documentation update (thanks to Karim Gemayel)

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Romain 2010-10-18 16:53:21 +02:00
parent 91cf9194d8
commit 0f3bd782c4
1 changed files with 126 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -35,112 +35,149 @@
%% -------------------------------
%% Pubsub types
%%% @type host() = string().
%%% <p><tt>host</tt> is the name of the PubSub service. For example, it can be
%%% <tt>"pubsub.localhost"</tt>.</p>
%% @type host() = string().
%% <p><tt>host</tt> is the name of the PubSub service. For example, it can be
%% <tt><<"pubsub.localhost">></tt>.</p>
%%% @type pubsubNode() = [string()].
%%% <p>A node is defined by a list of its ancestors. The last element is the name
%%% of the current node. For example:
%%% ```["home", "localhost", "cromain", "node1"]'''</p>
%% @type nodeId() = binary().
%% <p>A node is defined by a list of its ancestors. The last element is the name
%% of the current node. For example:
%% ```<<"/home/localhost/user">>'''</p>
%%% @type stanzaError() = #xmlelement{}.
%%% Example:
%%% ```{xmlelement, "error",
%%% [{"code", Code}, {"type", Type}],
%%% [{xmlelement, Condition, [{"xmlns", ?NS_STANZAS}], []}]}'''
%% @type nodeIdx() = integer().
%%% @type pubsubIQResponse() = #xmlelement{}.
%%% Example:
%%% ```{xmlelement, "pubsub",
%%% [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
%%% [{xmlelement, "affiliations", [],
%%% []}]}'''
%% @type itemId() = string().
%%% @type nodeOption() = {Option::atom(), Value::term()}.
%%% Example:
%%% ```{deliver_payloads, true}'''
%% @type subId() = string().
%%% @type nodeType() = string().
%%% <p>The <tt>nodeType</tt> is a string containing the name of the PubSub
%%% plugin to use to manage a given node. For example, it can be
%%% <tt>"flat"</tt>, <tt>"hometree"</tt> or <tt>"blog"</tt>.</p>
%% @type payload() = [#xmlelement{} | #xmlcdata{}].
%%% @type jid() = #jid{
%%% user = string(),
%%% server = string(),
%%% resource = string(),
%%% luser = string(),
%%% lserver = string(),
%%% lresource = string()}.
%% @type stanzaError() = #xmlelement{}.
%% Example:
%% ```{xmlelement, "error",
%% [{"code", Code}, {"type", Type}],
%% [{xmlelement, Condition, [{"xmlns", ?NS_STANZAS}], []}]}'''
%% @type pubsubIQResponse() = #xmlelement{}.
%% Example:
%% ```{xmlelement, "pubsub",
%% [{"xmlns", ?NS_PUBSUB_EVENT}],
%% [{xmlelement, "affiliations", [],
%% []}]}'''
%%% @type ljid() = {User::string(), Server::string(), Resource::string()}.
%% @type nodeOption() = {Option, Value}.
%% Option = atom(),
%% Value = term().
%% Example:
%% ```{deliver_payloads, true}'''
%%% @type affiliation() = none | owner | publisher | outcast.
%%% @type subscription() = none | pending | unconfigured | subscribed.
%% @type nodeType() = string().
%% <p>The <tt>nodeType</tt> is a string containing the name of the PubSub
%% plugin to use to manage a given node. For example, it can be
%% <tt>"flat"</tt>, <tt>"hometree"</tt> or <tt>"blog"</tt>.</p>
%%% internal pubsub index table
-record(pubsub_index, {index, last, free}).
%% @type jid() = {jid, User, Server, Resource, LUser, LServer, LResource}.
%% User = string(),
%% Server = string(),
%% Resource = string(),
%% LUser = string(),
%% LServer = string(),
%% LResource = string().
%%% @type pubsubNode() = #pubsub_node{
%%% nodeid = {Host::host(), Node::pubsubNode()},
%%% parentid = Node::pubsubNode(),
%%% nodeidx = int(),
%%% type = nodeType(),
%%% options = [nodeOption()]}.
%%% <p>This is the format of the <tt>nodes</tt> table. The type of the table
%%% is: <tt>set</tt>,<tt>ram/disc</tt>.</p>
%%% <p>The <tt>parentid</tt> and <tt>type</tt> fields are indexed.</p>
%%% nodeidx can be anything you want.
-record(pubsub_node, {nodeid,
parents = [],
type = "flat",
owners = [],
options = []
%% @type ljid() = {User, Server, Resource}.
%% User = string(),
%% Server = string(),
%% Resource = string().
%%% @type pubsubState() = #pubsub_state{
%%% stateid = {ljid(), nodeidx()},
%%% items = [ItemId::string()],
%%% affiliation = affiliation(),
%%% subscriptions = [subscription()]}.
%%% <p>This is the format of the <tt>affiliations</tt> table. The type of the
%%% table is: <tt>set</tt>,<tt>ram/disc</tt>.</p>
-record(pubsub_state, {stateid,
items = [],
affiliation = none,
subscriptions = []
%% @type affiliation() = 'none' | 'owner' | 'publisher' | 'publish-only' | 'member' | 'outcast'.
%% @type subscription() = 'none' | 'pending' | 'unconfigured' | 'subscribed'.
%% @type pubsubIndex() = {pubsub_index, Index, Last, Free}.
%% Index = atom(),
%% Last = integer(),
%% Free = [integer()].
%% internal pubsub index table
%%% @type pubsubItem() = #pubsub_item{
%%% itemid = {ItemId::string(), nodeidx()},
%%% creation = {now(), ljid()},
%%% modification = {now(), ljid()},
%%% payload = XMLContent::string()}.
%%% <p>This is the format of the <tt>published items</tt> table. The type of the
%%% table is: <tt>set</tt>,<tt>disc</tt>,<tt>fragmented</tt>.</p>
-record(pubsub_item, {itemid,
creation = {unknown,unknown},
modification = {unknown,unknown},
payload = []
%% @type pubsubNode() = {pubsub_node, NodeId, Id, Parents, Type, Owners, Options}.
%% NodeId = {host() | ljid(), nodeId()},
%% Id = nodeIdx(),
%% Parents = [nodeId()],
%% Type = nodeType(),
%% Owners = [ljid()],
%% Options = [nodeOption()].
%% <p>This is the format of the <tt>nodes</tt> table. The type of the table
%% is: <tt>set</tt>,<tt>ram/disc</tt>.</p>
%% <p>The <tt>Parents</tt> and <tt>type</tt> fields are indexed.</p>
%% <tt>id</tt> can be anything you want.
parents = [],
type = "flat",
owners = [],
options = []
%% @type pubsubState() = {pubsub_state, StateId, Items, Affiliation, Subscriptions}.
%% StateId = {ljid(), nodeIdx()},
%% Items = [itemId()],
%% Affiliation = affiliation(),
%% Subscriptions = [{subscription(), subId()}].
%% <p>This is the format of the <tt>affiliations</tt> table. The type of the
%% table is: <tt>set</tt>,<tt>ram/disc</tt>.</p>
items = [],
affiliation = 'none',
subscriptions = []
%% @type pubsubSubscription() = #pubsub_subscription{
%% subid = string(),
%% state_key = {ljid(), pubsubNodeId()},
%% options = [{atom(), term()}]
%% }.
%% @type pubsubItem() = {pubsub_item, ItemId, Creation, Modification, Payload}.
%% ItemId = {itemId(), nodeIdx()},
%% Creation = {now(), ljid()},
%% Modification = {now(), ljid()},
%% Payload = payload().
%% <p>This is the format of the <tt>published items</tt> table. The type of the
%% table is: <tt>set</tt>,<tt>disc</tt>,<tt>fragmented</tt>.</p>
creation = {'unknown','unknown'},
modification = {'unknown','unknown'},
payload = []
%% @type pubsubSubscription() = {pubsub_subscription, SubId, Options}.
%% SubId = subId(),
%% Options = [nodeOption()].
%% <p>This is the format of the <tt>subscriptions</tt> table. The type of the
%% table is: <tt>set</tt>,<tt>ram/disc</tt>.</p>
-record(pubsub_subscription, {subid, options}).
%% @type pubsubLastItem() = #pubsub_last_item{
%% nodeid = nodeidx(),
%% itemid = string(),
%% payload = XMLContent::string()}.
%% @type pubsubLastItem() = {pubsub_last_item, NodeId, ItemId, Creation, Payload}.
%% NodeId = nodeIdx(),
%% ItemId = itemId(),
%% Creation = {now(),ljid()},
%% Payload = payload().
%% <p>This is the format of the <tt>last items</tt> table. it stores last item payload
%% for every node</p>
-record(pubsub_last_item, {nodeid, itemid, creation, payload}).