mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-12 21:52:07 +02:00

Better error handling in mod_muc_rtbl

Should fix issue #4050
This commit is contained in:
Paweł Chmielowski 2023-07-04 18:18:49 +02:00
parent ffbcf19156
commit 54314e5bb9

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
@ -33,12 +34,21 @@
%% API
-export([start/2, stop/1, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1, mod_doc/0, depends/2]).
-export([start/2, stop/1, init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3,
mod_options/1, mod_opt_type/1, mod_doc/0, depends/2]).
-export([pubsub_event_handler/1, muc_presence_filter/3, muc_process_iq/2]).
-record(muc_rtbl, {host_id, blank = blank}).
-record(rtbl_state, {host, subscribed = false, retry_timer}).
start(Host, _Opts) ->
gen_server:start({local, gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE)}, ?MODULE, [Host], []).
stop(Host) ->
gen_server:stop({local, gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?MODULE)}).
init([Host]) ->
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, muc_rtbl,
[{ram_copies, [node()]},
{local_content, true},
@ -50,32 +60,62 @@ start(Host, _Opts) ->
?MODULE, muc_presence_filter, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(muc_process_iq, Host,
?MODULE, muc_process_iq, 50),
{ok, #rtbl_state{host = Host}}.
stop(Host) ->
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_cast(_Request, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_info({iq_reply, IQReply, initial_items}, State) ->
State2 = parse_initial_items(State, IQReply),
{noreply, State2};
handle_info({iq_reply, IQReply, subscription}, State) ->
State2 = parse_subscription(State, IQReply),
{noreply, State2};
handle_info(_Request, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, #rtbl_state{host = Host, subscribed = Sub, retry_timer = Timer}) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(local_send_to_resource_hook, Host,
?MODULE, pubsub_event_handler, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(muc_filter_presence, Host,
?MODULE, muc_presence_filter, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(muc_process_iq, Host,
?MODULE, muc_process_iq, 50),
Jid = service_jid(Host),
IQ = #iq{type = set, from = Jid, to = jid:make(mod_muc_rtbl_opt:rtbl_server(Host)),
sub_els = [
#pubsub{unsubscribe =
#ps_unsubscribe{jid = Jid, node = mod_muc_rtbl_opt:rtbl_node(Host)}}]},
ejabberd_router:route_iq(IQ, fun parse_subscribe_result/1).
case Sub of
true ->
Jid = service_jid(Host),
IQ = #iq{type = set, from = Jid, to = jid:make(mod_muc_rtbl_opt:rtbl_server(Host)),
sub_els = [
#pubsub{unsubscribe =
#ps_unsubscribe{jid = Jid, node = mod_muc_rtbl_opt:rtbl_node(Host)}}]},
ejabberd_router:route_iq(IQ, fun(_) -> ok end);
_ ->
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
request_initial_items(Host) ->
IQ = #iq{type = get, from = service_jid(Host),
to = jid:make(mod_muc_rtbl_opt:rtbl_server(Host)),
sub_els = [
#pubsub{items = #ps_items{node = mod_muc_rtbl_opt:rtbl_node(Host)}}]},
ejabberd_router:route_iq(IQ, fun parse_initial_items/1).
ejabberd_router:route_iq(IQ, initial_items, self()).
parse_initial_items(#iq{type = error} = IQ) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Fetching initial list failed: ~p", [xmpp:format_stanza_error(xmpp:get_error(IQ))]);
parse_initial_items(#iq{from = From, to = #jid{lserver = Host} = To, type = result} = IQ) ->
parse_initial_items(State, timeout) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Fetching initial list failed: fetch timeout. Retrying in 60 seconds", []),
State#rtbl_state{retry_timer = erlang:send_after(60000, self(), fetch_list)};
parse_initial_items(State, #iq{type = error} = IQ) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Fetching initial list failed: ~p. Retrying in 60 seconds",
State#rtbl_state{retry_timer = erlang:send_after(60000, self(), fetch_list)};
parse_initial_items(State, #iq{from = From, to = #jid{lserver = Host} = To, type = result} = IQ) ->
case xmpp:get_subtag(IQ, #pubsub{}) of
#pubsub{items = #ps_items{node = Node, items = Items}} ->
Added = lists:foldl(
@ -86,16 +126,22 @@ parse_initial_items(#iq{from = From, to = #jid{lserver = Host} = To, type = resu
SubIQ = #iq{type = set, from = To, to = From,
sub_els = [
#pubsub{subscribe = #ps_subscribe{jid = To, node = Node}}]},
ejabberd_router:route_iq(SubIQ, fun parse_subscribe_result/1),
notify_rooms(Host, Added);
ejabberd_router:route_iq(SubIQ, subscription, self()),
notify_rooms(Host, Added),
State#rtbl_state{retry_timer = undefined, subscribed = true};
_ ->
?WARNING_MSG("Fetching initial list failed: invalid result payload", [])
?WARNING_MSG("Fetching initial list failed: invalid result payload", []),
State#rtbl_state{retry_timer = undefined}
parse_subscribe_result(#iq{type = error} = IQ) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Subscription error: ~p", [xmpp:format_stanza_error(xmpp:get_error(IQ))]);
parse_subscribe_result(_) ->
parse_subscription(State, timeout) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Subscription error: request timeout", []),
State#rtbl_state{subscribed = false};
parse_subscription(State, #iq{type = error} = IQ) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Subscription error: ~p", [xmpp:format_stanza_error(xmpp:get_error(IQ))]),
State#rtbl_state{subscribed = false};
parse_subscription(State, _) ->
pubsub_event_handler(#message{from = #jid{luser = <<>>, lserver = SServer},
to = #jid{luser = <<>>, lserver = Server,