mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-02 21:17:12 +02:00

Cleanup acme_challenge.erl, move types and records in ejabberd_acme.hrl

This commit is contained in:
Konstantinos Kallas 2017-06-17 19:06:39 +03:00
parent 133d2ae6d5
commit 1d1250b056
3 changed files with 105 additions and 71 deletions

include/ejabberd_acme.hrl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
-record(challenge, {
type = <<"http-01">> :: bitstring(),
status = pending :: pending | valid | invalid,
uri = <<"">> :: bitstring(),
token = <<"">> :: bitstring()
-type nonce() :: string().
-type url() :: string().
-type proplist() :: [{_, _}].
-type jws() :: map().
-type handle_resp_fun() :: fun(({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, _, nonce()}).
-type acme_challenge() :: #challenge{}.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-export ([ key_authorization/2
, challenges_to_objects/1
, solve_challenges/2
, solve_challenge/3
%% Challenge Types
%% ================
@ -10,52 +9,79 @@
%% 2. dns-01: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-05#section-7.3
%% 3. tls-sni-01: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-05#section-7.4
%% 4. (?) oob-01: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-05#section-7.5
-define(DEFAULT_HTTP_DIR, "../test-server-for-acme").
-record(challenge, {
type = <<"http-01">> :: bitstring(),
status = pending :: pending | valid | invalid,
uri = <<"">> :: bitstring(),
token = <<"">> :: bitstring()
-spec parse_challenge(string(), jose_jwk:key()) -> bitstring().
key_authorization(Token, Key) ->
Thumbprint = jose_jwk:thumbprint(Key),
io:format("Thumbprint: ~p~n", [Thumbprint]),
% ?INFO_MSG("Thumbprint: ~p~n", [Thumbprint]),
KeyAuthorization = erlang:iolist_to_binary([Token, <<".">>, Thumbprint]),
% io:format("KeyAuthorization: ~p~n", [KeyAuthorization]),
challenges_to_objects(Challenges) ->
[clean_challenge(X) || {X} <- Challenges].
clean_challenge(Challenge) ->
{<<"type">>,Type} = proplists:lookup(<<"type">>, Challenge),
{<<"status">>,Status} = proplists:lookup(<<"status">>, Challenge),
{<<"uri">>,Uri} = proplists:lookup(<<"uri">>, Challenge),
{<<"token">>,Token} = proplists:lookup(<<"token">>, Challenge),
type = Type,
status = list_to_atom(bitstring_to_list(Status)),
uri = Uri,
token = Token
solve_challenges(Challenges, Key) ->
[solve_challenge(X, Key) || X <- Challenges].
-spec parse_challenge({proplist()}) -> {ok, acme_challenge()} | {error, _}.
parse_challenge(Challenge0) ->
{Challenge} = Challenge0,
{<<"type">>,Type} = proplists:lookup(<<"type">>, Challenge),
{<<"status">>,Status} = proplists:lookup(<<"status">>, Challenge),
{<<"uri">>,Uri} = proplists:lookup(<<"uri">>, Challenge),
{<<"token">>,Token} = proplists:lookup(<<"token">>, Challenge),
Res = #challenge{
type = Type,
status = list_to_atom(bitstring_to_list(Status)),
uri = Uri,
token = Token
{ok, Res}
_:Error ->
{error, Error}
solve_challenge(Chal = #challenge{type = <<"http-01">>, token=Tkn}, Key) ->
io:format("Http Challenge: ~p~n", [Chal]),
-spec solve_challenge(bitstring(), [{proplist()}], _) -> {ok, url(), bitstring()} | {error, _}.
solve_challenge(ChallengeType, Challenges, Options) ->
ParsedChallenges = [parse_challenge(Chall) || Chall <- Challenges],
case lists:any(fun is_error/1, ParsedChallenges) of
true ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error parsing challenges: ~p~n", [Challenges]),
{error, parse_challenge};
false ->
case [C || {ok, C} <- ParsedChallenges, is_challenge_type(ChallengeType, C)] of
[Challenge] ->
solve_challenge1(Challenge, Options);
_ ->
?ERROR_MSG("Challenge ~p not found in challenges: ~p~n", [ChallengeType, Challenges]),
{error, not_found}
-spec solve_challenge1(acme_challenge(), _) -> {ok, url(), bitstring()} | {error, _}.
solve_challenge1(Chal = #challenge{type = <<"http-01">>, token=Tkn}, {Key, HttpDir}) ->
KeyAuthz = key_authorization(Tkn, Key),
io:format("KeyAuthorization: ~p~n", [KeyAuthz]),
FileLocation = HttpDir ++ "/.well-known/acme-challenge/" ++ bitstring_to_list(Tkn),
case file:write_file(FileLocation, KeyAuthz) of
ok ->
{ok, Chal#challenge.uri, KeyAuthz};
{error, _} = Err ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error writing to file: ~s with reason: ~p~n", [FileLocation, Err]),
solve_challenge1(Challenge, _Key) ->
?INFO_MSG("Challenge: ~p~n", [Challenge]).
%% Create file for authorization
ok = file:write_file(?DEFAULT_HTTP_DIR ++
"/.well-known/acme-challenge/" ++
bitstring_to_list(Tkn), KeyAuthz),
{<<"http-01">>, Chal#challenge.uri, KeyAuthz};
solve_challenge(Challenge, Key) ->
io:format("Challenge: ~p~n", [Challenge]).
%% Useful functions
is_challenge_type(DesiredType, #challenge{type = Type}) when DesiredType =:= Type ->
is_challenge_type(_DesiredType, #challenge{type = _Type}) ->
is_error({error, _}) -> true;
is_error(_) -> false.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-module (ejabberd_acme).
-export([ scenario/3
, scenario0/1
, directory/1
-export([ directory/1
, get_account/3
, new_account/4
@ -12,23 +10,21 @@
, new_authz/4
, get_authz/1
, scenario/3
, scenario0/2
-define(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 5000). % 5 seconds.
-type nonce() :: string().
-type url() :: string().
-type proplist() :: [{_, _}].
-type jws() :: map().
-type handle_resp_fun() :: fun(({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, _, nonce()}).
%% Get Directory
@ -163,6 +159,12 @@ get_tos(Head) ->
-spec get_challenges(proplist()) -> [{proplist()}].
get_challenges(Body) ->
{<<"challenges">>, Challenges} = proplists:lookup(<<"challenges">>, Body),
%% TODO: Fix the duplicated code at the below 4 functions
-spec make_post_request(url(), bitstring()) ->
@ -229,21 +231,6 @@ prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun) ->
-spec sign_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), string()) -> jws().
sign_json_jose(Key, Json) ->
PubKey = jose_jwk:to_public(Key),
{_, BinaryPubKey} = jose_jwk:to_binary(PubKey),
PubKeyJson = jiffy:decode(BinaryPubKey),
% Jws object containing the algorithm
%% TODO: Dont hardcode the alg
JwsObj = jose_jws:from(
#{ <<"alg">> => <<"ES256">>
% , <<"b64">> => true
, <<"jwk">> => PubKeyJson
%% Signed Message
jose_jws:sign(Key, Json, JwsObj).
-spec sign_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), string(), nonce()) -> jws().
sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
% Generate a public key
@ -321,6 +308,7 @@ scenario(CAUrl, AccId, PrivateKey) ->
AccURL = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
{ok, {_TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = get_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce0),
?INFO_MSG("Account: ~p~n", [Account]),
#{"new-authz" := NewAuthz} = Dirs,
Req =
@ -335,7 +323,7 @@ scenario(CAUrl, AccId, PrivateKey) ->
{Account, Authz, PrivateKey}.
new_user_scenario(CAUrl) ->
new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) ->
PrivateKey = generate_key(),
DirURL = CAUrl ++ "/directory",
@ -381,6 +369,12 @@ new_user_scenario(CAUrl) ->
{ok, Authz2, Nonce5} = get_authz(AuthzUrl),
Challenges = get_challenges(Authz2),
?INFO_MSG("Challenges: ~p~n", [Challenges]),
{ok, ChallengeUrl, KeyAuthz} = acme_challenge:solve_challenge(<<"http-01">>, Challenges, {PrivateKey, HttpDir}),
?INFO_MSG("File for http-01 challenge written correctly", []),
{Account2, Authz2, PrivateKey}.
@ -388,9 +382,8 @@ generate_key() ->
jose_jwk:generate_key({ec, secp256r1}).
%% Just a test
scenario0(KeyFile) ->
scenario0(KeyFile, HttpDir) ->
PrivateKey = jose_jwk:from_file(KeyFile),
scenario("http://localhost:4000", "2", PrivateKey).
% new_user_scenario("http://localhost:4000").
% scenario("http://localhost:4000", "2", PrivateKey).
new_user_scenario("http://localhost:4000", HttpDir).
% ejabberd_acme:scenario0("/home/konstantinos/Desktop/Programming/ejabberd/private_key_temporary").