mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 17:28:25 +01:00
Fix errors and warnings for "rebar3 edoc"
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ halt() ->
erlang:halt(1, [{flush, true}]).
%% @spec () -> false | string()
-spec get_pid_file() -> false | string().
get_pid_file() ->
case os:getenv("EJABBERD_PID_PATH") of
false ->
@ -151,7 +151,6 @@ get_users(Server, []) ->
count_users(Server, Opts) ->
length(get_users(Server, Opts)).
%% @spec (User, Server) -> true | false | {error, Error}
user_exists(User, Server) ->
case catch user_exists_ldap(User, Server) of
{'EXIT', _Error} -> {nocache, {error, db_failure}};
@ -218,11 +218,11 @@ process(Args, Version) ->
%% @spec (Args::[string()], AccessCommands) -> {String::string(), Code::integer()}
-spec process2(Args::[string()], AccessCommands::any()) ->
{String::string(), Code::integer()}.
process2(Args, AccessCommands) ->
process2(Args, AccessCommands, ?DEFAULT_VERSION).
%% @spec (Args::[string()], AccessCommands, Version) -> {String::string(), Code::integer()}
process2(["--auth", User, Server, Pass | Args], AccessCommands, Version) ->
process2(Args, AccessCommands, {list_to_binary(User), list_to_binary(Server),
list_to_binary(Pass), true}, Version);
@ -271,7 +271,6 @@ determine_string_type(String, Version) ->
%% Command calling
%% @spec (Args::[string()], Auth, AccessCommands, Version) -> string() | integer() | {string(), integer()}
try_run_ctp(Args, Auth, AccessCommands, Version) ->
try ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(ejabberd_ctl_process, false, [Args]) of
false when Args /= [] ->
@ -292,7 +291,6 @@ try_run_ctp(Args, Auth, AccessCommands, Version) ->
{io_lib:format("Error in ejabberd ctl process: '~p' ~p", [Error, Why]), ?STATUS_USAGE}
%% @spec (Args::[string()], Auth, AccessCommands, Version) -> string() | integer() | {string(), integer()}
try_call_command(Args, Auth, AccessCommands, Version) ->
try call_command(Args, Auth, AccessCommands, Version) of
{Reason, wrong_command_arguments} ->
@ -316,7 +314,11 @@ try_call_command(Args, Auth, AccessCommands, Version) ->
%% @spec (Args::[string()], Auth, AccessCommands, Version) -> string() | integer() | {string(), integer()} | {error, ErrorType}
-spec call_command(Args::[string()],
Auth::noauth | {binary(), binary(), binary(), true},
Version::integer()) ->
string() | integer() | {string(), integer()} | {error, ErrorType::any()}.
call_command([CmdString | Args], Auth, _AccessCommands, Version) ->
CmdStringU = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(
list_to_binary(CmdString), <<"-">>, <<"_">>),
@ -768,7 +770,8 @@ print_usage_help(MaxC, ShCode) ->
%% Print usage command
%% @spec (CmdSubString::string(), MaxC::integer(), ShCode::boolean(), Version) -> ok
-spec print_usage_commands2(CmdSubString::string(), MaxC::integer(),
ShCode::boolean(), Version::integer()) -> ok.
print_usage_commands2(CmdSubString, MaxC, ShCode, Version) ->
%% Get which command names match this substring
AllCommandsNames = [atom_to_list(Name) || {Name, _, _} <- ejabberd_commands:list_commands(Version)],
@ -814,7 +817,8 @@ filter_commands_regexp(All, Glob) ->
%% @spec (Cmd::string(), MaxC::integer(), ShCode::boolean(), Version) -> ok
-spec print_usage_command(Cmd::string(), MaxC::integer(),
ShCode::boolean(), Version::integer()) -> ok.
print_usage_command(Cmd, MaxC, ShCode, Version) ->
Name = list_to_atom(Cmd),
C = ejabberd_commands:get_command_definition(Name, Version),
@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ get_string_env(Name, Default) ->
-spec start() -> ok.
start() ->
@ -181,17 +180,14 @@ do_start(Level) ->
lager:set_loghwm(Handler, LogRateLimit)
end, gen_event:which_handlers(lager_event)).
-spec restart() -> ok.
restart() ->
Level = ejabberd_option:loglevel(),
-spec reopen_log() -> ok.
reopen_log() ->
-spec rotate_log() -> ok.
rotate_log() ->
catch lager_crash_log ! rotate,
@ -201,7 +197,6 @@ rotate_log() ->
end, gen_event:which_handlers(lager_event)).
-spec get() -> loglevel().
get() ->
Handlers = get_lager_handlers(),
lists:foldl(fun(lager_console_backend, _Acc) ->
@ -213,7 +208,6 @@ get() ->
none, Handlers).
-spec set(0..5 | loglevel()) -> ok.
set(N) when is_integer(N), N>=0, N=<5 ->
set(Level) when ?is_loglevel(Level) ->
@ -255,7 +249,6 @@ get_lager_version() ->
false -> "0.0.0"
-spec flush() -> ok.
flush() ->
@ -642,33 +642,26 @@ make_host_filename(FnT, Host) ->
make_host_basefilename(Dir, FnT) ->
filename:join([Dir, FnT]).
%% @spec () -> string()
make_piefxis_xml_head() ->
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>".
%% @spec () -> string()
make_piefxis_xml_tail() ->
%% @spec () -> string()
make_piefxis_server_head() ->
io_lib:format("<server-data xmlns='~ts' xmlns:xi='~ts'>",
[?NS_PIE, ?NS_XI]).
%% @spec () -> string()
make_piefxis_server_tail() ->
%% @spec (Host::string()) -> string()
make_piefxis_host_head(Host) ->
io_lib:format("<host xmlns='~ts' xmlns:xi='~ts' jid='~ts'>",
[?NS_PIE, ?NS_XI, Host]).
%% @spec () -> string()
make_piefxis_host_tail() ->
%% @spec (Fn::string()) -> string()
make_xinclude(Fn) ->
Base = filename:basename(Fn),
io_lib:format("<xi:include href='~ts'/>", [Base]).
@ -589,10 +589,8 @@ allow_host1(MyHost, S2SHost) ->
%% Get information about S2S connections of the specified type.
%% @spec (Type) -> [Info]
%% where Type = in | out
%% Info = [{InfoName::atom(), InfoValue::any()}]
%% @doc Get information about S2S connections of the specified type.
-spec get_info_s2s_connections(Type::in | out) -> [[{InfoName::atom(), InfoValue::any()}]].
get_info_s2s_connections(Type) ->
ChildType = case Type of
in -> ejabberd_s2s_in_sup;
@ -488,8 +488,9 @@ run_sql_cmd(Command, From, State, Timestamp) ->
abort_on_driver_error(outer_op(Command), From, Timestamp)
%% Only called by handle_call, only handles top level operations.
%% @spec outer_op(Op) -> {error, Reason} | {aborted, Reason} | {atomic, Result}
%% @doc Only called by handle_call, only handles top level operations.
-spec outer_op(Op::{atom(), binary()}) ->
{error, Reason::binary()} | {aborted, Reason::binary()} | {atomic, Result::any()}.
outer_op({sql_query, Query}) ->
outer_op({sql_transaction, F}) ->
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
%%%% get_acl_access
%% @spec (Path::[string()], Method) -> {HostOfRule, [AccessRule]}
%% where Method = 'GET' | 'POST'
-spec get_acl_rule(Path::[binary()], 'GET' | 'POST') ->
{HostOfRule::binary(), [AccessRule::atom()]}.
%% All accounts can access those URLs
get_acl_rule([], _) -> {<<"localhost">>, [all]};
@ -275,10 +275,13 @@ get_auth_account2(HostOfRule, AccessRule, User, Server,
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Lang, JID, Level) ->
make_xhtml(Els, Host, cluster, Lang, JID, Level).
%% @spec (Els, Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level::integer()) -> {200, [html], xmlelement()}
%% where Host = global | string()
%% Node = cluster | atom()
%% JID = jid()
-spec make_xhtml([xmlel()],
Host::global | binary(),
Node::cluster | atom(),
Level::integer()) ->
{200, [html], xmlel()}.
make_xhtml(Els, Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level) ->
Base = get_base_path_sum(0, 0, Level),
MenuItems = make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level),
@ -1877,18 +1880,15 @@ get_table_content(Node, Table, _Type, PageNumber, PageSize) ->
%%%% navigation menu
%% @spec (Host, Node, Lang, JID::jid(), Level::integer()) -> [LI]
make_navigation(Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level) ->
Menu = make_navigation_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level),
make_menu_items(Lang, Menu).
%% @spec (Host, Node, Lang, JID::jid(), Level::integer()) -> Menu
%% where Host = global | string()
%% Node = cluster | string()
%% Lang = string()
%% Menu = {URL, Title} | {URL, Title, [Menu]}
%% URL = string()
%% Title = string()
-spec make_navigation_menu(Host::global | binary(),
Node::cluster | atom(),
Lang::binary(), JID::jid(), Level::integer()) ->
Menu::{URL::binary(), Title::binary()}
| {URL::binary(), Title::binary(), [Menu::any()]}.
make_navigation_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level) ->
HostNodeMenu = make_host_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang,
JID, Level),
@ -1897,7 +1897,6 @@ make_navigation_menu(Host, Node, Lang, JID, Level) ->
NodeMenu = make_node_menu(Host, Node, Lang, Level),
make_server_menu(HostMenu, NodeMenu, Lang, JID, Level).
%% @spec (Host, Node, Base, Lang) -> [LI]
make_menu_items(global, cluster, Base, Lang) ->
HookItems = get_menu_items_hook(server, Lang),
make_menu_items(Lang, {Base, <<"">>, HookItems});
@ -1978,9 +1977,11 @@ get_menu_items_hook({node, Node}, Lang) ->
get_menu_items_hook(server, Lang) ->
ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(webadmin_menu_main, [], [Lang]).
%% @spec (Lang::string(), Menu) -> [LI]
%% where Menu = {MURI::string(), MName::string(), Items::[Item]}
%% Item = {IURI::string(), IName::string()} | {IURI::string(), IName::string(), Menu}
-spec make_menu_items(Lang::binary(),
{MURI::binary(), MName::binary(),
Items::[{IURI::binary(), IName::binary()}
| {IURI::binary(), IName::binary(), Menu::any()}]}) ->
make_menu_items(Lang, Menu) ->
lists:reverse(make_menu_items2(Lang, 1, Menu)).
@ -1538,7 +1538,8 @@ srg_user_del(User, Host, Group, GroupHost) ->
%% @doc Send a message to an XMPP account.
%% @spec (Type::binary(), From::binary(), To::binary(), Subject::binary(), Body::binary()) -> ok
-spec send_message(Type::binary(), From::binary(), To::binary(),
Subject::binary(), Body::binary()) -> ok.
send_message(Type, From, To, Subject, Body) ->
CodecOpts = ejabberd_config:codec_options(),
try xmpp:decode(
@ -151,7 +151,9 @@ initialize(Host, Opts) ->
content_types = ContentTypes,
user_access = UserAccess}.
%% @spec (AdminCTs::[CT], Default::[CT]) -> [CT]
-spec build_list_content_types(AdminCTs::[{binary(), binary()|undefined}],
Default::[{binary(), binary()|undefined}]) ->
[{string(), string()|undefined}].
%% where CT = {Extension::string(), Value}
%% Value = string() | undefined
%% @doc Return a unified list without duplicates.
@ -265,7 +267,8 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
%% request_handlers callbacks
%% @spec (LocalPath, Request) -> {HTTPCode::integer(), [Header], Page::string()}
-spec process(LocalPath::[binary()], #request{}) ->
{HTTPCode::integer(), [{binary(), binary()}], Page::string()}.
%% @doc Handle an HTTP request.
%% LocalPath is the part of the requested URL path that is "local to the module".
%% Returns the page to be sent back to the client and/or HTTP status code.
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ upgrade_state(State) ->
upgrade_state(setelement(2, State1, VSN+1))
-spec upgrade_state(tuple(), 1..?VSN) -> tuple().
-spec upgrade_state(tuple(), integer()) -> tuple().
upgrade_state(OldState, 1) ->
%% Appending 'tls' field
erlang:append_element(OldState, false);
@ -695,8 +695,7 @@ justcreated_to_binary(J) when is_atom(J) ->
%% Create/Delete Room
%% @spec (Name::binary(), Host::binary(), ServerHost::binary()) ->
%% ok | error
-spec create_room(Name::binary(), Host::binary(), ServerHost::binary()) -> ok | error.
%% @doc Create a room immediately with the default options.
create_room(Name1, Host1, ServerHost) ->
create_room_with_opts(Name1, Host1, ServerHost, []).
@ -747,8 +746,7 @@ muc_create_room(ServerHost, {Name, Host, _}, DefRoomOpts) ->
io:format("Creating room ~ts@~ts~n", [Name, Host]),
mod_muc:store_room(ServerHost, Host, Name, DefRoomOpts).
%% @spec (Name::binary(), Host::binary()) ->
%% ok | {error, room_not_exists}
-spec destroy_room(Name::binary(), Host::binary()) -> ok | {error, room_not_exists}.
%% @doc Destroy the room immediately.
%% If the room has participants, they are not notified that the room was destroyed;
%% they will notice when they try to chat and receive an error that the room doesn't exist.
@ -1116,8 +1114,8 @@ send_direct_invitation(FromJid, UserJid, Msg) ->
%% Change Room Option
%% @spec(Name::string(), Service::string(), Option::string(), Value) -> ok
%% Value = atom() | integer() | string()
-spec change_room_option(Name::binary(), Service::binary(), Option::binary(),
Value::atom() | integer() | string()) -> ok | mod_muc_log_not_enabled.
%% @doc Change an option in an existing room.
%% Requires the name of the room, the MUC service where it exists,
%% the option to change (for example title or max_users),
@ -3414,11 +3414,6 @@ node_config(Node, ServerHost, [{RE, Opts}|NodeOpts]) ->
node_config(_, _, []) ->
%% @spec (Host, Options) -> MaxItems
%% Host = host()
%% Options = [Option]
%% Option = {Key::atom(), Value::term()}
%% MaxItems = integer() | unlimited
%% @doc <p>Return the maximum number of items for a given node.</p>
%% <p>Unlimited means that there is no limit in the number of items that can
%% be stored.</p>
@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ process_rosteritems(ActionS, SubsS, AsksS, UsersS, ContactsS) ->
rosteritem_purge({Action, Subs, Asks, Users, Contacts}).
%% @spec ({Action::atom(), Subs::[atom()], Asks::[atom()], User::string(), Contact::string()}) -> {atomic, ok}
rosteritem_purge(Options) ->
Num_rosteritems = mnesia:table_info(roster, size),
io:format("There are ~p roster items in total.~n", [Num_rosteritems]),
@ -512,7 +512,8 @@ get_group_opt_cached(Host, Group, Opt, Default, Cache) ->
proplists:get_value(Opt, Opts, Default)
%% @spec (Host::string(), Group::string(), Opt::atom(), Default) -> OptValue | Default
-spec get_group_opt(Host::binary(), Group::binary(), displayed_groups | label, Default) ->
OptValue::any() | Default.
get_group_opt(Host, Group, Opt, Default) ->
case get_group_opts(Host, Group) of
error -> Default;
@ -687,7 +688,8 @@ is_user_in_group(US, Group, Host) ->
%% @spec (Host::string(), {User::string(), Server::string()}, Group::string()) -> {atomic, ok} | error
-spec add_user_to_group(Host::binary(), {User::binary(), Server::binary()},
Group::binary()) -> {atomic, ok} | error.
add_user_to_group(Host, US, Group) ->
{_LUser, LServer} = US,
case lists:member(LServer, ejabberd_config:get_option(hosts)) of
Reference in New Issue
Block a user