Improve hooks validator and fix bugs related to hooks registration

This commit is contained in:
Evgeny Khramtsov 2019-07-29 10:46:20 +03:00
parent 0aa004bafc
commit 35576b4608
13 changed files with 300 additions and 214 deletions

View File

@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ start_included_apps() ->
%% before shutting down the processes of the application. %% before shutting down the processes of the application.
prep_stop(State) -> prep_stop(State) ->
ejabberd_hooks:run(ejabberd_stopping, []), ejabberd_hooks:run(ejabberd_stopping, []),
ejabberd_listener:stop_listeners(), ejabberd_listener:stop(),
ejabberd_sm:stop(), ejabberd_sm:stop(),
ejabberd_service:stop(), ejabberd_service:stop(),
ejabberd_s2s:stop(), ejabberd_s2s:stop(),
gen_mod:stop_modules(), gen_mod:stop(),
State. State.
%% All the processes were killed when this function is called %% All the processes were killed when this function is called

View File

@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ handle_info(Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}. {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, State) -> terminate(_Reason, State) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_up, ?MODULE, start, 30), ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_up, ?MODULE, host_up, 30),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_down, ?MODULE, stop, 80), ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_down, ?MODULE, host_down, 80),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 40), ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 40),
lists:foreach( lists:foreach(
fun({Host, Modules}) -> fun({Host, Modules}) ->

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-author(''). -author('').
-author(''). -author('').
-export([start_link/0, init/1, start/3, init/3, -export([start_link/0, init/1, stop/0, start/3, init/3,
start_listeners/0, start_listener/3, stop_listeners/0, start_listeners/0, start_listener/3, stop_listeners/0,
add_listener/3, delete_listener/2, add_listener/3, delete_listener/2,
config_reloaded/0]). config_reloaded/0]).
@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ init(_) ->
Listeners = ejabberd_option:listen(), Listeners = ejabberd_option:listen(),
{ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1}, listeners_childspec(Listeners)}}. {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1}, listeners_childspec(Listeners)}}.
stop() ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 50),
-spec listeners_childspec([listener()]) -> [supervisor:child_spec()]. -spec listeners_childspec([listener()]) -> [supervisor:child_spec()].
listeners_childspec(Listeners) -> listeners_childspec(Listeners) ->
lists:map( lists:map(

View File

@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ handle_info(Info, State) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]),
{noreply, State}. {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 50).
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}.

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-author(''). -author('').
-export([start_link/0, init/1, -export([start_link/0, init/1, stop/0,
config_reloaded/0, start_host/1, stop_host/1]). config_reloaded/0, start_host/1, stop_host/1]).
-include("logger.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl").
@ -46,6 +46,12 @@ init([]) ->
ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 20), ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 20),
{ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1}, get_specs()}}. {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1}, get_specs()}}.
stop() ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_up, ?MODULE, start_host, 20),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_down, ?MODULE, stop_host, 90),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 20),
-spec get_specs() -> [supervisor:child_spec()]. -spec get_specs() -> [supervisor:child_spec()].
get_specs() -> get_specs() ->
lists:flatmap( lists:flatmap(

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-behaviour(supervisor). -behaviour(supervisor).
%% API %% API
-export([start/0, start_link/0]). -export([start/0, stop/0, start_link/0]).
-export([get_pool_size/0, config_reloaded/0]). -export([get_pool_size/0, config_reloaded/0]).
%% Supervisor callbacks %% Supervisor callbacks
@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ start() ->
end end
end. end.
stop() ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 20),
_ = supervisor:terminate_child(ejabberd_db_sup, ?MODULE),
_ = supervisor:delete_child(ejabberd_db_sup, ?MODULE),
start_link() -> start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []). supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).

View File

@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ handle_info(Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}. {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) -> terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 50). ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 50).
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}. {ok, State}.

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-behaviour(supervisor). -behaviour(supervisor).
-export([start_link/0, init/1]). -export([start_link/0, init/1, stop_child/1]).
-define(SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, timer:minutes(1)). -define(SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, timer:minutes(1)).
@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ init([]) ->
worker(ejabberd_auth), worker(ejabberd_auth),
worker(ejabberd_oauth)]}}. worker(ejabberd_oauth)]}}.
-spec stop_child(atom()) -> ok.
stop_child(Name) ->
_ = supervisor:terminate_child(?MODULE, Name),
_ = supervisor:delete_child(?MODULE, Name),
%%%=================================================================== %%%===================================================================
%%% Internal functions %%% Internal functions
%%%=================================================================== %%%===================================================================

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-author(''). -author('').
-export([init/1, start_link/0, start_child/3, start_child/4, -export([init/1, start_link/0, start_child/3, start_child/4,
stop_child/1, stop_child/2, config_reloaded/0]). stop_child/1, stop_child/2, stop/0, config_reloaded/0]).
-export([start_module/2, stop_module/2, stop_module_keep_config/2, -export([start_module/2, stop_module/2, stop_module_keep_config/2,
get_opt/2, set_opt/3, get_opt_hosts/1, is_equal_opt/3, get_opt/2, set_opt/3, get_opt_hosts/1, is_equal_opt/3,
get_module_opt/3, get_module_opts/2, get_module_opt_hosts/2, get_module_opt/3, get_module_opts/2, get_module_opt_hosts/2,
@ -89,6 +89,14 @@ init([]) ->
{read_concurrency, true}]), {read_concurrency, true}]),
{ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1}, []}}. {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1}, []}}.
-spec stop() -> ok.
stop() ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_up, ?MODULE, start_modules, 40),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_down, ?MODULE, stop_modules, 70),
-spec start_child(module(), binary(), opts()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. -spec start_child(module(), binary(), opts()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}.
start_child(Mod, Host, Opts) -> start_child(Mod, Host, Opts) ->
start_child(Mod, Host, Opts, get_module_proc(Host, Mod)). start_child(Mod, Host, Opts, get_module_proc(Host, Mod)).
@ -255,9 +263,9 @@ is_app_running(AppName) ->
-spec stop_modules() -> ok. -spec stop_modules() -> ok.
stop_modules() -> stop_modules() ->
lists:foreach( lists:foreach(
fun(Host) -> fun(Host) ->
stop_modules(Host) stop_modules(Host)
end, ejabberd_option:hosts()). end, ejabberd_option:hosts()).
-spec stop_modules(binary()) -> ok. -spec stop_modules(binary()) -> ok.
stop_modules(Host) -> stop_modules(Host) ->

View File

@ -213,9 +213,16 @@ handle_info(Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}. {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, State) -> terminate(_Reason, State) ->
%% Note: we don't remove component_* hooks because they are global
%% and might be registered within a module on another virtual host
ServerHost = State#state.server_host, ServerHost = State#state.server_host,
case gen_mod:is_loaded_elsewhere(ServerHost, ?MODULE) of
false ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(component_connected, ?MODULE,
component_connected, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(component_disconnected, ?MODULE,
component_disconnected, 50);
true ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_features, ServerHost, ?MODULE, ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_features, ServerHost, ?MODULE,
disco_local_features, 50), disco_local_features, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, ServerHost, ?MODULE, ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, ServerHost, ?MODULE,

View File

@ -269,9 +269,16 @@ handle_info(Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}. {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, State) -> terminate(_Reason, State) ->
%% Note: we don't remove component_* hooks because they are global
%% and might be registered within a module on another virtual host
Host = State#state.server_host, Host = State#state.server_host,
case gen_mod:is_loaded_elsewhere(Host, ?MODULE) of
false ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(component_connected, ?MODULE,
component_connected, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(component_disconnected, ?MODULE,
component_disconnected, 50);
true ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(local_send_to_resource_hook, Host, ?MODULE, ejabberd_hooks:delete(local_send_to_resource_hook, Host, ?MODULE,
process_message, 50), process_message, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_remote_access, Host, ?MODULE, ejabberd_hooks:delete(roster_remote_access, Host, ?MODULE,

View File

@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ register_hooks(Host) ->
-spec unregister_hooks(binary()) -> ok. -spec unregister_hooks(binary()) -> ok.
unregister_hooks(Host) -> unregister_hooks(Host) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE,
disco_sm_features, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_session_pending, Host, ?MODULE, ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_session_pending, Host, ?MODULE,
c2s_session_pending, 50), c2s_session_pending, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_session_resumed, Host, ?MODULE, ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_session_resumed, Host, ?MODULE,

View File

@ -1,60 +1,58 @@
#!/usr/bin/env escript #!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*- %% -*- erlang -*-
-record(state, {run_hooks = dict:new(), -record(state, {run_hooks = #{},
run_fold_hooks = dict:new(), run_fold_hooks = #{},
hooked_funs = dict:new(), hooked_funs = {#{}, #{}},
mfas = dict:new(), iq_handlers = {#{}, #{}},
specs = dict:new(), exports = #{},
module :: module(), module :: module(),
file :: filename:filename()}). file :: filename:filename()}).
main(Paths) -> main(Paths) ->
State = State =
fold_beams( fold_beams(
fun(File0, Tree, Acc0) -> fun(File0, Tree, X, Acc0) ->
BareName = filename:rootname(filename:basename(File0)), BareName = filename:rootname(filename:basename(File0)),
Mod = list_to_atom(BareName), Mod = list_to_atom(BareName),
File = BareName ++ ".erl", File = BareName ++ ".erl",
Acc1 = Acc0#state{file = File, module = Mod}, Exports = maps:put(Mod, X, Acc0#state.exports),
Acc1 = Acc0#state{file = File, module = Mod, exports = Exports},
erl_syntax_lib:fold( erl_syntax_lib:fold(
fun(Form, Acc) -> fun(Form, Acc) ->
case erl_syntax:type(Form) of case erl_syntax:type(Form) of
application -> application ->
case erl_syntax_lib:analyze_application(Form) of case erl_syntax_lib:analyze_application(Form) of
{ejabberd_hooks, {run, N}} {ejabberd_hooks, {run, N}} when N == 2; N == 3 ->
when N == 2; N == 3 -> collect_run_hook(Form, Acc);
analyze_run_hook(Form, Acc); {ejabberd_hooks, {run_fold, N}} when N == 3; N == 4 ->
{ejabberd_hooks, {run_fold, N}} collect_run_fold_hook(Form, Acc);
when N == 3; N == 4 -> {ejabberd_hooks, {add, N}} when N == 4; N == 5 ->
analyze_run_fold_hook(Form, Acc); collect_run_fun(Form, add, Acc);
{ejabberd_hooks, {add, N}} {ejabberd_hooks, {delete, N}} when N == 4; N == 5 ->
when N == 4; N == 5 -> collect_run_fun(Form, delete, Acc);
analyze_run_fun(Form, Acc); {gen_iq_handler, {add_iq_handler, 5}} ->
{gen_iq_handler, {add_iq_handler, N}} collect_iq_handler(Form, add, Acc);
when N == 5; N == 6 -> {gen_iq_handler, {remove_iq_handler, 3}} ->
analyze_iq_handler(Form, Acc); collect_iq_handler(Form, delete, Acc);
_ -> _ ->
Acc Acc
end; end;
attribute -> _ ->
case catch erl_syntax_lib:analyze_attribute(Form) of Acc
{spec, _} -> end
analyze_type_spec(Form, Acc);
_ ->
_ ->
end, Acc1, Tree) end, Acc1, Tree)
end, #state{}, Paths), end, #state{}, Paths),
report_orphaned_funs(State), check_hooks_arity(State#state.run_hooks),
check_iq_handlers_export(State#state.iq_handlers, State#state.exports),
RunDeps = build_deps(State#state.run_hooks, State#state.hooked_funs), RunDeps = build_deps(State#state.run_hooks, State#state.hooked_funs),
RunFoldDeps = build_deps(State#state.run_fold_hooks, State#state.hooked_funs), RunFoldDeps = build_deps(State#state.run_fold_hooks, State#state.hooked_funs),
emit_module(RunDeps, RunFoldDeps, State#state.specs, hooks_type_test). emit_module(RunDeps, RunFoldDeps, hooks_type_test).
analyze_run_hook(Form, State) -> collect_run_hook(Form, State) ->
[Hook|Tail] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form), [Hook|Tail] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form),
case atom_value(Hook, State) of case atom_value(Hook, State) of
undefined -> undefined ->
@ -66,13 +64,13 @@ analyze_run_hook(Form, State) ->
Args0 Args0
end, end,
Arity = erl_syntax:list_length(Args), Arity = erl_syntax:list_length(Args),
Hooks = dict:store({HookName, Arity}, Hooks = maps:put({HookName, Arity},
{State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Hook)}, {State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Hook)},
State#state.run_hooks), State#state.run_hooks),
State#state{run_hooks = Hooks} State#state{run_hooks = Hooks}
end. end.
analyze_run_fold_hook(Form, State) -> collect_run_fold_hook(Form, State) ->
[Hook|Tail] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form), [Hook|Tail] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form),
case atom_value(Hook, State) of case atom_value(Hook, State) of
undefined -> undefined ->
@ -83,13 +81,13 @@ analyze_run_fold_hook(Form, State) ->
[_Val, Args0] -> Args0 [_Val, Args0] -> Args0
end, end,
Arity = erl_syntax:list_length(Args) + 1, Arity = erl_syntax:list_length(Args) + 1,
Hooks = dict:store({HookName, Arity}, Hooks = maps:put({HookName, Arity},
{State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)}, {State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)},
State#state.run_fold_hooks), State#state.run_fold_hooks),
State#state{run_fold_hooks = Hooks} State#state{run_fold_hooks = Hooks}
end. end.
analyze_run_fun(Form, State) -> collect_run_fun(Form, Action, State) ->
[Hook|Tail] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form), [Hook|Tail] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form),
case atom_value(Hook, State) of case atom_value(Hook, State) of
undefined -> undefined ->
@ -103,113 +101,160 @@ analyze_run_fun(Form, State) ->
end, end,
ModName = module_name(Module, State), ModName = module_name(Module, State),
FunName = atom_value(Fun, State), FunName = atom_value(Fun, State),
if ModName /= undefined, FunName /= undefined -> SeqInt = integer_value(Seq, State),
Funs = dict:append( if ModName /= undefined, FunName /= undefined, SeqInt /= undefined ->
Pos = case Action of
add -> 1;
delete -> 2
Funs = maps_append(
HookName, HookName,
{ModName, FunName, integer_value(Seq, State), {ModName, FunName, SeqInt,
{State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)}}, {State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)}},
State#state.hooked_funs), element(Pos, State#state.hooked_funs)),
State#state{hooked_funs = Funs}; Hooked = setelement(Pos, State#state.hooked_funs, Funs),
State#state{hooked_funs = Hooked};
true -> true ->
State State
end end
end. end.
analyze_iq_handler(Form, State) -> collect_iq_handler(Form, add, #state{iq_handlers = {Add, Del}} = State) ->
[_Component, _Host, _NS, Module, Function|_] = [Component, _Host, Namespace, Module, Function] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form),
Mod = module_name(Module, State), Mod = module_name(Module, State),
Fun = atom_value(Function, State), Fun = atom_value(Function, State),
if Mod /= undefined, Fun /= undefined -> Comp = atom_value(Component, State),
code:ensure_loaded(Mod), NS = binary_value(Namespace, State),
case erlang:function_exported(Mod, Fun, 1) of if Mod /= undefined, Fun /= undefined, Comp /= undefined, NS /= undefined ->
false -> Handlers = maps_append(
err("~s:~p: Error: function ~s:~s/1 is registered " {Comp, NS},
"as iq handler, but is not exported~n", {Mod, Fun,
[State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form), {State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)}},
Mod, Fun]); Add),
true -> State#state{iq_handlers = {Handlers, Del}};
ok true ->
end; State
collect_iq_handler(Form, delete, #state{iq_handlers = {Add, Del}} = State) ->
[Component, _Host, Namespace] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Form),
Comp = atom_value(Component, State),
NS = binary_value(Namespace, State),
if Comp /= undefined, NS /= undefined ->
Handlers = maps_append(
{Comp, NS},
{State#state.file, erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)},
State#state{iq_handlers = {Add, Handlers}};
true -> true ->
analyze_type_spec(Form, State) ->
case catch erl_syntax:revert(Form) of
{attribute, _, spec, {{F, A}, _}} ->
Specs = dict:store({State#state.module, F, A},
{Form, State#state.file},
State#state{specs = Specs};
_ ->
State State
end. end.
build_deps(Hooks, Hooked) -> check_hooks_arity(Hooks) ->
dict:fold( maps:fold(
fun({Hook, Arity}, {_File, _LineNo} = Meta, Deps) -> fun({Hook, Arity}, _, M) ->
case dict:find(Hook, Hooked) of case maps:is_key(Hook, M) of
{ok, Funs} -> true ->
ExportedFuns = err("Error: hook ~s is called with different "
lists:flatmap( "number of arguments~n", [Hook]);
fun({M, F, Seq, {FunFile, FunLineNo} = FunMeta}) -> false ->
code:ensure_loaded(M), maps:put(Hook, Arity, M)
case erlang:function_exported(M, F, Arity) of
false ->
err("~s:~p: Error: function ~s:~s/~p "
"is hooked on ~s/~p, but is not "
[FunFile, FunLineNo, M, F,
Arity, Hook, Arity]),
true ->
[{{M, F, Arity}, Seq, FunMeta}]
end, Funs),
dict:append_list({Hook, Arity, Meta}, ExportedFuns, Deps);
error ->
%% log("~s:~p: Warning: hook ~p/~p is unused~n",
%% [_File, _LineNo, Hook, Arity]),
dict:append_list({Hook, Arity, Meta}, [], Deps)
end end
end, dict:new(), Hooks). end, #{}, Hooks).
report_orphaned_funs(State) -> check_iq_handlers_export({HookedFuns, _}, Exports) ->
dict:map( maps:map(
fun(Hook, Funs) -> fun(_, Funs) ->
lists:foreach( lists:foreach(
fun({M, F, _, {File, Line}}) -> fun({Mod, Fun, {File, FileNo}}) ->
case get_fun_arities(M, F, State) of case is_exported(Mod, Fun, 1, Exports) of
[] -> true -> ok;
err("~s:~p: Error: function ~s:~s is " false ->
"hooked on hook ~s, but is not exported~n", err("~s:~B: Error: "
[File, Line, M, F, Hook]); "iq handler is registered on unexported function: "
Arities -> "~s:~s/1~n", [File, FileNo, Mod, Fun])
case lists:any(
fun(Arity) ->
dict:is_key({Hook, Arity},
State#state.run_hooks) orelse
dict:is_key({Hook, Arity},
(_) ->
end, Arities) of
false ->
Arity = hd(Arities),
err("~s:~p: Error: function ~s:~s/~p is hooked"
" on non-existent hook ~s/~p~n",
[File, Line, M, F, Arity, Hook, Arity]);
true ->
end end
end, Funs) end, Funs)
end, State#state.hooked_funs). end, HookedFuns).
get_fun_arities(Mod, Fun, _State) -> analyze_iq_handlers({Add, Del}) ->
proplists:get_all_values(Fun, Mod:module_info(exports)). maps:map(
fun(Handler, Funs) ->
fun({_, _, {File, FileNo}}) ->
case maps:is_key(Handler, Del) of
true -> ok;
false ->
err("~s:~B: Error: "
"iq handler is added but not removed~n",
[File, FileNo])
end, Funs)
end, Add),
fun(Handler, Meta) ->
fun({File, FileNo}) ->
case maps:is_key(Handler, Add) of
true -> ok;
false ->
err("~s:~B: Error: "
"iq handler is removed but not added~n",
[File, FileNo])
end, Meta)
end, Del).
analyze_hooks({Add, Del}) ->
Del1 = maps:fold(
fun(Hook, Funs, D) ->
fun({Mod, Fun, Seq, {File, FileNo}}, D1) ->
maps:put({Hook, Mod, Fun, Seq}, {File, FileNo}, D1)
end, D, Funs)
end, #{}, Del),
Add1 = maps:fold(
fun(Hook, Funs, D) ->
fun({Mod, Fun, Seq, {File, FileNo}}, D1) ->
maps:put({Hook, Mod, Fun, Seq}, {File, FileNo}, D1)
end, D, Funs)
end, #{}, Add),
fun({{Hook, Mod, Fun, _} = Key, {File, FileNo}}) ->
case maps:is_key(Key, Del1) of
true -> ok;
false ->
err("~s:~B: Error: "
"hook ~s->~s->~s is added but was never removed~n",
[File, FileNo, Hook, Mod, Fun])
end, maps:to_list(Add1)),
fun({{Hook, Mod, Fun, _} = Key, {File, FileNo}}) ->
case maps:is_key(Key, Add1) of
true -> ok;
false ->
err("~s:~B: Error: "
"hook ~s->~s->~s is removed but was never added~n",
[File, FileNo, Hook, Mod, Fun])
end, maps:to_list(Del1)).
build_deps(Hooks, {HookedFuns, _}) ->
fun({Hook, Arity}, Meta, Deps) ->
case maps:find(Hook, HookedFuns) of
{ok, Funs} ->
ExportedFuns =
fun({M, F, Seq, FunMeta}) ->
{{M, F, Arity}, Seq, FunMeta}
end, Funs),
maps_append_list({Hook, Arity, Meta}, ExportedFuns, Deps);
error ->
maps_append_list({Hook, Arity, Meta}, [], Deps)
end, #{}, Hooks).
module_name(Form, State) -> module_name(Form, State) ->
try try
@ -225,10 +270,7 @@ atom_value(Form, State) ->
atom -> atom ->
erl_syntax:atom_value(Form); erl_syntax:atom_value(Form);
_ -> _ ->
log("~s:~p: Warning: not an atom: ~s~n", warn_type(Form, State, "not an atom"),
undefined undefined
end. end.
@ -237,14 +279,35 @@ integer_value(Form, State) ->
integer -> integer ->
erl_syntax:integer_value(Form); erl_syntax:integer_value(Form);
_ -> _ ->
log("~s:~p: Warning: not an integer: ~s~n", warn_type(Form, State, "not an integer"),
[State#state.file, undefined
end. end.
emit_module(RunDeps, RunFoldDeps, Specs, Module) -> binary_value(Form, State) ->
try erl_syntax:concrete(Form) of
Binary when is_binary(Binary) ->
_ ->
warn_type(Form, State, "not a binary"),
catch _:_ ->
warn_type(Form, State, "not a binary"),
is_exported(Mod, Fun, Arity, Exports) ->
try maps:get(Mod, Exports) of
L -> lists:member({Fun, Arity}, L)
catch _:{badkey, _} -> false
warn_type(Form, State, Warning) ->
log("~s:~p: Warning: " ++ Warning ++ ": ~s~n",
emit_module(RunDeps, RunFoldDeps, Module) ->
File = filename:join(["src", Module]) ++ ".erl", File = filename:join(["src", Module]) ++ ".erl",
try try
{ok, Fd} = file:open(File, [write]), {ok, Fd} = file:open(File, [write]),
@ -256,19 +319,18 @@ emit_module(RunDeps, RunFoldDeps, Specs, Module) ->
write(Fd, "-dialyzer(no_return).~n~n", []), write(Fd, "-dialyzer(no_return).~n~n", []),
emit_export(Fd, RunDeps, "run hooks"), emit_export(Fd, RunDeps, "run hooks"),
emit_export(Fd, RunFoldDeps, "run_fold hooks"), emit_export(Fd, RunFoldDeps, "run_fold hooks"),
emit_run_hooks(Fd, RunDeps, Specs), emit_run_hooks(Fd, RunDeps),
emit_run_fold_hooks(Fd, RunFoldDeps, Specs), emit_run_fold_hooks(Fd, RunFoldDeps),
file:close(Fd), file:close(Fd),
log("Module written to file ~s~n", [File]) log("Module written to ~s~n", [File])
catch _:{badmatch, {error, Reason}} -> catch _:{badmatch, {error, Reason}} ->
err("writing to ~s failed: ~s", [File, file:format_error(Reason)]) err("Error: writing to ~s failed: ~s", [File, file:format_error(Reason)])
end. end.
emit_run_hooks(Fd, Deps, Specs) -> emit_run_hooks(Fd, Deps) ->
DepsList = lists:sort(dict:to_list(Deps)), DepsList = lists:sort(maps:to_list(Deps)),
lists:foreach( lists:foreach(
fun({{Hook, Arity, {File, LineNo}}, Funs}) -> fun({{Hook, Arity, {File, LineNo}}, Funs}) ->
emit_specs(Fd, Funs, Specs),
write(Fd, "%% called at ~s:~p~n", [File, LineNo]), write(Fd, "%% called at ~s:~p~n", [File, LineNo]),
Args = string:join( Args = string:join(
[[N] || N <- lists:sublist(lists:seq($A, $Z), Arity)], [[N] || N <- lists:sublist(lists:seq($A, $Z), Arity)],
@ -280,15 +342,14 @@ emit_run_hooks(Fd, Deps, Specs) ->
[string:join(Calls ++ ["ok"], ",\n ")]) [string:join(Calls ++ ["ok"], ",\n ")])
end, DepsList). end, DepsList).
emit_run_fold_hooks(Fd, Deps, Specs) -> emit_run_fold_hooks(Fd, Deps) ->
DepsList = lists:sort(dict:to_list(Deps)), DepsList = lists:sort(maps:to_list(Deps)),
lists:foreach( lists:foreach(
fun({{Hook, Arity, {File, LineNo}}, []}) -> fun({{Hook, Arity, {File, LineNo}}, []}) ->
write(Fd, "%% called at ~s:~p~n", [File, LineNo]), write(Fd, "%% called at ~s:~p~n", [File, LineNo]),
Args = ["Acc"|lists:duplicate(Arity - 1, "_")], Args = ["Acc"|lists:duplicate(Arity - 1, "_")],
write(Fd, "~s(~s) -> Acc.~n~n", [Hook, string:join(Args, ", ")]); write(Fd, "~s(~s) -> Acc.~n~n", [Hook, string:join(Args, ", ")]);
({{Hook, Arity, {File, LineNo}}, Funs}) -> ({{Hook, Arity, {File, LineNo}}, Funs}) ->
emit_specs(Fd, Funs, Specs),
write(Fd, "%% called at ~s:~p~n", [File, LineNo]), write(Fd, "%% called at ~s:~p~n", [File, LineNo]),
Args = [[N] || N <- lists:sublist(lists:seq($A, $Z), Arity - 1)], Args = [[N] || N <- lists:sublist(lists:seq($A, $Z), Arity - 1)],
write(Fd, "~s(~s) ->~n ", [Hook, string:join(["Acc0"|Args], ", ")]), write(Fd, "~s(~s) ->~n ", [Hook, string:join(["Acc0"|Args], ", ")]),
@ -305,7 +366,7 @@ emit_run_fold_hooks(Fd, Deps, Specs) ->
end, DepsList). end, DepsList).
emit_export(Fd, Deps, Comment) -> emit_export(Fd, Deps, Comment) ->
DepsList = lists:sort(dict:to_list(Deps)), DepsList = lists:sort(maps:to_list(Deps)),
Exports = lists:map( Exports = lists:map(
fun({{Hook, Arity, _}, _}) -> fun({{Hook, Arity, _}, _}) ->
io_lib:format("~s/~p", [Hook, Arity]) io_lib:format("~s/~p", [Hook, Arity])
@ -313,26 +374,6 @@ emit_export(Fd, Deps, Comment) ->
write(Fd, "%% ~s~n-export([~s]).~n~n", write(Fd, "%% ~s~n-export([~s]).~n~n",
[Comment, string:join(Exports, ",\n ")]). [Comment, string:join(Exports, ",\n ")]).
emit_specs(Fd, Funs, Specs) ->
fun({{M, _, _} = MFA, _, _}) ->
case dict:find(MFA, Specs) of
{ok, {Form, _File}} ->
Lines = string:tokens(erl_syntax:get_ann(Form), "\n"),
fun("%" ++ _) ->
("-spec" ++ Spec) ->
write(Fd, "%% -spec ~p:~s~n",
[M, string:strip(Spec, left)]);
(Line) ->
write(Fd, "%% ~s~n", [Line])
end, Lines);
error ->
end, lists:keysort(2, Funs)).
fold_beams(Fun, State, Paths) -> fold_beams(Fun, State, Paths) ->
Paths1 = fold_paths(Paths), Paths1 = fold_paths(Paths),
Total = length(Paths1), Total = length(Paths1),
@ -344,10 +385,10 @@ fold_beams(Fun, State, Paths) ->
case is_elixir_beam(File) of case is_elixir_beam(File) of
true -> {I+1, Acc}; true -> {I+1, Acc};
false -> false ->
AbsCode = get_code_from_beam(File), {AbsCode, Exports} = get_code_from_beam(File),
Acc2 = lists:foldl( Acc2 = lists:foldl(
fun(Form, Acc1) -> fun(Form, Acc1) ->
Fun(File, Form, Acc1) Fun(File, Form, Exports, Acc1)
end, Acc, AbsCode), end, Acc, AbsCode),
{I+1, Acc2} {I+1, Acc2}
end end
@ -359,17 +400,12 @@ fold_paths(Paths) ->
fun(Path) -> fun(Path) ->
case filelib:is_dir(Path) of case filelib:is_dir(Path) of
true -> true ->
Beams = lists:reverse( lists:reverse(
filelib:fold_files( filelib:fold_files(
Path, ".+\.beam\$", false, Path, ".+\.beam\$", false,
fun(File, Acc) -> fun(File, Acc) ->
[File|Acc] [File|Acc]
end, [])), end, []));
case Beams of
[] -> ok;
_ -> code:add_path(Path)
false -> false ->
[Path] [Path]
end end
@ -382,20 +418,26 @@ is_elixir_beam(File) ->
end. end.
get_code_from_beam(File) -> get_code_from_beam(File) ->
try case beam_lib:chunks(File, [abstract_code, exports]) of
{ok, {_, List}} = beam_lib:chunks(File, [abstract_code]), {ok, {_, [{abstract_code, {raw_abstract_v1, Forms}}, {exports, X}]}} ->
{_, {raw_abstract_v1, Forms}} = lists:keyfind(abstract_code, 1, List), {Forms, X};
Forms _ ->
catch _:{badmatch, _} -> err("No abstract code found in ~s~n", [File])
err("no abstract code found in ~s~n", [File])
end. end.
log(Format, Args) -> log(Format, Args) ->
io:format(standard_io, Format, Args). io:format(standard_io, Format, Args).
err(Format, Args) -> err(Format, Args) ->
io:format(standard_error, "Error: " ++ Format, Args), io:format(standard_error, Format, Args),
halt(1). halt(1).
write(Fd, Format, Args) -> write(Fd, Format, Args) ->
file:write(Fd, io_lib:format(Format, Args)). file:write(Fd, io_lib:format(Format, Args)).
maps_append(K, V, M) ->
maps_append_list(K, [V], M).
maps_append_list(K, L1, M) ->
L2 = maps:get(K, M, []),
maps:put(K, L2 ++ L1, M).