Include id in mucsub notification message

This commit is contained in:
Paweł Chmielowski 2019-03-28 14:43:22 +01:00
parent ee2b441b0f
commit 063869603a
1 changed files with 8 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -4435,13 +4435,15 @@ send_wrapped(From, To, Packet, Node, State) ->
-spec wrap(jid(), jid(), stanza(), binary()) -> message().
wrap(From, To, Packet, Node) ->
El = xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, From, To),
Id = p1_rand:get_string(),
sub_els = [#ps_event{
items = #ps_items{
node = Node,
items = [#ps_item{
id = p1_rand:get_string(),
sub_els = [El]}]}}]}.
id = Id,
sub_els = [#ps_event{
items = #ps_items{
node = Node,
items = [#ps_item{
id = Id,
sub_els = [El]}]}}]}.
-spec send_wrapped_multiple(jid(), map(), stanza(), binary(), state()) -> ok.
send_wrapped_multiple(From, Users, Packet, Node, State) ->