) ->
get_attr(AttrName, Attrs).
-spec(get_tag_attr_s/2 ::
AttrName :: binary(),
Xmlel :: xmlel())
-> binary()
get_tag_attr_s(AttrName, #xmlel{attrs = Attrs}) ->
get_attr_s(AttrName, Attrs).
-spec(get_subtag/2 ::
Xmlel :: xmlel(),
Name :: binary())
-> xmlel() | false
get_subtag(#xmlel{children = Els}, Name) ->
get_subtag1(Els, Name).
-spec(get_subtag1/2 ::
Els :: [xmlel() | cdata()],
Name :: binary())
-> xmlel() | false
get_subtag1([El | Els], Name) ->
case El of
#xmlel{name = Name} -> El;
_ -> get_subtag1(Els, Name)
get_subtag1([], _) -> false.
-spec(get_subtag_cdata/2 ::
Tag :: xmlel(),
Name :: binary())
-> binary()
get_subtag_cdata(Tag, Name) ->
case get_subtag(Tag, Name) of
false -> <<"">>;
Subtag -> get_tag_cdata(Subtag)
-spec(append_subtags/2 ::
Xmlel :: xmlel(),
SubTags2 :: [xmlel() | cdata()])
-> Xmlel :: xmlel()
append_subtags(#xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs, children = SubTags1}, SubTags2) ->
#xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs, children = SubTags1 ++ SubTags2}.
-spec(get_path_s/2 ::
El :: xmlel(),
Path :: [{elem, Name::binary()}
|{attr, Name::binary()}
-> xmlel()
| binary()
get_path_s(El, []) -> El;
get_path_s(El, [{elem, Name} | Path]) ->
case get_subtag(El, Name) of
false -> <<"">>;
SubEl -> get_path_s(SubEl, Path)
get_path_s(El, [{attr, Name}]) ->
get_tag_attr_s(Name, El);
get_path_s(El, [cdata]) -> get_tag_cdata(El).
-spec(replace_tag_attr/3 ::
Name :: binary(),
Value :: binary(),
Xmlel :: xmlel())
-> Xmlel :: #xmlel{
name :: binary(),
attrs :: [attr(),...],
children :: [xmlel() | cdata()]
replace_tag_attr(Name, Value, Xmlel) ->
attrs = [{Name, Value} | lists:keydelete(Name, 1, Xmlel#xmlel.attrs)]
-spec to_xmlel(xmlelement() | xmlel()) -> xmlel().
to_xmlel({_, Name, Attrs, Els}) ->
#xmlel{name = iolist_to_binary(Name),
attrs = [{iolist_to_binary(K), iolist_to_binary(V)}
|| {K, V} <- Attrs],
children = [to_xmlel(El) || El <- Els]};
to_xmlel({xmlcdata, CData}) ->
{xmlcdata, iolist_to_binary(CData)}.