diff --git a/src/ejabberd_commands_doc.erl b/src/ejabberd_commands_doc.erl index ac48623e6..999d4cd80 100644 --- a/src/ejabberd_commands_doc.erl +++ b/src/ejabberd_commands_doc.erl @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ md_tag(dd, V) -> md_tag(li, V) -> [<<"- ">>, V, <<"\n">>]; md_tag(pre, V) -> - [<<"\n">>, V, <<"\n">>]; + [V, <<"\n">>]; md_tag(p, V) -> [<<"\n\n">>, V, <<"\n">>]; md_tag(h1, V) -> @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ perl_gen({Name, {list, ElDesc}}, List, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?ARG(Name), ?OP_L(" => ["), list_join_with(Res, [?OP_L(", ")]), ?OP_L("]")]. perl_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, HTMLOutput) -> - {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<" #!perl\n">>} end, + {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<"~~~ perl\n">>} end, [Preamble, Indent, ?ID_L("XMLRPC::Lite"), ?OP_L("->"), ?ID_L("proxy"), ?OP_L("("), ?ID_L("$url"), ?OP_L(")->"), ?ID_L("call"), ?OP_L("("), ?STR_A(Name), ?OP_L(", {"), ?BR, Indent, <<" ">>, @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ java_gen({Name, {list, ElDesc}}, List, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> list_join_with(Res, [?OP_L(","), NI]), NI2, ?OP_L("});")]. java_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, HTMLOutput) -> - {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<" #!java\n">>} end, + {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<"~~~ java\n">>} end, [Preamble, Indent, ?ID_L("XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config"), ?OP_L(" = "), ?KW_L("new "), ?ID_L("XmlRpcClientConfigImpl"), ?OP_L("();"), ?BR, Indent, ?ID_L("config"), ?OP_L("."), ?ID_L("setServerURL"), ?OP_L("("), ?ID_L("url"), ?OP_L(");"), ?BR, Indent, ?BR, @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ xml_gen({Name, {list, ElDesc}}, List, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> ?XML(value, Indent, 1, [?XML(array, Indent, 2, [?XML(data, Indent, 3, Res)])])])]. xml_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, HTMLOutput) -> - {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<" #!xml">>} end, + {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<"~~~ xml">>} end, Res = lists:map(fun({A, B}) -> xml_gen(A, B, <>, HTMLOutput) end, lists:zip(ArgsDesc, Values)), [Preamble, ?XML(methodCall, Indent, @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ json_gen({_Name, {list, ElDesc}}, List, Indent, HTMLOutput) -> [?OP_L("["), ?BR, Indent2, list_join_with(Res, [?OP_L(","), ?BR, Indent2]), ?BR, Indent, ?OP_L("]")]. json_call(Name, ArgsDesc, Values, ResultDesc, Result, HTMLOutput) -> - {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<" #!json\n">>} end, + {Indent, Preamble} = if HTMLOutput -> {<<"">>, []}; true -> {<<" ">>, <<"~~~ json\n">>} end, {Code, ResultStr} = case {ResultDesc, Result} of {{_, rescode}, V} when V == true; V == ok -> {200, [?STR_L("")]}; @@ -324,10 +324,16 @@ gen_calls(#ejabberd_commands{args_example=Values, args=ArgsDesc, case lists:member(<<"xmlrpc">>, Langs) of true -> ?TAG(li, ?TAG(pre, XML)); _ -> [] end, case lists:member(<<"json">>, Langs) of true -> ?TAG(li, ?TAG(pre, JSON)); _ -> [] end])]; true -> - [case lists:member(<<"java">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"Java example\n\n">>, ?TAG(pre, Java)]; _ -> [] end, - case lists:member(<<"perl">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"Perl example\n\n">>, ?TAG(pre, Perl)]; _ -> [] end, - case lists:member(<<"xmlrpc">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"XmlRPC example\n\n">>, ?TAG(pre, XML)]; _ -> [] end, - case lists:member(<<"json">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"JSON example\n\n">>, ?TAG(pre, JSON)]; _ -> [] end] + [<<"\n">>, case lists:member(<<"java">>, Langs) of true -> <<"* Java\n">>; _ -> [] end, + case lists:member(<<"perl">>, Langs) of true -> <<"* Perl\n">>; _ -> [] end, + case lists:member(<<"xmlrpc">>, Langs) of true -> <<"* XmlRPC\n">>; _ -> [] end, + case lists:member(<<"json">>, Langs) of true -> <<"* JSON\n">>; _ -> [] end, + <<"{: .code-samples-labels}\n">>, + case lists:member(<<"java">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n* ">>, ?TAG(pre, Java), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, + case lists:member(<<"perl">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n* ">>, ?TAG(pre, Perl), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, + case lists:member(<<"xmlrpc">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n* ">>, ?TAG(pre, XML), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, + case lists:member(<<"json">>, Langs) of true -> [<<"\n* ">>, ?TAG(pre, JSON), <<"~~~\n">>]; _ -> [] end, + <<"{: .code-samples-tabs}\n\n">>] end. gen_doc(#ejabberd_commands{name=Name, tags=_Tags, desc=Desc, longdesc=LongDesc,