mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-22 17:28:25 +01:00

Major changes in ejabberdctl help output (#3569)

ejabberdctl: show list of commands
ejabberdctl some-command: if wrong number of arguments, shows command help
ejabberdctl help: show explanation of how to use "help"
ejabberdctl help tags: list tags with list of commands
ejabberdctl help commands: list tags with commands details
ejabberdctl help whatever*: filters commands and tags
This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2021-04-15 19:24:17 +02:00
parent 6f565147cb
commit 0ec69f0279

View File

@ -174,27 +174,38 @@ process(["help" | Mode], Version) ->
{MaxC, ShCode} = get_shell_info(),
case Mode of
[] ->
print_usage(dual, MaxC, ShCode, Version),
print_usage_help(MaxC, ShCode),
["--dual"] ->
print_usage(dual, MaxC, ShCode, Version),
["--long"] ->
print_usage(long, MaxC, ShCode, Version),
["--tags"] ->
["tags"] ->
print_usage_tags(MaxC, ShCode, Version),
["--tags", Tag] ->
["--tags"] -> % deprecated in favor of "tags"
print_usage_tags(MaxC, ShCode, Version),
["commands"] ->
print_usage_tags_long(MaxC, ShCode, Version),
["--tags", Tag] -> % deprecated in favor of simply "Tag"
print_usage_tags(Tag, MaxC, ShCode, Version),
["help"] ->
print_usage_help(MaxC, ShCode),
[CmdString | _] ->
CmdStringU = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(
list_to_binary(CmdString), <<"-">>, <<"_">>),
print_usage_commands2(binary_to_list(CmdStringU), MaxC, ShCode, Version),
[String | _] ->
case determine_string_type(String, Version) of
no_idea ->
io:format("No tag or command matches '~ts'~n", [String]);
both ->
print_usage_tags(String, MaxC, ShCode, Version),
print_usage_commands2(String, MaxC, ShCode, Version);
tag ->
print_usage_tags(String, MaxC, ShCode, Version);
command ->
print_usage_commands2(String, MaxC, ShCode, Version)
@ -250,6 +261,21 @@ process2(Args, AccessCommands, Auth, Version) ->
{"Erroneous result: " ++ io_lib:format("~p", [Other]), ?STATUS_ERROR}
determine_string_type(String, Version) ->
TagsCommands = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(Version),
CommandsNames = case lists:keysearch(String, 1, TagsCommands) of
{value, {String, CNs}} -> CNs;
false -> []
AllCommandsNames = [atom_to_list(Name) || {Name, _, _} <- ejabberd_commands:list_commands(Version)],
Cmds = filter_commands(AllCommandsNames, String),
case {CommandsNames, Cmds} of
{[], []} -> no_idea;
{[], _} -> command;
{_, []} -> tag;
{_, _} -> both
%% Command calling
@ -323,7 +349,8 @@ call_command([CmdString | Args], Auth, _AccessCommands, Version) ->
{L1, L2} when L1 < L2 -> {L2-L1, "less argument"};
{L1, L2} when L1 > L2 -> {L1-L2, "more argument"}
{io_lib:format("Error: the command ~p requires ~p ~ts.",
process(["help" | [CmdString]]),
{io_lib:format("Error: the command '~ts' requires ~p ~ts.",
[CmdString, NumCompa, TextCompa]),
@ -472,15 +499,25 @@ is_supported_args(Args) ->
%% Print help
%% Bold
%% Commands are Bold
-define(B1, "\e[1m").
-define(B2, "\e[22m").
-define(B(S), case ShCode of true -> [?B1, S, ?B2]; false -> S end).
-define(B2, "\e[21m").
-define(C(S), case ShCode of true -> [?B1, S, ?B2]; false -> S end).
%% Underline
%% Arguments are Dim
-define(D1, "\e[2m").
-define(D2, "\e[22m").
-define(A(S), case ShCode of true -> [?D1, S, ?D2]; false -> S end).
%% Tags are Underline
-define(U1, "\e[4m").
-define(U2, "\e[24m").
-define(U(S), case ShCode of true -> [?U1, S, ?U2]; false -> S end).
-define(T(S), case ShCode of true -> [?U1, S, ?U2]; false -> S end).
%% B are Nothing
-define(N1, "\e[0m").
-define(N2, "\e[0m").
-define(B(S), case ShCode of true -> [?N1, S, ?N2]; false -> S end).
print_usage(Version) ->
{MaxC, ShCode} = get_shell_info(),
@ -491,22 +528,15 @@ print_usage(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, Version) ->
{"status", [], "Get ejabberd status"},
{"stop", [], "Stop ejabberd"},
{"restart", [], "Restart ejabberd"},
{"help", ["[--tags [tag] | com?*]"], "Show help (try: ejabberdctl help help)"},
{"mnesia", ["[info]"], "show information of Mnesia system"}] ++
["Usage: ", ?B("ejabberdctl"), " [--no-timeout] [--node ", ?U("nodename"), "] [--version ", ?U("api_version"), "] ",
?U("command"), " [", ?U("options"), "]\n"
["Usage: ", "ejabberdctl", " [--no-timeout] [--node ", ?A("nodename"), "] [--version ", ?A("api_version"), "] ",
?C("command"), " [", ?A("arguments"), "]\n"
"Available commands in this ejabberd node:\n"], []),
print_usage_commands(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, AllCommands),
" ejabberdctl restart\n"
" ejabberdctl --node ejabberd@host restart\n"],
print_usage_commands(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, AllCommands).
print_usage_commands(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, Commands) ->
CmdDescsSorted = lists:keysort(1, Commands),
@ -550,8 +580,24 @@ get_shell_info() ->
_:_ -> {78, false}
%% Erlang/OTP 20.0 introduced string:find/2, but we must support old 19.3
string_find([], _SearchPattern) ->
string_find([A | String], [A]) ->
string_find([_ | String], SearchPattern) ->
string_find(String, SearchPattern).
%% Split this command description in several lines of proper length
prepare_description(DescInit, MaxC, Desc) ->
case string_find(Desc, "\n") of
nomatch ->
prepare_description2(DescInit, MaxC, Desc);
_ ->
prepare_description2(DescInit, MaxC, Desc) ->
Words = string:tokens(Desc, " "),
prepare_long_line(DescInit, MaxC, Words).
@ -598,21 +644,27 @@ format_command_lines(CALD, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, dual)
%% If the space available for descriptions is too narrow, enforce long help mode
format_command_lines(CALD, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, long);
format_command_lines(CALD, _MaxCmdLen, _MaxC, ShCode, short) ->
fun({Cmd, Args, _CmdArgsL, _Desc}) ->
[" ", ?C(Cmd), [[" ", ?A(Arg)] || Arg <- Args], "\n"]
end, CALD);
format_command_lines(CALD, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, dual) ->
fun({Cmd, Args, CmdArgsL, Desc}) ->
DescFmt = prepare_description(MaxCmdLen+4, MaxC, Desc),
[" ", ?B(Cmd), " ", [[?U(Arg), " "] || Arg <- Args],
string:chars($\s, MaxCmdLen - CmdArgsL + 1),
[" ", ?C(Cmd), [[" ", ?A(Arg)] || Arg <- Args],
lists:duplicate(MaxCmdLen - CmdArgsL + 1, $\s),
DescFmt, "\n"]
end, CALD);
format_command_lines(CALD, _MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, long) ->
fun({Cmd, Args, _CmdArgsL, Desc}) ->
DescFmt = prepare_description(8, MaxC, Desc),
["\n ", ?B(Cmd), " ", [[?U(Arg), " "] || Arg <- Args], "\n", " ",
DescFmt, "\n"]
DescFmt = prepare_description(13, MaxC, Desc),
[" ", ?C(Cmd), [[" ", ?A(Arg)] || Arg <- Args], "\n",
" ", DescFmt, "\n"]
end, CALD).
@ -621,20 +673,42 @@ format_command_lines(CALD, _MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, long) ->
print_usage_tags(MaxC, ShCode, Version) ->
print("Available tags and commands:", []),
print("Available tags and list of commands:", []),
TagsCommands = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(Version),
fun({Tag, Commands} = _TagCommands) ->
print(["\n\n ", ?B(Tag), "\n "], []),
print(["\n\n ", ?T(Tag), "\n "], []),
Words = lists:sort(Commands),
Desc = prepare_long_line(5, MaxC, Words),
print(Desc, [])
print(?C(Desc), [])
print("\n\n", []).
print_usage_tags_long(MaxC, ShCode, Version) ->
print("Available tags and commands details:", []),
TagsCommands = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(Version),
print("\n", []),
fun({Tag, CommandsNames} = _TagCommands) ->
print(["\n ", ?T(Tag), "\n"], []),
CommandsList = lists:map(
fun(NameString) ->
C = ejabberd_commands:get_command_definition(
list_to_atom(NameString), Version),
#ejabberd_commands{name = Name,
args = Args,
desc = Desc} = C,
tuple_command_help({Name, Args, Desc})
print_usage_commands(short, MaxC, ShCode, CommandsList)
print("\n", []).
print_usage_tags(Tag, MaxC, ShCode, Version) ->
print(["Available commands with tag ", ?B(Tag), ":", "\n"], []),
print(["Available commands with tag ", ?T(Tag), ":", "\n", "\n"], []),
HelpMode = long,
TagsCommands = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(Version),
CommandsNames = case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, TagsCommands) of
@ -661,26 +735,29 @@ print_usage_tags(Tag, MaxC, ShCode, Version) ->
print_usage_help(MaxC, ShCode) ->
LongDesc =
["The special 'help' ejabberdctl command provides help of ejabberd commands.\n\n"
"The format is:\n ", ?B("ejabberdctl"), " ", ?B("help"), " [", ?B("--tags"), " ", ?U("[tag]"), " | ", ?U("com?*"), "]\n\n"
["This special ", ?C("help"), " command provides help of ejabberd commands.\n\n"
"The format is:\n ", ?B("ejabberdctl"), " ", ?C("help"),
" [", ?A("tags"), " | ", ?A("commands"), " | ", ?T("tag"), " | ", ?C("command"), " | ", ?C("com?*"), "]\n\n"
"The optional arguments:\n"
" ",?B("--tags")," Show all tags and the names of commands in each tag\n"
" ",?B("--tags"), " ", ?U("tag")," Show description of commands in this tag\n"
" ",?U("command")," Show detailed description of the command\n"
" ",?U("com?*")," Show detailed description of commands that match this glob.\n"
" You can use ? to match a simple character,\n"
" and * to match several characters.\n"
" ",?A("tags")," Show all tags and commands names in each tag\n"
" ",?A("commands")," Show all tags and commands details in each tag\n"
" ",?T("tag")," Show commands related to this tag\n"
" ",?C("command")," Show detailed description of this command\n"
" ",?C("com?*")," Show commands that match this glob.\n"
" (? will match a simple character, and\n"
" * will match several characters)\n"
"Some example usages:\n",
" ejabberdctl help\n",
" ejabberdctl help --tags\n",
" ejabberdctl help --tags accounts\n",
" ejabberdctl help register\n",
" ejabberdctl help regist*\n",
" ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), "\n",
" ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), " ", ?A("tags"), "\n",
" ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), " ", ?A("commands"), "\n",
" ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), " ", ?T("accounts"), "\n",
" ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), " ", ?C("register"), "\n",
" ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), " ", ?C("regist*"), "\n",
"Please note that 'ejabberdctl help' shows all ejabberd commands,\n",
"Please note that 'ejabberdctl' shows all ejabberd commands,\n",
"even those that cannot be used in the shell with ejabberdctl.\n",
"Those commands can be identified because the description starts with: *"],
"Those commands can be identified because their description starts with: *"],
ArgsDef = [],
C = #ejabberd_commands{
name = help,
@ -701,23 +778,26 @@ print_usage_commands2(CmdSubString, MaxC, ShCode, Version) ->
AllCommandsNames = [atom_to_list(Name) || {Name, _, _} <- ejabberd_commands:list_commands(Version)],
Cmds = filter_commands(AllCommandsNames, CmdSubString),
case Cmds of
[] -> io:format("Error: no command found that match: ~p~n", [CmdSubString]);
[] -> io:format("Error: no command found that match '~ts'~n", [CmdSubString]);
_ -> print_usage_commands3(lists:sort(Cmds), MaxC, ShCode, Version)
print_usage_commands3([Cmd], MaxC, ShCode, Version) ->
print_usage_command(Cmd, MaxC, ShCode, Version);
print_usage_commands3(Cmds, MaxC, ShCode, Version) ->
%% Then for each one print it
fun(Cmd, Remaining) ->
print_usage_command(Cmd, MaxC, ShCode, Version),
case Remaining > 1 of
true -> print([" ", lists:duplicate(MaxC, 126), " \n"], []);
false -> ok
{ok, Remaining-1}
CommandsList = lists:map(
fun(NameString) ->
C = ejabberd_commands:get_command_definition(
list_to_atom(NameString), Version),
#ejabberd_commands{name = Name,
args = Args,
desc = Desc} = C,
tuple_command_help({Name, Args, Desc})
print_usage_commands(long, MaxC, ShCode, CommandsList), %% que aqui solo muestre un par de lineas
filter_commands(All, SubString) ->
case lists:member(SubString, All) of
@ -752,7 +832,7 @@ print_usage_command2(Cmd, C, MaxC, ShCode) ->
longdesc = LongDesc,
result = ResultDef} = C,
NameFmt = [" ", ?B("Command Name"), ": ", Cmd, "\n"],
NameFmt = [" ", ?B("Command Name"), ": ", ?C(Cmd), "\n"],
%% Initial indentation of result is 13 = length(" Arguments: ")
Args = [format_usage_ctype(ArgDef, 13) || ArgDef <- ArgsDef],
@ -769,9 +849,9 @@ print_usage_command2(Cmd, C, MaxC, ShCode) ->
XmlrpcFmt = "", %%+++ [" ",?B("XML-RPC"),": ", format_usage_xmlrpc(ArgsDef, ResultDef), "\n\n"],
TagsFmt = [" ",?B("Tags"),": ", prepare_long_line(8, MaxC, [atom_to_list(TagA) || TagA <- TagsAtoms])],
TagsFmt = [" ",?B("Tags"),":", prepare_long_line(8, MaxC, [?T(atom_to_list(TagA)) || TagA <- TagsAtoms])],
DescFmt = [" ",?B("Description"),": ", prepare_description(15, MaxC, Desc)],
DescFmt = [" ",?B("Description"),":", prepare_description(15, MaxC, Desc)],
LongDescFmt = case LongDesc of
"" -> "";
@ -783,7 +863,12 @@ print_usage_command2(Cmd, C, MaxC, ShCode) ->
false -> [" ", ?B("Note:"), " This command cannot be executed using ejabberdctl. Try ejabberd_xmlrpc.\n\n"]
print(["\n", NameFmt, "\n", ArgsFmt, "\n", ReturnsFmt, "\n\n", XmlrpcFmt, TagsFmt, "\n\n", DescFmt, "\n\n", LongDescFmt, NoteEjabberdctl], []).
case Cmd of
"help" -> ok;
_ -> print([NameFmt, "\n", ArgsFmt, "\n", ReturnsFmt,
"\n\n", XmlrpcFmt, TagsFmt, "\n\n", DescFmt, "\n\n"], [])
print([LongDescFmt, NoteEjabberdctl], []).
format_usage_ctype(Type, _Indentation)
when (Type==atom) or (Type==integer) or (Type==string) or (Type==binary) or (Type==rescode) or (Type==restuple)->