Validate new options before module reloading

This commit is contained in:
Evgeniy Khramtsov 2017-05-01 14:01:12 +03:00
parent fe662c1a0a
commit 54cc49bc70
1 changed files with 19 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -178,16 +178,23 @@ start_module(Host, Module) ->
Modules = get_modules_options(Host),
case lists:keyfind(Module, 1, Modules) of
{_, Opts} ->
start_module(Host, Module, Opts);
start_module(Host, Module, Opts, false);
false ->
{error, not_found_in_config}
-spec start_module(binary(), atom(), opts()) -> ok | {ok, pid()}.
start_module(Host, Module, Opts) ->
start_module(Host, Module, Opts, true).
start_module(Host, Module, Opts0) ->
-spec start_module(binary(), atom(), opts(), boolean()) -> ok | {ok, pid()}.
start_module(Host, Module, Opts0, NeedValidation) ->
?DEBUG("loading ~s at ~s", [Module, Host]),
Opts = validate_opts(Module, Opts0),
Opts = if NeedValidation ->
validate_opts(Module, Opts0);
true ->
store_options(Host, Module, Opts),
try case Module:start(Host, Opts) of
ok -> ok;
@ -236,19 +243,23 @@ reload_modules(Host) ->
fun({Mod, OldOpts}) ->
case lists:keyfind(Mod, 1, NewMods) of
{_, NewOpts} when NewOpts /= OldOpts ->
reload_module(Host, Mod, NewOpts, OldOpts);
{_, NewOpts0} ->
case validate_opts(Mod, NewOpts0) of
OldOpts ->
NewOpts ->
reload_module(Host, Mod, NewOpts, OldOpts)
_ ->
end, OldMods).
-spec reload_module(binary(), module(), opts(), opts()) -> ok | {ok, pid()}.
reload_module(Host, Module, NewOpts0, OldOpts) ->
reload_module(Host, Module, NewOpts, OldOpts) ->
case erlang:function_exported(Module, reload, 3) of
true ->
?DEBUG("reloading ~s at ~s", [Module, Host]),
NewOpts = validate_opts(Module, NewOpts0),
store_options(Host, Module, NewOpts),
try case Module:reload(Host, NewOpts, OldOpts) of
ok -> ok;
@ -267,7 +278,7 @@ reload_module(Host, Module, NewOpts0, OldOpts) ->
?WARNING_MSG("module ~s doesn't support reloading "
"and will be restarted", [Module]),
stop_module(Host, Module),
start_module(Host, Module, NewOpts0)
start_module(Host, Module, NewOpts, false)
-spec store_options(binary(), module(), opts()) -> true.