mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-20 17:27:00 +01:00

Copy sh_to_ask function from xmerl_regexp.erl

This way we don't need to include xmerl application in our docker container
This commit is contained in:
Paweł Chmielowski 2018-01-15 10:31:06 +01:00
parent d2427c98c3
commit 3df78d3a8f

View File

@ -85,11 +85,65 @@ greplace(String, Regexp, New) ->
A -> A
-spec sh_to_awk(binary()) -> binary().
sh_to_awk(ShRegExp) ->
case exec({xmerl_regexp, sh_to_awk, [binary_to_list(ShRegExp)]},
{regexp, sh_to_awk, [binary_to_list(ShRegExp)]})
A -> iolist_to_binary(A)
%% This code was copied and adapted from xmerl_regexp.erl
-spec sh_to_awk(binary()) -> binary().
sh_to_awk(Sh) ->
iolist_to_binary([<<"^(">>, sh_to_awk_1(Sh)]). %Fix the beginning
sh_to_awk_1(<<"*", Sh/binary>>) -> %This matches any string
[<<".*">>, sh_to_awk_1(Sh)];
sh_to_awk_1(<<"?", Sh/binary>>) -> %This matches any character
[$., sh_to_awk_1(Sh)];
sh_to_awk_1(<<"[^]", Sh/binary>>) -> %This takes careful handling
[<<"\\^">>, sh_to_awk_1(Sh)];
%% Must move '^' to end.
sh_to_awk_1(<<"[^", Sh/binary>>) ->
[$[, sh_to_awk_2(Sh, true)];
sh_to_awk_1(<<"[!", Sh/binary>>) ->
[<<"[^">>, sh_to_awk_2(Sh, false)];
sh_to_awk_1(<<"[", Sh/binary>>) ->
[$[, sh_to_awk_2(Sh, false)];
sh_to_awk_1(<<C:8, Sh/binary>>) -> %% Unspecialise everything else which is not an escape character.
case sh_special_char(C) of
true -> [$\\,C|sh_to_awk_1(Sh)];
false -> [C|sh_to_awk_1(Sh)]
sh_to_awk_1(<<>>) ->
<<")$">>. %Fix the end
sh_to_awk_2(<<"]", Sh/binary>>, UpArrow) ->
[$]|sh_to_awk_3(Sh, UpArrow)];
sh_to_awk_2(Sh, UpArrow) ->
sh_to_awk_3(Sh, UpArrow).
sh_to_awk_3(<<"]", Sh/binary>>, true) ->
[<<"^]">>, sh_to_awk_1(Sh)];
sh_to_awk_3(<<"]", Sh/binary>>, false) ->
sh_to_awk_3(<<C:8, Sh/binary>>, UpArrow) ->
[C|sh_to_awk_3(Sh, UpArrow)];
sh_to_awk_3(<<>>, true) ->
sh_to_awk_3(<<>>, false) ->
%% -type sh_special_char(char()) -> bool().
%% Test if a character is a special character.
sh_special_char($|) -> true;
sh_special_char($*) -> true;
sh_special_char($+) -> true;
sh_special_char($?) -> true;
sh_special_char($() -> true;
sh_special_char($)) -> true;
sh_special_char($\\) -> true;
sh_special_char($^) -> true;
sh_special_char($$) -> true;
sh_special_char($.) -> true;
sh_special_char($[) -> true;
sh_special_char($]) -> true;
sh_special_char($") -> true;
sh_special_char(_C) -> false.