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synced 2024-12-22 17:28:25 +01:00
Enforce pubsub#show_values subscription option (EJAB-1096)(thanks to Karim Gemayel)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2883,6 +2883,51 @@ presence_can_deliver({User, Server, Resource}, true) ->
end, false, Ss)
state_can_deliver({U, S, R}, []) -> [{U, S, R}];
state_can_deliver({U, S, R}, SubOptions) ->
%% Check SubOptions for 'show_values'
case lists:keysearch('show_values', 1, SubOptions) of
%% If not in suboptions, item can be delivered, case doesn't apply
false -> [{U, S, R}];
%% If in a suboptions ...
{_, {_, ShowValues}} ->
%% Get subscriber resources
Resources = case R of
%% If the subscriber JID is a bare one, get all its resources
[] -> user_resources(U, S);
%% If the subscriber JID is a full one, use its resource
R -> [R]
%% For each resource, test if the item is allowed to be delivered
%% based on resource state
fun(Resource, Acc) ->
get_resource_state({U, S, Resource}, ShowValues, Acc)
end, [], Resources)
get_resource_state({U, S, R}, ShowValues, JIDs) ->
%% Get user session PID
case ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid(U, S, R) of
%% If no PID, item can be delivered
none -> lists:append([{U, S, R}], JIDs);
%% If PID ...
Pid ->
%% Get user resource state
%% TODO : add a catch clause
Show = case ejabberd_c2s:get_presence(Pid) of
{_, _, "available", _} -> "online";
{_, _, State, _} -> State
%% Is current resource state listed in 'show-values' suboption ?
case lists:member(Show, ShowValues) of %andalso Show =/= "online" of
%% If yes, item can be delivered
true -> lists:append([{U, S, R}], JIDs);
%% If no, item can't be delivered
false -> JIDs
%% @spec (Payload) -> int()
%% Payload = term()
%% @doc <p>Count occurence of XML elements in payload.</p>
@ -3141,20 +3186,25 @@ subscribed_nodes_by_jid(NotifyType, SubsByDepth) ->
NodeOptions = Node#pubsub_node.options,
lists:foldl(fun({LJID, SubID, SubOptions}, {JIDs, Recipients}) ->
case is_to_deliver(LJID, NotifyType, Depth, NodeOptions, SubOptions) of
true ->
%% If is to deliver :
case lists:member(LJID, JIDs) of
true ->
%% If is to deliver :
case state_can_deliver(LJID, SubOptions) of
[] -> {JIDs, Recipients};
JIDsToDeliver ->
fun(JIDToDeliver, {JIDsAcc, RecipientsAcc}) ->
case lists:member(JIDToDeliver, JIDs) of
%% check if the JIDs co-accumulator contains the Subscription Jid,
false ->
false ->
%% - if not,
%% - add the Jid to JIDs list co-accumulator ;
%% - create a tuple of the Jid, NodeId, and SubID (as list),
%% and add the tuple to the Recipients list co-accumulator
{[LJID | JIDs], [{LJID, NodeName, [SubID]} | Recipients]};
true ->
{[JIDToDeliver | JIDsAcc], [{JIDToDeliver, NodeName, [SubID]} | RecipientsAcc]};
true ->
%% - if the JIDs co-accumulator contains the Jid
%% get the tuple containing the Jid from the Recipient list co-accumulator
{_, {LJID, NodeName1, SubIDs}} = lists:keysearch(LJID, 1, Recipients),
{_, {JIDToDeliver, NodeName1, SubIDs}} = lists:keysearch(JIDToDeliver, 1, RecipientsAcc),
%% delete the tuple from the Recipients list
% v1 : Recipients1 = lists:keydelete(LJID, 1, Recipients),
% v2 : Recipients1 = lists:keyreplace(LJID, 1, Recipients, {LJID, NodeId1, [SubID | SubIDs]}),
@ -3163,17 +3213,19 @@ subscribed_nodes_by_jid(NotifyType, SubsByDepth) ->
% v1.1 : {JIDs, lists:append(Recipients1, [{LJID, NodeId1, lists:append(SubIDs, [SubID])}])}
% v1.2 : {JIDs, [{LJID, NodeId1, [SubID | SubIDs]} | Recipients1]}
% v2: {JIDs, Recipients1}
{JIDs, lists:keyreplace(LJID, 1, Recipients, {LJID, NodeName1, [SubID | SubIDs]})}
{JIDsAcc, lists:keyreplace(JIDToDeliver, 1, RecipientsAcc, {JIDToDeliver, NodeName1, [SubID | SubIDs]})}
end, {JIDs, Recipients}, JIDsToDeliver)
false ->
{JIDs, Recipients}
end, Acc, Subs)
DepthsToDeliver = fun({Depth, SubsByNode}, Acc) ->
DepthsToDeliver = fun({Depth, SubsByNode}, Acc1) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Node, Subs}, Acc2) ->
NodesToDeliver(Depth, Node, Subs, Acc2)
end, Acc, SubsByNode)
end, Acc1, SubsByNode)
{_, JIDSubs} = lists:foldl(DepthsToDeliver, {[], []}, SubsByDepth),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user