Do not bounce normal messages sent to unavailable resource

This commit is contained in:
Evgeniy Khramtsov 2015-05-19 10:51:49 +03:00
parent fba13a0b93
commit 3b267eaa61
1 changed files with 2 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -539,6 +539,8 @@ do_route(From, To, #xmlel{} = Packet) ->
<<"message">> ->
case xml:get_attr_s(<<"type">>, Attrs) of
<<"chat">> -> route_message(From, To, Packet, chat);
<<"normal">> -> route_message(From, To, Packet, normal);
<<"">> -> route_message(From, To, Packet, normal);
<<"error">> -> ok;
_ ->
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet,