rebar.config.script: Don't check REBAR_PROFILE here

To get release with development tools,
don't check rebar profile here.
Instead, use "./configure --enable-tools" and it will be
checked in
This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2024-02-20 11:28:38 +01:00
parent 9275bf40b2
commit 0b37d50dac
1 changed files with 1 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -353,15 +353,11 @@ VarsApps = case file:consult(filename:join([filename:dirname(SCRIPT),"vars.confi
ProcessRelx = fun(Relx, Deps) ->
{value, {release, NameVersion, DefaultApps}, RelxTail} = lists:keytake(release, 1, Relx),
ProfileApps = case os:getenv("REBAR_PROFILE") of
"dev" -> [observer, runtime_tools, wx, debugger];
_ -> []
DepApps = lists:map(fun({DepName, _, _}) -> DepName;
({DepName, _}) -> DepName;
(DepName) -> DepName
end, Deps),
[{release, NameVersion, DefaultApps ++ VarsApps ++ ProfileApps ++ DepApps} | RelxTail]
[{release, NameVersion, DefaultApps ++ VarsApps ++ DepApps} | RelxTail]
GithubConfig = case {os:getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS"), os:getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")} of