mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-24 17:29:28 +01:00

Support custom base path in WebAdmin by using relative URLs (#3043)

This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2019-10-02 11:54:22 +02:00
parent 7fc272918a
commit 20205c66c1
3 changed files with 93 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -95,20 +95,20 @@ get_jid(Auth, HostHTTP, Method) ->
throw({unauthorized, Auth})
get_menu_items(global, cluster, Lang, JID) ->
{Base, _, Items} = make_server_menu([], [], Lang, JID),
get_menu_items(global, cluster, Lang, JID, Level) ->
{_Base, _, Items} = make_server_menu([], [], Lang, JID, Level),
lists:map(fun ({URI, Name}) ->
{<<Base/binary, URI/binary, "/">>, Name};
{<<URI/binary, "/">>, Name};
({URI, Name, _SubMenu}) ->
{<<Base/binary, URI/binary, "/">>, Name}
{<<URI/binary, "/">>, Name}
get_menu_items(Host, cluster, Lang, JID) ->
{Base, _, Items} = make_host_menu(Host, [], Lang, JID),
get_menu_items(Host, cluster, Lang, JID, Level) ->
{_Base, _, Items} = make_host_menu(Host, [], Lang, JID, Level),
lists:map(fun ({URI, Name}) ->
{<<Base/binary, URI/binary, "/">>, Name};
{<<URI/binary, "/">>, Name};
({URI, Name, _SubMenu}) ->
{<<Base/binary, URI/binary, "/">>, Name}
{<<URI/binary, "/">>, Name}
@ -290,16 +290,16 @@ get_auth_account2(HostOfRule, AccessRule, User, Server,
%%%% make_xhtml
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Lang, JID) ->
make_xhtml(Els, Host, cluster, Lang, JID).
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Lang, JID, Level) ->
make_xhtml(Els, Host, cluster, Lang, JID, Level).
%% @spec (Els, Host, Node, Lang, JID) -> {200, [html], xmlelement()}
%% where Host = global | string()
%% Node = cluster | atom()
%% JID = jid()
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
Base = get_base_path(Host, cluster),
MenuItems = make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang, JID),
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level) ->
Base = get_base_path_sum(0, 0, Level),
MenuItems = make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level),
{200, [html],
#xmlel{name = <<"html">>,
attrs =
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
[?XAE(<<"div">>, [{<<"id">>, <<"container">>}],
[?XAE(<<"div">>, [{<<"id">>, <<"header">>}],
<<"ejabberd Web Admin">>)])]),
?XAE(<<"div">>, [{<<"id">>, <<"navigation">>}],
[?XE(<<"ul">>, MenuItems)]),
@ -357,15 +357,19 @@ make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
direction(<<"he">>) -> [{<<"dir">>, <<"rtl">>}];
direction(_) -> [].
get_base_path(global, cluster) -> <<"/admin/">>;
get_base_path(Host, cluster) ->
<<"/admin/server/", Host/binary, "/">>;
get_base_path(global, Node) ->
(iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(Node)))/binary, "/">>;
get_base_path(Host, Node) ->
<<"/admin/server/", Host/binary, "/node/",
(iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(Node)))/binary, "/">>.
get_base_path(Host, Node, Level) ->
SumHost = case Host of
global -> 0;
_ -> -2
SumNode = case Node of
cluster -> 0;
_ -> -2
get_base_path_sum(SumHost, SumNode, Level).
get_base_path_sum(SumHost, SumNode, Level) ->
iolist_to_binary(lists:duplicate(Level + SumHost + SumNode, "../")).
%%%% css & images
@ -379,7 +383,7 @@ additions_js() ->
css(Host) ->
case misc:read_css("admin.css") of
{ok, CSS} ->
Base = get_base_path(Host, cluster),
Base = get_base_path(Host, cluster, 0),
re:replace(CSS, <<"@BASE@">>, Base, [{return, binary}]);
{error, _} ->
@ -413,15 +417,15 @@ process_admin(global, #request{path = [], lang = Lang}, AJID) ->
[?LI([?ACT(MIU, MIN)])
|| {MIU, MIN}
<- get_menu_items(global, cluster, Lang, AJID)])],
global, Lang, AJID);
<- get_menu_items(global, cluster, Lang, AJID, 0)])],
global, Lang, AJID, 0);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [], lang = Lang}, AJID) ->
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Administration")),
[?LI([?ACT(MIU, MIN)])
|| {MIU, MIN}
<- get_menu_items(Host, cluster, Lang, AJID)])],
Host, Lang, AJID);
<- get_menu_items(Host, cluster, Lang, AJID, 2)])],
Host, Lang, AJID, 2);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"style.css">>]}, _) ->
[{<<"Content-Type">>, <<"text/css">>}, last_modified(),
@ -452,26 +456,26 @@ process_admin(global, #request{path = [<<"vhosts">>], lang = Lang}, AJID) ->
make_xhtml((?H1GL((translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Virtual Hosts"))),
<<"virtual-hosting">>, ?T("Virtual Hosting")))
++ Res,
global, Lang, AJID);
global, Lang, AJID, 1);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"users">>], q = Query,
lang = Lang}, AJID)
when is_binary(Host) ->
Res = list_users(Host, Query, Lang, fun url_func/1),
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Users"))] ++ Res, Host,
Lang, AJID);
Lang, AJID, 3);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"users">>, Diap],
lang = Lang}, AJID)
when is_binary(Host) ->
Res = list_users_in_diapason(Host, Diap, Lang,
fun url_func/1),
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Users"))] ++ Res, Host,
Lang, AJID);
Lang, AJID, 4);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"online-users">>],
lang = Lang}, AJID)
when is_binary(Host) ->
Res = list_online_users(Host, Lang),
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Online Users"))] ++ Res,
Host, Lang, AJID);
Host, Lang, AJID, 3);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"last-activity">>],
q = Query, lang = Lang}, AJID)
when is_binary(Host) ->
@ -513,33 +517,45 @@ process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"last-activity">>],
?INPUTT(<<"submit">>, <<"integral">>,
?T("Show Integral Table"))])]
++ Res,
Host, Lang, AJID);
Host, Lang, AJID, 3);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"stats">>], lang = Lang}, AJID) ->
Res = get_stats(Host, Lang),
PageH1 = ?H1GL(translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Statistics")), <<"mod-stats">>, <<"mod_stats">>),
make_xhtml(PageH1 ++ Res, Host, Lang, AJID);
Level = case Host of
global -> 1;
_ -> 3
make_xhtml(PageH1 ++ Res, Host, Lang, AJID, Level);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"user">>, U],
q = Query, lang = Lang}, AJID) ->
case ejabberd_auth:user_exists(U, Host) of
true ->
Res = user_info(U, Host, Query, Lang),
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang, AJID);
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang, AJID, 4);
false ->
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Not Found"))], Host,
Lang, AJID)
Lang, AJID, 4)
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"nodes">>], lang = Lang}, AJID) ->
Res = get_nodes(Lang),
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang, AJID);
Level = case Host of
global -> 1;
_ -> 3
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang, AJID, Level);
process_admin(Host, #request{path = [<<"node">>, SNode | NPath],
q = Query, lang = Lang}, AJID) ->
case search_running_node(SNode) of
false ->
make_xhtml([?XCT(<<"h1">>, ?T("Node not found"))], Host,
Lang, AJID);
Lang, AJID, 2);
Node ->
Res = get_node(Host, Node, NPath, Query, Lang),
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Node, Lang, AJID)
Level = case Host of
global -> 2 + length(NPath);
_ -> 4 + length(NPath)
make_xhtml(Res, Host, Node, Lang, AJID, Level)
%%%% process_admin default case
@ -552,13 +568,17 @@ process_admin(Host, #request{lang = Lang} = Request, AJID) ->
webadmin_page_host, Host, [], [Host, Request])
Level = case Host of
global -> length(Request#request.path);
_ -> 2 + length(Request#request.path)
case Res of
[] ->
make_xhtml([?XC(<<"h1">>, <<"Not Found">>)], Host, Lang,
AJID, Level),
_ -> make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang, AJID)
_ -> make_xhtml(Res, Host, Lang, AJID, Level)
term_to_id(T) -> base64:encode((term_to_binary(T))).
@ -1081,7 +1101,7 @@ search_running_node(SNode, [Node | Nodes]) ->
get_node(global, Node, [], Query, Lang) ->
Res = node_parse_query(Node, Query),
Base = get_base_path(global, Node),
Base = get_base_path(global, Node, 2),
MenuItems2 = make_menu_items(global, Node, Base, Lang),
(str:format(translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Node ~p")), [Node])))]
@ -1093,10 +1113,10 @@ get_node(global, Node, [], Query, Lang) ->
([?LI([?ACT(<<Base/binary, "db/">>, ?T("Database"))]),
?LI([?ACT(<<Base/binary, "backup/">>, ?T("Backup"))]),
?LI([?ACT(<<Base/binary, "stats/">>, ?T("Statistics"))]),
?LI([?ACT(<<Base/binary, "update/">>, ?T("Update"))])]
([?LI([?ACT(<<"db/">>, ?T("Database"))]),
?LI([?ACT(<<"backup/">>, ?T("Backup"))]),
?LI([?ACT(<<"stats/">>, ?T("Statistics"))]),
?LI([?ACT(<<"update/">>, ?T("Update"))])]
++ MenuItems2)),
[{<<"action">>, <<"">>}, {<<"method">>, <<"post">>}],
@ -1104,7 +1124,7 @@ get_node(global, Node, [], Query, Lang) ->
?C(<<" ">>),
?INPUTT(<<"submit">>, <<"stop">>, ?T("Stop"))])];
get_node(Host, Node, [], _Query, Lang) ->
Base = get_base_path(Host, Node),
Base = get_base_path(Host, Node, 4),
MenuItems2 = make_menu_items(Host, Node, Base, Lang),
[?XC(<<"h1">>, (str:format(translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Node ~p")), [Node]))),
?XE(<<"ul">>, MenuItems2)];
@ -1733,8 +1753,8 @@ pretty_string_int(String) when is_binary(String) ->
%%%% navigation menu
%% @spec (Host, Node, Lang, JID::jid()) -> [LI]
make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
Menu = make_navigation_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID),
make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level) ->
Menu = make_navigation_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level),
make_menu_items(Lang, Menu).
%% @spec (Host, Node, Lang, JID::jid()) -> Menu
@ -1744,13 +1764,13 @@ make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
%% Menu = {URL, Title} | {URL, Title, [Menu]}
%% URL = string()
%% Title = string()
make_navigation_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
make_navigation_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level) ->
HostNodeMenu = make_host_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang,
JID, Level),
HostMenu = make_host_menu(Host, HostNodeMenu, Lang,
NodeMenu = make_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang),
make_server_menu(HostMenu, NodeMenu, Lang, JID).
JID, Level),
NodeMenu = make_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang, Level),
make_server_menu(HostMenu, NodeMenu, Lang, JID, Level).
%% @spec (Host, Node, Base, Lang) -> [LI]
make_menu_items(global, cluster, Base, Lang) ->
@ -1767,12 +1787,12 @@ make_menu_items(Host, Node, Base, Lang) ->
make_menu_items(Lang, {Base, <<"">>, HookItems}).
make_host_node_menu(global, _, _Lang, _JID) ->
make_host_node_menu(global, _, _Lang, _JID, _Level) ->
{<<"">>, <<"">>, []};
make_host_node_menu(_, cluster, _Lang, _JID) ->
make_host_node_menu(_, cluster, _Lang, _JID, _Level) ->
{<<"">>, <<"">>, []};
make_host_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
HostNodeBase = get_base_path(Host, Node),
make_host_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level) ->
HostNodeBase = get_base_path(Host, Node, Level),
HostNodeFixed = get_menu_items_hook({hostnode, Host, Node}, Lang),
HostNodeBasePath = url_to_path(HostNodeBase),
HostNodeFixed2 = [Tuple
@ -1781,10 +1801,10 @@ make_host_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID) ->
{HostNodeBase, iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(Node)),
make_host_menu(global, _HostNodeMenu, _Lang, _JID) ->
make_host_menu(global, _HostNodeMenu, _Lang, _JID, _Level) ->
{<<"">>, <<"">>, []};
make_host_menu(Host, HostNodeMenu, Lang, JID) ->
HostBase = get_base_path(Host, cluster),
make_host_menu(Host, HostNodeMenu, Lang, JID, Level) ->
HostBase = get_base_path(Host, cluster, Level),
HostFixed = [{<<"users">>, ?T("Users")},
{<<"online-users">>, ?T("Online Users")}]
@ -1798,22 +1818,22 @@ make_host_menu(Host, HostNodeMenu, Lang, JID) ->
is_allowed_path(HostBasePath, Tuple, JID)],
{HostBase, Host, HostFixed2}.
make_node_menu(_Host, cluster, _Lang) ->
make_node_menu(_Host, cluster, _Lang, _Level) ->
{<<"">>, <<"">>, []};
make_node_menu(global, Node, Lang) ->
NodeBase = get_base_path(global, Node),
NodeFixed = [{<<"db/">>, ?T("Database")},
{<<"backup/">>, ?T("Backup")},
{<<"stats/">>, ?T("Statistics")},
{<<"update/">>, ?T("Update")}]
make_node_menu(global, Node, Lang, Level) ->
NodeBase = get_base_path(global, Node, Level),
NodeFixed = [{<<"db">>, ?T("Database")},
{<<"backup">>, ?T("Backup")},
{<<"stats">>, ?T("Statistics")},
{<<"update">>, ?T("Update")}]
++ get_menu_items_hook({node, Node}, Lang),
{NodeBase, iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(Node)),
make_node_menu(_Host, _Node, _Lang) ->
make_node_menu(_Host, _Node, _Lang, _Level) ->
{<<"">>, <<"">>, []}.
make_server_menu(HostMenu, NodeMenu, Lang, JID) ->
Base = get_base_path(global, cluster),
make_server_menu(HostMenu, NodeMenu, Lang, JID, Level) ->
Base = get_base_path(global, cluster, Level),
Fixed = [{<<"vhosts">>, ?T("Virtual Hosts"), HostMenu},
{<<"nodes">>, ?T("Nodes"), NodeMenu},
{<<"stats">>, ?T("Statistics")}]

View File

@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ web_page_main(_, #request{path=[<<"muc">>], lang = Lang} = _Request) ->
[?XE(<<"tbody">>, [?TDTD(?T("Total rooms"), OnlineRoomsNumber)
?XE(<<"ul">>, [?LI([?ACT(<<"rooms">>, ?T("List of rooms"))])])
?XE(<<"ul">>, [?LI([?ACT(<<"rooms/">>, ?T("List of rooms"))])])
{stop, Res};

View File

@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ build_contact_jid_td(RosterJID) ->
case lists:member(CServer, ejabberd_option:hosts()) of
false -> <<"">>;
true ->
<<"/admin/server/", CServer/binary, "/user/",
<<"../../../../../server/", CServer/binary, "/user/",
CUser/binary, "/">>