Invalidate proper cache when using mam for offline in pop_messages

This commit is contained in:
Paweł Chmielowski 2019-07-01 14:30:21 +02:00
parent 8956b7d60d
commit 40c360c607
1 changed files with 1 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -84,7 +84,6 @@
%% default value for the maximum number of user messages
-define(MAX_USER_MESSAGES, infinity).
-define(EMPTY_SPOOL_CACHE, offline_empty_cache).
-define(SPOOL_COUNTER_CACHE, offline_msg_counter_cache).
-type c2s_state() :: ejabberd_c2s:state().
@ -178,12 +177,6 @@ init_cache(Mod, Host, Opts) ->
CacheOpts = [{max_size, mod_offline_opt:cache_size(Opts)},
{life_time, mod_offline_opt:cache_life_time(Opts)},
{cache_missed, false}],
case mod_offline_opt:use_mam_for_storage(Opts) of
true ->
ets_cache:new(?EMPTY_SPOOL_CACHE, CacheOpts);
false ->
case use_cache(Mod, Host) of
true ->
ets_cache:new(?SPOOL_COUNTER_CACHE, CacheOpts);
@ -626,8 +619,7 @@ route_offline_messages(#{jid := #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}} = State)
{ok, OffMsgs} ->
case use_mam_for_user(LUser, LServer) of
true ->
ets_cache:delete(?EMPTY_SPOOL_CACHE, {LUser, LServer},
flush_cache(Mod, LUser, LServer),
fun({_, #message{from = From, to = To} = Msg}) ->
#offline_msg{from = From, to = To,