Changle acme file permissions

Also changed some specs
This commit is contained in:
Konstantinos Kallas 2017-07-11 11:11:00 +03:00
parent b4b4e247dd
commit 5199ede4a2
1 changed files with 48 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ is_valid_account_opt(_) -> false.
{'error', _}.
get_certificates(CAUrl, HttpDir, NewAccountOpt) ->
?INFO_MSG("Persistent: ~p~n", [file:read_file_info(persistent_file())]),
get_certificates0(CAUrl, HttpDir, NewAccountOpt)
throw:Throw ->
@ -67,22 +68,13 @@ get_certificates0(CAUrl, HttpDir, "old-account") ->
%% Get the current account
{ok, _AccId, PrivateKey} = ensure_account_exists(Data),
get_certificates1(CAUrl, HttpDir, PrivateKey);
get_certificates0(CAUrl, HttpDir, "new-account") ->
%% Get contact from configuration file
{ok, Contact} = get_config_contact(),
%% Generate a Key
PrivateKey = generate_key(),
%% Create a new account
{ok, Id} = create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey),
%% Write Persistent Data
{ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
NewData = set_account_persistent(Data, {Id, PrivateKey}),
ok = write_persistent(NewData),
%% Create a new account and save it to disk
{ok, _Id, PrivateKey} = create_save_new_account(CAUrl),
get_certificates1(CAUrl, HttpDir, PrivateKey).
-spec get_certificates1(url(), string(), jose_jwk:key()) ->
@ -118,8 +110,28 @@ get_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
{error, DomainName, get_certificate}
-spec create_save_new_account(url()) -> {'ok', string(), jose_jwk:key()} | no_return().
create_save_new_account(CAUrl) ->
%% Get contact from configuration file
{ok, Contact} = get_config_contact(),
%% Generate a Key
PrivateKey = generate_key(),
%% Create a new account
{ok, Id} = create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey),
%% Write Persistent Data
{ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
NewData = set_account_persistent(Data, {Id, PrivateKey}),
ok = write_persistent(NewData),
{ok, Id, PrivateKey}.
%% TODO:
%% Find a way to ask the user if he accepts the TOS
-spec create_new_account(url(), bitstring(), jose_jwk:key()) -> {'ok', string()} |
create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
@ -139,7 +151,8 @@ create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey) ->
-spec create_new_authorization(url(), bitstring(), jose_jwk:key(), bitstring()) ->
{'ok', proplist()} | no_return().
create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
@ -396,11 +409,16 @@ persistent_file() ->
MnesiaDir = mnesia:system_info(directory),
filename:join(MnesiaDir, "acme.DAT").
%% The persistent file should be rread and written only by its owner
persistent_file_mode() ->
8#400 + 8#200.
read_persistent() ->
case file:read_file(persistent_file()) of
{ok, Binary} ->
{ok, binary_to_term(Binary)};
{error, enoent} ->
{ok, #data{}};
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p reading acme data file", [Reason]),
@ -416,6 +434,21 @@ write_persistent(Data) ->
throw({error, Reason})
create_persistent() ->
Binary = term_to_binary(#data{}),
case file:write_file(persistent_file(), Binary) of
ok ->
case file:change_mode(persistent_file(), persistent_file_mode()) of
ok -> ok;
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p changing acme data file mode", [Reason]),
throw({error, Reason})
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p creating acme data file", [Reason]),
throw({error, Reason})
get_account_persistent(#data{account = Account}) ->
case Account of
#data_acc{id = AccId, key = PrivateKey} ->