mirror of
synced 2024-12-20 17:27:00 +01:00
Add xml compression to sql backend of mam
This commit is contained in:
@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ mod_opt_type(O) when O == cache_life_time; O == cache_size ->
fun (I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I;
(infinity) -> infinity
mod_opt_type(O) when O == use_cache; O == cache_missed ->
mod_opt_type(O) when O == use_cache; O == cache_missed; O == compress_xml ->
fun (B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end;
mod_opt_type(db_type) -> fun(T) -> ejabberd_config:v_db(?MODULE, T) end;
mod_opt_type(default) ->
@ -1187,6 +1187,7 @@ mod_options(Host) ->
[{assume_mam_usage, false},
{default, never},
{request_activates_archiving, false},
{compress_xml, false},
{db_type, ejabberd_config:default_db(Host, ?MODULE)},
{use_cache, ejabberd_config:use_cache(Host)},
{cache_size, ejabberd_config:cache_size(Host)},
@ -102,9 +102,18 @@ store(Pkt, LServer, {LUser, LHost}, Type, Peer, Nick, _Dir, TS) ->
LPeer = jid:encode(
XML = fxml:element_to_binary(Pkt),
Body = fxml:get_subtag_cdata(Pkt, <<"body">>),
SType = misc:atom_to_binary(Type),
XML = case gen_mod:get_module_opt(LServer, mod_mam, compress_xml) of
true ->
J1 = case Type of
chat -> jid:encode({LUser, LHost, <<>>});
groupchat -> SUser
xml_compress:encode(Pkt, J1, LPeer);
_ ->
case ejabberd_sql:sql_query(
@ -192,8 +201,8 @@ select(LServer, JidRequestor, #jid{luser = LUser} = JidArchive,
fun([TS, XML, PeerBin, Kind, Nick]) ->
case make_archive_el(
TS, XML, PeerBin, Kind, Nick,
MsgType, JidRequestor, JidArchive) of
jid:encode(JidArchive), TS, XML, PeerBin, Kind, Nick,
MsgType, JidRequestor, JidArchive) of
{ok, El} ->
[{TS, binary_to_integer(TS), El}];
{error, _} ->
@ -399,13 +408,13 @@ get_max_direction_id(RSM) ->
{undefined, undefined, <<>>}
-spec make_archive_el(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(),
-spec make_archive_el(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(),
binary(), _, jid(), jid()) ->
{ok, xmpp_element()} | {error, invalid_jid |
invalid_timestamp |
make_archive_el(TS, XML, Peer, Kind, Nick, MsgType, JidRequestor, JidArchive) ->
case fxml_stream:parse_element(XML) of
make_archive_el(User, TS, XML, Peer, Kind, Nick, MsgType, JidRequestor, JidArchive) ->
case xml_compress:decode(XML, User, Peer) of
#xmlel{} = El ->
try binary_to_integer(TS) of
TSInt ->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
-export([encode/3, decode/3]).
% This file was generated by xml_compress_gen
% Rules used:
% [{<<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>,<<"key">>,
% [{<<"prekey">>,[<<"true">>]},{<<"rid">>,[]}],
% []},
% {<<"jabber:client">>,<<"message">>,
% [{<<"from">>,[j2,{j1}]},
% {<<"id">>,[]},
% {<<"to">>,[j1,j2,{j1}]},
% {<<"type">>,[<<"chat">>,<<"groupchat">>,<<"normal">>]},
% {<<"xml:lang">>,[<<"en">>]}],
% []},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:hints">>,<<"store">>,[],[]},
% {<<"jabber:client">>,<<"body">>,[],
% [<<73,32,115,101,110,116,32,121,111,117,32,97,110,32,79,77,69,77,79,32,101,
% 110,99,114,121,112,116,101,100,32,109,101,115,115,97,103,101,32,98,117,
% 116,32,121,111,117,114,32,99,108,105,101,110,116,32,100,111,101,115,110,
% 226,128,153,116,32,115,101,101,109,32,116,111,32,115,117,112,112,111,
% 114,116,32,116,104,97,116,46,32,70,105,110,100,32,109,111,114,101,32,
% 105,110,102,111,114,109,97,116,105,111,110,32,111,110,32,104,116,116,
% 112,115,58,47,47,99,111,110,118,101,114,115,97,116,105,111,110,115,46,
% 105,109,47,111,109,101,109,111>>]},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:sid:0">>,<<"origin-id">>,[{<<"id">>,[]}],[]},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0">>,<<"markable">>,[],[]},
% {<<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>,<<"encrypted">>,[],[]},
% {<<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>,<<"header">>,[{<<"sid">>,[]}],[]},
% {<<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>,<<"iv">>,[],[]},
% {<<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>,<<"payload">>,[],[]},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:eme:0">>,<<"encryption">>,
% [{<<"name">>,[<<"OMEMO">>]},
% {<<"namespace">>,[<<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>]}],
% []},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:delay">>,<<"delay">>,[{<<"from">>,[j1]},{<<"stamp">>,[]}],[]},
% {<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/address">>,<<"address">>,
% [{<<"jid">>,[{j1}]},{<<"type">>,[<<"ofrom">>]}],
% []},
% {<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/address">>,<<"addresses">>,[],[]},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0">>,<<"displayed">>,
% [{<<"id">>,[]},{<<"sender">>,[{j1},{j2}]}],
% []},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:mam:tmp">>,<<"archived">>,[{<<"by">>,[]},{<<"id">>,[]}],[]},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:sid:0">>,<<"stanza-id">>,[{<<"by">>,[]},{<<"id">>,[]}],[]},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:receipts">>,<<"request">>,[],[]},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0">>,<<"received">>,[{<<"id">>,[]}],[]},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:receipts">>,<<"received">>,[{<<"id">>,[]}],[]},
% {<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates">>,<<"active">>,[],[]},
% {<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>,<<"invite">>,
% [{<<"from">>,[{j1}]}],
% []},
% {<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>,<<"reason">>,[],[]},
% {<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>,<<"x">>,[],[]},
% {<<"jabber:x:conference">>,<<"x">>,[{<<"jid">>,[j2]}],[]},
% {<<"jabber:client">>,<<"subject">>,[],[]},
% {<<"jabber:client">>,<<"thread">>,[],[]},
% {<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">>,<<"event">>,[],[]},
% {<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">>,<<"item">>,[{<<"id">>,[]}],[]},
% {<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">>,<<"items">>,
% [{<<"node">>,[<<"urn:xmpp:mucsub:nodes:messages">>]}],
% []},
% {<<"p1:push:custom">>,<<"x">>,[{<<"key">>,[]},{<<"value">>,[]}],[]},
% {<<"p1:pushed">>,<<"x">>,[],[]},
% {<<"urn:xmpp:message-correct:0">>,<<"replace">>,[{<<"id">>,[]}],[]},
% {<<"http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates">>,<<"composing">>,[],[]}]
encode(El, J1, J2) ->
encode_child(El, <<"jabber:client">>,
J1, J2, byte_size(J1), byte_size(J2), <<1:8>>).
encode_attr({<<"xmlns">>, _}, Acc) ->
encode_attr({N, V}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 1:8, (encode_string(N))/binary,
encode_attrs(Attrs, Acc) ->
lists:foldl(fun encode_attr/2, Acc, Attrs).
encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
E1 = if
PNs == Ns -> encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 2:8, (encode_string(Name))/binary>>);
true -> encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(Ns))/binary, (encode_string(Name))/binary>>)
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E1/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>.
encode_child({xmlel, Name, Attrs, Children}, PNs, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case lists:keyfind(<<"xmlns">>, 1, Attrs) of
false ->
encode(PNs, PNs, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx);
{_, Ns} ->
encode(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode_child({xmlcdata, Data}, _PNs, _J1, _J2, _J1L, _J2L, Pfx) ->
<<Pfx/binary, 1:8, (encode_string(Data))/binary>>.
encode_children(Children, PNs, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
fun(Child, Acc) ->
encode_child(Child, PNs, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Acc)
end, Pfx, Children).
encode_string(Data) ->
<<V1:4, V2:6, V3:6>> = <<(byte_size(Data)):16/unsigned-big-integer>>,
case {V1, V2, V3} of
{0, 0, V3} ->
<<V3:8, Data/binary>>;
{0, V2, V3} ->
<<(V3 bor 64):8, V2:8, Data/binary>>;
_ ->
<<(V3 bor 64):8, (V2 bor 64):8, V1:8, Data/binary>>
encode(PNs, <<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"key">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"prekey">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
<<"true">> -> <<Acc/binary, 3:8>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
({<<"rid">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 5:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 5:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"encrypted">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 12:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"header">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"sid">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 13:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"iv">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 14:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"payload">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 15:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"jabber:client">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"message">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"from">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
J2 -> <<Acc/binary, 3:8>>;
<<J1:J1L/binary, Rest/binary>> -> <<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(Rest))/binary>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 5:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
({<<"id">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 6:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
({<<"to">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
J1 -> <<Acc/binary, 7:8>>;
J2 -> <<Acc/binary, 8:8>>;
<<J1:J1L/binary, Rest/binary>> -> <<Acc/binary, 9:8, (encode_string(Rest))/binary>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 10:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
({<<"type">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
<<"chat">> -> <<Acc/binary, 11:8>>;
<<"groupchat">> -> <<Acc/binary, 12:8>>;
<<"normal">> -> <<Acc/binary, 13:8>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 14:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
({<<"xml:lang">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
<<"en">> -> <<Acc/binary, 15:8>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 16:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 6:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"body">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 8:8>>),
E2 = lists:foldl(fun
({xmlcdata, <<73,32,115,101,110,116,32,121,111,117,32,97,110,32,79,77,69,
105,111,110,115,46,105,109,47,111,109,101,109,111>>}, Acc) -> <<Acc/binary, 9:8>>;
(El, Acc) -> encode_child(El, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Acc)
end, <<E/binary, 2:8>>, Children),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"subject">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 31:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"thread">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 32:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"urn:xmpp:hints">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"store">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 7:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"urn:xmpp:sid:0">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"origin-id">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"id">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 10:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"stanza-id">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"by">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
({<<"id">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 22:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"markable">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 11:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"displayed">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"id">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
({<<"sender">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
<<J1:J1L/binary, Rest/binary>> -> <<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(Rest))/binary>>;
<<J2:J2L/binary, Rest/binary>> -> <<Acc/binary, 5:8, (encode_string(Rest))/binary>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 6:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 20:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"received">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"id">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 24:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"urn:xmpp:eme:0">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"encryption">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"name">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
<<"OMEMO">> -> <<Acc/binary, 3:8>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
({<<"namespace">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
<<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">> -> <<Acc/binary, 5:8>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 6:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 16:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"urn:xmpp:delay">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"delay">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"from">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
J1 -> <<Acc/binary, 3:8>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
({<<"stamp">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 5:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 17:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/address">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"address">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"jid">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
<<J1:J1L/binary, Rest/binary>> -> <<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(Rest))/binary>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
({<<"type">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
<<"ofrom">> -> <<Acc/binary, 5:8>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 6:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 18:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"addresses">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 19:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"urn:xmpp:mam:tmp">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"archived">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"by">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
({<<"id">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 21:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"urn:xmpp:receipts">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"request">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 23:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"received">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"id">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 25:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"active">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 26:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"composing">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 39:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"invite">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"from">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
<<J1:J1L/binary, Rest/binary>> -> <<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(Rest))/binary>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 27:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"reason">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 28:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"x">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 29:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"jabber:x:conference">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"x">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"jid">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
J2 -> <<Acc/binary, 3:8>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 30:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"event">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 33:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"item">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"id">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 34:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
<<"items">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"node">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
case AVal of
<<"urn:xmpp:mucsub:nodes:messages">> -> <<Acc/binary, 3:8>>;
_ -> <<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 35:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"p1:push:custom">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"x">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"key">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
({<<"value">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 4:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 36:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"p1:pushed">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"x">> ->
E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 37:8>>),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, <<"urn:xmpp:message-correct:0">> = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
case Name of
<<"replace">> ->
E = lists:foldl(fun
({<<"id">>, AVal}, Acc) ->
<<Acc/binary, 3:8, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;
(Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)
end, <<Pfx/binary, 38:8>>, Attrs),
E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),
<<E2/binary, 4:8>>;
_ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)
encode(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->
encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx).
decode(<<$<, _/binary>> = Data, _J1, _J2) ->
decode(<<1:8, Rest/binary>>, J1, J2) ->
{El, _} = decode(Rest, <<"jabber:client">>, J1, J2),
decode_string(Data) ->
case Data of
<<0:2, L:6, Str:L/binary, Rest/binary>> ->
{Str, Rest};
<<1:2, L1:6, 0:2, L2:6, Rest/binary>> ->
L = L2*64 + L1,
<<Str:L/binary, Rest2/binary>> = Rest,
{Str, Rest2};
<<1:2, L1:6, 1:2, L2:6, L3:8, Rest/binary>> ->
L = (L3*64 + L2)*64 + L1,
<<Str:L/binary, Rest2/binary>> = Rest,
{Str, Rest2}
decode_child(<<1:8, Rest/binary>>, _PNs, _J1, _J2) ->
{Text, Rest2} = decode_string(Rest),
{{xmlcdata, Text}, Rest2};
decode_child(<<2:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
{Name, Rest2} = decode_string(Rest),
{Attrs, Rest3} = decode_attrs(Rest2),
{Children, Rest4} = decode_children(Rest3, PNs, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, Name, Attrs, Children}, Rest4};
decode_child(<<3:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
{Name, Rest2} = decode_string(Rest),
{Ns, Rest3} = decode_string(Rest2),
{Attrs, Rest4} = decode_attrs(Rest3),
{Children, Rest5} = decode_children(Rest4, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, Name, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest5};
decode_child(<<4:8, Rest/binary>>, _PNs, _J1, _J2) ->
{stop, Rest};
decode_child(Other, PNs, J1, J2) ->
decode(Other, PNs, J1, J2).
decode_children(Data, PNs, J1, J2) ->
prefix_map(fun(Data2) -> decode(Data2, PNs, J1, J2) end, Data).
decode_attr(<<1:8, Rest/binary>>) ->
{Name, Rest2} = decode_string(Rest),
{Val, Rest3} = decode_string(Rest2),
{{Name, Val}, Rest3};
decode_attr(<<2:8, Rest/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest}.
decode_attrs(Data) ->
prefix_map(fun decode_attr/1, Data).
prefix_map(F, Data) ->
prefix_map(F, Data, []).
prefix_map(F, Data, Acc) ->
case F(Data) of
{stop, Rest} ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Rest};
{Val, Rest} ->
prefix_map(F, Rest, [Val | Acc])
add_ns(Ns, Ns, Attrs) ->
add_ns(_, Ns, Attrs) ->
[{<<"xmlns">>, Ns} | Attrs].
decode(<<5:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"prekey">>, <<"true">>}, Rest3};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"prekey">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<5:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"rid">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"key">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<12:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"encrypted">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<13:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"sid">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"header">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<14:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"iv">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<15:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"payload">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<6:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"jabber:client">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"from">>, J2}, Rest3};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"from">>, <<J1/binary, AVal/binary>>}, Rest4};
(<<5:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"from">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<6:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"id">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<7:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"to">>, J1}, Rest3};
(<<8:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"to">>, J2}, Rest3};
(<<9:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"to">>, <<J1/binary, AVal/binary>>}, Rest4};
(<<10:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"to">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<11:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"type">>, <<"chat">>}, Rest3};
(<<12:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"type">>, <<"groupchat">>}, Rest3};
(<<13:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"type">>, <<"normal">>}, Rest3};
(<<14:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"type">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<15:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"xml:lang">>, <<"en">>}, Rest3};
(<<16:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"xml:lang">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"message">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<8:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"jabber:client">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = prefix_map(fun (<<9:8, Rest5/binary>>) ->
{{xmlcdata, <<73,32,115,101,110,116,32,121,111,117,32,97,110,32,79,77,69,
97,116,105,111,110,115,46,105,109,47,111,109,101,109,111>>}, Rest5};
(Other) ->
decode_child(Other, Ns, J1, J2)
end, Rest2),
{{xmlel, <<"body">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<31:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"jabber:client">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"subject">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<32:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"jabber:client">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"thread">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<7:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:hints">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"store">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<10:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:sid:0">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"id">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"origin-id">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<22:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:sid:0">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"by">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"id">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"stanza-id">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<11:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"markable">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<20:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"id">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"sender">>, <<J1/binary, AVal/binary>>}, Rest4};
(<<5:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"sender">>, <<J2/binary, AVal/binary>>}, Rest4};
(<<6:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"sender">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"displayed">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<24:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"id">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"received">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<16:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:eme:0">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"name">>, <<"OMEMO">>}, Rest3};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"name">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<5:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"namespace">>, <<"eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl">>}, Rest3};
(<<6:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"namespace">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"encryption">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<17:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:delay">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"from">>, J1}, Rest3};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"from">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<5:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"stamp">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"delay">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<18:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/address">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"jid">>, <<J1/binary, AVal/binary>>}, Rest4};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"jid">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<5:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"type">>, <<"ofrom">>}, Rest3};
(<<6:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"type">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"address">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<19:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/address">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"addresses">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<21:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:mam:tmp">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"by">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"id">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"archived">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<23:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:receipts">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"request">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<25:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:receipts">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"id">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"received">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<26:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"active">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<39:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"composing">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<27:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"from">>, <<J1/binary, AVal/binary>>}, Rest4};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"from">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"invite">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<28:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"reason">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<29:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"x">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<30:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"jabber:x:conference">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"jid">>, J2}, Rest3};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"jid">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"x">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<33:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"event">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<34:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"id">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"item">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<35:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{{<<"node">>, <<"urn:xmpp:mucsub:nodes:messages">>}, Rest3};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"node">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"items">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<36:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"p1:push:custom">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"key">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<4:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"value">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"x">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<37:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"p1:pushed">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"x">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(<<38:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->
Ns = <<"urn:xmpp:message-correct:0">>,
{Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun
(<<3:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),
{{<<"id">>, AVal}, Rest4};
(<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->
{stop, Rest3};
(Data) ->
end, Rest),
{Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),
{{xmlel, <<"replace">>, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};
decode(Other, PNs, J1, J2) ->
decode_child(Other, PNs, J1, J2).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
%% File : xml_compress_gen.erl
%% Author : Pawel Chmielowski
%% Purpose :
%% Created : 14 Sep 2018 Pawel Chmielowski
%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2018 ProcessOne
%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%% General Public License for more details.
%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
%% API
-export([archive_analyze/3, process_stats/1, gen_code/3]).
-record(el_stats, {count = 0, empty_count = 0, only_text_count = 0, attrs = #{}, text_stats = #{}}).
-record(attr_stats, {count = 0, vals = #{}}).
archive_analyze(Host, Table, EHost) ->
case ejabberd_sql:sql_query(Host, <<"select username, peer, kind, xml from ", Table/binary>>) of
{selected, _, Res} ->
fun([U, P, K, X], Stats) ->
M = case K of
<<"groupchat">> ->
_ ->
<<U/binary, "@", EHost/binary>>
El = fxml_stream:parse_element(X),
analyze_element({El, <<"stream">>, <<"jabber:client">>, M, P}, Stats)
end, {0, #{}}, Res);
_ ->
encode_id(Num) when Num < 64 ->
iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p:8", [Num])).
gen_code(_File, _Rules, $<) ->
{error, <<"Invalid version">>};
gen_code(File, Rules, Ver) when Ver < 64 ->
{Data, _} = lists:foldl(
fun({Ns, El, Attrs, Text}, {Acc, Id}) ->
NsC = case lists:keyfind(Ns, 1, Acc) of
false -> [];
{_, L} -> L
{AttrsE, _} = lists:mapfoldl(
fun({AName, AVals}, Id2) ->
{AD, Id3} = lists:mapfoldl(
fun(AVal, Id3) ->
{{AVal, encode_id(Id3)}, Id3 + 1}
end, Id2, AVals),
{{AName, AD ++ [encode_id(Id3)]}, Id3 + 1}
end, 3, Attrs),
{TextE, Id5} = lists:mapfoldl(
fun(TextV, Id4) ->
{{TextV, encode_id(Id4)}, Id4 + 1}
end, Id + 1, Text),
{lists:keystore(Ns, 1, Acc, {Ns, NsC ++ [{El, encode_id(Id), AttrsE, TextE}]}), Id5}
end, {[], 5}, Rules),
{ok, Dev} = file:open(File, write),
Mod = filename:basename(File, ".erl"),
io:format(Dev, "-module(~s).~n-export([encode/3, decode/3]).~n~n", [Mod]),
RulesS = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p", [Rules])),
RulesS2 = binary:replace(RulesS, <<"\n">>, <<"\n% ">>, [global]),
io:format(Dev, "% This file was generated by xml_compress_gen~n%~n"
"% Rules used:~n%~n% ~s~n~n", [RulesS2]),
VerId = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p:8", [Ver])),
gen_encode(Dev, Data, VerId),
gen_decode(Dev, Data, VerId),
gen_decode(Dev, Data, VerId) ->
io:format(Dev, "decode(<<$<, _/binary>> = Data, _J1, _J2) ->~n"
" fxml_stream:parse_element(Data);~n"
"decode(<<~s, Rest/binary>>, J1, J2) ->~n"
" {El, _} = decode(Rest, <<\"jabber:client\">>, J1, J2),~n"
" El.~n~n", [VerId]),
io:format(Dev, "decode_string(Data) ->~n"
" case Data of~n"
" <<0:2, L:6, Str:L/binary, Rest/binary>> ->~n"
" {Str, Rest};~n"
" <<1:2, L1:6, 0:2, L2:6, Rest/binary>> ->~n"
" L = L2*64 + L1,~n"
" <<Str:L/binary, Rest2/binary>> = Rest,~n"
" {Str, Rest2};~n"
" <<1:2, L1:6, 1:2, L2:6, L3:8, Rest/binary>> ->~n"
" L = (L3*64 + L2)*64 + L1,~n"
" <<Str:L/binary, Rest2/binary>> = Rest,~n"
" {Str, Rest2}~n"
" end.~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "decode_child(<<1:8, Rest/binary>>, _PNs, _J1, _J2) ->~n"
" {Text, Rest2} = decode_string(Rest),~n"
" {{xmlcdata, Text}, Rest2};~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "decode_child(<<2:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->~n"
" {Name, Rest2} = decode_string(Rest),~n"
" {Attrs, Rest3} = decode_attrs(Rest2),~n"
" {Children, Rest4} = decode_children(Rest3, PNs, J1, J2),~n"
" {{xmlel, Name, Attrs, Children}, Rest4};~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "decode_child(<<3:8, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->~n"
" {Name, Rest2} = decode_string(Rest),~n"
" {Ns, Rest3} = decode_string(Rest2),~n"
" {Attrs, Rest4} = decode_attrs(Rest3),~n"
" {Children, Rest5} = decode_children(Rest4, Ns, J1, J2),~n"
" {{xmlel, Name, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest5};~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "decode_child(<<4:8, Rest/binary>>, _PNs, _J1, _J2) ->~n"
" {stop, Rest};~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "decode_child(Other, PNs, J1, J2) ->~n"
" decode(Other, PNs, J1, J2).~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "decode_children(Data, PNs, J1, J2) ->~n"
" prefix_map(fun(Data2) -> decode(Data2, PNs, J1, J2) end, Data).~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "decode_attr(<<1:8, Rest/binary>>) ->~n"
" {Name, Rest2} = decode_string(Rest),~n"
" {Val, Rest3} = decode_string(Rest2),~n"
" {{Name, Val}, Rest3};~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "decode_attr(<<2:8, Rest/binary>>) ->~n"
" {stop, Rest}.~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "decode_attrs(Data) ->~n"
" prefix_map(fun decode_attr/1, Data).~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "prefix_map(F, Data) ->~n"
" prefix_map(F, Data, []).~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "prefix_map(F, Data, Acc) ->~n"
" case F(Data) of~n"
" {stop, Rest} ->~n"
" {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest};~n"
" {Val, Rest} ->~n"
" prefix_map(F, Rest, [Val | Acc])~n"
" end.~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "add_ns(Ns, Ns, Attrs) ->~n"
" Attrs;~n"
"add_ns(_, Ns, Attrs) ->~n"
" [{<<\"xmlns\">>, Ns} | Attrs].~n~n", []),
fun({Ns, Els}) ->
fun({Name, Id, Attrs, Text}) ->
io:format(Dev, "decode(<<~s, Rest/binary>>, PNs, J1, J2) ->~n"
" Ns = ~p,~n", [Id, Ns]),
case Attrs of
[] ->
io:format(Dev, " {Attrs, Rest2} = decode_attrs(Rest),~n", []);
_ ->
io:format(Dev, " {Attrs, Rest2} = prefix_map(fun~n", []),
fun({AName, AVals}) ->
fun({j1, AId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " (<<~s, Rest3/binary>>) ->~n"
" {{~p, J1}, Rest3};~n", [AId, AName]);
({j2, AId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " (<<~s, Rest3/binary>>) ->~n"
" {{~p, J2}, Rest3};~n", [AId, AName]);
({{j1}, AId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " (<<~s, Rest3/binary>>) ->~n"
" {AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),~n"
" {{~p, <<J1/binary, AVal/binary>>}, Rest4};~n",
[AId, AName]);
({{j2}, AId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " (<<~s, Rest3/binary>>) ->~n"
" {AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),~n"
" {{~p, <<J2/binary, AVal/binary>>}, Rest4};~n",
[AId, AName]);
({AVal, AId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " (<<~s, Rest3/binary>>) ->~n"
" {{~p, ~p}, Rest3};~n",
[AId, AName, AVal]);
(AId) ->
io:format(Dev, " (<<~s, Rest3/binary>>) ->~n"
" {AVal, Rest4} = decode_string(Rest3),~n"
" {{~p, AVal}, Rest4};~n",
[AId, AName])
end, AVals)
end, Attrs),
io:format(Dev, " (<<2:8, Rest3/binary>>) ->~n"
" {stop, Rest3};~n"
" (Data) ->~n"
" decode_attr(Data)~n"
" end, Rest),~n", [])
case Text of
[] ->
io:format(Dev, " {Children, Rest6} = decode_children(Rest2, Ns, J1, J2),~n", []);
_ ->
io:format(Dev, " {Children, Rest6} = prefix_map(fun", []),
fun({TextS, TId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " (<<~s, Rest5/binary>>) ->~n"
" {{xmlcdata, ~p}, Rest5};~n",
[TId, TextS])
end, Text),
io:format(Dev, " (Other) ->~n"
" decode_child(Other, Ns, J1, J2)~n"
" end, Rest2),~n", [])
io:format(Dev, " {{xmlel, ~p, add_ns(PNs, Ns, Attrs), Children}, Rest6};~n", [Name])
end, Els)
end, Data),
io:format(Dev, "decode(Other, PNs, J1, J2) ->~n"
" decode_child(Other, PNs, J1, J2).~n~n", []).
gen_encode(Dev, Data, VerId) ->
io:format(Dev, "encode(El, J1, J2) ->~n"
" encode_child(El, <<\"jabber:client\">>,~n"
" J1, J2, byte_size(J1), byte_size(J2), <<~s>>).~n~n", [VerId]),
io:format(Dev, "encode_attr({<<\"xmlns\">>, _}, Acc) ->~n"
" Acc;~n"
"encode_attr({N, V}, Acc) ->~n"
" <<Acc/binary, 1:8, (encode_string(N))/binary,~n"
" (encode_string(V))/binary>>.~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "encode_attrs(Attrs, Acc) ->~n"
" lists:foldl(fun encode_attr/2, Acc, Attrs).~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->~n"
" E1 = if~n"
" PNs == Ns -> encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 2:8, (encode_string(Name))/binary>>);~n"
" true -> encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, 3:8, "
"(encode_string(Ns))/binary, (encode_string(Name))/binary>>)~n"
" end,~n"
" E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E1/binary, 2:8>>),~n"
" <<E2/binary, 4:8>>.~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "encode_child({xmlel, Name, Attrs, Children}, PNs, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->~n"
" case lists:keyfind(<<\"xmlns\">>, 1, Attrs) of~n"
" false ->~n"
" encode(PNs, PNs, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx);~n"
" {_, Ns} ->~n"
" encode(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)~n"
" end;~n"
"encode_child({xmlcdata, Data}, _PNs, _J1, _J2, _J1L, _J2L, Pfx) ->~n"
" <<Pfx/binary, 1:8, (encode_string(Data))/binary>>.~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "encode_children(Children, PNs, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->~n"
" lists:foldl(~n"
" fun(Child, Acc) ->~n"
" encode_child(Child, PNs, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Acc)~n"
" end, Pfx, Children).~n~n", []),
io:format(Dev, "encode_string(Data) ->~n"
" <<V1:4, V2:6, V3:6>> = <<(byte_size(Data)):16/unsigned-big-integer>>,~n"
" case {V1, V2, V3} of~n"
" {0, 0, V3} ->~n"
" <<V3:8, Data/binary>>;~n"
" {0, V2, V3} ->~n"
" <<(V3 bor 64):8, V2:8, Data/binary>>;~n"
" _ ->~n"
" <<(V3 bor 64):8, (V2 bor 64):8, V1:8, Data/binary>>~n"
" end.~n~n", []),
fun({Ns, Els}) ->
io:format(Dev, "encode(PNs, ~p = Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->~n"
" case Name of~n", [Ns]),
fun({ElN, Id, Attrs, Text}) ->
io:format(Dev, " ~p ->~n", [ElN]),
case Attrs of
[] ->
io:format(Dev, " E = encode_attrs(Attrs, <<Pfx/binary, ~s>>),~n", [Id]);
_ ->
io:format(Dev, " E = lists:foldl(fun~n", []),
fun({AName, AVals}) ->
case AVals of
[AIdS] when is_binary(AIdS) ->
io:format(Dev, " ({~p, AVal}, Acc) ->~n"
" <<Acc/binary, ~s, (encode_string(AVal))/binary>>;~n",
[AName, AIdS]);
_ ->
io:format(Dev, " ({~p, AVal}, Acc) ->~n"
" case AVal of~n", [AName]),
fun({j1, AId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " J1 -> <<Acc/binary, ~s>>;~n",
({j2, AId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " J2 -> <<Acc/binary, ~s>>;~n",
({{j1}, AId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " <<J1:J1L/binary, Rest/binary>> -> "
"<<Acc/binary, ~s, (encode_string(Rest))/binary>>;~n",
({{j2}, AId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " <<J2:J2L/binary, Rest/binary>> -> "
"<<Acc/binary, ~s, (encode_string(Rest))/binary>>;~n",
({AVal, AId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " ~p -> <<Acc/binary, ~s>>;~n",
[AVal, AId]);
(AId) ->
io:format(Dev, " _ -> <<Acc/binary, ~s, "
end, AVals),
io:format(Dev, " end;~n", [])
end, Attrs),
io:format(Dev, " (Attr, Acc) -> encode_attr(Attr, Acc)~n", []),
io:format(Dev, " end, <<Pfx/binary, ~s>>, Attrs),~n", [Id])
case Text of
[] ->
io:format(Dev, " E2 = encode_children(Children, Ns, "
"J1, J2, J1L, J2L, <<E/binary, 2:8>>),~n", []);
_ ->
io:format(Dev, " E2 = lists:foldl(fun~n", []),
fun({TextV, TId}) ->
io:format(Dev, " ({xmlcdata, ~p}, Acc) -> <<Acc/binary, ~s>>;~n", [TextV, TId])
end, Text),
io:format(Dev, " (El, Acc) -> encode_child(El, Ns, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Acc)~n", []),
io:format(Dev, " end, <<E/binary, 2:8>>, Children),~n", [])
io:format(Dev, " <<E2/binary, 4:8>>;~n", [])
end, Els),
io:format(Dev, " _ -> encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, "
"J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx)~nend;~n", [])
end, Data),
io:format(Dev, "encode(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx) ->~n"
" encode_el(PNs, Ns, Name, Attrs, Children, "
"J1, J2, J1L, J2L, Pfx).~n~n", []).
process_stats({_Counts, Stats}) ->
SStats = lists:sort(
fun({_, #el_stats{count = C1}}, {_, #el_stats{count = C2}}) ->
C1 >= C2
end, maps:to_list(Stats)),
fun({Name, #el_stats{count = C, attrs = A, text_stats = T}}) ->
[Ns, El] = binary:split(Name, <<"<">>),
Attrs = lists:filtermap(
fun({AN, #attr_stats{count = AC, vals = AV}}) ->
AC*5 < C ->
true ->
AVC = AC div min(maps:size(AV)*2, 10),
AVA = [N || {N, C2} <- maps:to_list(AV), C2 > AVC],
{true, {AN, AVA}}
end, maps:to_list(A)),
Text = [TE || {TE, TC} <- maps:to_list(T), TC > C/2],
{Ns, El, Attrs, Text}
end, SStats).
analyze_elements(Elements, Stats, PName, PNS, J1, J2) ->
lists:foldl(fun analyze_element/2, Stats, lists:map(fun(V) -> {V, PName, PNS, J1, J2} end, Elements)).
maps_update(Key, F, InitVal, Map) ->
case maps:is_key(Key, Map) of
true ->
maps:update_with(Key, F, Map);
_ ->
maps:put(Key, F(InitVal), Map)
analyze_element({{xmlcdata, Data}, PName, PNS, _J1, _J2}, {ElCount, Stats}) ->
Stats2 = maps_update(<<PNS/binary, "<", PName/binary>>,
fun(#el_stats{text_stats = TS} = E) ->
TS2 = maps_update(Data, fun(C) -> C + 1 end, 0, TS),
E#el_stats{text_stats = TS2}
end, #el_stats{}, Stats),
{ElCount, Stats2};
analyze_element({#xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs, children = Children}, _PName, PNS, J1, J2}, {ElCount, Stats}) ->
XMLNS = case lists:keyfind(<<"xmlns">>, 1, Attrs) of
{_, NS} ->
false ->
NStats = maps_update(<<XMLNS/binary, "<", Name/binary>>,
fun(#el_stats{count = C, empty_count = EC, only_text_count = TC, attrs = A} = ES) ->
A2 = lists:foldl(
fun({<<"xmlns">>, _}, AMap) ->
({AName, AVal}, AMap) ->
J1S = size(J1),
J2S = size(J2),
AVal2 = case AVal of
J1 ->
J2 ->
<<J1:J1S/binary, _Rest/binary>> ->
<<J2:J2S/binary, _Rest/binary>> ->
Other ->
maps_update(AName, fun(#attr_stats{count = AC, vals = AV}) ->
AV2 = maps_update(AVal2, fun(C2) -> C2 + 1 end, 0, AV),
#attr_stats{count = AC + 1, vals = AV2}
end, #attr_stats{}, AMap)
end, A, Attrs),
ES#el_stats{count = C + 1,
empty_count = if Children == [] -> EC + 1; true ->
EC end,
only_text_count = case Children of [{xmlcdata, _}] -> TC + 1; _ -> TC end,
attrs = A2}
end, #el_stats{}, Stats),
analyze_elements(Children, {ElCount + 1, NStats}, Name, XMLNS, J1, J2).
Reference in New Issue
Block a user