Update translatable, and translated strings

This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2021-01-11 21:15:13 +01:00
parent 50f74c932b
commit 557b9858c6
55 changed files with 1177 additions and 1214 deletions

View File

@ -87,7 +87,6 @@
{"Disc only copy","Còpia sols en disc"}. {"Disc only copy","Còpia sols en disc"}.
{"'Displayed groups' not added (they do not exist!): ","'Mostrats' no afegits (no existeixen!): "}. {"'Displayed groups' not added (they do not exist!): ","'Mostrats' no afegits (no existeixen!): "}.
{"Displayed:","Mostrats:"}. {"Displayed:","Mostrats:"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","No li donis la teva contrasenya a ningú, ni tan sols als administradors del servidor Jabber."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Exporta còpia de seguretat a fitxer de text en "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Exporta còpia de seguretat a fitxer de text en "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Exportar a fitxer de text"}. {"Dump to Text File","Exportar a fitxer de text"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","No estan permesos els grups duplicats al RFC6121"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","No estan permesos els grups duplicats al RFC6121"}.
@ -113,7 +112,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Introdueix ruta al fitxer jabberd14 spool"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Introdueix ruta al fitxer jabberd14 spool"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Introdueix ruta al fitxer de text"}. {"Enter path to text file","Introdueix ruta al fitxer de text"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Introdueix el text que veus"}. {"Enter the text you see","Introdueix el text que veus"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Erlang Jabber"}.
{"Error","Error"}. {"Error","Error"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excloure Jabber IDs de la comprovació CAPTCHA"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excloure Jabber IDs de la comprovació CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exporta totes les taules a un fitxer SQL:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exporta totes les taules a un fitxer SQL:"}.
@ -129,7 +127,6 @@
{"Family Name","Cognom"}. {"Family Name","Cognom"}.
{"February","Febrer"}. {"February","Febrer"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","El fitxer es més gran que ~w bytes"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","El fitxer es més gran que ~w bytes"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User","Emplena camps per a buscar usuaris Jabber que concorden"}.
{"Friday","Divendres"}. {"Friday","Divendres"}.
{"From ~ts","De ~ts"}. {"From ~ts","De ~ts"}.
{"From","De"}. {"From","De"}.
@ -183,7 +180,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","No està permés enviar missatges del tipus \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","No està permés enviar missatges del tipus \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","No està permès l'enviament de missatges privats a la sala"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","No està permès l'enviament de missatges privats a la sala"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","No està permés enviar missatges privats"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","No està permés enviar missatges privats"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registre de compte Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}. {"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}.
{"January","Gener"}. {"January","Gener"}.
{"JID normalization denied by service policy","S'ha denegat la normalització del JID per política del servei"}. {"JID normalization denied by service policy","S'ha denegat la normalització del JID per política del servei"}.
@ -216,7 +212,6 @@
{"Members not added (inexistent vhost!): ","Membres no afegits (perquè el vhost no existeix): "}. {"Members not added (inexistent vhost!): ","Membres no afegits (perquè el vhost no existeix): "}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Necessites ser membre d'aquesta sala per a poder entrar"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Necessites ser membre d'aquesta sala per a poder entrar"}.
{"Members:","Membre:"}. {"Members:","Membre:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Memoritza la teva contrasenya, o escriu-la en un paper guardat a un lloc segur.A Jabber no hi ha una forma automatitzada de recuperar la teva contrasenya si la oblides."}.
{"Memory","Memòria"}. {"Memory","Memòria"}.
{"Message body","Missatge"}. {"Message body","Missatge"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","Missatge no trobat al contingut reenviat"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","Missatge no trobat al contingut reenviat"}.
@ -344,7 +339,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Còpia en RAM"}. {"RAM copy","Còpia en RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Segur que vols eliminar el missatge del dia?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Segur que vols eliminar el missatge del dia?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","El receptor no està en la sala de conferència"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","El receptor no està en la sala de conferència"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Registrar un compte Jabber"}.
{"Registered Users","Usuaris registrats"}. {"Registered Users","Usuaris registrats"}.
{"Registered Users:","Usuaris registrats:"}. {"Registered Users:","Usuaris registrats:"}.
{"Register","Registrar"}. {"Register","Registrar"}.
@ -395,7 +389,6 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Taula Ordinaria"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Taula Ordinaria"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Apager el Servei"}. {"Shut Down Service","Apager el Servei"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}. {"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clients Jabber poden emmagatzemar la teva contrasenya al teu ordinador. Fes servir aquesta característica només si saps que el teu ordinador és segur."}.
{"Specify the access model","Especificar el model d'accés"}. {"Specify the access model","Especificar el model d'accés"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Especifica el tipus de missatge d'event"}. {"Specify the event message type","Especifica el tipus de missatge d'event"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar el model del publicant"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Especificar el model del publicant"}.
@ -427,7 +420,6 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","La contrasenya conté caràcters inacceptables"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","La contrasenya conté caràcters inacceptables"}.
{"The password is too weak","La contrasenya és massa simple"}. {"The password is too weak","La contrasenya és massa simple"}.
{"the password is","la contrasenya és"}. {"the password is","la contrasenya és"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","La contrasenya del teu compte Jabber s'ha canviat correctament."}.
{"The password was not changed","La contrasenya no ha sigut canviada"}. {"The password was not changed","La contrasenya no ha sigut canviada"}.
{"The passwords are different","Les contrasenyes son diferents"}. {"The passwords are different","Les contrasenyes son diferents"}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","La petició està permesa només d'usuaris locals"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","La petició està permesa només d'usuaris locals"}.
@ -438,8 +430,6 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hi ha hagut un error creant el compte: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Hi ha hagut un error creant el compte: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hi ha hagut un error esborrant el compte: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hi ha hagut un error esborrant el compte: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Això no distingeix majúscules de minúscules: macbeth es el mateix que MacBeth i Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Això no distingeix majúscules de minúscules: macbeth es el mateix que MacBeth i Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Aquesta pàgina permet crear un compte Jabber en aquest servidor Jabber. El teu JID (Jabber IDentifier; Identificador Jabber) tindrà aquesta forma: usuari@servidor. Si us plau, llegeix amb cura les instruccions per emplenar correctament els camps."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Aquesta pàgina permet anul·lar el registre d'un compte Jabber en aquest servidor Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Aquesta sala no és anònima"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Aquesta sala no és anònima"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Este servei no pot processar la direcció: ~s"}. {"This service can not process the address: ~s","Este servei no pot processar la direcció: ~s"}.
{"Thursday","Dijous"}. {"Thursday","Dijous"}.
@ -472,7 +462,6 @@
{"Unauthorized","No autoritzat"}. {"Unauthorized","No autoritzat"}.
{"Unexpected action","Acció inesperada"}. {"Unexpected action","Acció inesperada"}.
{"Unexpected error condition: ~p","Condició d'error inesperada: ~p"}. {"Unexpected error condition: ~p","Condició d'error inesperada: ~p"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Anul·lar el registre d'un compte Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Anul·lar el registre"}. {"Unregister","Anul·lar el registre"}.
{"Unselect All","Deseleccionar tots"}. {"Unselect All","Deseleccionar tots"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Element <index/> no soportat"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Element <index/> no soportat"}.
@ -518,7 +507,6 @@
{"XMPP Domains","Dominis XMPP"}. {"XMPP Domains","Dominis XMPP"}.
{"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","Has sigut expulsat de la sala perquè el sistema va a apagar-se"}. {"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","Has sigut expulsat de la sala perquè el sistema va a apagar-se"}.
{"You are not joined to the channel","No t'has unit al canal"}. {"You are not joined to the channel","No t'has unit al canal"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Podràs canviar la teva contrasenya més endavant utilitzant un client Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Has sigut bloquejat en aquesta sala"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Has sigut bloquejat en aquesta sala"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Has entrat en massa sales de conferència"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Has entrat en massa sales de conferència"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Deus d'omplir el camp \"Nickname\" al formulari"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Deus d'omplir el camp \"Nickname\" al formulari"}.
@ -527,7 +515,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necessites un client amb suport x:data per a poder buscar"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necessites un client amb suport x:data per a poder buscar"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","La teva llista de privacitat activa ha denegat l'encaminament d'aquesta stanza."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","La teva llista de privacitat activa ha denegat l'encaminament d'aquesta stanza."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La teua cua de missatges offline és plena. El missatge ha sigut descartat."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La teua cua de missatges offline és plena. El missatge ha sigut descartat."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","El teu compte Jabber ha sigut creat correctament."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","El teu compte Jabber ha sigut esborrat correctament."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","La teua petició de subscripció i/o missatges a ~s han sigut bloquejats. Per a desbloquejar-los, visita ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","La teua petició de subscripció i/o missatges a ~s han sigut bloquejats. Per a desbloquejar-los, visita ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","No tens permís per a crear nodes"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","No tens permís per a crear nodes"}.

View File

@ -539,12 +539,13 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Mostrats:" msgstr "Mostrats:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"No li donis la teva contrasenya a ningú, ni tan sols als administradors del " "No li donis la teva contrasenya a ningú, ni tan sols als administradors del "
"servidor Jabber." "servidor XMPP."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -626,8 +627,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Introdueix el text que veus" msgstr "Introdueix el text que veus"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Servidor Erlang Jabber" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Servidor Erlang XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -698,8 +700,9 @@ msgid "File larger than ~w bytes"
msgstr "El fitxer es més gran que ~w bytes" msgstr "El fitxer es més gran que ~w bytes"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Emplena camps per a buscar usuaris Jabber que concorden" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Emplena camps per a buscar usuaris XMPP que concorden"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -926,10 +929,6 @@ msgstr "S'ha denegat la normalització del JID per política del servei"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "Ha fallat la normalització del JID" msgstr "Ha fallat la normalització del JID"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Registre de compte Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1083,13 +1082,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Necessites ser membre d'aquesta sala per a poder entrar" msgstr "Necessites ser membre d'aquesta sala per a poder entrar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Memoritza la teva contrasenya, o escriu-la en un paper guardat a un lloc " "Memoritza la teva contrasenya, o escriu-la en un paper guardat a un lloc "
"segur.A Jabber no hi ha una forma automatitzada de recuperar la teva " "segur.A XMPP no hi ha una forma automatitzada de recuperar la teva "
"contrasenya si la oblides." "contrasenya si la oblides."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1788,8 +1787,9 @@ msgstr "Registrar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Registrar un compte Jabber" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Registrar un compte XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2028,13 +2028,14 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Apager el Servei" msgstr "Apager el Servei"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Alguns clients Jabber poden emmagatzemar la teva contrasenya al teu " "Alguns clients XMPP poden emmagatzemar la teva contrasenya al teu ordinador. "
"ordinador. Fes servir aquesta característica només si saps que el teu " "Fes servir aquesta característica només si saps que el teu ordinador és "
"ordinador és segur." "segur."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2302,8 +2303,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "La contrasenya és massa simple" msgstr "La contrasenya és massa simple"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "La contrasenya del teu compte Jabber s'ha canviat correctament." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "La contrasenya del teu compte XMPP s'ha canviat correctament."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
msgid "The password was not changed" msgid "The password was not changed"
@ -2374,21 +2376,23 @@ msgstr ""
"MacBeth i Macbeth." "MacBeth i Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Aquesta pàgina permet crear un compte Jabber en aquest servidor Jabber. El " "Aquesta pàgina permet crear un compte XMPP en aquest servidor XMPP. El teu "
"teu JID (Jabber IDentifier; Identificador Jabber) tindrà aquesta forma: " "JID (Jabber IDentifier; Identificador Jabber) tindrà aquesta forma: "
"usuari@servidor. Si us plau, llegeix amb cura les instruccions per emplenar " "usuari@servidor. Si us plau, llegeix amb cura les instruccions per emplenar "
"correctament els camps." "correctament els camps."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Aquesta pàgina permet anul·lar el registre d'un compte Jabber en aquest " "Aquesta pàgina permet anul·lar el registre d'un compte XMPP en aquest "
"servidor Jabber." "servidor XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2533,8 +2537,9 @@ msgstr "Anul·lar el registre"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Anul·lar el registre d'un compte Jabber" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Anul·lar el registre d'un compte XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2770,6 +2775,11 @@ msgstr "Paràmetres incorrectes en el formulari web"
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "El xmlns ès incorrecte" msgstr "El xmlns ès incorrecte"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Registre de compte XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "Dominis XMPP" msgstr "Dominis XMPP"
@ -2804,9 +2814,10 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "No t'has unit al canal" msgstr "No t'has unit al canal"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Podràs canviar la teva contrasenya més endavant utilitzant un client Jabber." "Podràs canviar la teva contrasenya més endavant utilitzant un client XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2839,12 +2850,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "No tens permís per a crear nodes" msgstr "No tens permís per a crear nodes"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "El teu compte Jabber ha sigut creat correctament." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "El teu compte XMPP ha sigut creat correctament."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "El teu compte Jabber ha sigut esborrat correctament." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "El teu compte XMPP ha sigut esborrat correctament."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Doručovat náklad s upozorněním na událost"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Doručovat náklad s upozorněním na událost"}.
{"Description:","Popis:"}. {"Description:","Popis:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Jen kopie disku"}. {"Disc only copy","Jen kopie disku"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Nikdy nikomu nesdělujte své heslo, ani administrátorovi serveru Jabberu."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Uložit zálohu do textového souboru na "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Uložit zálohu do textového souboru na "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Uložit do textového souboru"}. {"Dump to Text File","Uložit do textového souboru"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Duplicitní skupiny nejsou povoleny dle RFC6121"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Duplicitní skupiny nejsou povoleny dle RFC6121"}.
@ -97,7 +96,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Zadejte cestu k spool souboru jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Zadejte cestu k spool souboru jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Zadajte cestu k textovému souboru"}. {"Enter path to text file","Zadajte cestu k textovému souboru"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Zadejte text, který vidíte"}. {"Enter the text you see","Zadejte text, který vidíte"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Error","Chyba"}. {"Error","Chyba"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Vyloučit Jabber ID z procesu CAPTCHA ověřování"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Vyloučit Jabber ID z procesu CAPTCHA ověřování"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Zálohovat všechny tabulky jako SQL dotazy do souboru:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Zálohovat všechny tabulky jako SQL dotazy do souboru:"}.
@ -159,7 +157,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Není dovoleno odeslání soukromé zprávy typu \"skupinová zpráva\" "}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Není dovoleno odeslání soukromé zprávy typu \"skupinová zpráva\" "}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Není povoleno odesílat soukromé zprávy v této místnosti"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Není povoleno odesílat soukromé zprávy v této místnosti"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Je zakázáno posílat soukromé zprávy"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Je zakázáno posílat soukromé zprávy"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registrace účtu Jabberu"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January",". ledna"}. {"January",". ledna"}.
{"joins the room","vstoupil(a) do místnosti"}. {"joins the room","vstoupil(a) do místnosti"}.
@ -187,7 +184,6 @@
{"May",". května"}. {"May",". května"}.
{"Members:","Členové:"}. {"Members:","Členové:"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Pro vstup do místnosti musíte být členem"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Pro vstup do místnosti musíte být členem"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Svoje heslo si zapamatujte, nebo si jej poznamenejte na papírek a ten uschovejte v bezpečí. Jabber nemá žádný automatizovaný způsob obnovy hesla."}.
{"Memory","Paměť"}. {"Memory","Paměť"}.
{"Message body","Tělo zprávy"}. {"Message body","Tělo zprávy"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","Zpráva nebyla nalezena v přeposlaném obsahu"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","Zpráva nebyla nalezena v přeposlaném obsahu"}.
@ -301,7 +297,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Kopie RAM"}. {"RAM copy","Kopie RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Skutečně smazat zprávu dne?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Skutečně smazat zprávu dne?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Příjemce se nenachází v místnosti"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Příjemce se nenachází v místnosti"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Zaregistrujte si účet Jabberu"}.
{"Registered Users","Registrovaní uživatelé"}. {"Registered Users","Registrovaní uživatelé"}.
{"Registered Users:","Registrovaní uživatelé:"}. {"Registered Users:","Registrovaní uživatelé:"}.
{"Register","Zaregistrovat se"}. {"Register","Zaregistrovat se"}.
@ -344,7 +339,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Zobrazit kompletní tabulku"}. {"Show Integral Table","Zobrazit kompletní tabulku"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Zobrazit běžnou tabulku"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Zobrazit běžnou tabulku"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Vypnout službu"}. {"Shut Down Service","Vypnout službu"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Někteří klienti umí uložit vaše heslo na disk počítače. Tuto funkci používejte, pouze pokud věříte zabezpečení svého počítače."}.
{"Specify the access model","Uveďte přístupový model"}. {"Specify the access model","Uveďte přístupový model"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Zvolte typ zpráv pro události"}. {"Specify the event message type","Zvolte typ zpráv pro události"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Specifikovat model pro publikování"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Specifikovat model pro publikování"}.
@ -371,7 +365,6 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Heslo obsahuje nepovolené znaky"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","Heslo obsahuje nepovolené znaky"}.
{"The password is too weak","Heslo je příliš slabé"}. {"The password is too weak","Heslo je příliš slabé"}.
{"the password is","heslo je"}. {"the password is","heslo je"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Heslo vašeho účtu Jabberu bylo úspěšně změněno."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Dotaz je povolen pouze pro místní uživatele"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","Dotaz je povolen pouze pro místní uživatele"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Dotaz nesmí obsahovat elementy <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Dotaz nesmí obsahovat elementy <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Stanza MUSÍ obsahovat pouze jeden element <active/>, jeden element <default/> nebo jeden element <list/>"}. {"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Stanza MUSÍ obsahovat pouze jeden element <active/>, jeden element <default/> nebo jeden element <list/>"}.
@ -379,8 +372,6 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Při vytváření účtu došlo k chybě:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Při vytváření účtu došlo k chybě:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Při mazání účtu došlo k chybě: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Při mazání účtu došlo k chybě: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Zde nezáleží na velikosti písmen: macbeth je stejný jako MacBeth a Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Zde nezáleží na velikosti písmen: macbeth je stejný jako MacBeth a Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Na této stránce si můžete vytvořit účet na tomto serveru Jabberu. Vaše JID (Jabber IDentifikátor) bude mít tvar: uživatelskéjméno@server. Přečtěte si prosím pozorně instrukce pro vyplnění údajů."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Zde můžete zrušit registraci účtu na tomto serveru Jabberu."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Tato místnost není anonymní"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Tato místnost není anonymní"}.
{"Thursday","Čtvrtek"}. {"Thursday","Čtvrtek"}.
{"Time delay","Časový posun"}. {"Time delay","Časový posun"}.
@ -406,7 +397,6 @@
{"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Není možné zaregistrovat routu na existující místní doménu"}. {"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Není možné zaregistrovat routu na existující místní doménu"}.
{"Unauthorized","Nemáte oprávnění"}. {"Unauthorized","Nemáte oprávnění"}.
{"Unexpected action","Neočekávaná akce"}. {"Unexpected action","Neočekávaná akce"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Zrušte registraci účtu Jabberu"}.
{"Unregister","Zrušit registraci"}. {"Unregister","Zrušit registraci"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Nepodporovaný <index/> element"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Nepodporovaný <index/> element"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizovat zprávu dne (neodesílat)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizovat zprávu dne (neodesílat)"}.
@ -443,7 +433,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Středa"}. {"Wednesday","Středa"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Kdy odeslat poslední publikovanou položku"}. {"When to send the last published item","Kdy odeslat poslední publikovanou položku"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Povolit odebírání"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Povolit odebírání"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Později můžete své heslo změnit pomocí klienta Jabberu."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Byl jste vyloučen z této místnosti"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Byl jste vyloučen z této místnosti"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Vstoupil jste do příliš velkého množství místností"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Vstoupil jste do příliš velkého množství místností"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Musíte vyplnit políčko \"Přezdívka\" ve formuláři"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Musíte vyplnit políčko \"Přezdívka\" ve formuláři"}.
@ -452,7 +441,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","K vyhledávání potřebujete klienta podporujícího x:data"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","K vyhledávání potřebujete klienta podporujícího x:data"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Vaše nastavení soukromí znemožnilo směrování této stance."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Vaše nastavení soukromí znemožnilo směrování této stance."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Fronta offline zpráv pro váš kontakt je plná. Zpráva byla zahozena."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Fronta offline zpráv pro váš kontakt je plná. Zpráva byla zahozena."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Váš účet Jabberu byl úspěšně vytvořen."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Váš účet Jabberu byl úspěšně smazán."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Nesmíte posílat zprávy na ~s. Pro povolení navštivte ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Nesmíte posílat zprávy na ~s. Pro povolení navštivte ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Nemáte povoleno vytvářet uzly"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","Nemáte povoleno vytvářet uzly"}.

View File

@ -545,11 +545,11 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Zobrazené skupiny:" msgstr "Zobrazené skupiny:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr "Nikdy nikomu nesdělujte své heslo, ani administrátorovi serveru XMPP."
"Nikdy nikomu nesdělujte své heslo, ani administrátorovi serveru Jabberu."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -631,8 +631,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Zadejte text, který vidíte" msgstr "Zadejte text, který vidíte"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -704,8 +705,8 @@ msgstr "Soubor větší než ~w bytů"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Vyplňte políčka pro vyhledání uživatele Jabberu" msgstr "Vyplňte políčka pro vyhledání uživatele XMPP"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -938,10 +939,6 @@ msgstr "Pravidla služby nepovolují vytvořit místnost"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Registrace účtu Jabberu"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1094,13 +1091,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Pro vstup do místnosti musíte být členem" msgstr "Pro vstup do místnosti musíte být členem"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Svoje heslo si zapamatujte, nebo si jej poznamenejte na papírek a ten " "Svoje heslo si zapamatujte, nebo si jej poznamenejte na papírek a ten "
"uschovejte v bezpečí. Jabber nemá žádný automatizovaný způsob obnovy hesla." "uschovejte v bezpečí. XMPP nemá žádný automatizovaný způsob obnovy hesla."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1804,8 +1801,9 @@ msgstr "Zaregistrovat se"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Zaregistrujte si účet Jabberu" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Zaregistrujte si účet XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2043,9 +2041,10 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Vypnout službu" msgstr "Vypnout službu"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Někteří klienti umí uložit vaše heslo na disk počítače. Tuto funkci " "Někteří klienti umí uložit vaše heslo na disk počítače. Tuto funkci "
"používejte, pouze pokud věříte zabezpečení svého počítače." "používejte, pouze pokud věříte zabezpečení svého počítače."
@ -2318,8 +2317,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Heslo je příliš slabé" msgstr "Heslo je příliš slabé"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Heslo vašeho účtu Jabberu bylo úspěšně změněno." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Heslo vašeho účtu XMPP bylo úspěšně změněno."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2391,8 +2391,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Zde nezáleží na velikosti písmen: macbeth je stejný jako MacBeth a Macbeth." "Zde nezáleží na velikosti písmen: macbeth je stejný jako MacBeth a Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2401,8 +2402,9 @@ msgstr ""
"prosím pozorně instrukce pro vyplnění údajů." "prosím pozorně instrukce pro vyplnění údajů."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Zde můžete zrušit registraci účtu na tomto serveru Jabberu." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "Zde můžete zrušit registraci účtu na tomto serveru XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2550,8 +2552,9 @@ msgstr "Zrušit registraci"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Zrušte registraci účtu Jabberu" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Zrušte registraci účtu XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2790,6 +2793,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Registrace účtu XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2826,8 +2834,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Nemáte povoleno vytvářet uzly" msgstr "Nemáte povoleno vytvářet uzly"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Později můžete své heslo změnit pomocí klienta Jabberu." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Později můžete své heslo změnit pomocí klienta XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2858,12 +2867,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Nemáte povoleno vytvářet uzly" msgstr "Nemáte povoleno vytvářet uzly"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Váš účet Jabberu byl úspěšně vytvořen." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Váš účet XMPP byl úspěšně vytvořen."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Váš účet Jabberu byl úspěšně smazán." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Váš účet XMPP byl úspěšně smazán."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Nachrichten mit Ereignis-Benachrichtigungen zustellen"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Nachrichten mit Ereignis-Benachrichtigungen zustellen"}.
{"Description:","Beschreibung:"}. {"Description:","Beschreibung:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Nur auf Festplatte"}. {"Disc only copy","Nur auf Festplatte"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Geben Sie niemandem Ihr Passwort, auch nicht den Administratoren des Jabber-Servers."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Ausgabe der Sicherung in diese Textdatei "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Ausgabe der Sicherung in diese Textdatei "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Ausgabe in Textdatei"}. {"Dump to Text File","Ausgabe in Textdatei"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Doppelte Gruppen sind laut RFC6121 nicht erlaubt"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Doppelte Gruppen sind laut RFC6121 nicht erlaubt"}.
@ -97,7 +96,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Geben Sie den Pfad zur jabberd14-Spool-Datei ein"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Geben Sie den Pfad zur jabberd14-Spool-Datei ein"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Geben Sie den Pfad zur Textdatei ein"}. {"Enter path to text file","Geben Sie den Pfad zur Textdatei ein"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Geben Sie den Text, den Sie sehen, ein"}. {"Enter the text you see","Geben Sie den Text, den Sie sehen, ein"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber-Server"}.
{"Error","Fehler"}. {"Error","Fehler"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Von CAPTCHA Überprüfung ausgeschlossene Jabber IDs"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Von CAPTCHA Überprüfung ausgeschlossene Jabber IDs"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Alle Tabellen als SQL-Abfragen in eine Datei exportieren:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Alle Tabellen als SQL-Abfragen in eine Datei exportieren:"}.
@ -159,7 +157,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten des Typs \"Gruppenchat\" zu senden"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten des Typs \"Gruppenchat\" zu senden"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten an den Raum zu schicken"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten an den Raum zu schicken"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten zu senden"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten zu senden"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber-Konto-Anmeldung"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber-ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber-ID"}.
{"January","Januar"}. {"January","Januar"}.
{"joins the room","betritt den Raum"}. {"joins the room","betritt den Raum"}.
@ -187,7 +184,6 @@
{"May","Mai"}. {"May","Mai"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Um diesen Raum zu betreten müssen Sie Mitglied sein"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Um diesen Raum zu betreten müssen Sie Mitglied sein"}.
{"Members:","Mitglieder:"}. {"Members:","Mitglieder:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Merken Sie sich Ihr Passwort, oder schreiben Sie es auf einen Zettel den Sie sicher verwahren. Bei Jabber gibt es keine automatische Möglichkeit, das Passwort wiederherzustellen."}.
{"Memory","Speicher"}. {"Memory","Speicher"}.
{"Message body","Nachrichtentext"}. {"Message body","Nachrichtentext"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","Nachricht nicht in weitergeleiteten Nutzdaten gefunden"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","Nachricht nicht in weitergeleiteten Nutzdaten gefunden"}.
@ -301,7 +297,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Nur RAM"}. {"RAM copy","Nur RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Die Nachricht des Tages wirklich löschen?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Die Nachricht des Tages wirklich löschen?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Der Empfänger ist nicht im Raum"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Der Empfänger ist nicht im Raum"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Jabber-Konto registrieren"}.
{"Register","Anmelden"}. {"Register","Anmelden"}.
{"Registered Users","Registrierte Benutzer"}. {"Registered Users","Registrierte Benutzer"}.
{"Registered Users:","Registrierte Benutzer:"}. {"Registered Users:","Registrierte Benutzer:"}.
@ -344,7 +339,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Integral-Tabelle anzeigen"}. {"Show Integral Table","Integral-Tabelle anzeigen"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Gewöhnliche Tabelle anzeigen"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Gewöhnliche Tabelle anzeigen"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Dienst herunterfahren"}. {"Shut Down Service","Dienst herunterfahren"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Einige Jabber-Clients speichern Ihr Passwort auf dem Computer. Aus Sicherheitsgründen sollten Sie das nur auf Ihrem persönlichen Computer tun."}.
{"Specify the access model","Geben sie das Zugangsmodell an"}. {"Specify the access model","Geben sie das Zugangsmodell an"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Geben sie den Ereignis-Nachrichtentyp an"}. {"Specify the event message type","Geben sie den Ereignis-Nachrichtentyp an"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Geben sie das Publikationsmodell an"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Geben sie das Publikationsmodell an"}.
@ -371,7 +365,6 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Das Passwort enthält ungültige Zeichen"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","Das Passwort enthält ungültige Zeichen"}.
{"The password is too weak","Das Passwort ist zu schwach"}. {"The password is too weak","Das Passwort ist zu schwach"}.
{"the password is","das Passwort lautet"}. {"the password is","das Passwort lautet"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Das Passwort von Ihrem Jabber-Konto wurde geändert."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Die Anfrage ist nur von lokalen Benutzern erlaubt"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","Die Anfrage ist nur von lokalen Benutzern erlaubt"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Die Anfrage darf keine <item/>-Elemente enthalten"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Die Anfrage darf keine <item/>-Elemente enthalten"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Das Stanza darf nur ein <active/>-Element, ein <default/>-Element oder ein <list/>-Element enthalten."}. {"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Das Stanza darf nur ein <active/>-Element, ein <default/>-Element oder ein <list/>-Element enthalten."}.
@ -379,8 +372,6 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Erstellen des Kontos auf: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Erstellen des Kontos auf: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Löschen des Kontos auf: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Löschen des Kontos auf: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Groß-/Kleinschreibung spielt hierbei keine Rolle: macbeth ist gleich MacBeth und Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Groß-/Kleinschreibung spielt hierbei keine Rolle: macbeth ist gleich MacBeth und Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Diese Seite erlaubt das Anlegen eines Jabber-Kontos auf diesem Jabber-Server. Ihre JID (Jabber IDentifier) setzt sich folgend zusammen: benutzername@server. Bitte lesen sie die Hinweise genau durch, um die Felder korrekt auszufüllen."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Diese Seite erlaubt es, ein Jabber-Konto von diesem Server zu entfernen."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Dieser Raum ist nicht anonym"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Dieser Raum ist nicht anonym"}.
{"Thursday","Donnerstag"}. {"Thursday","Donnerstag"}.
{"Time delay","Zeitverzögerung"}. {"Time delay","Zeitverzögerung"}.
@ -406,7 +397,6 @@
{"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Konnte Route auf existierender lokaler Domain nicht registrieren"}. {"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Konnte Route auf existierender lokaler Domain nicht registrieren"}.
{"Unauthorized","Nicht berechtigt"}. {"Unauthorized","Nicht berechtigt"}.
{"Unexpected action","Unerwartete Aktion"}. {"Unexpected action","Unerwartete Aktion"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Jabber-Konto entfernen"}.
{"Unregister","Abmelden"}. {"Unregister","Abmelden"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Nicht unterstütztes <index/>-Element"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Nicht unterstütztes <index/>-Element"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualisiere Nachricht des Tages (nicht senden)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualisiere Nachricht des Tages (nicht senden)"}.
@ -443,7 +433,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Mittwoch"}. {"Wednesday","Mittwoch"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Wann das letzte veröffentlichte Objekt gesendet werden soll"}. {"When to send the last published item","Wann das letzte veröffentlichte Objekt gesendet werden soll"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Ob Abonnements erlaubt sind"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Ob Abonnements erlaubt sind"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Sie können das Passwort später mit einem Jabber-Client ändern."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Sie wurden aus diesem Raum verbannt"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Sie wurden aus diesem Raum verbannt"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Sie sind zu vielen Konferenzen beigetreten"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Sie sind zu vielen Konferenzen beigetreten"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Sie müssen das Feld \"Benutzername\" ausfüllen"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Sie müssen das Feld \"Benutzername\" ausfüllen"}.
@ -452,7 +441,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Sie benötigen einen Client, der x:data unterstützt, um die Suche verwenden zu können"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Sie benötigen einen Client, der x:data unterstützt, um die Suche verwenden zu können"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Ihre aktive Privacy-Liste hat die Weiterleitung des Stanzas unterbunden."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Ihre aktive Privacy-Liste hat die Weiterleitung des Stanzas unterbunden."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Ihre Offline-Nachrichten-Warteschlange ist voll. Die Nachricht wurde verworfen."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Ihre Offline-Nachrichten-Warteschlange ist voll. Die Nachricht wurde verworfen."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ihr Jabber Konto wurde erfolgreich erstellt."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ihr Jabber Konto wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Ihre Nachrichten an ~s werden blockiert. Um dies zu ändern, besuchen Sie ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Ihre Nachrichten an ~s werden blockiert. Um dies zu ändern, besuchen Sie ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt Knoten zu erstellen"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt Knoten zu erstellen"}.

View File

@ -554,11 +554,12 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Angezeigte Gruppen:" msgstr "Angezeigte Gruppen:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Geben Sie niemandem Ihr Passwort, auch nicht den Administratoren des Jabber-" "Geben Sie niemandem Ihr Passwort, auch nicht den Administratoren des XMPP-"
"Servers." "Servers."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -641,8 +642,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Geben Sie den Text, den Sie sehen, ein" msgstr "Geben Sie den Text, den Sie sehen, ein"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber-Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP-Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -716,7 +718,7 @@ msgstr "Datei größer als ~w Bytes"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Füllen sie die Felder aus, um nach bestimmten Jabber-Benutzern zu suchen" "Füllen sie die Felder aus, um nach bestimmten Jabber-Benutzern zu suchen"
@ -953,10 +955,6 @@ msgstr "Anlegen des Raumes aufgrund der Dienstrichtlinien verweigert"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Jabber-Konto-Anmeldung"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1109,13 +1107,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Um diesen Raum zu betreten müssen Sie Mitglied sein" msgstr "Um diesen Raum zu betreten müssen Sie Mitglied sein"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Merken Sie sich Ihr Passwort, oder schreiben Sie es auf einen Zettel den Sie " "Merken Sie sich Ihr Passwort, oder schreiben Sie es auf einen Zettel den Sie "
"sicher verwahren. Bei Jabber gibt es keine automatische Möglichkeit, das " "sicher verwahren. Bei XMPP gibt es keine automatische Möglichkeit, das "
"Passwort wiederherzustellen." "Passwort wiederherzustellen."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1823,8 +1821,9 @@ msgstr "Anmelden"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber-Konto registrieren" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "XMPP-Konto registrieren"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2064,11 +2063,12 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Dienst herunterfahren" msgstr "Dienst herunterfahren"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Einige Jabber-Clients speichern Ihr Passwort auf dem Computer. Aus " "Einige XMPP-Clients speichern Ihr Passwort auf dem Computer. Aus "
"Sicherheitsgründen sollten Sie das nur auf Ihrem persönlichen Computer tun." "Sicherheitsgründen sollten Sie das nur auf Ihrem persönlichen Computer tun."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2339,8 +2339,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Das Passwort ist zu schwach" msgstr "Das Passwort ist zu schwach"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Das Passwort von Ihrem Jabber-Konto wurde geändert." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Das Passwort von Ihrem XMPP-Konto wurde geändert."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2413,20 +2414,21 @@ msgstr ""
"und Macbeth." "und Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Diese Seite erlaubt das Anlegen eines Jabber-Kontos auf diesem Jabber-" "Diese Seite erlaubt das Anlegen eines XMPP-Kontos auf diesem XMPP-Server. "
"Server. Ihre JID (Jabber IDentifier) setzt sich folgend zusammen: " "Ihre JID (Jabber IDentifier) setzt sich folgend zusammen: "
"benutzername@server. Bitte lesen sie die Hinweise genau durch, um die Felder " "benutzername@server. Bitte lesen sie die Hinweise genau durch, um die Felder "
"korrekt auszufüllen." "korrekt auszufüllen."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "" msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
"Diese Seite erlaubt es, ein Jabber-Konto von diesem Server zu entfernen." msgstr "Diese Seite erlaubt es, ein XMPP-Konto von diesem Server zu entfernen."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2574,8 +2576,9 @@ msgstr "Abmelden"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber-Konto entfernen" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "XMPP-Konto entfernen"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2813,6 +2816,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "XMPP-Konto-Anmeldung"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2849,8 +2857,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt Knoten zu erstellen" msgstr "Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt Knoten zu erstellen"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Sie können das Passwort später mit einem Jabber-Client ändern." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Sie können das Passwort später mit einem XMPP-Client ändern."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2887,12 +2896,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt Knoten zu erstellen" msgstr "Es ist Ihnen nicht erlaubt Knoten zu erstellen"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ihr Jabber Konto wurde erfolgreich erstellt." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Ihr XMPP Konto wurde erfolgreich erstellt."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ihr Jabber Konto wurde erfolgreich gelöscht." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Ihr XMPP Konto wurde erfolgreich gelöscht."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
msgid "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server." msgid "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ msgid "File larger than ~w bytes"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
@ -866,10 +866,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 src/mod_configure.erl:1012 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 src/mod_configure.erl:1012
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1022 src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1022 src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1056 src/mod_configure.erl:1065 src/mod_configure.erl:1332 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1056 src/mod_configure.erl:1065 src/mod_configure.erl:1332
@ -1015,7 +1011,7 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
msgid "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it." msgid "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1670,7 +1666,7 @@ msgid "Register"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
@ -1895,7 +1891,7 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
msgid "Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." msgid "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2141,7 +2137,7 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
@ -2205,11 +2201,11 @@ msgid "This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
msgid "This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." msgid "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
@ -2346,7 +2342,7 @@ msgid "Unregister"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
@ -2569,6 +2565,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2602,7 +2602,7 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
@ -2634,11 +2634,11 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860

View File

@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Κοινοποιήσεις με την παράδοση φορτίων"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Κοινοποιήσεις με την παράδοση φορτίων"}.
{"Description:","Περιγραφή:"}. {"Description:","Περιγραφή:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Αντίγραφο μόνο σε δίσκο"}. {"Disc only copy","Αντίγραφο μόνο σε δίσκο"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Μην πείτε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας σε κανέναν, ακόμη και στους διαχειριστές του διακομιστή Jabber."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Αποθήκευση Αντιγράφου Ασφαλείας σε αρχείο κειμένου στο "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Αποθήκευση Αντιγράφου Ασφαλείας σε αρχείο κειμένου στο "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Αποθήκευση σε αρχείο κειμένου"}. {"Dump to Text File","Αποθήκευση σε αρχείο κειμένου"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Δεν επιτρέπονται διπλότυπες ομάδες από το RFC6121"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Δεν επιτρέπονται διπλότυπες ομάδες από το RFC6121"}.
@ -96,7 +95,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Εισάγετε τοποθεσία αρχείου σειράς jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Εισάγετε τοποθεσία αρχείου σειράς jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Εισάγετε Τοποθεσία Αρχείου Κειμένου"}. {"Enter path to text file","Εισάγετε Τοποθεσία Αρχείου Κειμένου"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Πληκτρολογήστε το κείμενο που βλέπετε"}. {"Enter the text you see","Πληκτρολογήστε το κείμενο που βλέπετε"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Διακομιστής"}.
{"Error","Σφάλμα"}. {"Error","Σφάλμα"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Εξαίρεση από τις ταυτότητες Jabber, ή CAPTCHA πρόκληση"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Εξαίρεση από τις ταυτότητες Jabber, ή CAPTCHA πρόκληση"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Εξαγωγή όλων των πινάκων ως ερωτημάτων SQL σε ένα αρχείο:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Εξαγωγή όλων των πινάκων ως ερωτημάτων SQL σε ένα αρχείο:"}.
@ -158,7 +156,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Δεν επιτρέπεται να στείλει προσωπικά μηνύματα του τύπου \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Δεν επιτρέπεται να στείλει προσωπικά μηνύματα του τύπου \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Δεν επιτρέπεται να στείλει προσωπικά μηνύματα για τη διάσκεψη"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Δεν επιτρέπεται να στείλει προσωπικά μηνύματα για τη διάσκεψη"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Δεν επιτρέπεται η αποστολή προσωπικών μηνυμάτων"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Δεν επιτρέπεται η αποστολή προσωπικών μηνυμάτων"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Εγγραφή λογαριασμού Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Ταυτότητα Jabber"}. {"Jabber ID","Ταυτότητα Jabber"}.
{"January","Ιανουάριος"}. {"January","Ιανουάριος"}.
{"joins the room","συνδέετε στην αίθουσα"}. {"joins the room","συνδέετε στην αίθουσα"}.
@ -186,7 +183,6 @@
{"May","Μάιος"}. {"May","Μάιος"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Απαιτείται αίτηση συμετοχής για είσοδο σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Απαιτείται αίτηση συμετοχής για είσοδο σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
{"Members:","Μέλη:"}. {"Members:","Μέλη:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Απομνημονεύστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας, ή γράψετε τον σε ένα χαρτί που είχε τοποθετηθεί σε ασφαλές μέρος. Στο Jabber δεν υπάρχει αυτοματοποιημένος τρόπος για να ανακτήσετε τον κωδικό σας αν τον ξεχάσετε."}.
{"Memory","Μνήμη"}. {"Memory","Μνήμη"}.
{"Message body","Περιεχόμενο μηνυμάτως"}. {"Message body","Περιεχόμενο μηνυμάτως"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","Δεν βρέθηκε μήνυμα στο προωθημένο ωφέλιμο φορτίο"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","Δεν βρέθηκε μήνυμα στο προωθημένο ωφέλιμο φορτίο"}.
@ -298,7 +294,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Αντίγραφο σε RAM"}. {"RAM copy","Αντίγραφο σε RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Πραγματικά να διαγράψετε το μήνυμα της ημέρας;"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Πραγματικά να διαγράψετε το μήνυμα της ημέρας;"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Παραλήπτης δεν είναι στην αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Παραλήπτης δεν είναι στην αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Καταχωρήστε έναν λογαριασμό Jabber"}.
{"Registered Users","Εγγεγραμμένοι Χρήστες"}. {"Registered Users","Εγγεγραμμένοι Χρήστες"}.
{"Registered Users:","Εγγεγραμμένοι Χρήστες:"}. {"Registered Users:","Εγγεγραμμένοι Χρήστες:"}.
{"Register","Καταχωρήστε"}. {"Register","Καταχωρήστε"}.
@ -340,7 +335,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Δείτε Ολοκληρωτικό Πίνακα"}. {"Show Integral Table","Δείτε Ολοκληρωτικό Πίνακα"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Δείτε Κοινό Πίνακα"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Δείτε Κοινό Πίνακα"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Κλείσιμο Υπηρεσίας"}. {"Shut Down Service","Κλείσιμο Υπηρεσίας"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Μερικοί πελάτες Jabber μπορεί να αποθηκεύσουν τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας στον υπολογιστή σας. Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό μόνο εάν εμπιστεύεστε την ασφάλεια του υπολογιστή σας."}.
{"Specify the access model","Καθορίστε το μοντέλο πρόσβασης"}. {"Specify the access model","Καθορίστε το μοντέλο πρόσβασης"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Καθορίστε τον τύπο μηνύματος συμβάντος"}. {"Specify the event message type","Καθορίστε τον τύπο μηνύματος συμβάντος"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Καθορίστε το μοντέλο εκδότη"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Καθορίστε το μοντέλο εκδότη"}.
@ -367,7 +361,6 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης περιέχει μη αποδεκτούς χαρακτήρες"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης περιέχει μη αποδεκτούς χαρακτήρες"}.
{"The password is too weak","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι πολύ ασθενές"}. {"The password is too weak","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι πολύ ασθενές"}.
{"the password is","ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι"}. {"the password is","ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης του Jabber λογαριασμού σας έχει αλλάξει επιτυχώς."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Το ερώτημα επιτρέπεται μόνο από τοπικούς χρήστες"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","Το ερώτημα επιτρέπεται μόνο από τοπικούς χρήστες"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Το ερώτημα δεν πρέπει να περιέχει στοιχείο <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Το ερώτημα δεν πρέπει να περιέχει στοιχείο <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Η stanza ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να περιέχει μόνο ένα στοιχείο <active />, ένα στοιχείο <default /> ή ένα στοιχείο <list />"}. {"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Η stanza ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να περιέχει μόνο ένα στοιχείο <active />, ένα στοιχείο <default /> ή ένα στοιχείο <list />"}.
@ -375,8 +368,6 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία του λογαριασμού: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία του λογαριασμού: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη διαγραφή του λογαριασμού: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη διαγραφή του λογαριασμού: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Ανεξαρτήτως με πεζά ή κεφαλαία: 'μιαλεξη' είναι το ίδιο με 'ΜιαΛέξη' και 'Μιαλέξη'."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Ανεξαρτήτως με πεζά ή κεφαλαία: 'μιαλεξη' είναι το ίδιο με 'ΜιαΛέξη' και 'Μιαλέξη'."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Αυτή η σελίδα σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσετε ένα λογαριασμό Jabber σε αυτόν το διακομιστή Jabber. JID σας (Jabber Identifier) θα είναι της μορφής: όνομαρήστη@διακομιστής_Jabber. Παρακαλώ διαβάστε προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες για να συμπληρώσετε σωστά τα πεδία."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Η σελίδα αυτή δίνει τη δυνατότητα να καταργήσετε την καταχώρηση ενός λογαριασμό Jabber σε αυτόν το διακομιστή Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Η αίθουσα αυτή δεν είναι ανώνυμη"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Η αίθουσα αυτή δεν είναι ανώνυμη"}.
{"Thursday","Πέμπτη"}. {"Thursday","Πέμπτη"}.
{"Time delay","Χρόνος καθυστέρησης"}. {"Time delay","Χρόνος καθυστέρησης"}.
@ -401,7 +392,6 @@
{"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Δεν είναι δυνατή η καταχώρηση της διαδρομής σε υπάρχοντα τοπικό τομέα"}. {"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Δεν είναι δυνατή η καταχώρηση της διαδρομής σε υπάρχοντα τοπικό τομέα"}.
{"Unauthorized","Χορίς Εξουσιοδότηση"}. {"Unauthorized","Χορίς Εξουσιοδότηση"}.
{"Unexpected action","Απροσδόκητη ενέργεια"}. {"Unexpected action","Απροσδόκητη ενέργεια"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Καταργήστε την εγγραφή ενός λογαριασμού Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Καταργήση εγγραφής"}. {"Unregister","Καταργήση εγγραφής"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Μη υποστηριζόμενο στοιχείο <index />"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Μη υποστηριζόμενο στοιχείο <index />"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Ενημέρωση μηνύματως ημέρας (χωρίς άμεση αποστολή)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Ενημέρωση μηνύματως ημέρας (χωρίς άμεση αποστολή)"}.
@ -437,7 +427,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Τετάρτη"}. {"Wednesday","Τετάρτη"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Πότε να αποσταλθεί το τελευταίο στοιχείο που δημοσιεύθηκε"}. {"When to send the last published item","Πότε να αποσταλθεί το τελευταίο στοιχείο που δημοσιεύθηκε"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Εάν επιτρέποντε συνδρομές"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Εάν επιτρέποντε συνδρομές"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Μπορείτε αργότερα να αλλάξετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας χρησιμοποιώντας έναν πελάτη Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Σας έχει απαγορευθεί η είσοδος σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Σας έχει απαγορευθεί η είσοδος σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Είσθε σε πάρα πολλά συνέδρια"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Είσθε σε πάρα πολλά συνέδρια"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Θα πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε το πεδίο \"Nickname\" στη φόρμα"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Θα πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε το πεδίο \"Nickname\" στη φόρμα"}.
@ -446,7 +435,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Χρειάζεστε ένα x:data ικανό πελάτη για αναζήτηση"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Χρειάζεστε ένα x:data ικανό πελάτη για αναζήτηση"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Ο ενεργός κατάλογος απορρήτου, έχει αρνηθεί τη δρομολόγηση αυτής της στροφής (stanza)."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Ο ενεργός κατάλογος απορρήτου, έχει αρνηθεί τη δρομολόγηση αυτής της στροφής (stanza)."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Η μνήμη χωρίς σύνδεση μήνυματών είναι πλήρης. Το μήνυμα έχει απορριφθεί."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Η μνήμη χωρίς σύνδεση μήνυματών είναι πλήρης. Το μήνυμα έχει απορριφθεί."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ο Jabber λογαριασμός σας δημιουργήθηκε με επιτυχία."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ο Jabber λογαριασμός σας διαγράφηκε με επιτυχία."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Τα μηνύματά σας πρως ~s είναι αποκλεισμένα. Για αποδεσμεύση, επισκεφθείτε ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Τα μηνύματά σας πρως ~s είναι αποκλεισμένα. Για αποδεσμεύση, επισκεφθείτε ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Δεν σου επιτρέπεται η δημιουργία κόμβων"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","Δεν σου επιτρέπεται η δημιουργία κόμβων"}.

View File

@ -550,12 +550,13 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Εμφανίσμενες Ομάδες:" msgstr "Εμφανίσμενες Ομάδες:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Μην πείτε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας σε κανέναν, ακόμη και στους διαχειριστές " "Μην πείτε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας σε κανέναν, ακόμη και στους διαχειριστές "
"του διακομιστή Jabber." "του διακομιστή XMPP."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -639,8 +640,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Πληκτρολογήστε το κείμενο που βλέπετε" msgstr "Πληκτρολογήστε το κείμενο που βλέπετε"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Διακομιστής" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Διακομιστής"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -716,9 +718,9 @@ msgstr "Αρχείο μεγαλύτερο από ~w bytes"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Συμπληρώστε τα πεδία για να αναζητήσετε οποιαδήποτε ταιριάζοντα Jabber χρήστη" "Συμπληρώστε τα πεδία για να αναζητήσετε οποιαδήποτε ταιριάζοντα XMPP χρήστη"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -952,10 +954,6 @@ msgstr "Άρνηση δημιουργίας αίθουσας , λόγω τακτ
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Εγγραφή λογαριασμού Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1108,14 +1106,14 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Απαιτείται αίτηση συμετοχής για είσοδο σε αυτή την αίθουσα" msgstr "Απαιτείται αίτηση συμετοχής για είσοδο σε αυτή την αίθουσα"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Απομνημονεύστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας, ή γράψετε τον σε ένα χαρτί που είχε " "Απομνημονεύστε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας, ή γράψετε τον σε ένα χαρτί που είχε "
"τοποθετηθεί σε ασφαλές μέρος. Στο Jabber δεν υπάρχει αυτοματοποιημένος " "τοποθετηθεί σε ασφαλές μέρος. Στο XMPP δεν υπάρχει αυτοματοποιημένος τρόπος "
"τρόπος για να ανακτήσετε τον κωδικό σας αν τον ξεχάσετε." "για να ανακτήσετε τον κωδικό σας αν τον ξεχάσετε."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1826,8 +1824,9 @@ msgstr "Καταχωρήστε"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Καταχωρήστε έναν λογαριασμό Jabber" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Καταχωρήστε έναν λογαριασμό XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2071,11 +2070,12 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Κλείσιμο Υπηρεσίας" msgstr "Κλείσιμο Υπηρεσίας"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Μερικοί πελάτες Jabber μπορεί να αποθηκεύσουν τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας στον " "Μερικοί πελάτες XMPP μπορεί να αποθηκεύσουν τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας στον "
"υπολογιστή σας. Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό μόνο εάν εμπιστεύεστε " "υπολογιστή σας. Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό μόνο εάν εμπιστεύεστε "
"την ασφάλεια του υπολογιστή σας." "την ασφάλεια του υπολογιστή σας."
@ -2349,8 +2349,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι πολύ ασθενές" msgstr "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι πολύ ασθενές"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης του Jabber λογαριασμού σας έχει αλλάξει επιτυχώς." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης του XMPP λογαριασμού σας έχει αλλάξει επιτυχώς."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2423,21 +2424,23 @@ msgstr ""
"'Μιαλέξη'." "'Μιαλέξη'."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Αυτή η σελίδα σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσετε ένα λογαριασμό Jabber σε αυτόν " "Αυτή η σελίδα σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσετε ένα λογαριασμό XMPP σε αυτόν το "
"το διακομιστή Jabber. JID σας (Jabber Identifier) θα είναι της μορφής: " "διακομιστή XMPP. JID σας (Jabber Identifier) θα είναι της μορφής: "
νομαρήστη@διακομιστής_Jabber. Παρακαλώ διαβάστε προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες " νομαρήστη@διακομιστής_Jabber. Παρακαλώ διαβάστε προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες "
"για να συμπληρώσετε σωστά τα πεδία." "για να συμπληρώσετε σωστά τα πεδία."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Η σελίδα αυτή δίνει τη δυνατότητα να καταργήσετε την καταχώρηση ενός " "Η σελίδα αυτή δίνει τη δυνατότητα να καταργήσετε την καταχώρηση ενός "
"λογαριασμό Jabber σε αυτόν το διακομιστή Jabber." "λογαριασμό XMPP σε αυτόν το διακομιστή XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2583,8 +2586,9 @@ msgstr "Καταργήση εγγραφής"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Καταργήστε την εγγραφή ενός λογαριασμού Jabber" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Καταργήστε την εγγραφή ενός λογαριασμού XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2828,6 +2832,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Εγγραφή λογαριασμού XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2864,10 +2873,11 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Δεν σου επιτρέπεται η δημιουργία κόμβων" msgstr "Δεν σου επιτρέπεται η δημιουργία κόμβων"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Μπορείτε αργότερα να αλλάξετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας χρησιμοποιώντας έναν " "Μπορείτε αργότερα να αλλάξετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας χρησιμοποιώντας έναν "
"πελάτη Jabber." "πελάτη XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2898,12 +2908,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Δεν σου επιτρέπεται η δημιουργία κόμβων" msgstr "Δεν σου επιτρέπεται η δημιουργία κόμβων"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ο Jabber λογαριασμός σας δημιουργήθηκε με επιτυχία." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Ο XMPP λογαριασμός σας δημιουργήθηκε με επιτυχία."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ο Jabber λογαριασμός σας διαγράφηκε με επιτυχία." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Ο XMPP λογαριασμός σας διαγράφηκε με επιτυχία."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Liveru aĵojn de event-sciigoj"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Liveru aĵojn de event-sciigoj"}.
{"Description:","Priskribo:"}. {"Description:","Priskribo:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Nur disk-kopio"}. {"Disc only copy","Nur disk-kopio"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Ne donu vian pasvorton al iun ajn, eĉ ne al la administrantoj de la Ĵabber-servilo."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Skribu sekurkopion en plata teksto al "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Skribu sekurkopion en plata teksto al "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Skribu en plata tekst-dosiero"}. {"Dump to Text File","Skribu en plata tekst-dosiero"}.
{"Edit Properties","Redaktu atributojn"}. {"Edit Properties","Redaktu atributojn"}.
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Enmetu vojon al jabberd14-uzantdosiero"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Enmetu vojon al jabberd14-uzantdosiero"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Enmetu vojon al plata teksto"}. {"Enter path to text file","Enmetu vojon al plata teksto"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Enmetu montrita teksto"}. {"Enter the text you see","Enmetu montrita teksto"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang-a Jabber-Servilo"}.
{"Error","Eraro"}. {"Error","Eraro"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Esceptu Ĵabber-identigilojn je CAPTCHA-defio"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Esceptu Ĵabber-identigilojn je CAPTCHA-defio"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Eksportu ĉiuj tabeloj kiel SQL-informmendo al dosierujo:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Eksportu ĉiuj tabeloj kiel SQL-informmendo al dosierujo:"}.
@ -128,7 +126,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Malpermesas sendi mesaĝojn de tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Malpermesas sendi mesaĝojn de tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nur partoprenantoj rajtas sendi privatajn mesaĝojn al la babilejo"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nur partoprenantoj rajtas sendi privatajn mesaĝojn al la babilejo"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Ne estas permesata sendi privatajn mesaĝojn"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Ne estas permesata sendi privatajn mesaĝojn"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Ĵabber-konto registrado"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Januaro"}. {"January","Januaro"}.
{"joins the room","eniras la babilejo"}. {"joins the room","eniras la babilejo"}.
@ -155,7 +152,6 @@
{"May","Majo"}. {"May","Majo"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Membreco estas bezonata por eniri ĉi tiun babilejon"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Membreco estas bezonata por eniri ĉi tiun babilejon"}.
{"Members:","Membroj:"}. {"Members:","Membroj:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Memoru vian pasvorton, aŭ skribu ĝin sur papero formetata je sekura loko. Je Ĵabber ne ekzistas aŭtomata metodo por reakiri vian pasvorton se vi forgesas ĝin."}.
{"Memory","Memoro"}. {"Memory","Memoro"}.
{"Message body","Teksto de mesaĝo"}. {"Message body","Teksto de mesaĝo"}.
{"Middle Name","Meza Nomo"}. {"Middle Name","Meza Nomo"}.
@ -232,7 +228,6 @@
{"RAM copy","RAM-kopio"}. {"RAM copy","RAM-kopio"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Ĉu vere forigi mesaĝon de la tago?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Ĉu vere forigi mesaĝon de la tago?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Ricevanto ne ĉeestas en la babilejo "}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Ricevanto ne ĉeestas en la babilejo "}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Registru Ĵabber-konton"}.
{"Registered Users","Registritaj uzantoj"}. {"Registered Users","Registritaj uzantoj"}.
{"Registered Users:","Registritaj uzantoj:"}. {"Registered Users:","Registritaj uzantoj:"}.
{"Register","Registru"}. {"Register","Registru"}.
@ -274,7 +269,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Montru integran tabelon"}. {"Show Integral Table","Montru integran tabelon"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Montru ordinaran tabelon"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Montru ordinaran tabelon"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Haltigu Servon"}. {"Shut Down Service","Haltigu Servon"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Kelkaj Ĵabber-klientoj povas memori vian pasvorton je via komputilo. Nur uzu tiun eblon se vi fidas ke via komputilo estas sekura."}.
{"Specify the access model","Specifu atingo-modelon"}. {"Specify the access model","Specifu atingo-modelon"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Specifu tipo de event-mesaĝo"}. {"Specify the event message type","Specifu tipo de event-mesaĝo"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Enmetu publikadan modelon"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Enmetu publikadan modelon"}.
@ -298,13 +292,10 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Aro kun kiu nodo estas filigita"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Aro kun kiu nodo estas filigita"}.
{"The password is too weak","La pasvorto estas ne sufiĉe forta"}. {"The password is too weak","La pasvorto estas ne sufiĉe forta"}.
{"the password is","la pasvorto estas"}. {"the password is","la pasvorto estas"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","La pasvorto de via Ĵabber-konto estas sukcese ŝanĝata."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Estis eraro dum ŝanĝi de la pasvortro:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Estis eraro dum ŝanĝi de la pasvortro:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Estis eraro dum kreado de la konto:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Estis eraro dum kreado de la konto:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Estis eraro dum forigado de la konto:"}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Estis eraro dum forigado de la konto:"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Uskleco ne signifas: macbeth estas la sama ol MacBeth kaj Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Uskleco ne signifas: macbeth estas la sama ol MacBeth kaj Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Jena paĝo ebligas kreadon de Ĵabber-konto je ĉi-Ĵabber-servilo. Via JID (Ĵabber-IDentigilo) estos ĉi-tiel: uzantnomo@servilo. Bonvolu legu bone la instrukciojn por korekta enmetigo de la kampoj. "}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Jena pagxo ebligas malregistri Jxabber-konton je ĉi-servilo."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ĉi tiu babilejo ne estas anonima"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Ĉi tiu babilejo ne estas anonima"}.
{"Thursday","Ĵaŭdo"}. {"Thursday","Ĵaŭdo"}.
{"Time delay","Prokrasto"}. {"Time delay","Prokrasto"}.
@ -322,7 +313,6 @@
{"Tuesday","Mardo"}. {"Tuesday","Mardo"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Ne eblis krei CAPTCHA"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Ne eblis krei CAPTCHA"}.
{"Unauthorized","Nepermesita"}. {"Unauthorized","Nepermesita"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Malregistru Ĵabber-konton"}.
{"Unregister","Malregistru"}. {"Unregister","Malregistru"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Ŝanĝu mesaĝon de la tago (ne sendu)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Ŝanĝu mesaĝon de la tago (ne sendu)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Ŝanĝu mesaĝon de la tago je ĉiu gastigo (ne sendu)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Ŝanĝu mesaĝon de la tago je ĉiu gastigo (ne sendu)"}.
@ -348,7 +338,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Merkredo"}. {"Wednesday","Merkredo"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Kiam sendi la laste publicitan eron"}. {"When to send the last published item","Kiam sendi la laste publicitan eron"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Ĉu permesi aboni"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Ĉu permesi aboni"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Poste vi povas ŝanĝi vian pasvorton per Ĵabber-kliento."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Vi estas malpermesata en ĉi tiu babilejo"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Vi estas malpermesata en ĉi tiu babilejo"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Vi devas kompletigi la \"Kaŝnomo\" kampon"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Vi devas kompletigi la \"Kaŝnomo\" kampon"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Vi bezonas klienton subtenante x:data-funkcio kaj CAPTCHA por registri kaŝnomon"}. {"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Vi bezonas klienton subtenante x:data-funkcio kaj CAPTCHA por registri kaŝnomon"}.
@ -356,6 +345,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vi bezonas klienton kun x:data-funkcio por serĉado"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vi bezonas klienton kun x:data-funkcio por serĉado"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Via aktiva privatec-listo malpermesas enkursigi ĉi-tiun pakaĵon"}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Via aktiva privatec-listo malpermesas enkursigi ĉi-tiun pakaĵon"}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Mesaĝo-atendovico de la senkonekta kontakto estas plena. La mesaĝo estas forĵetita"}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Mesaĝo-atendovico de la senkonekta kontakto estas plena. La mesaĝo estas forĵetita"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Via Ĵabber-konto estis sukcese kreata."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Via Ĵabber-konto estas sukcese forigita."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Viaj mesaĝoj al ~s estas blokata. Por malbloki ilin, iru al ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Viaj mesaĝoj al ~s estas blokata. Por malbloki ilin, iru al ~s"}.

View File

@ -545,11 +545,12 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Montrataj grupoj:" msgstr "Montrataj grupoj:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ne donu vian pasvorton al iun ajn, eĉ ne al la administrantoj de la Ĵabber-" "Ne donu vian pasvorton al iun ajn, eĉ ne al la administrantoj de la XMPP-"
"servilo." "servilo."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -632,8 +633,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Enmetu montrita teksto" msgstr "Enmetu montrita teksto"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang-a Jabber-Servilo" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang-a XMPP-Servilo"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -705,8 +707,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Kompletigu la formon por serĉi rekonata Jabber-uzanto" msgstr "Kompletigu la formon por serĉi rekonata XMPP-uzanto"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -941,10 +943,6 @@ msgstr "Ĉi tiu serv-politiko ne permesas babilejo-kreadon"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Ĵabber-konto registrado"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1098,13 +1096,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Membreco estas bezonata por eniri ĉi tiun babilejon" msgstr "Membreco estas bezonata por eniri ĉi tiun babilejon"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Memoru vian pasvorton, aŭ skribu ĝin sur papero formetata je sekura loko. Je " "Memoru vian pasvorton, aŭ skribu ĝin sur papero formetata je sekura loko. Je "
"Ĵabber ne ekzistas aŭtomata metodo por reakiri vian pasvorton se vi forgesas " "XMPP ne ekzistas aŭtomata metodo por reakiri vian pasvorton se vi forgesas "
"ĝin." "ĝin."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1815,8 +1813,9 @@ msgstr "Registru"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Registru Ĵabber-konton" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Registru XMPP-konton"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2053,11 +2052,12 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Haltigu Servon" msgstr "Haltigu Servon"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Kelkaj Ĵabber-klientoj povas memori vian pasvorton je via komputilo. Nur uzu " "Kelkaj XMPP-klientoj povas memori vian pasvorton je via komputilo. Nur uzu "
"tiun eblon se vi fidas ke via komputilo estas sekura." "tiun eblon se vi fidas ke via komputilo estas sekura."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2326,8 +2326,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "La pasvorto estas ne sufiĉe forta" msgstr "La pasvorto estas ne sufiĉe forta"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "La pasvorto de via Ĵabber-konto estas sukcese ŝanĝata." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "La pasvorto de via XMPP-konto estas sukcese ŝanĝata."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2396,17 +2397,19 @@ msgid "This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth."
msgstr "Uskleco ne signifas: macbeth estas la sama ol MacBeth kaj Macbeth." msgstr "Uskleco ne signifas: macbeth estas la sama ol MacBeth kaj Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Jena paĝo ebligas kreadon de Ĵabber-konto je ĉi-Ĵabber-servilo. Via JID " "Jena paĝo ebligas kreadon de XMPP-konto je ĉi-XMPP-servilo. Via JID (Ĵabber-"
"(Ĵabber-IDentigilo) estos ĉi-tiel: uzantnomo@servilo. Bonvolu legu bone la " "IDentigilo) estos ĉi-tiel: uzantnomo@servilo. Bonvolu legu bone la "
"instrukciojn por korekta enmetigo de la kampoj. " "instrukciojn por korekta enmetigo de la kampoj. "
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "Jena pagxo ebligas malregistri Jxabber-konton je ĉi-servilo." msgstr "Jena pagxo ebligas malregistri Jxabber-konton je ĉi-servilo."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
@ -2556,8 +2559,9 @@ msgstr "Malregistru"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Malregistru Ĵabber-konton" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Malregistru XMPP-konton"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2796,6 +2800,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "XMPP-konto registrado"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2832,8 +2841,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Ne estas permesata sendi privatajn mesaĝojn" msgstr "Ne estas permesata sendi privatajn mesaĝojn"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Poste vi povas ŝanĝi vian pasvorton per Ĵabber-kliento." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Poste vi povas ŝanĝi vian pasvorton per XMPP-kliento."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2867,12 +2877,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Ne estas permesata sendi privatajn mesaĝojn" msgstr "Ne estas permesata sendi privatajn mesaĝojn"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Via Ĵabber-konto estis sukcese kreata." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Via XMPP-konto estis sukcese kreata."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Via Ĵabber-konto estas sukcese forigita." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Via XMPP-konto estas sukcese forigita."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
{"Disc only copy","Copia en disco solamente"}. {"Disc only copy","Copia en disco solamente"}.
{"'Displayed groups' not added (they do not exist!): ","'Mostrados' que no han sido añadidos (¡no existen!): "}. {"'Displayed groups' not added (they do not exist!): ","'Mostrados' que no han sido añadidos (¡no existen!): "}.
{"Displayed:","Mostrados:"}. {"Displayed:","Mostrados:"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","No le digas tu contraseña a nadie, ni siquiera a los administradores del servidor Jabber."}. {"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP server.","No le digas tu contraseña a nadie, ni siquiera a los administradores del servidor XMPP."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Exporta copia de seguridad a fichero de texto en "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Exporta copia de seguridad a fichero de texto en "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Exportar a fichero de texto"}. {"Dump to Text File","Exportar a fichero de texto"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Los grupos duplicados no están permitidos por RFC6121"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Los grupos duplicados no están permitidos por RFC6121"}.
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Introduce ruta al fichero jabberd14 spool"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Introduce ruta al fichero jabberd14 spool"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Introduce ruta al fichero de texto"}. {"Enter path to text file","Introduce ruta al fichero de texto"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Teclea el texto que ves"}. {"Enter the text you see","Teclea el texto que ves"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Jabber en Erlang"}. {"Erlang XMPP Server","Servidor XMPP en Erlang"}.
{"Error","Error"}. {"Error","Error"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excluir Jabber IDs de las pruebas de CAPTCHA"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excluir Jabber IDs de las pruebas de CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exportar todas las tablas a un fichero SQL:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exportar todas las tablas a un fichero SQL:"}.
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
{"FAQ Entry","Apunte en la FAQ"}. {"FAQ Entry","Apunte en la FAQ"}.
{"February","Febrero"}. {"February","Febrero"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","El fichero es más grande que ~w bytes"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","El fichero es más grande que ~w bytes"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User","Rellena campos para buscar usuarios Jabber que concuerden"}. {"Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User","Rellena campos para buscar usuarios XMPP que concuerden"}.
{"Friday","Viernes"}. {"Friday","Viernes"}.
{"From ~ts","De ~ts"}. {"From ~ts","De ~ts"}.
{"From","De"}. {"From","De"}.
@ -216,7 +216,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","No está permitido enviar mensajes privados del tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","No está permitido enviar mensajes privados del tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir el envio de mensajes privados a la sala"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir el envio de mensajes privados a la sala"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","No está permitido enviar mensajes privados"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","No está permitido enviar mensajes privados"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registro de Cuenta Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Enero"}. {"January","Enero"}.
{"JID normalization denied by service policy","Se ha denegado la normalización del JID por política del servicio"}. {"JID normalization denied by service policy","Se ha denegado la normalización del JID por política del servicio"}.
@ -256,7 +255,7 @@
{"Members not added (inexistent vhost!): ","Miembros no añadidos (el vhost no existe): "}. {"Members not added (inexistent vhost!): ","Miembros no añadidos (el vhost no existe): "}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Necesitas ser miembro de esta sala para poder entrar"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Necesitas ser miembro de esta sala para poder entrar"}.
{"Members:","Miembros:"}. {"Members:","Miembros:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Memoriza tu contraseña, o apúntala en un papel en un lugar seguro. En Jabber no hay un método automatizado para recuperar la contraseña si la olvidas."}. {"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Memoriza tu contraseña, o apúntala en un papel en un lugar seguro. En XMPP no hay un método automatizado para recuperar la contraseña si la olvidas."}.
{"Memory","Memoria"}. {"Memory","Memoria"}.
{"Mere Availability in XMPP (No Show Value)","Disponible en XMPP (sin valor de Mostrado)"}. {"Mere Availability in XMPP (No Show Value)","Disponible en XMPP (sin valor de Mostrado)"}.
{"Message body","Cuerpo del mensaje"}. {"Message body","Cuerpo del mensaje"}.
@ -410,7 +409,7 @@
{"Receive notification of new items only","Recibir notificaciones solo de nuevos elementos"}. {"Receive notification of new items only","Recibir notificaciones solo de nuevos elementos"}.
{"Receive notification of new nodes only","Recibir notificaciones solo de nuevos nodos"}. {"Receive notification of new nodes only","Recibir notificaciones solo de nuevos nodos"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","El receptor no está en la sala de conferencia"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","El receptor no está en la sala de conferencia"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Registrar una cuenta Jabber"}. {"Register an XMPP account","Registrar una cuenta XMPP"}.
{"Registered Users","Usuarios registrados"}. {"Registered Users","Usuarios registrados"}.
{"Registered Users:","Usuarios registrados:"}. {"Registered Users:","Usuarios registrados:"}.
{"Register","Registrar"}. {"Register","Registrar"}.
@ -469,7 +468,7 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Tabla Ordinaria"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Tabla Ordinaria"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Detener el servicio"}. {"Shut Down Service","Detener el servicio"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}. {"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Algunos clientes Jabber pueden recordar tu contraseña en la máquina. Usa esa opción solo si confías en que la máquina que usas es segura."}. {"Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Algunos clientes XMPP pueden recordar tu contraseña en la máquina. Usa esa opción solo si confías en que la máquina que usas es segura."}.
{"Specify the access model","Especifica el modelo de acceso"}. {"Specify the access model","Especifica el modelo de acceso"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Especifica el tipo del mensaje de evento"}. {"Specify the event message type","Especifica el tipo del mensaje de evento"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar el modelo del publicante"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Especificar el modelo del publicante"}.
@ -528,7 +527,7 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","La contraseña contiene caracteres inaceptables"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","La contraseña contiene caracteres inaceptables"}.
{"The password is too weak","La contraseña es demasiado débil"}. {"The password is too weak","La contraseña es demasiado débil"}.
{"the password is","la contraseña es"}. {"the password is","la contraseña es"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","La contraseña de tu cuenta Jabber se ha cambiado correctamente."}. {"The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed.","La contraseña de tu cuenta XMPP se ha cambiado correctamente."}.
{"The password was not changed","La contraseña no fue cambiada"}. {"The password was not changed","La contraseña no fue cambiada"}.
{"The passwords are different","Las contraseñas son diferentes"}. {"The passwords are different","Las contraseñas son diferentes"}.
{"The presence states for which an entity wants to receive notifications","Los estados de presencia para los cuales una entidad quiere recibir notificaciones"}. {"The presence states for which an entity wants to receive notifications","Los estados de presencia para los cuales una entidad quiere recibir notificaciones"}.
@ -546,8 +545,8 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hubo uno error al crear la cuenta: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Hubo uno error al crear la cuenta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hubo un error borrando la cuenta: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hubo un error borrando la cuenta: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","No importa si usas mayúsculas: macbeth es lo mismo que MacBeth y Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","No importa si usas mayúsculas: macbeth es lo mismo que MacBeth y Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta página te permite crear una cuenta Jabber este servidor Jabber. Tu JID (Jabber IDentificador) será de la forma: nombredeusuario@servidor. Por favor lee detenidamente las instrucciones para rellenar correctamente los campos."}. {"This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta página te permite crear una cuenta XMPP este servidor XMPP. Tu JID (Jabber IDentificador) será de la forma: nombredeusuario@servidor. Por favor lee detenidamente las instrucciones para rellenar correctamente los campos."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta página te permite borrar tu cuenta Jabber en este servidor Jabber."}. {"This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server.","Esta página te permite borrar tu cuenta XMPP en este servidor XMPP."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Sala no anónima"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Sala no anónima"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Este servicio no puede procesar la dirección: ~s"}. {"This service can not process the address: ~s","Este servicio no puede procesar la dirección: ~s"}.
{"Thursday","Jueves"}. {"Thursday","Jueves"}.
@ -580,7 +579,7 @@
{"Unauthorized","No autorizado"}. {"Unauthorized","No autorizado"}.
{"Unexpected action","Acción inesperada"}. {"Unexpected action","Acción inesperada"}.
{"Unexpected error condition: ~p","Condición de error inesperada: ~p"}. {"Unexpected error condition: ~p","Condición de error inesperada: ~p"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Borrar una cuenta Jabber"}. {"Unregister an XMPP account","Borrar una cuenta XMPP"}.
{"Unregister","Borrar"}. {"Unregister","Borrar"}.
{"Unselect All","Deseleccionar todo"}. {"Unselect All","Deseleccionar todo"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemento <index/> no soportado"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemento <index/> no soportado"}.
@ -636,6 +635,7 @@
{"Who may associate leaf nodes with a collection","Quien puede asociar nodos hoja con una colección"}. {"Who may associate leaf nodes with a collection","Quien puede asociar nodos hoja con una colección"}.
{"Wrong parameters in the web formulary","Parámetros incorrectos en el formulario web"}. {"Wrong parameters in the web formulary","Parámetros incorrectos en el formulario web"}.
{"Wrong xmlns","XMLNS incorrecto"}. {"Wrong xmlns","XMLNS incorrecto"}.
{"XMPP Account Registration","Registro de Cuenta XMPP"}.
{"XMPP Domains","Dominios XMPP"}. {"XMPP Domains","Dominios XMPP"}.
{"XMPP Show Value of Away","Valor 'Show' de XMPP: Ausente"}. {"XMPP Show Value of Away","Valor 'Show' de XMPP: Ausente"}.
{"XMPP Show Value of Chat","Valor 'Show' de XMPP: Charlador"}. {"XMPP Show Value of Chat","Valor 'Show' de XMPP: Charlador"}.
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@
{"XMPP URI of Associated Publish-Subscribe Node","URI XMPP del Nodo Asociado de Publicar-Subscribir"}. {"XMPP URI of Associated Publish-Subscribe Node","URI XMPP del Nodo Asociado de Publicar-Subscribir"}.
{"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","Estás siendo expulsado de la sala porque el sistema se va a detener"}. {"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","Estás siendo expulsado de la sala porque el sistema se va a detener"}.
{"You are not joined to the channel","No has entrado en el canal"}. {"You are not joined to the channel","No has entrado en el canal"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Puedes cambiar tu contraseña después, usando un cliente Jabber."}. {"You can later change your password using an XMPP client.","Puedes cambiar tu contraseña después, usando un cliente XMPP."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Has sido bloqueado en esta sala"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Has sido bloqueado en esta sala"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Has entrado en demasiadas salas de conferencia"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Has entrado en demasiadas salas de conferencia"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Debes rellenar el campo \"Apodo\" en el formulario"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Debes rellenar el campo \"Apodo\" en el formulario"}.
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para poder buscar"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para poder buscar"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Tu lista de privacidad activa ha denegado el envío de este paquete."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Tu lista de privacidad activa ha denegado el envío de este paquete."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Tu cola de mensajes diferidos de contactos está llena. El mensaje se ha descartado."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Tu cola de mensajes diferidos de contactos está llena. El mensaje se ha descartado."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Tu cuenta Jabber se ha creado correctamente."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Tu cuenta Jabber se ha borrado correctamente."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Tu petición de suscripción y/o mensajes a ~s ha sido bloqueado. Para desbloquear tu petición de suscripción visita ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Tu petición de suscripción y/o mensajes a ~s ha sido bloqueado. Para desbloquear tu petición de suscripción visita ~s"}.
{"Your XMPP account was successfully created.","Tu cuenta XMPP se ha creado correctamente."}.
{"Your XMPP account was successfully deleted.","Tu cuenta XMPP se ha borrado correctamente."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","No tienes permitido crear nodos"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","No tienes permitido crear nodos"}.

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: es\n" "Project-Id-Version: es\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-11 13:13+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-11 21:04+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>\n" "Last-Translator: Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>\n"
"Language-Team: \n" "Language-Team: \n"
"Language: es\n" "Language: es\n"
@ -542,11 +542,11 @@ msgstr "Mostrados:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"No le digas tu contraseña a nadie, ni siquiera a los administradores del " "No le digas tu contraseña a nadie, ni siquiera a los administradores del "
"servidor Jabber." "servidor XMPP."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -630,8 +630,8 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Teclea el texto que ves" msgstr "Teclea el texto que ves"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Servidor Jabber en Erlang" msgstr "Servidor XMPP en Erlang"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -704,8 +704,8 @@ msgid "File larger than ~w bytes"
msgstr "El fichero es más grande que ~w bytes" msgstr "El fichero es más grande que ~w bytes"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Rellena campos para buscar usuarios Jabber que concuerden" msgstr "Rellena campos para buscar usuarios XMPP que concuerden"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -930,10 +930,6 @@ msgstr "Se ha denegado la normalización del JID por política del servicio"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "Ha fallado la normalización del JID" msgstr "Ha fallado la normalización del JID"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Registro de Cuenta Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1087,10 +1083,9 @@ msgstr "Necesitas ser miembro de esta sala para poder entrar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Memoriza tu contraseña, o apúntala en un papel en un lugar seguro. En Jabber " "Memoriza tu contraseña, o apúntala en un papel en un lugar seguro. En XMPP "
"no hay un método automatizado para recuperar la contraseña si la olvidas." "no hay un método automatizado para recuperar la contraseña si la olvidas."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1788,8 +1783,8 @@ msgstr "Registrar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Registrar una cuenta Jabber" msgstr "Registrar una cuenta XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2025,10 +2020,10 @@ msgstr "Detener el servicio"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Algunos clientes Jabber pueden recordar tu contraseña en la máquina. Usa esa " "Algunos clientes XMPP pueden recordar tu contraseña en la máquina. Usa esa "
"opción solo si confías en que la máquina que usas es segura." "opción solo si confías en que la máquina que usas es segura."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2307,8 +2302,8 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "La contraseña es demasiado débil" msgstr "La contraseña es demasiado débil"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "La contraseña de tu cuenta Jabber se ha cambiado correctamente." msgstr "La contraseña de tu cuenta XMPP se ha cambiado correctamente."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
msgid "The password was not changed" msgid "The password was not changed"
@ -2384,18 +2379,17 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Esta página te permite crear una cuenta Jabber este servidor Jabber. Tu JID " "Esta página te permite crear una cuenta XMPP este servidor XMPP. Tu JID "
"(Jabber IDentificador) será de la forma: nombredeusuario@servidor. Por favor " "(Jabber IDentificador) será de la forma: nombredeusuario@servidor. Por favor "
"lee detenidamente las instrucciones para rellenar correctamente los campos." "lee detenidamente las instrucciones para rellenar correctamente los campos."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr "Esta página te permite borrar tu cuenta XMPP en este servidor XMPP."
"Esta página te permite borrar tu cuenta Jabber en este servidor Jabber."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2540,8 +2534,8 @@ msgstr "Borrar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Borrar una cuenta Jabber" msgstr "Borrar una cuenta XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2782,6 +2776,10 @@ msgstr "Parámetros incorrectos en el formulario web"
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "XMLNS incorrecto" msgstr "XMLNS incorrecto"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Registro de Cuenta XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "Dominios XMPP" msgstr "Dominios XMPP"
@ -2815,8 +2813,8 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "No has entrado en el canal" msgstr "No has entrado en el canal"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Puedes cambiar tu contraseña después, usando un cliente Jabber." msgstr "Puedes cambiar tu contraseña después, usando un cliente XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2848,12 +2846,12 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "No tienes permitido crear nodos" msgstr "No tienes permitido crear nodos"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Tu cuenta Jabber se ha creado correctamente." msgstr "Tu cuenta XMPP se ha creado correctamente."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Tu cuenta Jabber se ha borrado correctamente." msgstr "Tu cuenta XMPP se ha borrado correctamente."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Inclure le contenu du message avec la notification"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Inclure le contenu du message avec la notification"}.
{"Description:","Description:"}. {"Description:","Description:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Copie sur disque uniquement"}. {"Disc only copy","Copie sur disque uniquement"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Ne révélez votre mot de passe à personne, pas même l'administrateur de ce serveur."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Enregistrer la sauvegarde dans un fichier texte sur "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Enregistrer la sauvegarde dans un fichier texte sur "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Sauvegarder dans un fichier texte"}. {"Dump to Text File","Sauvegarder dans un fichier texte"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Les groupes ne peuvent être dupliqués (rfc6121)"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Les groupes ne peuvent être dupliqués (rfc6121)"}.
@ -97,7 +96,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Entrez le chemin vers le fichier spool de Jabberd 1.4"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Entrez le chemin vers le fichier spool de Jabberd 1.4"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Entrez le chemin vers le fichier texte"}. {"Enter path to text file","Entrez le chemin vers le fichier texte"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Tapez le texte que vous voyez"}. {"Enter the text you see","Tapez le texte que vous voyez"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Serveur Jabber Erlang"}.
{"Error","Erreur"}. {"Error","Erreur"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Exempter des Jabberd IDs du test CAPTCHA"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Exempter des Jabberd IDs du test CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exporter toutes les tables vers un fichier SQL:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exporter toutes les tables vers un fichier SQL:"}.
@ -159,7 +157,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Il n'est pas permis d'envoyer des messages privés de type \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Il n'est pas permis d'envoyer des messages privés de type \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Il n'est pas permis d'envoyer des messages \"normaux\" au salon"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Il n'est pas permis d'envoyer des messages \"normaux\" au salon"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","L'envoi de messages privés n'est pas autorisé"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","L'envoi de messages privés n'est pas autorisé"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Enregistrement du Compte Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Janvier"}. {"January","Janvier"}.
{"joins the room","rejoint le salon"}. {"joins the room","rejoint le salon"}.
@ -187,7 +184,6 @@
{"May","Mai"}. {"May","Mai"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Vous devez être membre pour accèder à ce salon"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Vous devez être membre pour accèder à ce salon"}.
{"Members:","Membres:"}. {"Members:","Membres:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Mémorisez votre mot de passe, ou écrivez-le sur un papier conservé dans un endroit secret. Dans Jabber il n'y a pas de mécanisme pour retrouver votre mot de passe si vous l'avez oublié."}.
{"Memory","Mémoire"}. {"Memory","Mémoire"}.
{"Message body","Corps du message"}. {"Message body","Corps du message"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","Message non trouvé dans l'enveloppe transférée"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","Message non trouvé dans l'enveloppe transférée"}.
@ -299,7 +295,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Copie en mémoire vive (RAM)"}. {"RAM copy","Copie en mémoire vive (RAM)"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Confirmer la suppression du message du jour ?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Confirmer la suppression du message du jour ?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Le destinataire n'est pas dans la conférence"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Le destinataire n'est pas dans la conférence"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Enregistrer un compte Jabber"}.
{"Registered Users","Utilisateurs enregistrés"}. {"Registered Users","Utilisateurs enregistrés"}.
{"Registered Users:","Utilisateurs enregistrés:"}. {"Registered Users:","Utilisateurs enregistrés:"}.
{"Register","Enregistrer"}. {"Register","Enregistrer"}.
@ -341,7 +336,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Montrer la table intégralement"}. {"Show Integral Table","Montrer la table intégralement"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Montrer la table ordinaire"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Montrer la table ordinaire"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Arrêter le service"}. {"Shut Down Service","Arrêter le service"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Certains clients Jabber peuvent stocker votre mot de passe sur votre ordinateur. N'utilisez cette fonctionnalité que si vous avez confiance en la sécurité de votre ordinateur."}.
{"Specify the access model","Définir le modèle d'accès"}. {"Specify the access model","Définir le modèle d'accès"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Définir le type de message d'événement"}. {"Specify the event message type","Définir le type de message d'événement"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Définir le modèle de publication"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Définir le modèle de publication"}.
@ -368,15 +362,12 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Le mot de passe contient des caractères non-acceptables"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","Le mot de passe contient des caractères non-acceptables"}.
{"The password is too weak","Le mot de passe est trop faible"}. {"The password is too weak","Le mot de passe est trop faible"}.
{"the password is","le mot de passe est"}. {"the password is","le mot de passe est"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Le mot de passe de votre compte Jabber a été changé avec succès."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","La requête n'est autorisé qu'aux utilisateurs locaux"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","La requête n'est autorisé qu'aux utilisateurs locaux"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","La requête ne doit pas contenir d'élément <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","La requête ne doit pas contenir d'élément <item/>"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Il y a eu une erreur en changeant le mot de passe: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Il y a eu une erreur en changeant le mot de passe: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Il y a eu une erreur en créant le compte: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Il y a eu une erreur en créant le compte: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Il y a eu une erreur en effaçant le compte: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Il y a eu une erreur en effaçant le compte: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","C'est insensible à la casse : macbeth est identique à MacBeth et Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","C'est insensible à la casse : macbeth est identique à MacBeth et Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Cette page permet de créer un compte Jabber sur ce serveur Jabber. Votre JID (Jabber IDentifier, identifiant Jabber) sera de la forme : nom@serveur. Prière de lire avec attention les instructions pour remplir correctement ces champs."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Cette page permet d'effacer un compte Jabber sur ce serveur Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ce salon n'est pas anonyme"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Ce salon n'est pas anonyme"}.
{"Thursday","Jeudi"}. {"Thursday","Jeudi"}.
{"Time delay","Délais"}. {"Time delay","Délais"}.
@ -402,7 +393,6 @@
{"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Impossible d'enregistrer la route sur un domaine locale existant"}. {"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Impossible d'enregistrer la route sur un domaine locale existant"}.
{"Unauthorized","Non autorisé"}. {"Unauthorized","Non autorisé"}.
{"Unexpected action","Action inattendu"}. {"Unexpected action","Action inattendu"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Effacer un compte Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Désinscrire"}. {"Unregister","Désinscrire"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Elément <index/> non supporté"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Elément <index/> non supporté"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Mise à jour du message du jour (pas d'envoi)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Mise à jour du message du jour (pas d'envoi)"}.
@ -438,7 +428,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Mercredi"}. {"Wednesday","Mercredi"}.
{"When to send the last published item","A quel moment envoyer le dernier élément publié"}. {"When to send the last published item","A quel moment envoyer le dernier élément publié"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Autoriser l'abonnement ?"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Autoriser l'abonnement ?"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Vous pouvez changer votre mot de passe plus tard en utilisant un client Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Vous avez été exclus de ce salon"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Vous avez été exclus de ce salon"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Vous avec rejoint trop de conférences"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Vous avec rejoint trop de conférences"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Vous devez préciser le champ \"pseudo\" dans le formulaire"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Vous devez préciser le champ \"pseudo\" dans le formulaire"}.
@ -447,7 +436,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vous avez besoin d'un client supportant x:data pour faire une recherche"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vous avez besoin d'un client supportant x:data pour faire une recherche"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Votre règle de flitrage active a empêché le routage de ce stanza."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Votre règle de flitrage active a empêché le routage de ce stanza."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La file d'attente de message de votre contact est pleine. Votre message a été détruit."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La file d'attente de message de votre contact est pleine. Votre message a été détruit."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Votre compte Jabber a été créé avec succès."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Votre compte Jabber a été effacé avec succès."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Vos messages pour ~s sont bloqués. Pour les débloquer, veuillez visiter ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Vos messages pour ~s sont bloqués. Pour les débloquer, veuillez visiter ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer des nœuds"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer des nœuds"}.

View File

@ -547,9 +547,10 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Groupes affichés:" msgstr "Groupes affichés:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ne révélez votre mot de passe à personne, pas même l'administrateur de ce " "Ne révélez votre mot de passe à personne, pas même l'administrateur de ce "
"serveur." "serveur."
@ -634,8 +635,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Tapez le texte que vous voyez" msgstr "Tapez le texte que vous voyez"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Serveur Jabber Erlang" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Serveur XMPP Erlang"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -710,8 +712,8 @@ msgstr "Taille de fichier suppérieur à ~w octets"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Remplissez les champs pour rechercher un utilisateur Jabber" msgstr "Remplissez les champs pour rechercher un utilisateur XMPP"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -946,10 +948,6 @@ msgstr "La création de salons est interdite par le service"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Enregistrement du Compte Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1102,10 +1100,10 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Vous devez être membre pour accèder à ce salon" msgstr "Vous devez être membre pour accèder à ce salon"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Mémorisez votre mot de passe, ou écrivez-le sur un papier conservé dans un " "Mémorisez votre mot de passe, ou écrivez-le sur un papier conservé dans un "
"endroit secret. Dans Jabber il n'y a pas de mécanisme pour retrouver votre " "endroit secret. Dans Jabber il n'y a pas de mécanisme pour retrouver votre "
@ -1820,8 +1818,9 @@ msgstr "Enregistrer"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Enregistrer un compte Jabber" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Enregistrer un compte XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2062,11 +2061,12 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Arrêter le service" msgstr "Arrêter le service"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Certains clients Jabber peuvent stocker votre mot de passe sur votre " "Certains clients XMPP peuvent stocker votre mot de passe sur votre "
"ordinateur. N'utilisez cette fonctionnalité que si vous avez confiance en la " "ordinateur. N'utilisez cette fonctionnalité que si vous avez confiance en la "
"sécurité de votre ordinateur." "sécurité de votre ordinateur."
@ -2338,8 +2338,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Le mot de passe est trop faible" msgstr "Le mot de passe est trop faible"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Le mot de passe de votre compte Jabber a été changé avec succès." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Le mot de passe de votre compte XMPP a été changé avec succès."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2409,19 +2410,21 @@ msgstr ""
"C'est insensible à la casse : macbeth est identique à MacBeth et Macbeth." "C'est insensible à la casse : macbeth est identique à MacBeth et Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Cette page permet de créer un compte Jabber sur ce serveur Jabber. Votre JID " "Cette page permet de créer un compte XMPP sur ce serveur XMPP. Votre JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier, identifiant Jabber) sera de la forme : nom@serveur. " "(Jabber IDentifier, identifiant Jabber) sera de la forme : nom@serveur. "
"Prière de lire avec attention les instructions pour remplir correctement ces " "Prière de lire avec attention les instructions pour remplir correctement ces "
"champs." "champs."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Cette page permet d'effacer un compte Jabber sur ce serveur Jabber." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "Cette page permet d'effacer un compte XMPP sur ce serveur XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2569,8 +2572,9 @@ msgstr "Désinscrire"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Effacer un compte Jabber" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Effacer un compte XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2813,6 +2817,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Enregistrement du Compte XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2849,10 +2858,10 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer des nœuds" msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer des nœuds"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez changer votre mot de passe plus tard en utilisant un client " "Vous pouvez changer votre mot de passe plus tard en utilisant un client XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2888,12 +2897,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer des nœuds" msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à créer des nœuds"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Votre compte Jabber a été créé avec succès." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Votre compte XMPP a été créé avec succès."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Votre compte Jabber a été effacé avec succès." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Votre compte XMPP a été effacé avec succès."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Enviar payloads xunto coas notificacións de eventos"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Enviar payloads xunto coas notificacións de eventos"}.
{"Description:","Descrición:"}. {"Description:","Descrición:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Copia en disco soamente"}. {"Disc only copy","Copia en disco soamente"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Non digas o teu contrasinal a ninguén, nin sequera os administradores do servidor Jabber."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Exporta copia de seguridade a ficheiro de texto en "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Exporta copia de seguridade a ficheiro de texto en "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Exportar a ficheiro de texto"}. {"Dump to Text File","Exportar a ficheiro de texto"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Os grupos duplicados non están permitidos por RFC6121"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Os grupos duplicados non están permitidos por RFC6121"}.
@ -97,7 +96,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Introduce ruta ao ficheiro jabberd14 spool"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Introduce ruta ao ficheiro jabberd14 spool"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Introduce ruta ao ficheiro de texto"}. {"Enter path to text file","Introduce ruta ao ficheiro de texto"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Introduza o texto que ves"}. {"Enter the text you see","Introduza o texto que ves"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Jabber en Erlang"}.
{"Error","Erro"}. {"Error","Erro"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excluír Jabber IDs das probas de CAPTCHA"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excluír Jabber IDs das probas de CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exportar todas as táboas a un ficheiro SQL:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exportar todas as táboas a un ficheiro SQL:"}.
@ -159,7 +157,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir o envio de mensaxes privadas á sala"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir o envio de mensaxes privadas á sala"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes privadas"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes privadas"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Rexistro de conta Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Xaneiro"}. {"January","Xaneiro"}.
{"joins the room","entra na sala"}. {"joins the room","entra na sala"}.
@ -187,7 +184,6 @@
{"May","Maio"}. {"May","Maio"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Necesitas ser membro desta sala para poder entrar"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Necesitas ser membro desta sala para poder entrar"}.
{"Members:","Membros:"}. {"Members:","Membros:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Memorice o seu contrasinal ou escribilo nun papel colocado nun lugar seguro. En Jabber non hai unha forma automatizada para recuperar o seu contrasinal si a esquece."}.
{"Memory","Memoria"}. {"Memory","Memoria"}.
{"Message body","Corpo da mensaxe"}. {"Message body","Corpo da mensaxe"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","Mensaxe non atopada no contido reenviado"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","Mensaxe non atopada no contido reenviado"}.
@ -301,7 +297,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Copia en RAM"}. {"RAM copy","Copia en RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","¿Está seguro que quere borrar a mensaxe do dia?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","¿Está seguro que quere borrar a mensaxe do dia?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","O receptor non está na sala de conferencia"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","O receptor non está na sala de conferencia"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Rexistrar unha conta Jabber"}.
{"Registered Users","Usuarios rexistrados"}. {"Registered Users","Usuarios rexistrados"}.
{"Registered Users:","Usuarios rexistrados:"}. {"Registered Users:","Usuarios rexistrados:"}.
{"Register","Rexistrar"}. {"Register","Rexistrar"}.
@ -344,7 +339,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Mostrar Táboa Integral"}. {"Show Integral Table","Mostrar Táboa Integral"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Táboa Ordinaria"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Táboa Ordinaria"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Deter o servizo"}. {"Shut Down Service","Deter o servizo"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Algúns clientes Jabber pode almacenar o contrasinal no computador, pero debe facer isto só no seu computador persoal por razóns de seguridade."}.
{"Specify the access model","Especifica o modelo de acceso"}. {"Specify the access model","Especifica o modelo de acceso"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Especifica o tipo da mensaxe de evento"}. {"Specify the event message type","Especifica o tipo da mensaxe de evento"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar o modelo do publicante"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Especificar o modelo do publicante"}.
@ -371,7 +365,6 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","O contrasinal contén caracteres inaceptables"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","O contrasinal contén caracteres inaceptables"}.
{"The password is too weak","O contrasinal é demasiado débil"}. {"The password is too weak","O contrasinal é demasiado débil"}.
{"the password is","a contrasinal é"}. {"the password is","a contrasinal é"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","O contrasinal da súa conta Jabber cambiouse correctamente."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","A solicitude só se permite para usuarios locais"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","A solicitude só se permite para usuarios locais"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","A solicitude non debe conter elementos <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","A solicitude non debe conter elementos <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","A estroa DEBEN conter un elemento <active/>, un elemento <default/> ou un elemento <list/>"}. {"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","A estroa DEBEN conter un elemento <active/>, un elemento <default/> ou un elemento <list/>"}.
@ -379,8 +372,6 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao crear a conta: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao crear a conta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao eliminar a conta: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao eliminar a conta: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Esta é insensible: Macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Esta é insensible: Macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta páxina permite crear unha conta Jabber neste servidor Jabber. o seu JID (Jabber IDentificador) será da forma: nomeusuario@servidor. Por favor le coidadosamente as instrucións para encher correctamente os campos."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta páxina permite anular o rexistro dunha conta Jabber neste servidor Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Sala non anónima"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Sala non anónima"}.
{"Thursday","Xoves"}. {"Thursday","Xoves"}.
{"Time delay","Atraso temporal"}. {"Time delay","Atraso temporal"}.
@ -406,7 +397,6 @@
{"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Non se pode rexistrar a ruta no dominio local existente"}. {"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Non se pode rexistrar a ruta no dominio local existente"}.
{"Unauthorized","Non autorizado"}. {"Unauthorized","Non autorizado"}.
{"Unexpected action","Acción inesperada"}. {"Unexpected action","Acción inesperada"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Eliminar o rexistro dunha conta Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Eliminar rexistro"}. {"Unregister","Eliminar rexistro"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemento <index/> non soportado"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemento <index/> non soportado"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Actualizar mensaxe do dia, pero non envialo"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Actualizar mensaxe do dia, pero non envialo"}.
@ -443,7 +433,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Mércores"}. {"Wednesday","Mércores"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Cando enviar o último elemento publicado"}. {"When to send the last published item","Cando enviar o último elemento publicado"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Permitir subscripciones"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Permitir subscripciones"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Máis tarde, pode cambiar o seu contrasinal utilizando un cliente Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Fuches bloqueado nesta sala"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Fuches bloqueado nesta sala"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Entrou en demasiadas salas de conferencia"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Entrou en demasiadas salas de conferencia"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Debes encher o campo \"Alcumo\" no formulario"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Debes encher o campo \"Alcumo\" no formulario"}.
@ -452,7 +441,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para poder buscar"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para poder buscar"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","A súa lista de privacidade activa negou o encaminamiento desta estrofa."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","A súa lista de privacidade activa negou o encaminamiento desta estrofa."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","A túa cola de mensaxes diferidas de contactos está chea. A mensaxe descartouse."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","A túa cola de mensaxes diferidas de contactos está chea. A mensaxe descartouse."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","A súa conta Jabber creouse correctamente."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","A súa conta Jabber eliminouse correctamente."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","As súas mensaxes a ~s encóntranse bloqueadas. Para desbloquear, visite ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","As súas mensaxes a ~s encóntranse bloqueadas. Para desbloquear, visite ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Non tes permiso para crear nodos"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","Non tes permiso para crear nodos"}.

View File

@ -545,12 +545,13 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Mostrar grupos:" msgstr "Mostrar grupos:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Non digas o teu contrasinal a ninguén, nin sequera os administradores do " "Non digas o teu contrasinal a ninguén, nin sequera os administradores do "
"servidor Jabber." "servidor XMPP."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -632,8 +633,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Introduza o texto que ves" msgstr "Introduza o texto que ves"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Servidor Jabber en Erlang" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Servidor XMPP en Erlang"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -707,8 +709,8 @@ msgstr "O ficheiro é maior que ~w bytes"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Rechea campos para buscar usuarios Jabber que concuerden" msgstr "Rechea campos para buscar usuarios XMPP que concuerden"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -941,10 +943,6 @@ msgstr "Denegar crear a sala por política do servizo"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Rexistro de conta Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1097,14 +1095,14 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Necesitas ser membro desta sala para poder entrar" msgstr "Necesitas ser membro desta sala para poder entrar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Memorice o seu contrasinal ou escribilo nun papel colocado nun lugar seguro. " "Memorice o seu contrasinal ou escribilo nun papel colocado nun lugar seguro. "
"En Jabber non hai unha forma automatizada para recuperar o seu contrasinal " "En XMPP non hai unha forma automatizada para recuperar o seu contrasinal si "
"si a esquece." "a esquece."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1811,8 +1809,9 @@ msgstr "Rexistrar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Rexistrar unha conta Jabber" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Rexistrar unha conta XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2051,11 +2050,12 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Deter o servizo" msgstr "Deter o servizo"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Algúns clientes Jabber pode almacenar o contrasinal no computador, pero debe " "Algúns clientes XMPP pode almacenar o contrasinal no computador, pero debe "
"facer isto só no seu computador persoal por razóns de seguridade." "facer isto só no seu computador persoal por razóns de seguridade."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2326,8 +2326,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "O contrasinal é demasiado débil" msgstr "O contrasinal é demasiado débil"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "O contrasinal da súa conta Jabber cambiouse correctamente." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "O contrasinal da súa conta XMPP cambiouse correctamente."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2398,20 +2399,21 @@ msgid "This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth."
msgstr "Esta é insensible: Macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e Macbeth." msgstr "Esta é insensible: Macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Esta páxina permite crear unha conta Jabber neste servidor Jabber. o seu JID " "Esta páxina permite crear unha conta XMPP neste servidor XMPP. o seu JID "
"(Jabber IDentificador) será da forma: nomeusuario@servidor. Por favor le " "(Jabber IDentificador) será da forma: nomeusuario@servidor. Por favor le "
"coidadosamente as instrucións para encher correctamente os campos." "coidadosamente as instrucións para encher correctamente os campos."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Esta páxina permite anular o rexistro dunha conta Jabber neste servidor " "Esta páxina permite anular o rexistro dunha conta XMPP neste servidor XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2559,8 +2561,9 @@ msgstr "Eliminar rexistro"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Eliminar o rexistro dunha conta Jabber" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Eliminar o rexistro dunha conta XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2798,6 +2801,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Rexistro de conta XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2834,9 +2842,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Non tes permiso para crear nodos" msgstr "Non tes permiso para crear nodos"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "" msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
"Máis tarde, pode cambiar o seu contrasinal utilizando un cliente Jabber." msgstr "Máis tarde, pode cambiar o seu contrasinal utilizando un cliente XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2868,12 +2876,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Non tes permiso para crear nodos" msgstr "Non tes permiso para crear nodos"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "A súa conta Jabber creouse correctamente." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "A súa conta XMPP creouse correctamente."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "A súa conta Jabber eliminouse correctamente." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "A súa conta XMPP eliminouse correctamente."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","מסור מטעני ייעוד (מטע״ד) יחד עם התראות אירוע"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","מסור מטעני ייעוד (מטע״ד) יחד עם התראות אירוע"}.
{"Description:","תיאור:"}. {"Description:","תיאור:"}.
{"Disc only copy","העתק של תקליטור בלבד"}. {"Disc only copy","העתק של תקליטור בלבד"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","אל תגלה את הסיסמה שלך לאף אחד, אפילו לא למנהלים של שרת Jabber."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","השלך גיבוי לקובץ טקסט אצל "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","השלך גיבוי לקובץ טקסט אצל "}.
{"Dump to Text File","השלך לקובץ טקסט"}. {"Dump to Text File","השלך לקובץ טקסט"}.
{"Edit Properties","ערוך מאפיינים"}. {"Edit Properties","ערוך מאפיינים"}.
@ -93,7 +92,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","הזן נתיב לקובץ סליל (spool file) של jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","הזן נתיב לקובץ סליל (spool file) של jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","הזן נתיב לקובץ טקסט"}. {"Enter path to text file","הזן נתיב לקובץ טקסט"}.
{"Enter the text you see","הזן את הכיתוב שאתה רואה"}. {"Enter the text you see","הזן את הכיתוב שאתה רואה"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","שרת ג׳אבּר Erlang"}.
{"Error","שגיאה"}. {"Error","שגיאה"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","הוצא כתובות Jabber מתוך אתגר CAPTCHA"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","הוצא כתובות Jabber מתוך אתגר CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","יצא את כל הטבלאות בתור שאילתות SQL לתוך קובץ:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","יצא את כל הטבלאות בתור שאילתות SQL לתוך קובץ:"}.
@ -147,7 +145,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות מן טיפוס \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות מן טיפוס \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות לועידה"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות לועידה"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","רישום חשבון Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","מזהה Jabber"}. {"Jabber ID","מזהה Jabber"}.
{"January","ינואר"}. {"January","ינואר"}.
{"joins the room","נכנס/ת אל החדר"}. {"joins the room","נכנס/ת אל החדר"}.
@ -175,7 +172,6 @@
{"May","מאי"}. {"May","מאי"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","נדרשת חברות כדי להיכנס אל חדר זה"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","נדרשת חברות כדי להיכנס אל חדר זה"}.
{"Members:","חברים:"}. {"Members:","חברים:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","שנן את הסיסמה שלך, או רשום אותה בנייר שמור במקום בטוח. אצל Jabber אין דרך אוטומטית לשחזר את הסיסמה שלך במידה וזו תישמט מתוך זיכרונך."}.
{"Memory","זיכרון"}. {"Memory","זיכרון"}.
{"Message body","גוף הודעה"}. {"Message body","גוף הודעה"}.
{"Middle Name","שם אמצעי"}. {"Middle Name","שם אמצעי"}.
@ -272,7 +268,6 @@
{"RAM copy","העתק RAM"}. {"RAM copy","העתק RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","באמת למחוק את בשורת היום?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","באמת למחוק את בשורת היום?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","מקבל אינו מצוי בחדר הועידה"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","מקבל אינו מצוי בחדר הועידה"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","רשום חשבון Jabber"}.
{"Registered Users","משתמשים רשומים"}. {"Registered Users","משתמשים רשומים"}.
{"Registered Users:","משתמשים רשומים:"}. {"Registered Users:","משתמשים רשומים:"}.
{"Register","הרשם"}. {"Register","הרשם"}.
@ -315,7 +310,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","הצג טבלה אינטגרלית"}. {"Show Integral Table","הצג טבלה אינטגרלית"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","הצג טבלה רגילה"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","הצג טבלה רגילה"}.
{"Shut Down Service","כבה שירות"}. {"Shut Down Service","כבה שירות"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","ישנם לקוחות Jabber אשר מסוגלים לאחסן את הסיסמה שלך בתוך המחשב, אולם עליך לעשות זאת רק בתוך המחשב האישי שלך מסיבות ביטחוניות."}.
{"Specify the access model","ציין מודל גישה"}. {"Specify the access model","ציין מודל גישה"}.
{"Specify the event message type","ציין טיפוס הודעת אירוע"}. {"Specify the event message type","ציין טיפוס הודעת אירוע"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","ציין מודל פרסום"}. {"Specify the publisher model","ציין מודל פרסום"}.
@ -340,14 +334,11 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","האוספים עמם צומת מסונף"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","האוספים עמם צומת מסונף"}.
{"The password is too weak","הסיסמה חלשה מדי"}. {"The password is too weak","הסיסמה חלשה מדי"}.
{"the password is","הסיסמה היא"}. {"the password is","הסיסמה היא"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","סיסמת חשבון Jabber שונתה בהצלחה."}.
{"The type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any)","סוג מידע ממסר, לרוב מצוין לפי מרחב־שמות של מטען הייעוד (אם בכלל)"}. {"The type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any)","סוג מידע ממסר, לרוב מצוין לפי מרחב־שמות של מטען הייעוד (אם בכלל)"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","אירעה שגיאה בשינוי הסיסמה: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","אירעה שגיאה בשינוי הסיסמה: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","אירעה שגיאה ביצירת החשבון: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","אירעה שגיאה ביצירת החשבון: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","אירעה שגיאה במחיקת החשבון: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","אירעה שגיאה במחיקת החשבון: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","חלק זה אינו ער לרישיות: macbeth הינה זהה למחרוזת MacBeth וגם Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","חלק זה אינו ער לרישיות: macbeth הינה זהה למחרוזת MacBeth וגם Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","עמוד זה מתיר ליצור חשבון Jabber בשרת Jabber זה. כתובת JID (Jabber IDentifier) תגובש באופן של: username@server. אנא קרא בזהירות את ההוראות למילוי נכון של השדות."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","עמוד זה מתיר לך לבטל רישום של חשבון Jabber בתוך שרת Jabber זה."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","חדר זה אינו אנונימי"}. {"This room is not anonymous","חדר זה אינו אנונימי"}.
{"Thursday","יום חמישי"}. {"Thursday","יום חמישי"}.
{"Time delay","זמן שיהוי"}. {"Time delay","זמן שיהוי"}.
@ -370,7 +361,6 @@
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","אין אפשרות להפיק CAPTCHA"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","אין אפשרות להפיק CAPTCHA"}.
{"Unauthorized","לא מורשה"}. {"Unauthorized","לא מורשה"}.
{"Unexpected action","פעולה לא צפויה"}. {"Unexpected action","פעולה לא צפויה"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","בטל רישום חשבון Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","בטל רישום"}. {"Unregister","בטל רישום"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","עדכן את בשורת היום (אל תשלח)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","עדכן את בשורת היום (אל תשלח)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","עדכן את בשורת היום בכל המארחים (אל תשלח)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","עדכן את בשורת היום בכל המארחים (אל תשלח)"}.
@ -404,7 +394,6 @@
{"Wednesday","יום רביעי"}. {"Wednesday","יום רביעי"}.
{"When to send the last published item","מתי לשלוח את הפריט המפורסם האחרון"}. {"When to send the last published item","מתי לשלוח את הפריט המפורסם האחרון"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","האם להתיר הרשמות"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","האם להתיר הרשמות"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","באפשרותך לשנות את הסיסמה שלך מאוחר יותר באמצעות לקוח Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","נאסרת מן חדר זה"}. {"You have been banned from this room","נאסרת מן חדר זה"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","הצטרפת ליותר מדי ועידות"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","הצטרפת ליותר מדי ועידות"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","עליך למלא את השדה \"שם כינוי\" בתוך התבנית"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","עליך למלא את השדה \"שם כינוי\" בתוך התבנית"}.
@ -413,7 +402,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","עליך להשתמש בלקוח אשר מסוגל להבין x:data כדי לחפש"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","עליך להשתמש בלקוח אשר מסוגל להבין x:data כדי לחפש"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","רשימת הפרטיות הפעילה שלך אסרה את הניתוב של סטנזה זו."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","רשימת הפרטיות הפעילה שלך אסרה את הניתוב של סטנזה זו."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","תור הודעות קשר לא מקוונות הינו מלא. ההודעה סולקה."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","תור הודעות קשר לא מקוונות הינו מלא. ההודעה סולקה."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","חשבון Jabber נוצר בהצלחה."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","חשבון Jabber נמחק בהצלחה."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","ההודעות שלך לערוץ ~s הינן חסומות. כדי לבטל את חסימתן, בקר בכתובת ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","ההודעות שלך לערוץ ~s הינן חסומות. כדי לבטל את חסימתן, בקר בכתובת ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","אינך מורשה ליצור צמתים"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","אינך מורשה ליצור צמתים"}.

View File

@ -552,10 +552,11 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "קבוצות מוצגות:" msgstr "קבוצות מוצגות:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "אל תגלה את הסיסמה שלך לאף אחד, אפילו לא למנהלים של שרת Jabber." msgstr "אל תגלה את הסיסמה שלך לאף אחד, אפילו לא למנהלים של שרת XMPP."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -638,7 +639,8 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "הזן את הכיתוב שאתה רואה" msgstr "הזן את הכיתוב שאתה רואה"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "שרת ג׳אבּר Erlang" msgstr "שרת ג׳אבּר Erlang"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
@ -711,8 +713,8 @@ msgstr "קובץ גדול יותר משיעור של ~w בייטים"
# שקול # שקול
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "מלא את שדות אלו כדי לחפש עבור כל משתמש Jabber מבוקש" msgstr "מלא את שדות אלו כדי לחפש עבור כל משתמש XMPP מבוקש"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -948,10 +950,6 @@ msgstr "יצירת חדר נדחתה על ידי פוליסת שירות"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "רישום חשבון Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1106,12 +1104,12 @@ msgstr "נדרשת חברות כדי להיכנס אל חדר זה"
# תישכח # תישכח
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"שנן את הסיסמה שלך, או רשום אותה בנייר שמור במקום בטוח. אצל Jabber אין דרך " "שנן את הסיסמה שלך, או רשום אותה בנייר שמור במקום בטוח. אצל XMPP אין דרך "
"אוטומטית לשחזר את הסיסמה שלך במידה וזו תישמט מתוך זיכרונך." "אוטומטית לשחזר את הסיסמה שלך במידה וזו תישמט מתוך זיכרונך."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1823,8 +1821,9 @@ msgstr "הרשם"
# Why masculine form matters. # Why masculine form matters.
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "רשום חשבון Jabber" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "רשום חשבון XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2065,12 +2064,13 @@ msgstr "כבה שירות"
# בוטח # בוטח
# trust that your # trust that your
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"ישנם לקוחות Jabber אשר מסוגלים לאחסן את הסיסמה שלך בתוך המחשב, אולם עליך " "ישנם לקוחות XMPP אשר מסוגלים לאחסן את הסיסמה שלך בתוך המחשב, אולם עליך לעשות "
"לעשות זאת רק בתוך המחשב האישי שלך מסיבות ביטחוניות." "זאת רק בתוך המחשב האישי שלך מסיבות ביטחוניות."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2342,8 +2342,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "הסיסמה חלשה מדי" msgstr "הסיסמה חלשה מדי"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "סיסמת חשבון Jabber שונתה בהצלחה." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "סיסמת חשבון XMPP שונתה בהצלחה."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2412,18 +2413,20 @@ msgid "This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth."
msgstr "חלק זה אינו ער לרישיות: macbeth הינה זהה למחרוזת MacBeth וגם Macbeth." msgstr "חלק זה אינו ער לרישיות: macbeth הינה זהה למחרוזת MacBeth וגם Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"עמוד זה מתיר ליצור חשבון Jabber בשרת Jabber זה. כתובת JID (Jabber " "עמוד זה מתיר ליצור חשבון XMPP בשרת XMPP זה. כתובת JID (Jabber IDentifier) "
"IDentifier) תגובש באופן של: username@server. אנא קרא בזהירות את ההוראות " "תגובש באופן של: username@server. אנא קרא בזהירות את ההוראות למילוי נכון של "
"למילוי נכון של השדות." "השדות."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "עמוד זה מתיר לך לבטל רישום של חשבון Jabber בתוך שרת Jabber זה." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "עמוד זה מתיר לך לבטל רישום של חשבון XMPP בתוך שרת XMPP זה."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2572,8 +2575,9 @@ msgstr "בטל רישום"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "בטל רישום חשבון Jabber" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "בטל רישום חשבון XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2817,6 +2821,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "רישום חשבון XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2853,8 +2862,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "אינך מורשה ליצור צמתים" msgstr "אינך מורשה ליצור צמתים"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "באפשרותך לשנות את הסיסמה שלך מאוחר יותר באמצעות לקוח Jabber." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "באפשרותך לשנות את הסיסמה שלך מאוחר יותר באמצעות לקוח XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2886,12 +2896,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "אינך מורשה ליצור צמתים" msgstr "אינך מורשה ליצור צמתים"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "חשבון Jabber נוצר בהצלחה." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "חשבון XMPP נוצר בהצלחה."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "חשבון Jabber נמחק בהצלחה." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "חשבון XMPP נמחק בהצלחה."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -79,7 +79,6 @@
{"Delete User","Felhasználó törlése"}. {"Delete User","Felhasználó törlése"}.
{"Description:","Leírás:"}. {"Description:","Leírás:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Csak lemez másolása"}. {"Disc only copy","Csak lemez másolása"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Ne árulja el a jelszavát senkinek, még a Jabber-kiszolgáló adminisztrátorainak sem."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Biztonsági mentés kiírása szövegfájlba itt: "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Biztonsági mentés kiírása szövegfájlba itt: "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Kiírás szövegfájlba"}. {"Dump to Text File","Kiírás szövegfájlba"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","A kettőzött csoportok nem engedélyezettek az RFC6121 alapján"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","A kettőzött csoportok nem engedélyezettek az RFC6121 alapján"}.
@ -104,7 +103,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Adja meg a jabberd14 tárolófájl útvonalát"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Adja meg a jabberd14 tárolófájl útvonalát"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Adja meg a szövegfájl útvonalát"}. {"Enter path to text file","Adja meg a szövegfájl útvonalát"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Írja be a látott szöveget"}. {"Enter the text you see","Írja be a látott szöveget"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber-kiszolgáló"}.
{"Error","Hiba"}. {"Error","Hiba"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Összes tábla exportálása SQL-lekérdezésekként egy fájlba:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Összes tábla exportálása SQL-lekérdezésekként egy fájlba:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","A kiszolgálón lévő összes felhasználó adatainak exportálása PIEFXIS-fájlokba (XEP-0227):"}. {"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","A kiszolgálón lévő összes felhasználó adatainak exportálása PIEFXIS-fájlokba (XEP-0227):"}.
@ -118,7 +116,6 @@
{"Family Name","Családnév"}. {"Family Name","Családnév"}.
{"February","február"}. {"February","február"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","A fájl nagyobb ~w bájtnál"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","A fájl nagyobb ~w bájtnál"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User","Töltse ki az űrlapot bármely egyező Jabber-felhasználóra való kereséshez"}.
{"Friday","péntek"}. {"Friday","péntek"}.
{"From ~ts","Feladó: ~ts"}. {"From ~ts","Feladó: ~ts"}.
{"From","Feladó"}. {"From","Feladó"}.
@ -171,7 +168,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nem engedélyezett „groupchat” típusú személyes üzeneteket küldeni"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nem engedélyezett „groupchat” típusú személyes üzeneteket küldeni"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nem engedélyezett személyes üzeneteket küldeni a konferenciába"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nem engedélyezett személyes üzeneteket küldeni a konferenciába"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Nem engedélyezett személyes üzeneteket küldeni"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Nem engedélyezett személyes üzeneteket küldeni"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber-fiók regisztráció"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber-azonosító"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber-azonosító"}.
{"January","január"}. {"January","január"}.
{"JID normalization denied by service policy","A Jabber-azonosító normalizálása megtagadva a szolgáltatási irányelv miatt"}. {"JID normalization denied by service policy","A Jabber-azonosító normalizálása megtagadva a szolgáltatási irányelv miatt"}.
@ -200,7 +196,6 @@
{"May","május"}. {"May","május"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Tagság szükséges a szobába lépéshez"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Tagság szükséges a szobába lépéshez"}.
{"Members:","Tagok:"}. {"Members:","Tagok:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Jegyezze meg a jelszavát, vagy írja fel egy biztonságos helyen lévő papírra. A Jabber nem nyújt automatizált módszert a jelszó visszaállítására, ha elfelejti azt."}.
{"Memory","Memória"}. {"Memory","Memória"}.
{"Message body","Üzenettörzs"}. {"Message body","Üzenettörzs"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","Nem található üzenet a továbbított adatokban"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","Nem található üzenet a továbbított adatokban"}.
@ -315,7 +310,6 @@
{"RAM copy","RAM másolás"}. {"RAM copy","RAM másolás"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Valóban törli a napi üzenetet?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Valóban törli a napi üzenetet?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","A címzett nincs a konferenciaszobában"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","A címzett nincs a konferenciaszobában"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Jabber-fiók regisztrációja"}.
{"Registered Users","Regisztrált felhasználók"}. {"Registered Users","Regisztrált felhasználók"}.
{"Registered Users:","Regisztrált felhasználók:"}. {"Registered Users:","Regisztrált felhasználók:"}.
{"Register","Regisztráció"}. {"Register","Regisztráció"}.
@ -363,7 +357,6 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Szokásos táblázat megjelenítése"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Szokásos táblázat megjelenítése"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Szolgáltatás leállítása"}. {"Shut Down Service","Szolgáltatás leállítása"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 bájtfolyamok"}. {"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 bájtfolyamok"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Néhány Jabber program el tudja tárolni a jelszavát a számítógépen, de ezt csak a saját személyi számítógépén kell megtennie biztonsági okokból."}.
{"Statistics of ~p","~p statisztikái"}. {"Statistics of ~p","~p statisztikái"}.
{"Statistics","Statisztikák"}. {"Statistics","Statisztikák"}.
{"Stop","Leállítás"}. {"Stop","Leállítás"}.
@ -390,7 +383,6 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","A jelszó elfogadhatatlan karaktereket tartalmaz"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","A jelszó elfogadhatatlan karaktereket tartalmaz"}.
{"The password is too weak","A jelszó túl gyenge"}. {"The password is too weak","A jelszó túl gyenge"}.
{"the password is","a jelszó"}. {"the password is","a jelszó"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","A Jabber-fiókjának jelszava sikeresen megváltoztatva."}.
{"The password was not changed","A jelszó nem lett megváltoztatva"}. {"The password was not changed","A jelszó nem lett megváltoztatva"}.
{"The passwords are different","A jelszavak különböznek"}. {"The passwords are different","A jelszavak különböznek"}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","A lekérdezés csak helyi felhasználóktól engedélyezett"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","A lekérdezés csak helyi felhasználóktól engedélyezett"}.
@ -401,8 +393,6 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hiba történt a fiók létrehozásakor: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Hiba történt a fiók létrehozásakor: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hiba történt a fiók törlésekor: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hiba történt a fiók törlésekor: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Ez érzékeny a kis- és nagybetűkre: a macbeth ugyanaz mint a MacBeth és Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Ez érzékeny a kis- és nagybetűkre: a macbeth ugyanaz mint a MacBeth és Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Ez az oldal lehetővé teszi egy Jabber-fiók létrehozását ezen a Jabber-kiszolgálón. A JID (Jabber-azonosító) a következő alakú lesz: felhasználónév@kiszolgáló. Alaposan olvassa el az utasításokat a mezők helyes kitöltéséhez."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Ez az oldal lehetővé teszi egy Jabber-fiók regisztrációjának törlését ezen a Jabber-kiszolgálón."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ez a szoba nem névtelen"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Ez a szoba nem névtelen"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Ez a szolgáltatás nem tudja feldolgozni a címet: ~s"}. {"This service can not process the address: ~s","Ez a szolgáltatás nem tudja feldolgozni a címet: ~s"}.
{"Thursday","csütörtök"}. {"Thursday","csütörtök"}.
@ -435,7 +425,6 @@
{"Unauthorized","Nem engedélyezett"}. {"Unauthorized","Nem engedélyezett"}.
{"Unexpected action","Váratlan művelet"}. {"Unexpected action","Váratlan művelet"}.
{"Unexpected error condition: ~p","Váratlan hibafeltétel: ~p"}. {"Unexpected error condition: ~p","Váratlan hibafeltétel: ~p"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Jabber-fiók regisztrációjának törlése"}.
{"Unregister","Regisztráció törlése"}. {"Unregister","Regisztráció törlése"}.
{"Unselect All","Összes kijelölésének megszüntetése"}. {"Unselect All","Összes kijelölésének megszüntetése"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Nem támogatott <index/> elem"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Nem támogatott <index/> elem"}.
@ -476,7 +465,6 @@
{"Wrong xmlns","Hibás xmlns"}. {"Wrong xmlns","Hibás xmlns"}.
{"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","El lett távolítva a szobából egy rendszerleállítás miatt"}. {"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","El lett távolítva a szobából egy rendszerleállítás miatt"}.
{"You are not joined to the channel","Nincs csatlakozva a csatornához"}. {"You are not joined to the channel","Nincs csatlakozva a csatornához"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Később megváltoztathatja a jelszavát egy Jabber program használatával."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Ki lett tiltva ebből a szobából"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Ki lett tiltva ebből a szobából"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Túl sok konferenciához csatlakozott"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Túl sok konferenciához csatlakozott"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Ki kell töltenie a „becenév” mezőt az űrlapon"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Ki kell töltenie a „becenév” mezőt az űrlapon"}.
@ -485,7 +473,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Egy x:data támogatású programra van szüksége a kereséshez"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Egy x:data támogatású programra van szüksége a kereséshez"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Az aktív adatvédelmi listája megtagadta ennek a stanzának az útválasztását."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Az aktív adatvédelmi listája megtagadta ennek a stanzának az útválasztását."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","A partnere kapcsolat nélküli üzenettárolója megtelt. Az üzenet el lett dobva."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","A partnere kapcsolat nélküli üzenettárolója megtelt. Az üzenet el lett dobva."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","A Jabber-fiókja sikeresen létrehozva."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","A Jabber-fiókja sikeresen törölve."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","A feliratkozási kérelme és/vagy ~s számára küldött üzenetei blokkolva lettek. A feliratkozási kérelmének feloldásához látogassa meg ezt az oldalt: ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","A feliratkozási kérelme és/vagy ~s számára küldött üzenetei blokkolva lettek. A feliratkozási kérelmének feloldásához látogassa meg ezt az oldalt: ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Önnek nincs engedélye csomópontokat létrehozni"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","Önnek nincs engedélye csomópontokat létrehozni"}.

View File

@ -544,12 +544,13 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Megjelenített csoportok:" msgstr "Megjelenített csoportok:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ne árulja el a jelszavát senkinek, még a Jabber-kiszolgáló " "Ne árulja el a jelszavát senkinek, még a XMPP-kiszolgáló adminisztrátorainak "
"adminisztrátorainak sem." "sem."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -631,8 +632,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Írja be a látott szöveget" msgstr "Írja be a látott szöveget"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber-kiszolgáló" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP-kiszolgáló"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -707,9 +709,9 @@ msgid "File larger than ~w bytes"
msgstr "A fájl nagyobb ~w bájtnál" msgstr "A fájl nagyobb ~w bájtnál"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" #, fuzzy
msgstr "" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
"Töltse ki az űrlapot bármely egyező Jabber-felhasználóra való kereséshez" msgstr "Töltse ki az űrlapot bármely egyező XMPP-felhasználóra való kereséshez"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -937,10 +939,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "A Jabber-azonosító normalizálása nem sikerült" msgstr "A Jabber-azonosító normalizálása nem sikerült"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Jabber-fiók regisztráció"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1093,13 +1091,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Tagság szükséges a szobába lépéshez" msgstr "Tagság szükséges a szobába lépéshez"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Jegyezze meg a jelszavát, vagy írja fel egy biztonságos helyen lévő papírra. " "Jegyezze meg a jelszavát, vagy írja fel egy biztonságos helyen lévő papírra. "
"A Jabber nem nyújt automatizált módszert a jelszó visszaállítására, ha " "A XMPP nem nyújt automatizált módszert a jelszó visszaállítására, ha "
"elfelejti azt." "elfelejti azt."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1802,8 +1800,9 @@ msgstr "Regisztráció"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber-fiók regisztrációja" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "XMPP-fiók regisztrációja"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2041,12 +2040,13 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Szolgáltatás leállítása" msgstr "Szolgáltatás leállítása"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Néhány Jabber program el tudja tárolni a jelszavát a számítógépen, de ezt " "Néhány XMPP program el tudja tárolni a jelszavát a számítógépen, de ezt csak "
"csak a saját személyi számítógépén kell megtennie biztonsági okokból." "a saját személyi számítógépén kell megtennie biztonsági okokból."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2311,8 +2311,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "A jelszó túl gyenge" msgstr "A jelszó túl gyenge"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "A Jabber-fiókjának jelszava sikeresen megváltoztatva." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "A XMPP-fiókjának jelszava sikeresen megváltoztatva."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
msgid "The password was not changed" msgid "The password was not changed"
@ -2383,21 +2384,23 @@ msgstr ""
"Macbeth." "Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ez az oldal lehetővé teszi egy Jabber-fiók létrehozását ezen a Jabber-" "Ez az oldal lehetővé teszi egy XMPP-fiók létrehozását ezen a XMPP-"
"kiszolgálón. A JID (Jabber-azonosító) a következő alakú lesz: " "kiszolgálón. A JID (Jabber-azonosító) a következő alakú lesz: "
"felhasználónév@kiszolgáló. Alaposan olvassa el az utasításokat a mezők " "felhasználónév@kiszolgáló. Alaposan olvassa el az utasításokat a mezők "
"helyes kitöltéséhez." "helyes kitöltéséhez."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ez az oldal lehetővé teszi egy Jabber-fiók regisztrációjának törlését ezen a " "Ez az oldal lehetővé teszi egy XMPP-fiók regisztrációjának törlését ezen a "
"Jabber-kiszolgálón." "XMPP-kiszolgálón."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2542,8 +2545,9 @@ msgstr "Regisztráció törlése"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber-fiók regisztrációjának törlése" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "XMPP-fiók regisztrációjának törlése"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2786,6 +2790,11 @@ msgstr "Hibás paraméterek a webes modelldokumentumban"
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "Hibás xmlns" msgstr "Hibás xmlns"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "XMPP-fiók regisztráció"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2820,8 +2829,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Nincs csatlakozva a csatornához" msgstr "Nincs csatlakozva a csatornához"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Később megváltoztathatja a jelszavát egy Jabber program használatával." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Később megváltoztathatja a jelszavát egy XMPP program használatával."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2856,12 +2866,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Önnek nincs engedélye csomópontokat létrehozni" msgstr "Önnek nincs engedélye csomópontokat létrehozni"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "A Jabber-fiókja sikeresen létrehozva." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "A XMPP-fiókja sikeresen létrehozva."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "A Jabber-fiókja sikeresen törölve." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "A XMPP-fiókja sikeresen törölve."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Memberikan muatan dengan pemberitahuan acara"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Memberikan muatan dengan pemberitahuan acara"}.
{"Description:","Keterangan:"}. {"Description:","Keterangan:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Hanya salinan dari disc"}. {"Disc only copy","Hanya salinan dari disc"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Jangan memberitahukan kata sandi Anda ke siapapun, bahkan para administrator dari layanan Jabber."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Dump Backup ke File Teks di"}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Dump Backup ke File Teks di"}.
{"Dump to Text File","Dump menjadi File Teks"}. {"Dump to Text File","Dump menjadi File Teks"}.
{"Edit Properties","Ganti Properti"}. {"Edit Properties","Ganti Properti"}.
@ -79,7 +78,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Masukkan path ke file jabberd14 spool"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Masukkan path ke file jabberd14 spool"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Masukkan path ke file teks"}. {"Enter path to text file","Masukkan path ke file teks"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Masukkan teks yang Anda lihat"}. {"Enter the text you see","Masukkan teks yang Anda lihat"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Layanan Erlang Jabber"}.
{"Error","Kesalahan"}. {"Error","Kesalahan"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Ekspor data dari semua pengguna pada layanan ke berkas PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}. {"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Ekspor data dari semua pengguna pada layanan ke berkas PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Ekspor data pengguna pada sebuah host ke berkas PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}. {"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Ekspor data pengguna pada sebuah host ke berkas PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
@ -116,7 +114,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi jenis \"groupchat \""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi jenis \"groupchat \""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi ke konferensi"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi ke konferensi"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Pendaftaran Akun Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Januari"}. {"January","Januari"}.
{"joins the room","bergabung ke ruangan"}. {"joins the room","bergabung ke ruangan"}.
@ -142,7 +139,6 @@
{"May","Mei"}. {"May","Mei"}.
{"Members:","Anggota:"}. {"Members:","Anggota:"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Hanya Member yang dapat masuk ruangan ini"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Hanya Member yang dapat masuk ruangan ini"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Hafalkan kata sandi Anda, atau dicatat dan letakkan di tempat yang aman. Didalam Jabber tidak ada cara otomatis untuk mendapatkan kembali password Anda jika Anda lupa."}.
{"Memory","Memori"}. {"Memory","Memori"}.
{"Message body","Isi Pesan"}. {"Message body","Isi Pesan"}.
{"Middle Name","Nama Tengah"}. {"Middle Name","Nama Tengah"}.
@ -213,7 +209,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Salinan RAM"}. {"RAM copy","Salinan RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Benar-benar ingin menghapus pesan harian?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Benar-benar ingin menghapus pesan harian?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Penerima tidak berada di ruangan konferensi"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Penerima tidak berada di ruangan konferensi"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Daftarkan sebuah akun jabber"}.
{"Registered Users","Pengguna Terdaftar"}. {"Registered Users","Pengguna Terdaftar"}.
{"Registered Users:","Pengguna Terdaftar:"}. {"Registered Users:","Pengguna Terdaftar:"}.
{"Register","Mendaftar"}. {"Register","Mendaftar"}.
@ -255,7 +250,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Tampilkan Tabel Terpisah"}. {"Show Integral Table","Tampilkan Tabel Terpisah"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Tampilkan Tabel Normal"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Tampilkan Tabel Normal"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Shut Down Layanan"}. {"Shut Down Service","Shut Down Layanan"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Beberapa klien Jabber dapat menyimpan password di komputer Anda. Gunakan fitur itu hanya jika Anda mempercayai komputer Anda aman."}.
{"Specify the access model","Tentukan model akses"}. {"Specify the access model","Tentukan model akses"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Tentukan jenis acara pesan"}. {"Specify the event message type","Tentukan jenis acara pesan"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Tentukan model penerbitan"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Tentukan model penerbitan"}.
@ -279,13 +273,10 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Koleksi dengan yang berafiliasi dengan sebuah node"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Koleksi dengan yang berafiliasi dengan sebuah node"}.
{"The password is too weak","Kata sandi terlalu lemah"}. {"The password is too weak","Kata sandi terlalu lemah"}.
{"the password is","kata sandi yaitu:"}. {"the password is","kata sandi yaitu:"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Kata sandi pada akun Jabber Anda telah berhasil diubah."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Ada kesalahan dalam mengubah password:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Ada kesalahan dalam mengubah password:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Ada kesalahan saat membuat akun:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Ada kesalahan saat membuat akun:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Ada kesalahan saat menghapus akun:"}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Ada kesalahan saat menghapus akun:"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pada bagian ini huruf besar dan kecil tidak dibedakan: Misalnya macbeth adalah sama dengan MacBeth juga Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pada bagian ini huruf besar dan kecil tidak dibedakan: Misalnya macbeth adalah sama dengan MacBeth juga Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Halaman ini memungkinkan untuk membuat akun Jabber di layanan Jabber ini. JID Anda (Jabber Pengenal) akan berbentuk: namapengguna@layanan. Harap baca dengan seksama petunjuk-petunjuk untuk mengisi kolom dengan benar."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Pada bagian ini memungkinkan Anda untuk membatalkan pendaftaran akun Jabber pada layanan Jabber ini."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ruangan ini tidak dikenal"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Ruangan ini tidak dikenal"}.
{"Thursday","Kamis"}. {"Thursday","Kamis"}.
{"Time delay","Waktu tunda"}. {"Time delay","Waktu tunda"}.
@ -299,7 +290,6 @@
{"Tuesday","Selasa"}. {"Tuesday","Selasa"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Tidak dapat menghasilkan CAPTCHA"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Tidak dapat menghasilkan CAPTCHA"}.
{"Unauthorized","Ditolak"}. {"Unauthorized","Ditolak"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Nonaktifkan akun jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Nonaktifkan"}. {"Unregister","Nonaktifkan"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Rubah pesan harian (tidak dikirim)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Rubah pesan harian (tidak dikirim)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Rubah pesan harian pada semua host (tidak dikirim)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Rubah pesan harian pada semua host (tidak dikirim)"}.
@ -321,7 +311,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Rabu"}. {"Wednesday","Rabu"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Ketika untuk mengirim item terakhir yang dipublikasikan"}. {"When to send the last published item","Ketika untuk mengirim item terakhir yang dipublikasikan"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Apakah diperbolehkan untuk berlangganan"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Apakah diperbolehkan untuk berlangganan"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Anda dapat mengubah kata sandi anda dilain waktu dengan menggunakan klien Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Anda telah diblokir dari ruangan ini"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Anda telah diblokir dari ruangan ini"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Anda harus mengisi kolom \"Julukan\" dalam formulir"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Anda harus mengisi kolom \"Julukan\" dalam formulir"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Anda memerlukan klien yang mendukung x:data dan CAPTCHA untuk mendaftar"}. {"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Anda memerlukan klien yang mendukung x:data dan CAPTCHA untuk mendaftar"}.
@ -329,6 +318,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Anda memerlukan x:data klien untuk melakukan pencarian"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Anda memerlukan x:data klien untuk melakukan pencarian"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Daftar privasi aktif Anda telah menolak routing ztanza ini"}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Daftar privasi aktif Anda telah menolak routing ztanza ini"}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kontak offline Anda pada antrian pesan sudah penuh. Pesan telah dibuang."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kontak offline Anda pada antrian pesan sudah penuh. Pesan telah dibuang."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Jabber akun Anda telah sukses dibuat"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Jabber akun Anda berhasil dihapus."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Pesan Anda untuk ~s sedang diblokir. Untuk membuka blokir tersebut, kunjungi ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Pesan Anda untuk ~s sedang diblokir. Untuk membuka blokir tersebut, kunjungi ~s"}.

View File

@ -548,12 +548,13 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Tampilkan Grup:" msgstr "Tampilkan Grup:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Jangan memberitahukan kata sandi Anda ke siapapun, bahkan para administrator " "Jangan memberitahukan kata sandi Anda ke siapapun, bahkan para administrator "
"dari layanan Jabber." "dari layanan XMPP."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -635,8 +636,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Masukkan teks yang Anda lihat" msgstr "Masukkan teks yang Anda lihat"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Layanan Erlang Jabber" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Layanan Erlang XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -708,8 +710,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Isi kolom untuk mencari pengguna Jabber yang sama" msgstr "Isi kolom untuk mencari pengguna XMPP yang sama"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -945,10 +947,6 @@ msgstr "Pembuatan Ruangan ditolak oleh kebijakan layanan"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Pendaftaran Akun Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1102,14 +1100,14 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Hanya Member yang dapat masuk ruangan ini" msgstr "Hanya Member yang dapat masuk ruangan ini"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Hafalkan kata sandi Anda, atau dicatat dan letakkan di tempat yang aman. " "Hafalkan kata sandi Anda, atau dicatat dan letakkan di tempat yang aman. "
"Didalam Jabber tidak ada cara otomatis untuk mendapatkan kembali password " "Didalam XMPP tidak ada cara otomatis untuk mendapatkan kembali password Anda "
"Anda jika Anda lupa." "jika Anda lupa."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1826,7 +1824,8 @@ msgstr "Mendaftar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Daftarkan sebuah akun jabber" msgstr "Daftarkan sebuah akun jabber"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
@ -2066,12 +2065,13 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Shut Down Layanan" msgstr "Shut Down Layanan"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Beberapa klien Jabber dapat menyimpan password di komputer Anda. Gunakan " "Beberapa klien XMPP dapat menyimpan password di komputer Anda. Gunakan fitur "
"fitur itu hanya jika Anda mempercayai komputer Anda aman." "itu hanya jika Anda mempercayai komputer Anda aman."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2339,8 +2339,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Kata sandi terlalu lemah" msgstr "Kata sandi terlalu lemah"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Kata sandi pada akun Jabber Anda telah berhasil diubah." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Kata sandi pada akun XMPP Anda telah berhasil diubah."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2411,20 +2412,22 @@ msgstr ""
"adalah sama dengan MacBeth juga Macbeth." "adalah sama dengan MacBeth juga Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Halaman ini memungkinkan untuk membuat akun Jabber di layanan Jabber ini. " "Halaman ini memungkinkan untuk membuat akun XMPP di layanan XMPP ini. JID "
"JID Anda (Jabber Pengenal) akan berbentuk: namapengguna@layanan. Harap baca " "Anda (Jabber Pengenal) akan berbentuk: namapengguna@layanan. Harap baca "
"dengan seksama petunjuk-petunjuk untuk mengisi kolom dengan benar." "dengan seksama petunjuk-petunjuk untuk mengisi kolom dengan benar."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Pada bagian ini memungkinkan Anda untuk membatalkan pendaftaran akun Jabber " "Pada bagian ini memungkinkan Anda untuk membatalkan pendaftaran akun XMPP "
"pada layanan Jabber ini." "pada layanan XMPP ini."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2569,7 +2572,8 @@ msgstr "Nonaktifkan"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Nonaktifkan akun jabber" msgstr "Nonaktifkan akun jabber"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
@ -2810,6 +2814,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Pendaftaran Akun XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2846,10 +2855,11 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi" msgstr "Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Anda dapat mengubah kata sandi anda dilain waktu dengan menggunakan klien " "Anda dapat mengubah kata sandi anda dilain waktu dengan menggunakan klien "
"Jabber." "XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2882,12 +2892,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi" msgstr "Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber akun Anda telah sukses dibuat" msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "XMPP akun Anda telah sukses dibuat"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber akun Anda berhasil dihapus." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "XMPP akun Anda berhasil dihapus."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Inviare il contenuto del messaggio con la notifica dell'evento"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Inviare il contenuto del messaggio con la notifica dell'evento"}.
{"Description:","Descrizione:"}. {"Description:","Descrizione:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Copia su disco soltanto"}. {"Disc only copy","Copia su disco soltanto"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Non comunicare la tua password a nessuno, neppure agli amministratori del server Jabber."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Trascrivere il salvataggio sul file di testo "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Trascrivere il salvataggio sul file di testo "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Trascrivere su file di testo"}. {"Dump to Text File","Trascrivere su file di testo"}.
{"Edit Properties","Modificare le proprietà"}. {"Edit Properties","Modificare le proprietà"}.
@ -82,7 +81,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Immettere il percorso del file di spool di jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Immettere il percorso del file di spool di jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Immettere il percorso del file di testo"}. {"Enter path to text file","Immettere il percorso del file di testo"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Immettere il testo visibile"}. {"Enter the text you see","Immettere il testo visibile"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Error","Errore"}. {"Error","Errore"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Escludi degli ID Jabber dal passaggio CAPTCHA"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Escludi degli ID Jabber dal passaggio CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Esportare i dati di tutti gli utenti nel server in file PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}. {"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Esportare i dati di tutti gli utenti nel server in file PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
@ -123,7 +121,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati di tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati di tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati alla conferenza"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati alla conferenza"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registrazione account Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID (Jabber ID)"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID (Jabber ID)"}.
{"January","Gennaio"}. {"January","Gennaio"}.
{"joins the room","entra nella stanza"}. {"joins the room","entra nella stanza"}.
@ -149,7 +146,6 @@
{"May","Maggio"}. {"May","Maggio"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Per entrare in questa stanza è necessario essere membro"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Per entrare in questa stanza è necessario essere membro"}.
{"Members:","Membri:"}. {"Members:","Membri:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Memorizza la password, o scrivila su un foglio di carta da conservare in un luogo sicuro. Jabber non prevede una modalità automatica per il recupero di una password dimenticata."}.
{"Memory","Memoria"}. {"Memory","Memoria"}.
{"Message body","Corpo del messaggio"}. {"Message body","Corpo del messaggio"}.
{"Middle Name","Altro nome"}. {"Middle Name","Altro nome"}.
@ -223,7 +219,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Copia in memoria (RAM)"}. {"RAM copy","Copia in memoria (RAM)"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Si conferma l'eliminazione del messaggio del giorno (MOTD)?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Si conferma l'eliminazione del messaggio del giorno (MOTD)?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Il destinatario non è nella stanza per conferenze"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Il destinatario non è nella stanza per conferenze"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Registra un account Jabber"}.
{"Registered Users","Utenti registrati"}. {"Registered Users","Utenti registrati"}.
{"Registered Users:","Utenti registrati:"}. {"Registered Users:","Utenti registrati:"}.
{"Register","Registra"}. {"Register","Registra"}.
@ -265,7 +260,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Mostrare la tabella integrale"}. {"Show Integral Table","Mostrare la tabella integrale"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrare la tabella normale"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrare la tabella normale"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Terminare il servizio"}. {"Shut Down Service","Terminare il servizio"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alcuni client Jabber possono conservare la password nel tuo computer. Utilizza tale funzione soltanto se ritieni che il tuo computer sia sicuro."}.
{"Specify the access model","Specificare il modello di accesso"}. {"Specify the access model","Specificare il modello di accesso"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Specificare il tipo di messaggio di evento"}. {"Specify the event message type","Specificare il tipo di messaggio di evento"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Definire il modello di pubblicazione"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Definire il modello di pubblicazione"}.
@ -289,13 +283,10 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Le collezioni a cui è affiliato un nodo"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Le collezioni a cui è affiliato un nodo"}.
{"The password is too weak","La password è troppo debole"}. {"The password is too weak","La password è troppo debole"}.
{"the password is","la password è"}. {"the password is","la password è"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Il cambio di password del tuo account Jabber è andato a buon fine."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Si è verificato un errore nel cambio di password: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Si è verificato un errore nel cambio di password: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Si è verificato un errore nella creazione dell'account: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Si è verificato un errore nella creazione dell'account: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Si è verificato un errore nella cancellazione dell'account: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Si è verificato un errore nella cancellazione dell'account: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Non fa differenza fra minuscolo e maiuscolo: macbeth, MacBeth e Macbeth si equivalgono."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Non fa differenza fra minuscolo e maiuscolo: macbeth, MacBeth e Macbeth si equivalgono."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Questa pagina consente di creare un account Jabber in questo server Jabber. Il tuo JID (Jabber IDentifier) avrà la forma: nome_utente@server. Leggi attentamente le istruzioni per compilare i campi correttamente."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Questa pagina consente di eliminare un account Jabber da questo server Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Questa stanza non è anonima"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Questa stanza non è anonima"}.
{"Thursday","Giovedì"}. {"Thursday","Giovedì"}.
{"Time delay","Ritardo"}. {"Time delay","Ritardo"}.
@ -310,7 +301,6 @@
{"Tuesday","Martedì"}. {"Tuesday","Martedì"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Impossibile generare un CAPTCHA"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Impossibile generare un CAPTCHA"}.
{"Unauthorized","Non autorizzato"}. {"Unauthorized","Non autorizzato"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Elimina un account Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Elimina"}. {"Unregister","Elimina"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aggiornare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) (non inviarlo)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aggiornare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) (non inviarlo)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aggiornare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) su tutti gli host (non inviarlo)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Aggiornare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) su tutti gli host (non inviarlo)"}.
@ -335,7 +325,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Mercoledì"}. {"Wednesday","Mercoledì"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Quando inviare l'ultimo elemento pubblicato"}. {"When to send the last published item","Quando inviare l'ultimo elemento pubblicato"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Consentire iscrizioni?"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Consentire iscrizioni?"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Potrai in seguito cambiare la password utilizzando un client Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Sei stata/o bandita/o da questa stanza"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Sei stata/o bandita/o da questa stanza"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Si deve riempire il campo \"Nickname\" nel modulo"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Si deve riempire il campo \"Nickname\" nel modulo"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","La registrazione richiede un client che supporti x:data e CAPTCHA"}. {"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","La registrazione richiede un client che supporti x:data e CAPTCHA"}.
@ -343,6 +332,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Per effettuare ricerche è necessario un client che supporti x:data"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Per effettuare ricerche è necessario un client che supporti x:data"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","In base alla tua attuale lista privacy questa stanza è stata esclusa dalla navigazione."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","In base alla tua attuale lista privacy questa stanza è stata esclusa dalla navigazione."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La coda dei messaggi offline del contatto è piena. Il messaggio è stato scartato"}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La coda dei messaggi offline del contatto è piena. Il messaggio è stato scartato"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","La creazione del tuo account Jabber è andata a buon fine."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","La cancellazione del tuo account Jabber è andata a buon fine."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","I messaggi verso ~s sono bloccati. Per sbloccarli, visitare ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","I messaggi verso ~s sono bloccati. Per sbloccarli, visitare ~s"}.

View File

@ -554,12 +554,13 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Gruppi visualizzati:" msgstr "Gruppi visualizzati:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Non comunicare la tua password a nessuno, neppure agli amministratori del " "Non comunicare la tua password a nessuno, neppure agli amministratori del "
"server Jabber." "server XMPP."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -641,8 +642,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Immettere il testo visibile" msgstr "Immettere il testo visibile"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -715,9 +717,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Riempire i campi per la ricerca di utenti Jabber corrispondenti ai criteri" "Riempire i campi per la ricerca di utenti XMPP corrispondenti ai criteri"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -950,10 +952,6 @@ msgstr "La creazione di stanze è impedita dalle politiche del servizio"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Registrazione account Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1107,13 +1105,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Per entrare in questa stanza è necessario essere membro" msgstr "Per entrare in questa stanza è necessario essere membro"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Memorizza la password, o scrivila su un foglio di carta da conservare in un " "Memorizza la password, o scrivila su un foglio di carta da conservare in un "
"luogo sicuro. Jabber non prevede una modalità automatica per il recupero di " "luogo sicuro. XMPP non prevede una modalità automatica per il recupero di "
"una password dimenticata." "una password dimenticata."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1831,8 +1829,9 @@ msgstr "Registra"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Registra un account Jabber" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Registra un account XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2073,12 +2072,13 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Terminare il servizio" msgstr "Terminare il servizio"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Alcuni client Jabber possono conservare la password nel tuo computer. " "Alcuni client XMPP possono conservare la password nel tuo computer. Utilizza "
"Utilizza tale funzione soltanto se ritieni che il tuo computer sia sicuro." "tale funzione soltanto se ritieni che il tuo computer sia sicuro."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2346,8 +2346,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "La password è troppo debole" msgstr "La password è troppo debole"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Il cambio di password del tuo account Jabber è andato a buon fine." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Il cambio di password del tuo account XMPP è andato a buon fine."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2418,20 +2419,21 @@ msgstr ""
"equivalgono." "equivalgono."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Questa pagina consente di creare un account Jabber in questo server Jabber. " "Questa pagina consente di creare un account XMPP in questo server XMPP. Il "
"Il tuo JID (Jabber IDentifier) avrà la forma: nome_utente@server. Leggi " "tuo JID (Jabber IDentifier) avrà la forma: nome_utente@server. Leggi "
"attentamente le istruzioni per compilare i campi correttamente." "attentamente le istruzioni per compilare i campi correttamente."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Questa pagina consente di eliminare un account Jabber da questo server " "Questa pagina consente di eliminare un account XMPP da questo server XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2577,8 +2579,9 @@ msgstr "Elimina"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Elimina un account Jabber" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Elimina un account XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2818,6 +2821,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Registrazione account XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2854,8 +2862,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati" msgstr "Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Potrai in seguito cambiare la password utilizzando un client Jabber." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Potrai in seguito cambiare la password utilizzando un client XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2887,12 +2896,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati" msgstr "Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "La creazione del tuo account Jabber è andata a buon fine." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "La creazione del tuo account XMPP è andata a buon fine."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "La cancellazione del tuo account Jabber è andata a buon fine." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "La cancellazione del tuo account XMPP è andata a buon fine."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","イベント通知と同時にペイロードを配送する"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","イベント通知と同時にペイロードを配送する"}.
{"Description:","説明:"}. {"Description:","説明:"}.
{"Disc only copy","ディスクだけのコピー"}. {"Disc only copy","ディスクだけのコピー"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","パスワードは誰にも教えないようにしてください。Jabber サーバーの管理者があなたにパスワードを尋ねることはありません。"}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","テキストファイルにバックアップ: "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","テキストファイルにバックアップ: "}.
{"Dump to Text File","テキストファイルに出力"}. {"Dump to Text File","テキストファイルに出力"}.
{"Edit Properties","プロパティを編集"}. {"Edit Properties","プロパティを編集"}.
@ -87,7 +86,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","jabberd14 spool ファイルのパスを入力してください"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","jabberd14 spool ファイルのパスを入力してください"}.
{"Enter path to text file","テキストファイルのパスを入力してください"}. {"Enter path to text file","テキストファイルのパスを入力してください"}.
{"Enter the text you see","見えているテキストを入力してください"}. {"Enter the text you see","見えているテキストを入力してください"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Error","エラー"}. {"Error","エラー"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","CAPTCHA 入力を免除する Jabber ID"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","CAPTCHA 入力を免除する Jabber ID"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","すべてのテーブルをSQL形式でファイルにエクスポート: "}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","すべてのテーブルをSQL形式でファイルにエクスポート: "}.
@ -129,7 +127,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","種別が\"groupchat\" であるプライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","種別が\"groupchat\" であるプライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","この会議にプライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","この会議にプライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","プライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","プライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber アカウント登録"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","1月"}. {"January","1月"}.
{"joins the room","がチャットルームに参加しました"}. {"joins the room","がチャットルームに参加しました"}.
@ -156,7 +153,6 @@
{"May","5月"}. {"May","5月"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","このチャットルームに入るにはメンバーでなければなりません"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","このチャットルームに入るにはメンバーでなければなりません"}.
{"Members:","メンバー:"}. {"Members:","メンバー:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","パスワードは記憶するか、紙に書いて安全な場所に保管してください。もしあなたがパスワードを忘れてしまった場合、Jabber ではパスワードのリカバリを自動的に行うことはできません。"}.
{"Memory","メモリ"}. {"Memory","メモリ"}.
{"Message body","本文"}. {"Message body","本文"}.
{"Middle Name","ミドルネーム"}. {"Middle Name","ミドルネーム"}.
@ -236,7 +232,6 @@
{"RAM copy","RAM コピー"}. {"RAM copy","RAM コピー"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","本当にお知らせメッセージを削除しますか ?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","本当にお知らせメッセージを削除しますか ?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","受信者はこの会議室にいません"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","受信者はこの会議室にいません"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Jabber アカウントを登録"}.
{"Registered Users","登録ユーザー"}. {"Registered Users","登録ユーザー"}.
{"Registered Users:","登録ユーザー:"}. {"Registered Users:","登録ユーザー:"}.
{"Register","登録"}. {"Register","登録"}.
@ -279,7 +274,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","累積の表を表示"}. {"Show Integral Table","累積の表を表示"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","通常の表を表示"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","通常の表を表示"}.
{"Shut Down Service","サービスを停止"}. {"Shut Down Service","サービスを停止"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Jabber クライアントはコンピューターにパスワードを記憶できます。コンピューターが安全であると信頼できる場合にのみ、この機能を使用してください。"}.
{"Specify the access model","アクセスモデルを設定する"}. {"Specify the access model","アクセスモデルを設定する"}.
{"Specify the event message type","イベントメッセージ種別を設定"}. {"Specify the event message type","イベントメッセージ種別を設定"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","公開モデルを指定する"}. {"Specify the publisher model","公開モデルを指定する"}.
@ -303,13 +297,10 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","提携されたノードの集合です"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","提携されたノードの集合です"}.
{"The password is too weak","このパスワードは単純過ぎます"}. {"The password is too weak","このパスワードは単純過ぎます"}.
{"the password is","パスワードは"}. {"the password is","パスワードは"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Jabber アカウントのパスワード変更に成功しました。"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","パスワードの変更中にエラーが発生しました: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","パスワードの変更中にエラーが発生しました: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","アカウントの作成中にエラーが発生しました: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","アカウントの作成中にエラーが発生しました: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","アカウントの削除中にエラーが発生しました: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","アカウントの削除中にエラーが発生しました: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","大文字と小文字は区別しません: macbeth は MacBeth や Macbeth と同じです。"}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","大文字と小文字は区別しません: macbeth は MacBeth や Macbeth と同じです。"}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","ここはこの Jabber サーバーにアカウントを作成するページです。あなたの JID (JabberID) は username@server のような形式になります。注意事項どおり、正しく項目を記入してください。"}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","このページはサーバー上のJabberアカウントを削除するページです。"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","このチャットルームは非匿名です"}. {"This room is not anonymous","このチャットルームは非匿名です"}.
{"Thursday","木曜日"}. {"Thursday","木曜日"}.
{"Time delay","遅延時間"}. {"Time delay","遅延時間"}.
@ -327,7 +318,6 @@
{"Tuesday","火曜日"}. {"Tuesday","火曜日"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","CAPTCHA を生成できません"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","CAPTCHA を生成できません"}.
{"Unauthorized","認証されていません"}. {"Unauthorized","認証されていません"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Jabber アカウントを削除"}.
{"Unregister","削除"}. {"Unregister","削除"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","お知らせメッセージを更新 (送信しない)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","お知らせメッセージを更新 (送信しない)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","全ホストのお知らせメッセージを更新 (送信しない)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","全ホストのお知らせメッセージを更新 (送信しない)"}.
@ -354,7 +344,6 @@
{"Wednesday","水曜日"}. {"Wednesday","水曜日"}.
{"When to send the last published item","最後の公開アイテムを送信するタイミングで"}. {"When to send the last published item","最後の公開アイテムを送信するタイミングで"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","購読を許可するかどうか"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","購読を許可するかどうか"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","あなたは後で Jabber クライアントを使用してパスワードを変更できます。"}.
{"You have been banned from this room","あなたはこのチャットルームからバンされています"}. {"You have been banned from this room","あなたはこのチャットルームからバンされています"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","フォームの\"ニックネーム\"欄を入力する必要があります"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","フォームの\"ニックネーム\"欄を入力する必要があります"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","登録を行うには x:data と CAPTCHA をサポートするクライアントが必要です"}. {"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","登録を行うには x:data と CAPTCHA をサポートするクライアントが必要です"}.
@ -362,6 +351,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","検索を行うためには x:data をサポートするクライアントが必要です"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","検索を行うためには x:data をサポートするクライアントが必要です"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","あなたのプライバシーリストはこのスタンザのルーティングを拒否しました。"}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","あなたのプライバシーリストはこのスタンザのルーティングを拒否しました。"}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","相手先のオフラインメッセージキューが一杯です。このメッセージは破棄されます。"}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","相手先のオフラインメッセージキューが一杯です。このメッセージは破棄されます。"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Jabber アカウントの作成に成功しました。"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Jabber アカウントの削除に成功しました。"}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","~s 宛のメッセージはブロックされています。解除するにはこちらを見てください ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","~s 宛のメッセージはブロックされています。解除するにはこちらを見てください ~s"}.

View File

@ -543,12 +543,13 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "表示グループ:" msgstr "表示グループ:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"パスワードは誰にも教えないようにしてください。Jabber サーバーの管理者があなた" "パスワードは誰にも教えないようにしてください。XMPP サーバーの管理者があなたに"
"パスワードを尋ねることはありません。" "パスワードを尋ねることはありません。"
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -630,8 +631,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "見えているテキストを入力してください" msgstr "見えているテキストを入力してください"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -704,7 +706,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "項目を入力してユーザーを検索してください" msgstr "項目を入力してユーザーを検索してください"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
@ -945,10 +947,6 @@ msgstr "サービスポリシーによってチャットルームの作成が禁
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Jabber アカウント登録"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1102,14 +1100,14 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "このチャットルームに入るにはメンバーでなければなりません" msgstr "このチャットルームに入るにはメンバーでなければなりません"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"パスワードは記憶するか、紙に書いて安全な場所に保管してください。もしあなたが" "パスワードは記憶するか、紙に書いて安全な場所に保管してください。もしあなたが"
"パスワードを忘れてしまった場合、Jabber ではパスワードのリカバリを自動的に行う" "パスワードを忘れてしまった場合、XMPP ではパスワードのリカバリを自動的に行う"
"とはできません。" "とはできません。"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1816,8 +1814,9 @@ msgstr "登録"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber アカウントを登録" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "XMPP アカウントを登録"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2053,12 +2052,13 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "サービスを停止" msgstr "サービスを停止"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Jabber クライアントはコンピューターにパスワードを記憶できます。コンピューター" "XMPP クライアントはコンピューターにパスワードを記憶できます。コンピューター"
"安全であると信頼できる場合にのみ、この機能を使用してください。" "安全であると信頼できる場合にのみ、この機能を使用してください。"
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2326,8 +2326,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "このパスワードは単純過ぎます" msgstr "このパスワードは単純過ぎます"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber アカウントのパスワード変更に成功しました。" msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "XMPP アカウントのパスワード変更に成功しました。"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2397,18 +2398,20 @@ msgstr ""
"大文字と小文字は区別しません: macbeth は MacBeth や Macbeth と同じです。" "大文字と小文字は区別しません: macbeth は MacBeth や Macbeth と同じです。"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"ここはこの Jabber サーバーにアカウントを作成するページです。あなたの JID " "ここはこの XMPP サーバーにアカウントを作成するページです。あなたの JID "
"(JabberID) は username@server のような形式になります。注意事項どおり、正しく" "(JabberID) は username@server のような形式になります。注意事項どおり、正しく"
"項目を記入してください。" "項目を記入してください。"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "このページはサーバー上のJabberアカウントを削除するページです。" msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "このページはサーバー上のXMPPアカウントを削除するページです。"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2556,8 +2559,9 @@ msgstr "削除"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber アカウントを削除" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "XMPP アカウントを削除"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2795,6 +2799,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "XMPP アカウント登録"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2831,8 +2840,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "プライベートメッセージを送信することはできません" msgstr "プライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "あなたは後で Jabber クライアントを使用してパスワードを変更できます。" msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "あなたは後で XMPP クライアントを使用してパスワードを変更できます。"
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2864,12 +2874,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "プライベートメッセージを送信することはできません" msgstr "プライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber アカウントの作成に成功しました。" msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "XMPP アカウントの作成に成功しました。"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber アカウントの削除に成功しました。" msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "XMPP アカウントの削除に成功しました。"
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Berichten bezorgen samen met gebeurtenisnotificaties"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Berichten bezorgen samen met gebeurtenisnotificaties"}.
{"Description:","Beschrijving:"}. {"Description:","Beschrijving:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Harde schijf"}. {"Disc only copy","Harde schijf"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Geef Uw wachtwoord aan niemand, zelfs niet aan de beheerders van deze Jabber-server."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Backup naar een tekstbestand schrijven op "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Backup naar een tekstbestand schrijven op "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Backup naar een tekstbestand schrijven"}. {"Dump to Text File","Backup naar een tekstbestand schrijven"}.
{"Edit Properties","Eigenschappen bewerken"}. {"Edit Properties","Eigenschappen bewerken"}.
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Voer pad naar jabberd14-spool-bestand in"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Voer pad naar jabberd14-spool-bestand in"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Voer pad naar backupbestand in"}. {"Enter path to text file","Voer pad naar backupbestand in"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Voer de getoonde tekst in"}. {"Enter the text you see","Voer de getoonde tekst in"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Error","Fout"}. {"Error","Fout"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Geen CAPTCHA test voor Jabber IDs"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Geen CAPTCHA test voor Jabber IDs"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exporteer alle tabellen als SQL-queries naar een bestand:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exporteer alle tabellen als SQL-queries naar een bestand:"}.
@ -128,7 +126,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Er mogen geen privéberichten van het type \"groupchat\" worden verzonden"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Er mogen geen privéberichten van het type \"groupchat\" worden verzonden"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Er mogen geen privéberichten naar de chatruimte worden verzonden"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Er mogen geen privéberichten naar de chatruimte worden verzonden"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Het is niet toegestaan priveberichten te sturen"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Het is niet toegestaan priveberichten te sturen"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber-account registratie"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Januari"}. {"January","Januari"}.
{"joins the room","betrad de chatruimte"}. {"joins the room","betrad de chatruimte"}.
@ -155,7 +152,6 @@
{"May","Mei"}. {"May","Mei"}.
{"Members:","Groepsleden:"}. {"Members:","Groepsleden:"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","U moet lid zijn om deze chatruimte te kunnen betreden"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","U moet lid zijn om deze chatruimte te kunnen betreden"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Onthou het wachtwoord, of schrijf het op en bewaar het op een veilige plaats. Met Jabber is er geen geautomatiseerde manier om het wachtwoord terug te halen als U het vergeet."}.
{"Memory","Geheugen"}. {"Memory","Geheugen"}.
{"Message body","Bericht"}. {"Message body","Bericht"}.
{"Middle Name","Tussennaam"}. {"Middle Name","Tussennaam"}.
@ -232,7 +228,6 @@
{"RAM copy","RAM"}. {"RAM copy","RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Wilt u het bericht van de dag verwijderen?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Wilt u het bericht van de dag verwijderen?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","De ontvanger is niet in de chatruimte"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","De ontvanger is niet in de chatruimte"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Registreer een Jabber-account"}.
{"Registered Users","Geregistreerde gebruikers"}. {"Registered Users","Geregistreerde gebruikers"}.
{"Registered Users:","Geregistreerde gebruikers:"}. {"Registered Users:","Geregistreerde gebruikers:"}.
{"Register","Registreer"}. {"Register","Registreer"}.
@ -274,7 +269,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Volledige tabel laten zien"}. {"Show Integral Table","Volledige tabel laten zien"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Deel van tabel laten zien"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Deel van tabel laten zien"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Stop Service"}. {"Shut Down Service","Stop Service"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Sommige Jabber-clienten kunnen het wachtwoord opslaan op Uw computer. Gebruik deze mogelijkheid alleen als U vertrouwd dat Uw computer afdoende beveiligd is."}.
{"Specify the access model","Geef toegangsmodel"}. {"Specify the access model","Geef toegangsmodel"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Geef type van eventbericht"}. {"Specify the event message type","Geef type van eventbericht"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Publicatietype opgeven"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Publicatietype opgeven"}.
@ -298,13 +292,10 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","De collecties waar een node mee is gerelateerd"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","De collecties waar een node mee is gerelateerd"}.
{"The password is too weak","Het wachtwoord is te zwak"}. {"The password is too weak","Het wachtwoord is te zwak"}.
{"the password is","het wachtwoord is"}. {"the password is","het wachtwoord is"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Het wachtwoord van Uw Jabber-account is succesvol veranderd."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Er was een fout bij het veranderen van het wachtwoord:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Er was een fout bij het veranderen van het wachtwoord:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Er was een fout bij het creeern van de account:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Er was een fout bij het creeern van de account:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Er was een fout bij het verwijderen van de account."}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Er was een fout bij het verwijderen van de account."}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Dit is niet hoofdlettergevoelig: macbeth is hetzelfde als MacBeth en Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Dit is niet hoofdlettergevoelig: macbeth is hetzelfde als MacBeth en Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Deze pagina maakt het mogelijk een Jabber-account te registreren op deze server. Uw JID (Jabber IDentiteit) zal er als volg uit zien: gebruikersnaam@server. Lees de instructies zorgvuldig teneinde de velden correct in te vullen."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Deze pagina maakt het mogelijk een Jabber-account op deze server op te heffen."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Deze chatruimte is niet anoniem"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Deze chatruimte is niet anoniem"}.
{"Thursday","Donderdag"}. {"Thursday","Donderdag"}.
{"Time delay","Vertraging"}. {"Time delay","Vertraging"}.
@ -322,7 +313,6 @@
{"Tuesday","Dinsdag"}. {"Tuesday","Dinsdag"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Het generen van een CAPTCHA is mislukt"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Het generen van een CAPTCHA is mislukt"}.
{"Unauthorized","Niet geautoriseerd"}. {"Unauthorized","Niet geautoriseerd"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Opheffen van Jabber-account"}.
{"Unregister","Opheffen"}. {"Unregister","Opheffen"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Bericht van de dag bijwerken (niet verzenden)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Bericht van de dag bijwerken (niet verzenden)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Verander bericht-van-de-dag op alle hosts (niet versturen)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Verander bericht-van-de-dag op alle hosts (niet versturen)"}.
@ -348,7 +338,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Woensdag"}. {"Wednesday","Woensdag"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Wanneer het laatst gepubliceerde item verzonden moet worden"}. {"When to send the last published item","Wanneer het laatst gepubliceerde item verzonden moet worden"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Abonnementsaanvraag toestaan"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Abonnementsaanvraag toestaan"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","U can het wachtwoord later veranderen met een Jabber-client."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","U werd verbannen uit deze chatruimte"}. {"You have been banned from this room","U werd verbannen uit deze chatruimte"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","U moet het veld \"bijnaam\" invullen"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","U moet het veld \"bijnaam\" invullen"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","U hebt een client nodig die x:data en CAPTCHA ondersteunt om een bijnaam te registreren"}. {"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","U hebt een client nodig die x:data en CAPTCHA ondersteunt om een bijnaam te registreren"}.
@ -356,6 +345,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","U hebt een client nodig die x:data ondersteunt om te zoeken"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","U hebt een client nodig die x:data ondersteunt om te zoeken"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Uw actieve privacy-lijst verbied het routeren van dit stanza."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Uw actieve privacy-lijst verbied het routeren van dit stanza."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Te veel offline berichten voor dit contactpersoon. Het bericht is niet opgeslagen."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Te veel offline berichten voor dit contactpersoon. Het bericht is niet opgeslagen."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Uw Jabber-account is succesvol gecreeerd."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Uw Jabber-account is succesvol verwijderd."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Uw berichten aan ~s worden geblokkeerd. Om ze te deblokkeren, ga naar ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Uw berichten aan ~s worden geblokkeerd. Om ze te deblokkeren, ga naar ~s"}.

View File

@ -547,11 +547,12 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Weergegeven groepen:" msgstr "Weergegeven groepen:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Geef Uw wachtwoord aan niemand, zelfs niet aan de beheerders van deze Jabber-" "Geef Uw wachtwoord aan niemand, zelfs niet aan de beheerders van deze XMPP-"
"server." "server."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -634,8 +635,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Voer de getoonde tekst in" msgstr "Voer de getoonde tekst in"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -710,8 +712,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Vul de velden in om te zoeken naar Jabber-gebruikers op deze server" msgstr "Vul de velden in om te zoeken naar XMPP-gebruikers op deze server"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -949,10 +951,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Jabber-account registratie"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1108,14 +1106,14 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "U moet lid zijn om deze chatruimte te kunnen betreden" msgstr "U moet lid zijn om deze chatruimte te kunnen betreden"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Onthou het wachtwoord, of schrijf het op en bewaar het op een veilige " "Onthou het wachtwoord, of schrijf het op en bewaar het op een veilige "
"plaats. Met Jabber is er geen geautomatiseerde manier om het wachtwoord " "plaats. Met XMPP is er geen geautomatiseerde manier om het wachtwoord terug "
"terug te halen als U het vergeet." "te halen als U het vergeet."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1831,8 +1829,9 @@ msgstr "Registreer"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Registreer een Jabber-account" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Registreer een XMPP-account"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2073,13 +2072,14 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Stop Service" msgstr "Stop Service"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Sommige Jabber-clienten kunnen het wachtwoord opslaan op Uw computer. " "Sommige XMPP-clienten kunnen het wachtwoord opslaan op Uw computer. Gebruik "
"Gebruik deze mogelijkheid alleen als U vertrouwd dat Uw computer afdoende " "deze mogelijkheid alleen als U vertrouwd dat Uw computer afdoende beveiligd "
"beveiligd is." "is."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2265,7 +2265,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:611 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:611
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "The account was not deleted" msgid "The account was not deleted"
msgstr "Uw Jabber-account is succesvol verwijderd." msgstr "Uw XMPP-account is succesvol verwijderd."
#: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397 #: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397
msgid "The body text of the last received message" msgid "The body text of the last received message"
@ -2347,8 +2347,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Het wachtwoord is te zwak" msgstr "Het wachtwoord is te zwak"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Het wachtwoord van Uw Jabber-account is succesvol veranderd." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Het wachtwoord van Uw XMPP-account is succesvol veranderd."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2418,21 +2419,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Dit is niet hoofdlettergevoelig: macbeth is hetzelfde als MacBeth en Macbeth." "Dit is niet hoofdlettergevoelig: macbeth is hetzelfde als MacBeth en Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Deze pagina maakt het mogelijk een Jabber-account te registreren op deze " "Deze pagina maakt het mogelijk een XMPP-account te registreren op deze "
"server. Uw JID (Jabber IDentiteit) zal er als volg uit zien: " "server. Uw JID (Jabber IDentiteit) zal er als volg uit zien: "
"gebruikersnaam@server. Lees de instructies zorgvuldig teneinde de velden " "gebruikersnaam@server. Lees de instructies zorgvuldig teneinde de velden "
"correct in te vullen." "correct in te vullen."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Deze pagina maakt het mogelijk een Jabber-account op deze server op te " "Deze pagina maakt het mogelijk een XMPP-account op deze server op te heffen."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2581,8 +2583,9 @@ msgstr "Opheffen"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Opheffen van Jabber-account" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Opheffen van XMPP-account"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2820,6 +2823,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "XMPP-account registratie"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2856,8 +2864,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Het is niet toegestaan priveberichten te sturen" msgstr "Het is niet toegestaan priveberichten te sturen"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "U can het wachtwoord later veranderen met een Jabber-client." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "U can het wachtwoord later veranderen met een XMPP-client."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2892,12 +2901,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Het is niet toegestaan priveberichten te sturen" msgstr "Het is niet toegestaan priveberichten te sturen"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Uw Jabber-account is succesvol gecreeerd." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Uw XMPP-account is succesvol gecreeerd."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Uw Jabber-account is succesvol verwijderd." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Uw XMPP-account is succesvol verwijderd."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Send innhold sammen med kunngjøringer"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Send innhold sammen med kunngjøringer"}.
{"Description:","Beskrivelse:"}. {"Description:","Beskrivelse:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Kun diskkopi"}. {"Disc only copy","Kun diskkopi"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Ikke fortell passordet til noen, ikke en gang til administratoren av Jabber serveren."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Dump Sikkerhetskopi til Tekstfil på "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Dump Sikkerhetskopi til Tekstfil på "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Dump til Tekstfil"}. {"Dump to Text File","Dump til Tekstfil"}.
{"Edit Properties","Redigere Egenskaper"}. {"Edit Properties","Redigere Egenskaper"}.
@ -82,7 +81,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Skriv inn sti til jabberd14 spoolfil"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Skriv inn sti til jabberd14 spoolfil"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Skriv inn sti til tekstfil"}. {"Enter path to text file","Skriv inn sti til tekstfil"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Skriv inn teksten du ser"}. {"Enter the text you see","Skriv inn teksten du ser"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Error","Feil"}. {"Error","Feil"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Ekskluder Jabber IDer fra CAPTCHA utfordring"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Ekskluder Jabber IDer fra CAPTCHA utfordring"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Eksporter data om alle brukere i en server til PIEFXIS filer"}. {"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Eksporter data om alle brukere i en server til PIEFXIS filer"}.
@ -123,7 +121,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger med typen "}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger med typen "}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger til "}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger til "}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber Konto Registrering"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","januar"}. {"January","januar"}.
{"joins the room","kommer inn i rommet"}. {"joins the room","kommer inn i rommet"}.
@ -149,7 +146,6 @@
{"May","mai"}. {"May","mai"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Medlemskap kreves for tilgang til samtalerommet"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Medlemskap kreves for tilgang til samtalerommet"}.
{"Members:","Medlemmer:"}. {"Members:","Medlemmer:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Husk passordet, eller skriv det ned på et papir lagret på et trygt sted. I Jabber er det ingen automatisert måte å gjenskape passordet om du glemmer det. "}.
{"Memory","Minne"}. {"Memory","Minne"}.
{"Message body","Meldingskropp"}. {"Message body","Meldingskropp"}.
{"Middle Name","Mellomnavn"}. {"Middle Name","Mellomnavn"}.
@ -223,7 +219,6 @@
{"RAM copy","RAM kopi"}. {"RAM copy","RAM kopi"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Virkelig slette melding for dagen?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Virkelig slette melding for dagen?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Mottakeren er ikke i konferanserommet"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Mottakeren er ikke i konferanserommet"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Registrer en Jabber konto"}.
{"Registered Users","Registrerte Brukere"}. {"Registered Users","Registrerte Brukere"}.
{"Registered Users:","Registrerte Brukere:"}. {"Registered Users:","Registrerte Brukere:"}.
{"Register","Registrer"}. {"Register","Registrer"}.
@ -265,7 +260,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Vis Integral Tabell"}. {"Show Integral Table","Vis Integral Tabell"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Vis Ordinær Tabell"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Vis Ordinær Tabell"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Avslutt Tjeneste"}. {"Shut Down Service","Avslutt Tjeneste"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Noen Jabber klienter kan lagre passordet på datamaskinen. Bruk bare den funksjonen dersom du er sikker på at maskinen er trygg."}.
{"Specify the access model","Spesifiser aksess modellen"}. {"Specify the access model","Spesifiser aksess modellen"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Spesifiser hendelsesbeskjed type"}. {"Specify the event message type","Spesifiser hendelsesbeskjed type"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Angi publiserings modell"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Angi publiserings modell"}.
@ -289,13 +283,10 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Samlingene som en node er assosiert med"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Samlingene som en node er assosiert med"}.
{"The password is too weak","Passordet er for svakt"}. {"The password is too weak","Passordet er for svakt"}.
{"the password is","passordet er"}. {"the password is","passordet er"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Passordet for din Jabber konto ble endret."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","En feil skjedde under endring av passordet:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","En feil skjedde under endring av passordet:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","En feil skjedde under oppretting av kontoen:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","En feil skjedde under oppretting av kontoen:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","En feil skjedde under sletting av kontoen: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","En feil skjedde under sletting av kontoen: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Denne er ufølsom for små og store bokstaver: macbeth er det samme som MacBeth og Macbeth. "}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Denne er ufølsom for små og store bokstaver: macbeth er det samme som MacBeth og Macbeth. "}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Denne siden lar deg lage en Jabber konto på denne Jabber serveren. Din JID (Jabber ID) vil være i formatet: brukernavn@server. Vennligst les instruksjonene nøye slik at du fyller ut skjemaet riktig."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Denne siden lar deg avregistrere en Jabber konto på denne Jabber serveren."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Dette rommet er ikke anonymt"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Dette rommet er ikke anonymt"}.
{"Thursday","torsdag"}. {"Thursday","torsdag"}.
{"Time delay","Tids forsinkelse"}. {"Time delay","Tids forsinkelse"}.
@ -310,7 +301,6 @@
{"Tuesday","tirsdag"}. {"Tuesday","tirsdag"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Umulig å generere en CAPTCHA"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Umulig å generere en CAPTCHA"}.
{"Unauthorized","Uautorisert"}. {"Unauthorized","Uautorisert"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Avregistrer en Jabber konto"}.
{"Unregister","Avregistrer"}. {"Unregister","Avregistrer"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Oppdater melding for dagen (ikke send)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Oppdater melding for dagen (ikke send)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Oppdater melding for dagen på alle maskiner (ikke send)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Oppdater melding for dagen på alle maskiner (ikke send)"}.
@ -335,7 +325,6 @@
{"Wednesday","onsdag"}. {"Wednesday","onsdag"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Når skal siste publiserte artikkel sendes"}. {"When to send the last published item","Når skal siste publiserte artikkel sendes"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Om man skal tillate abonnenter"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Om man skal tillate abonnenter"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Du kan når som helst endre passordet via en Jabber klient."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Du har blitt bannlyst i dette rommet."}. {"You have been banned from this room","Du har blitt bannlyst i dette rommet."}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Du må fylle inn feltet \"Nickname\" i skjemaet"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Du må fylle inn feltet \"Nickname\" i skjemaet"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Du trenger en klient som støtter x:data og CAPTCHA for registrering "}. {"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Du trenger en klient som støtter x:data og CAPTCHA for registrering "}.
@ -343,6 +332,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Du tregner en klient som støtter x:data for å kunne "}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Du tregner en klient som støtter x:data for å kunne "}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Din aktive privat liste har blokkert rutingen av denne strofen."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Din aktive privat liste har blokkert rutingen av denne strofen."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kontaktens frakoblede meldingskø er full. Meldingen har blitt kassert."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kontaktens frakoblede meldingskø er full. Meldingen har blitt kassert."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Din Jabber konto ble opprettet"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Dni Jabber konto er blitt sltettet."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Dine meldinger til ~s blir blokkert. For å åpne igjen, besøk ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Dine meldinger til ~s blir blokkert. For å åpne igjen, besøk ~s"}.

View File

@ -546,11 +546,12 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Viste grupper:" msgstr "Viste grupper:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Ikke fortell passordet til noen, ikke en gang til administratoren av Jabber " "Ikke fortell passordet til noen, ikke en gang til administratoren av XMPP "
"serveren." "serveren."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -633,8 +634,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Skriv inn teksten du ser" msgstr "Skriv inn teksten du ser"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -705,8 +707,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Fyll inn felt for å søke etter Jabber brukere" msgstr "Fyll inn felt for å søke etter XMPP brukere"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -939,10 +941,6 @@ msgstr "Oppretting av rom nektes av en tjenste regel"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Jabber Konto Registrering"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1096,14 +1094,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Medlemskap kreves for tilgang til samtalerommet" msgstr "Medlemskap kreves for tilgang til samtalerommet"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Husk passordet, eller skriv det ned på et papir lagret på et trygt sted. I " "Husk passordet, eller skriv det ned på et papir lagret på et trygt sted. I "
"Jabber er det ingen automatisert måte å gjenskape passordet om du glemmer " "XMPP er det ingen automatisert måte å gjenskape passordet om du glemmer det. "
"det. "
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1813,8 +1810,9 @@ msgstr "Registrer"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Registrer en Jabber konto" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Registrer en XMPP konto"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2051,11 +2049,12 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Avslutt Tjeneste" msgstr "Avslutt Tjeneste"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Noen Jabber klienter kan lagre passordet på datamaskinen. Bruk bare den " "Noen XMPP klienter kan lagre passordet på datamaskinen. Bruk bare den "
"funksjonen dersom du er sikker på at maskinen er trygg." "funksjonen dersom du er sikker på at maskinen er trygg."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2242,7 +2241,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:611 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:611
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "The account was not deleted" msgid "The account was not deleted"
msgstr "Dni Jabber konto er blitt sltettet." msgstr "Dni XMPP konto er blitt sltettet."
#: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397 #: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397
msgid "The body text of the last received message" msgid "The body text of the last received message"
@ -2324,8 +2323,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Passordet er for svakt" msgstr "Passordet er for svakt"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Passordet for din Jabber konto ble endret." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Passordet for din XMPP konto ble endret."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2396,19 +2396,20 @@ msgstr ""
"MacBeth og Macbeth. " "MacBeth og Macbeth. "
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Denne siden lar deg lage en Jabber konto på denne Jabber serveren. Din JID " "Denne siden lar deg lage en XMPP konto på denne XMPP serveren. Din JID "
"(Jabber ID) vil være i formatet: brukernavn@server. Vennligst les " "(Jabber ID) vil være i formatet: brukernavn@server. Vennligst les "
"instruksjonene nøye slik at du fyller ut skjemaet riktig." "instruksjonene nøye slik at du fyller ut skjemaet riktig."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "" msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
"Denne siden lar deg avregistrere en Jabber konto på denne Jabber serveren." msgstr "Denne siden lar deg avregistrere en XMPP konto på denne XMPP serveren."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2554,8 +2555,9 @@ msgstr "Avregistrer"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Avregistrer en Jabber konto" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Avregistrer en XMPP konto"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2794,6 +2796,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "XMPP Konto Registrering"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2830,8 +2837,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger" msgstr "Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Du kan når som helst endre passordet via en Jabber klient." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Du kan når som helst endre passordet via en XMPP klient."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2863,12 +2871,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger" msgstr "Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Din Jabber konto ble opprettet" msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Din XMPP konto ble opprettet"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Dni Jabber konto er blitt sltettet." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Dni XMPP konto er blitt sltettet."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Dostarczaj zawartość publikacji wraz z powiadomieniami o zdarzeniach"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Dostarczaj zawartość publikacji wraz z powiadomieniami o zdarzeniach"}.
{"Description:","Opis:"}. {"Description:","Opis:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Kopia tylko na dysku"}. {"Disc only copy","Kopia tylko na dysku"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Nie podawaj swojego hasła nikomu, nawet administratorowi serwera Jabber."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Zapisz kopię zapasową w pliku tekstowym na "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Zapisz kopię zapasową w pliku tekstowym na "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Wykonaj kopie do pliku tekstowego"}. {"Dump to Text File","Wykonaj kopie do pliku tekstowego"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Duplikaty grup nie są dozwolone"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Duplikaty grup nie są dozwolone"}.
@ -97,7 +96,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Wprowadź ścieżkę do roboczego pliku serwera jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Wprowadź ścieżkę do roboczego pliku serwera jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Wprowadź scieżkę do pliku tekstowego"}. {"Enter path to text file","Wprowadź scieżkę do pliku tekstowego"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Przepisz tekst z obrazka"}. {"Enter the text you see","Przepisz tekst z obrazka"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Error","Błąd"}. {"Error","Błąd"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Pomiń Jabber ID z żądania CAPTCHA"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Pomiń Jabber ID z żądania CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Wyeksportuj wszystkie tabele jako zapytania SQL do pliku:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Wyeksportuj wszystkie tabele jako zapytania SQL do pliku:"}.
@ -159,7 +157,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nie można wysyłać prywatnych wiadomości typu \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nie można wysyłać prywatnych wiadomości typu \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nie wolno wysyłac prywatnych wiadomości na konferencję"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nie wolno wysyłac prywatnych wiadomości na konferencję"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Wysyłanie prywatnych wiadomości jest zabronione"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Wysyłanie prywatnych wiadomości jest zabronione"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Zakładanie konta Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Styczeń"}. {"January","Styczeń"}.
{"joins the room","dołącza do pokoju"}. {"joins the room","dołącza do pokoju"}.
@ -187,7 +184,6 @@
{"May","Maj"}. {"May","Maj"}.
{"Members:","Członkowie:"}. {"Members:","Członkowie:"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Musisz być na liście członków tego pokoju aby do niego wejść"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Musisz być na liście członków tego pokoju aby do niego wejść"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Zapamiętaj swoje hasło lub zapisz je na kartce i zachowaj w bezpiecznym miejscu. Na Jabberze nie ma zautomatyzowanego systemu odzyskiwania haseł."}.
{"Memory","Pamięć"}. {"Memory","Pamięć"}.
{"Message body","Treść wiadomości"}. {"Message body","Treść wiadomości"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","Nie znaleziona wiadomości w przesyłanych dalej danych"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","Nie znaleziona wiadomości w przesyłanych dalej danych"}.
@ -300,7 +296,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Kopia w pamięci RAM"}. {"RAM copy","Kopia w pamięci RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Na pewno usunąć wiadomość dnia?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Na pewno usunąć wiadomość dnia?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Odbiorcy nie ma w pokoju"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Odbiorcy nie ma w pokoju"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Załóż konto Jabber"}.
{"Registered Users","Użytkownicy zarejestrowani"}. {"Registered Users","Użytkownicy zarejestrowani"}.
{"Registered Users:","Użytkownicy zarejestrowani:"}. {"Registered Users:","Użytkownicy zarejestrowani:"}.
{"Register","Zarejestruj"}. {"Register","Zarejestruj"}.
@ -343,7 +338,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Pokaż tabelę całkowitą"}. {"Show Integral Table","Pokaż tabelę całkowitą"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Pokaż zwykłą tabelę"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Pokaż zwykłą tabelę"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Wyłącz usługę"}. {"Shut Down Service","Wyłącz usługę"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Niektóre klienty Jabber mogą zapisywać Twoje hasło na komputerze. Używaj tej opcji tylko jeśli ufasz komputerowi na którym pracujesz."}.
{"Specify the access model","Określ model dostępu"}. {"Specify the access model","Określ model dostępu"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Określ typ wiadomości"}. {"Specify the event message type","Określ typ wiadomości"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Określ model publikującego"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Określ model publikującego"}.
@ -370,7 +364,6 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Hasło zawiera niedopuszczalne znaki"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","Hasło zawiera niedopuszczalne znaki"}.
{"The password is too weak","Hasło nie jest wystarczająco trudne"}. {"The password is too weak","Hasło nie jest wystarczająco trudne"}.
{"the password is","hasło to:"}. {"the password is","hasło to:"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Hasło do Twojego konta zostało zmienione."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","To żądanie jest dopuszczalne wyłącznie dla lokalnych użytkowników"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","To żądanie jest dopuszczalne wyłącznie dla lokalnych użytkowników"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Żądanie nie może zawierać elementów <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Żądanie nie może zawierać elementów <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Żądanie może zawierać wyłącznie jeden z elementów <active/>, <default/> lub <list/>"}. {"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Żądanie może zawierać wyłącznie jeden z elementów <active/>, <default/> lub <list/>"}.
@ -378,8 +371,6 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia konta: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia konta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Podczas usuwania konta wystąpił błąd: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Podczas usuwania konta wystąpił błąd: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pole nie rozróżnia wielkości liter: słowo Hanna jest takie samo jak hAnna lub haNNa."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pole nie rozróżnia wielkości liter: słowo Hanna jest takie samo jak hAnna lub haNNa."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Niniejsza strona pozwala na założenie konta Jabber na tym serwerze. Twój JID (Jabber IDentyfikator) będzie miał postać: nazwa_użytkownika@serwer. Przeczytaj dokładnie instrukcję i wypełnij pola."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Ta strona pozwala usunąć konto Jabber z tego serwera."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ten pokój nie jest anonimowy"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Ten pokój nie jest anonimowy"}.
{"Thursday","Czwartek"}. {"Thursday","Czwartek"}.
{"Time delay","Opóźnienie"}. {"Time delay","Opóźnienie"}.
@ -405,7 +396,6 @@
{"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Nie można zarejestrować trasy dla lokalnej domeny"}. {"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Nie można zarejestrować trasy dla lokalnej domeny"}.
{"Unauthorized","Nie autoryzowano"}. {"Unauthorized","Nie autoryzowano"}.
{"Unexpected action","Nieoczekiwana akcja"}. {"Unexpected action","Nieoczekiwana akcja"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Usuń konto Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Wyrejestruj"}. {"Unregister","Wyrejestruj"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Nieobsługiwany element <index/>"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Nieobsługiwany element <index/>"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizuj wiadomość dnia (bez wysyłania)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizuj wiadomość dnia (bez wysyłania)"}.
@ -442,7 +432,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Środa"}. {"Wednesday","Środa"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Kiedy wysłać ostatnio opublikowaną rzecz"}. {"When to send the last published item","Kiedy wysłać ostatnio opublikowaną rzecz"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Czy pozwolić na subskrypcje"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Czy pozwolić na subskrypcje"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Możesz później zmienić swoje hasło za pomocą dowolnego klienta Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Zostałeś wykluczony z tego pokoju"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Zostałeś wykluczony z tego pokoju"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Dołączyłeś do zbyt wielu konferencji"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Dołączyłeś do zbyt wielu konferencji"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Musisz wypełnić pole \"Nazwa użytkownika\" w formularzu"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Musisz wypełnić pole \"Nazwa użytkownika\" w formularzu"}.
@ -451,7 +440,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Potrzebujesz klienta obsługującego x:data aby wyszukiwać"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Potrzebujesz klienta obsługującego x:data aby wyszukiwać"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Aktualna lista prywatności zabrania przesyłania tej stanzy."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Aktualna lista prywatności zabrania przesyłania tej stanzy."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kolejka wiadomości offline adresata jest pełna. Wiadomość została odrzucona."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kolejka wiadomości offline adresata jest pełna. Wiadomość została odrzucona."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Twoje konto zostało stworzone."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Twoje konto zostało usunięte."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Twoje wiadomości do ~s są blokowane. Aby je odblokować, odwiedź ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Twoje wiadomości do ~s są blokowane. Aby je odblokować, odwiedź ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Nie masz uprawnień do tworzenia węzłów"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","Nie masz uprawnień do tworzenia węzłów"}.

View File

@ -548,11 +548,11 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Wyświetlane grupy:" msgstr "Wyświetlane grupy:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr "Nie podawaj swojego hasła nikomu, nawet administratorowi serwera XMPP."
"Nie podawaj swojego hasła nikomu, nawet administratorowi serwera Jabber."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -634,8 +634,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Przepisz tekst z obrazka" msgstr "Przepisz tekst z obrazka"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -709,8 +710,8 @@ msgstr "Plik jest większy niż ~w bajtów"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Wypełnij pola aby znaleźć pasujących użytkowników Jabbera" msgstr "Wypełnij pola aby znaleźć pasujących użytkowników XMPP"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -943,10 +944,6 @@ msgstr "Zasady serwera zabraniają tworzyć nowe pokoje"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Zakładanie konta Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1099,13 +1096,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Musisz być na liście członków tego pokoju aby do niego wejść" msgstr "Musisz być na liście członków tego pokoju aby do niego wejść"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Zapamiętaj swoje hasło lub zapisz je na kartce i zachowaj w bezpiecznym " "Zapamiętaj swoje hasło lub zapisz je na kartce i zachowaj w bezpiecznym "
"miejscu. Na Jabberze nie ma zautomatyzowanego systemu odzyskiwania haseł." "miejscu. Na XMPP nie ma zautomatyzowanego systemu odzyskiwania haseł."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1809,8 +1806,9 @@ msgstr "Zarejestruj"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Załóż konto Jabber" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Załóż konto XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2052,11 +2050,12 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Wyłącz usługę" msgstr "Wyłącz usługę"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Niektóre klienty Jabber mogą zapisywać Twoje hasło na komputerze. Używaj tej " "Niektóre klienty XMPP mogą zapisywać Twoje hasło na komputerze. Używaj tej "
"opcji tylko jeśli ufasz komputerowi na którym pracujesz." "opcji tylko jeśli ufasz komputerowi na którym pracujesz."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2312,7 +2311,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_meta_data.erl:710 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_meta_data.erl:710
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "The number of subscribers to the node" msgid "The number of subscribers to the node"
msgstr "Pozwól temu Jabber ID na zapisanie się do tego węzła PubSub" msgstr "Pozwól temu XMPP ID na zapisanie się do tego węzła PubSub"
#: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:343 #: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:343
msgid "The number of unread or undelivered messages" msgid "The number of unread or undelivered messages"
@ -2327,7 +2326,8 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Hasło nie jest wystarczająco trudne" msgstr "Hasło nie jest wystarczająco trudne"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Hasło do Twojego konta zostało zmienione." msgstr "Hasło do Twojego konta zostało zmienione."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
@ -2401,18 +2401,20 @@ msgstr ""
"lub haNNa." "lub haNNa."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Niniejsza strona pozwala na założenie konta Jabber na tym serwerze. Twój JID " "Niniejsza strona pozwala na założenie konta XMPP na tym serwerze. Twój JID "
"(Jabber IDentyfikator) będzie miał postać: nazwa_użytkownika@serwer. " "(Jabber IDentyfikator) będzie miał postać: nazwa_użytkownika@serwer. "
"Przeczytaj dokładnie instrukcję i wypełnij pola." "Przeczytaj dokładnie instrukcję i wypełnij pola."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ta strona pozwala usunąć konto Jabber z tego serwera." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "Ta strona pozwala usunąć konto XMPP z tego serwera."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2560,8 +2562,9 @@ msgstr "Wyrejestruj"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Usuń konto Jabber" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Usuń konto XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2799,6 +2802,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Zakładanie konta XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2835,8 +2843,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień do tworzenia węzłów" msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień do tworzenia węzłów"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Możesz później zmienić swoje hasło za pomocą dowolnego klienta Jabber." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Możesz później zmienić swoje hasło za pomocą dowolnego klienta XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2867,11 +2876,13 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień do tworzenia węzłów" msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień do tworzenia węzłów"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Twoje konto zostało stworzone." msgstr "Twoje konto zostało stworzone."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Twoje konto zostało usunięte." msgstr "Twoje konto zostało usunięte."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860

View File

@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Enviar payloads junto com as notificações de eventos"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Enviar payloads junto com as notificações de eventos"}.
{"Description:","Descrição:"}. {"Description:","Descrição:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Somente cópia em disco"}. {"Disc only copy","Somente cópia em disco"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Não revele a sua senha a ninguém, nem mesmo para o administrador deste servidor Jabber."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Exportar backup para texto em "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Exportar backup para texto em "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Exportar para arquivo texto"}. {"Dump to Text File","Exportar para arquivo texto"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Grupos duplicados não são permitidos pela RFC6121"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Grupos duplicados não são permitidos pela RFC6121"}.
@ -94,7 +93,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Insira o caminho para a fila (arquivo) do jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Insira o caminho para a fila (arquivo) do jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Introduza caminho para o arquivo texto"}. {"Enter path to text file","Introduza caminho para o arquivo texto"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Insira o texto que você vê"}. {"Enter the text you see","Insira o texto que você vê"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Jabber em Erlang"}.
{"Error","Erro"}. {"Error","Erro"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excluir IDs Jabber de serem submetidos ao CAPTCHA"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excluir IDs Jabber de serem submetidos ao CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exportar todas as tabelas como SQL para um arquivo:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exportar todas as tabelas como SQL para um arquivo:"}.
@ -153,7 +151,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas para a sala de conferência"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas para a sala de conferência"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registro de Contas Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}. {"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}.
{"January","Janeiro"}. {"January","Janeiro"}.
{"joins the room","Entrar na sala"}. {"joins the room","Entrar na sala"}.
@ -180,7 +177,6 @@
{"May","Maio"}. {"May","Maio"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","É necessário ser membro desta sala para poder entrar"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","É necessário ser membro desta sala para poder entrar"}.
{"Members:","Membros:"}. {"Members:","Membros:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Memorize a sua senha, ou anote-a em um papel, guardado em um local seguro. No Jabber, não há uma maneira automatizada de recuperar a sua senha, caso a esqueça."}.
{"Memory","Memória"}. {"Memory","Memória"}.
{"Message body","Corpo da mensagem"}. {"Message body","Corpo da mensagem"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","Mensagem não encontrada em conteúdo encaminhado"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","Mensagem não encontrada em conteúdo encaminhado"}.
@ -289,7 +285,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Cópia em RAM"}. {"RAM copy","Cópia em RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Deletar realmente a mensagem do dia?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Deletar realmente a mensagem do dia?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","O receptor não está na sala de conferência"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","O receptor não está na sala de conferência"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Registrar uma conta Jabber"}.
{"Registered Users:","Usuários registrados"}. {"Registered Users:","Usuários registrados"}.
{"Registered Users","Usuários Registrados"}. {"Registered Users","Usuários Registrados"}.
{"Register","Registrar"}. {"Register","Registrar"}.
@ -332,7 +327,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Mostrar Tabela Integral"}. {"Show Integral Table","Mostrar Tabela Integral"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Tabela Ordinária"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Tabela Ordinária"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Parar Serviço"}. {"Shut Down Service","Parar Serviço"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clientes jabber podem salvar a sua senha no seu computador. Use o recurso somente se você considera este computador seguro o suficiente."}.
{"Specify the access model","Especificar os modelos de acesso"}. {"Specify the access model","Especificar os modelos de acesso"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Especificar o tipo de mensagem para o evento"}. {"Specify the event message type","Especificar o tipo de mensagem para o evento"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar o modelo do publicante"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Especificar o modelo do publicante"}.
@ -359,7 +353,6 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","A senha contém caracteres proibidos"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","A senha contém caracteres proibidos"}.
{"The password is too weak","Senha considerada muito fraca"}. {"The password is too weak","Senha considerada muito fraca"}.
{"the password is","a senha é"}. {"the password is","a senha é"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","A senha da sua conta Jabber foi mudada com sucesso."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Esta consulta só é permitida a partir de usuários locais"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","Esta consulta só é permitida a partir de usuários locais"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","A consulta não pode conter elementos <item/>"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","A consulta não pode conter elementos <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","A instância DEVE conter apenas um elemento <active/>, um elemento <default/>, ou um elemento <list/>"}. {"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","A instância DEVE conter apenas um elemento <active/>, um elemento <default/>, ou um elemento <list/>"}.
@ -367,8 +360,6 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Houve um erro ao criar esta conta: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Houve um erro ao criar esta conta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Houve um erro ao deletar esta conta: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Houve um erro ao deletar esta conta: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Não é 'case insensitive': macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e ainda Macbeth. "}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Não é 'case insensitive': macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e ainda Macbeth. "}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta pagina aceita criações de novas contas Jabber neste servidor. O seu JID (Identificador Jabber) será da seguinte forma: 'usuário@servidor'. Por favor, leia cuidadosamente as instruções para preencher corretamente os campos."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta página aceita para deletar uma conta Jabber neste servidor."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Essa sala não é anônima"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Essa sala não é anônima"}.
{"Thursday","Quinta"}. {"Thursday","Quinta"}.
{"Time delay","Intervalo (Tempo)"}. {"Time delay","Intervalo (Tempo)"}.
@ -392,7 +383,6 @@
{"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Não foi possível registrar rota no domínio local existente"}. {"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Não foi possível registrar rota no domínio local existente"}.
{"Unauthorized","Não Autorizado"}. {"Unauthorized","Não Autorizado"}.
{"Unexpected action","Ação inesperada"}. {"Unexpected action","Ação inesperada"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Deletar conta Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Deletar registro"}. {"Unregister","Deletar registro"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemento <index/> não suportado"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemento <index/> não suportado"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Atualizar mensagem do dia (não enviar)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Atualizar mensagem do dia (não enviar)"}.
@ -428,7 +418,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Quarta"}. {"Wednesday","Quarta"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Quando enviar o último tópico publicado"}. {"When to send the last published item","Quando enviar o último tópico publicado"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Permitir subscrições"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Permitir subscrições"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Mais tarde você pode alterar a sua senha usando um cliente Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Você foi banido desta sala"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Você foi banido desta sala"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Você entrou em um número excessivo de salas de conferência"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Você entrou em um número excessivo de salas de conferência"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Você deve completar o campo \"Apelido\" no formulário"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Você deve completar o campo \"Apelido\" no formulário"}.
@ -437,6 +426,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necessitas um cliente com suporte de x:data para poder buscar"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necessitas um cliente com suporte de x:data para poder buscar"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Sua lista de privacidade ativa negou o roteamento desta instância."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Sua lista de privacidade ativa negou o roteamento desta instância."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Sua fila de mensagens offline esta cheia. Sua mensagem foi descartada"}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Sua fila de mensagens offline esta cheia. Sua mensagem foi descartada"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Sua conta jabber foi criada com sucesso."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Sua conta Jabber foi deletada com sucesso."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Suas mensagens para ~s estão bloqueadas. Para desbloqueá-las, visite: ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Suas mensagens para ~s estão bloqueadas. Para desbloqueá-las, visite: ~s"}.

View File

@ -546,12 +546,13 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Grupos Exibidos:" msgstr "Grupos Exibidos:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Não revele a sua senha a ninguém, nem mesmo para o administrador deste " "Não revele a sua senha a ninguém, nem mesmo para o administrador deste "
"servidor Jabber." "servidor XMPP."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -633,8 +634,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Insira o texto que você vê" msgstr "Insira o texto que você vê"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Servidor Jabber em Erlang" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Servidor XMPP em Erlang"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -708,8 +710,8 @@ msgstr "Arquivo maior que ~w bytes"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Preencha campos para buscar usuários Jabber que concordem" msgstr "Preencha campos para buscar usuários XMPP que concordem"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -945,10 +947,6 @@ msgstr "Sala não pode ser criada devido à política do serviço"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Registro de Contas Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1102,13 +1100,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "É necessário ser membro desta sala para poder entrar" msgstr "É necessário ser membro desta sala para poder entrar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Memorize a sua senha, ou anote-a em um papel, guardado em um local seguro. " "Memorize a sua senha, ou anote-a em um papel, guardado em um local seguro. "
"No Jabber, não há uma maneira automatizada de recuperar a sua senha, caso a " "No XMPP, não há uma maneira automatizada de recuperar a sua senha, caso a "
"esqueça." "esqueça."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1819,8 +1817,9 @@ msgstr "Registrar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Registrar uma conta Jabber" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Registrar uma conta XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2059,9 +2058,10 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Parar Serviço" msgstr "Parar Serviço"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Alguns clientes jabber podem salvar a sua senha no seu computador. Use o " "Alguns clientes jabber podem salvar a sua senha no seu computador. Use o "
"recurso somente se você considera este computador seguro o suficiente." "recurso somente se você considera este computador seguro o suficiente."
@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@ msgstr "Nó já existe"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:611 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:611
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "The account was not deleted" msgid "The account was not deleted"
msgstr "Sua conta Jabber foi deletada com sucesso." msgstr "Sua conta XMPP foi deletada com sucesso."
#: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397 #: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397
msgid "The body text of the last received message" msgid "The body text of the last received message"
@ -2334,8 +2334,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Senha considerada muito fraca" msgstr "Senha considerada muito fraca"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "A senha da sua conta Jabber foi mudada com sucesso." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "A senha da sua conta XMPP foi mudada com sucesso."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2407,19 +2408,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Não é 'case insensitive': macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e ainda Macbeth. " "Não é 'case insensitive': macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e ainda Macbeth. "
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Esta pagina aceita criações de novas contas Jabber neste servidor. O seu JID " "Esta pagina aceita criações de novas contas XMPP neste servidor. O seu JID "
"(Identificador Jabber) será da seguinte forma: 'usuário@servidor'. Por " "(Identificador Jabber) será da seguinte forma: 'usuário@servidor'. Por "
"favor, leia cuidadosamente as instruções para preencher corretamente os " "favor, leia cuidadosamente as instruções para preencher corretamente os "
"campos." "campos."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Esta página aceita para deletar uma conta Jabber neste servidor." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "Esta página aceita para deletar uma conta XMPP neste servidor."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2569,8 +2572,9 @@ msgstr "Deletar registro"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Deletar conta Jabber" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Deletar conta XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2809,6 +2813,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Registro de Contas XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2845,8 +2854,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas" msgstr "Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Mais tarde você pode alterar a sua senha usando um cliente Jabber." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Mais tarde você pode alterar a sua senha usando um cliente XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2881,12 +2891,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas" msgstr "Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Sua conta jabber foi criada com sucesso." msgstr "Sua conta jabber foi criada com sucesso."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Sua conta Jabber foi deletada com sucesso." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Sua conta XMPP foi deletada com sucesso."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introduza o caminho para o directório de spools do jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Introduza o caminho para o directório de spools do jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Introduza o caminho para o ficheiro de spool do jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Introduza o caminho para o ficheiro de spool do jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Introduza caminho para o ficheiro de texto"}. {"Enter path to text file","Introduza caminho para o ficheiro de texto"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Jabber em Erlang"}.
{"Family Name","Apelido"}. {"Family Name","Apelido"}.
{"From","De"}. {"From","De"}.
{"Full Name","Nome completo"}. {"Full Name","Nome completo"}.

View File

@ -561,8 +561,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -648,8 +648,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Introduza caminho para o ficheiro de texto" msgstr "Introduza caminho para o ficheiro de texto"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Servidor Jabber em Erlang" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Servidor XMPP em Erlang"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -720,8 +721,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Preencha os campos para procurar utilizadores Jabber coincidentes" msgstr "Preencha os campos para procurar utilizadores XMPP coincidentes"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -964,11 +965,6 @@ msgstr "Acesso negado pela política de serviço"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Configuração das Listas de Controlo de Acesso do ejabberd"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1129,8 +1125,7 @@ msgstr "É necessário ser membro desta sala para poder entrar"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1857,7 +1852,7 @@ msgstr "Lista de contactos"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
@ -2109,8 +2104,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2382,7 +2377,7 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Mudar palavra-chave" msgstr "Mudar palavra-chave"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
@ -2453,13 +2448,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
@ -2609,7 +2604,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
@ -2858,6 +2853,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Configuração das Listas de Controlo de Acesso do ejabberd"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2893,7 +2893,7 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Impedir o envio de mensagens privadas para a sala" msgstr "Impedir o envio de mensagens privadas para a sala"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
@ -2931,11 +2931,11 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Impedir o envio de mensagens privadas para a sala" msgstr "Impedir o envio de mensagens privadas para a sala"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860

View File

@ -85,7 +85,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Доставлять вместе с уведомлениями o публикациях сами публикации"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Доставлять вместе с уведомлениями o публикациях сами публикации"}.
{"Description:","Описание:"}. {"Description:","Описание:"}.
{"Disc only copy","только диск"}. {"Disc only copy","только диск"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Не говорите никому свой пароль, даже администраторам сервера."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Копирование в текстовый файл на "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Копирование в текстовый файл на "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Копирование в текстовый файл"}. {"Dump to Text File","Копирование в текстовый файл"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Группы с одинаковыми названиями запрещены стандартом RFC6121"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Группы с одинаковыми названиями запрещены стандартом RFC6121"}.
@ -110,7 +109,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Введите путь к файлу из спула jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Введите путь к файлу из спула jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Введите путь к текстовому файлу"}. {"Enter path to text file","Введите путь к текстовому файлу"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Введите увиденный текст"}. {"Enter the text you see","Введите увиденный текст"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Error","Ошибка"}. {"Error","Ошибка"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Исключить показ капчи для списка Jabber ID"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Исключить показ капчи для списка Jabber ID"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Экспортировать все таблицы в виде SQL запросов в файл:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Экспортировать все таблицы в виде SQL запросов в файл:"}.
@ -126,7 +124,6 @@
{"Family Name","Фамилия"}. {"Family Name","Фамилия"}.
{"February","февраля"}. {"February","февраля"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","Файл больше ~w байт"}. {"File larger than ~w bytes","Файл больше ~w байт"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User","Заполните форму для поиска пользователя Jabber"}.
{"Friday","Пятница"}. {"Friday","Пятница"}.
{"From","От кого"}. {"From","От кого"}.
{"Full Name","Полное имя"}. {"Full Name","Полное имя"}.
@ -179,7 +176,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Нельзя посылать частные сообщения типа \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Нельзя посылать частные сообщения типа \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Не разрешается посылать частные сообщения прямо в конференцию"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Не разрешается посылать частные сообщения прямо в конференцию"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Запрещено посылать приватные сообщения"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Запрещено посылать приватные сообщения"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Регистрация Jabber-аккаунта"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","января"}. {"January","января"}.
{"joins the room","вошёл(а) в комнату"}. {"joins the room","вошёл(а) в комнату"}.
@ -208,7 +204,6 @@
{"May","мая"}. {"May","мая"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","В эту конференцию могут входить только её члены"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","В эту конференцию могут входить только её члены"}.
{"Members:","Члены:"}. {"Members:","Члены:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Запомните пароль или запишите его на бумаге, которую сохраните в безопасном месте. В Jabber'е нет автоматизированного средства восстановления пароля в том случае, если Вы его забудете."}.
{"Memory","Память"}. {"Memory","Память"}.
{"Message body","Тело сообщения"}. {"Message body","Тело сообщения"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","Сообщение не найдено в пересылаемом вложении"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","Сообщение не найдено в пересылаемом вложении"}.
@ -334,7 +329,6 @@
{"RAM copy","ОЗУ"}. {"RAM copy","ОЗУ"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Действительно удалить сообщение дня?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Действительно удалить сообщение дня?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Адресата нет в конференции"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Адресата нет в конференции"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Зарегистрировать Jabber-аккаунт"}.
{"Registered Users","Зарегистрированные пользователи"}. {"Registered Users","Зарегистрированные пользователи"}.
{"Registered Users:","Зарегистрированные пользователи:"}. {"Registered Users:","Зарегистрированные пользователи:"}.
{"Register","Зарегистрировать"}. {"Register","Зарегистрировать"}.
@ -381,7 +375,6 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Показать обычную таблицу"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Показать обычную таблицу"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Остановить службу"}. {"Shut Down Service","Остановить службу"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","Передача файлов через SOCKS5"}. {"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","Передача файлов через SOCKS5"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Некоторые Jabber-клиенты могут сохранять пароль на Вашем компьютере. Используйте эту функцию только в том случае, если считаете это безопасным."}.
{"Specify the access model","Укажите механизм управления доступом"}. {"Specify the access model","Укажите механизм управления доступом"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Укажите тип сообщения о событии"}. {"Specify the event message type","Укажите тип сообщения о событии"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Условия публикации"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Условия публикации"}.
@ -413,7 +406,6 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Пароль содержит недопустимые символы"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","Пароль содержит недопустимые символы"}.
{"The password is too weak","Слишком слабый пароль"}. {"The password is too weak","Слишком слабый пароль"}.
{"the password is","пароль:"}. {"the password is","пароль:"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Пароль Вашего Jabber-аккаунта был успешно изменен."}.
{"The password was not changed","Пароль не был изменён"}. {"The password was not changed","Пароль не был изменён"}.
{"The passwords are different","Пароли не совпадают"}. {"The passwords are different","Пароли не совпадают"}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Запрос доступен только для локальных пользователей"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","Запрос доступен только для локальных пользователей"}.
@ -424,8 +416,6 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Ошибка при создании аккаунта:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Ошибка при создании аккаунта:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Ошибка при удалении аккаунта:"}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Ошибка при удалении аккаунта:"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Регистр не имеет значения: \"маша\" и \"МАША\" будет считаться одним и тем же именем."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Регистр не имеет значения: \"маша\" и \"МАША\" будет считаться одним и тем же именем."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Здесь Вы можете создать Jabber-аккаунт на этом Jabber-сервере. Ваш JID (Jabber-идентификатор) будет в виде: \"пользователь@сервер\". Пожалуйста, внимательно читайте инструкции для правильного заполнения полей."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Здесь Вы можете удалить Jabber-аккаунт с этого сервера."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Эта комната не анонимная"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Эта комната не анонимная"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Сервер не может обработать адрес: ~s"}. {"This service can not process the address: ~s","Сервер не может обработать адрес: ~s"}.
{"Thursday","Четверг"}. {"Thursday","Четверг"}.
@ -456,7 +446,6 @@
{"Unauthorized","Не авторизован"}. {"Unauthorized","Не авторизован"}.
{"Unexpected action","Неожиданное действие"}. {"Unexpected action","Неожиданное действие"}.
{"Unexpected error condition: ~p","Неожиданная ошибка: ~p"}. {"Unexpected error condition: ~p","Неожиданная ошибка: ~p"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Удалить Jabber-аккаунт"}.
{"Unregister","Удалить"}. {"Unregister","Удалить"}.
{"Unselect All","Снять всё выделение"}. {"Unselect All","Снять всё выделение"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Элемент <index/> не поддерживается"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","Элемент <index/> не поддерживается"}.
@ -499,7 +488,6 @@
{"Wrong xmlns","Неправильный xmlns"}. {"Wrong xmlns","Неправильный xmlns"}.
{"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","Вы покинули комнату из-за останова системы"}. {"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","Вы покинули комнату из-за останова системы"}.
{"You are not joined to the channel","Вы не присоединены к каналу"}. {"You are not joined to the channel","Вы не присоединены к каналу"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Позже Вы можете изменить пароль через Jabber-клиент."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Вам запрещено входить в эту конференцию"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Вам запрещено входить в эту конференцию"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Вы присоединены к слишком большому количеству конференций"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","Вы присоединены к слишком большому количеству конференций"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Вы должны заполнить поле \"Псевдоним\" в форме"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Вы должны заполнить поле \"Псевдоним\" в форме"}.
@ -508,7 +496,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Чтобы воспользоваться поиском, требуется x:data-совместимый клиент"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Чтобы воспользоваться поиском, требуется x:data-совместимый клиент"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Маршрутизация этой строфы запрещена вашим активным списком приватности."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Маршрутизация этой строфы запрещена вашим активным списком приватности."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Очередь недоставленных сообщений Вашего адресата переполнена. Сообщение не было сохранено."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Очередь недоставленных сообщений Вашего адресата переполнена. Сообщение не было сохранено."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ваш Jabber-аккаунт был успешно создан."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ваш Jabber-аккаунт был успешно удален."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Ваши запросы на добавление в контакт-лист, а также сообщения к ~s блокируются. Для снятия блокировки перейдите по ссылке ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Ваши запросы на добавление в контакт-лист, а также сообщения к ~s блокируются. Для снятия блокировки перейдите по ссылке ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Вам не разрешается создавать узлы"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","Вам не разрешается создавать узлы"}.

View File

@ -541,9 +541,10 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Видимые группы:" msgstr "Видимые группы:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "Не говорите никому свой пароль, даже администраторам сервера." msgstr "Не говорите никому свой пароль, даже администраторам сервера."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -626,8 +627,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Введите увиденный текст" msgstr "Введите увиденный текст"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -699,8 +701,9 @@ msgid "File larger than ~w bytes"
msgstr "Файл больше ~w байт" msgstr "Файл больше ~w байт"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Заполните форму для поиска пользователя Jabber" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Заполните форму для поиска пользователя XMPP"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -929,10 +932,6 @@ msgstr "Cоздавать конференцию запрещено полити
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Регистрация Jabber-аккаунта"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1084,14 +1083,14 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "В эту конференцию могут входить только её члены" msgstr "В эту конференцию могут входить только её члены"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Запомните пароль или запишите его на бумаге, которую сохраните в безопасном " "Запомните пароль или запишите его на бумаге, которую сохраните в безопасном "
"месте. В Jabber'е нет автоматизированного средства восстановления пароля в " "месте. В XMPP'е нет автоматизированного средства восстановления пароля в том "
"том случае, если Вы его забудете." "случае, если Вы его забудете."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1789,8 +1788,9 @@ msgstr "Зарегистрировать"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Зарегистрировать Jabber-аккаунт" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Зарегистрировать XMPP-аккаунт"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2033,11 +2033,12 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Остановить службу" msgstr "Остановить службу"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Некоторые Jabber-клиенты могут сохранять пароль на Вашем компьютере. " "Некоторые XMPP-клиенты могут сохранять пароль на Вашем компьютере. "
"Используйте эту функцию только в том случае, если считаете это безопасным." "Используйте эту функцию только в том случае, если считаете это безопасным."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2305,8 +2306,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Слишком слабый пароль" msgstr "Слишком слабый пароль"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Пароль Вашего Jabber-аккаунта был успешно изменен." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Пароль Вашего XMPP-аккаунта был успешно изменен."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
msgid "The password was not changed" msgid "The password was not changed"
@ -2377,18 +2379,20 @@ msgstr ""
"же именем." "же именем."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Здесь Вы можете создать Jabber-аккаунт на этом Jabber-сервере. Ваш JID " "Здесь Вы можете создать XMPP-аккаунт на этом XMPP-сервере. Ваш JID (Jabber-"
"(Jabber-идентификатор) будет в виде: \"пользователь@сервер\". Пожалуйста, " "идентификатор) будет в виде: \"пользователь@сервер\". Пожалуйста, "
"внимательно читайте инструкции для правильного заполнения полей." "внимательно читайте инструкции для правильного заполнения полей."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Здесь Вы можете удалить Jabber-аккаунт с этого сервера." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "Здесь Вы можете удалить XMPP-аккаунт с этого сервера."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2534,8 +2538,9 @@ msgstr "Удалить"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Удалить Jabber-аккаунт" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Удалить XMPP-аккаунт"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2772,6 +2777,11 @@ msgstr "Недопустимые параметры веб-формы"
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "Неправильный xmlns" msgstr "Неправильный xmlns"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Регистрация XMPP-аккаунта"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2806,8 +2816,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Вы не присоединены к каналу" msgstr "Вы не присоединены к каналу"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Позже Вы можете изменить пароль через Jabber-клиент." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Позже Вы можете изменить пароль через XMPP-клиент."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2838,12 +2849,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Вам не разрешается создавать узлы" msgstr "Вам не разрешается создавать узлы"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ваш Jabber-аккаунт был успешно создан." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Ваш XMPP-аккаунт был успешно создан."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ваш Jabber-аккаунт был успешно удален." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Ваш XMPP-аккаунт был успешно удален."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Doručiť náklad s upozornením na udalosť"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Doručiť náklad s upozornením na udalosť"}.
{"Description:","Popis:"}. {"Description:","Popis:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Len kópia disku"}. {"Disc only copy","Len kópia disku"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Nevyzrádzajte heslo nikomu, ani administrátorom tohoto Jabber servera."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Uložiť zálohu do textového súboru na "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Uložiť zálohu do textového súboru na "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Uložiť do textového súboru"}. {"Dump to Text File","Uložiť do textového súboru"}.
{"Edit Properties","Editovať vlastnosti"}. {"Edit Properties","Editovať vlastnosti"}.
@ -82,7 +81,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Zadajte cestu k spool súboru jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Zadajte cestu k spool súboru jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Zadajte cestu k textovému súboru"}. {"Enter path to text file","Zadajte cestu k textovému súboru"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Zadajte zobrazený text"}. {"Enter the text you see","Zadajte zobrazený text"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Error","Chyba"}. {"Error","Chyba"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Nepoužívať CAPTCHA pre nasledujúce Jabber ID"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Nepoužívať CAPTCHA pre nasledujúce Jabber ID"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportovať dáta všetkých uživateľov na serveri do súborov PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}. {"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportovať dáta všetkých uživateľov na serveri do súborov PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
@ -123,7 +121,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nie je dovolené odoslanie súkromnej správy typu \"Skupinová správa\" "}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Nie je dovolené odoslanie súkromnej správy typu \"Skupinová správa\" "}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nie je povolené odosielať súkromné správy do konferencie"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nie je povolené odosielať súkromné správy do konferencie"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Nieje povolené posielať súkromné správy"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Nieje povolené posielať súkromné správy"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registrácia jabber účtu"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Január"}. {"January","Január"}.
{"joins the room","vstúpil(a) do miestnosti"}. {"joins the room","vstúpil(a) do miestnosti"}.
@ -149,7 +146,6 @@
{"May","Máj"}. {"May","Máj"}.
{"Members:","Členovia:"}. {"Members:","Členovia:"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Pre vstup do miestnosti je potrebné byť členom"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Pre vstup do miestnosti je potrebné byť členom"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Zapamätajte si heslo alebo si ho zapíšte na papier. Jabber neposkytuje automatickú funkciu ako zistiť zabudnuté heslo. "}.
{"Memory","Pamäť"}. {"Memory","Pamäť"}.
{"Message body","Telo správy"}. {"Message body","Telo správy"}.
{"Middle Name","Prostredné meno: "}. {"Middle Name","Prostredné meno: "}.
@ -223,7 +219,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Kópia RAM"}. {"RAM copy","Kópia RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Skutočne zmazať správu dňa?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Skutočne zmazať správu dňa?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Príjemca sa nenachádza v konferenčnej miestnosti"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Príjemca sa nenachádza v konferenčnej miestnosti"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Zaregistrovať Jabber účet"}.
{"Registered Users","Registrovaní používatelia"}. {"Registered Users","Registrovaní používatelia"}.
{"Registered Users:","Registrovaní používatelia:"}. {"Registered Users:","Registrovaní používatelia:"}.
{"Register","Zoznam kontaktov"}. {"Register","Zoznam kontaktov"}.
@ -264,7 +259,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Zobraziť kompletnú tabuľku"}. {"Show Integral Table","Zobraziť kompletnú tabuľku"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Zobraziť bežnú tabuľku"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Zobraziť bežnú tabuľku"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Vypnúť službu"}. {"Shut Down Service","Vypnúť službu"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Niektorí Jabber klenti môžu ukladať heslá v počítači. Používajte túto funkciu len ak veríte, že sú tam v bezpečí. "}.
{"Specify the access model","Uveďte model prístupu"}. {"Specify the access model","Uveďte model prístupu"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Uveďte typ pre správu o udalosti"}. {"Specify the event message type","Uveďte typ pre správu o udalosti"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Špecifikovať model publikovania"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Špecifikovať model publikovania"}.
@ -288,13 +282,10 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Kolekcie asociované s uzlom"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Kolekcie asociované s uzlom"}.
{"The password is too weak","heslo je"}. {"The password is too weak","heslo je"}.
{"the password is","heslo je"}. {"the password is","heslo je"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Heslo k Jabber účtu bolo úspešne zmenené."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Pri zmene hesla nastala chyba: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Pri zmene hesla nastala chyba: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Pri vytváraní účtu nastala chyba: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Pri vytváraní účtu nastala chyba: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Pri rušení účtu nastala chyba:"}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Pri rušení účtu nastala chyba:"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Veľké a malé písmená sa nerozlišujú: macbeth je to isté ako MacBeth a Macbeth."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Veľké a malé písmená sa nerozlišujú: macbeth je to isté ako MacBeth a Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Táto stránka umožňuje refistrovať Jabber účet na tomto serveri. Vaše JID (Jabber IDentifikátor) bude vo formáte: užívateľ@server. Pozorne sledujte inštrukcie, aby ste údaje vypnili správne."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Na tejto stránke si môžete zrušiť Jabber účet registrovaný na tomto serveri."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Táto miestnosť nie je anonymná"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Táto miestnosť nie je anonymná"}.
{"Thursday","Štvrtok"}. {"Thursday","Štvrtok"}.
{"Time delay","Časový posun"}. {"Time delay","Časový posun"}.
@ -309,7 +300,6 @@
{"Tuesday","Utorok"}. {"Tuesday","Utorok"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Nepodarilo sa vygenerovat CAPTCHA"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Nepodarilo sa vygenerovat CAPTCHA"}.
{"Unauthorized","Neautorizovaný"}. {"Unauthorized","Neautorizovaný"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Zrušiť Jabber účet"}.
{"Unregister","Zrušiť účet"}. {"Unregister","Zrušiť účet"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizovať správu dňa (neodosielať)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Aktualizovať správu dňa (neodosielať)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Upraviť správu dňa na všetkých serveroch"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Upraviť správu dňa na všetkých serveroch"}.
@ -334,7 +324,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Streda"}. {"Wednesday","Streda"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Kedy odoslať posledne publikovanú položku"}. {"When to send the last published item","Kedy odoslať posledne publikovanú položku"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Povoliť prihlasovanie"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Povoliť prihlasovanie"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Neskôr si heslo môžete zmeniť pomocou Jabber klienta."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Boli ste vylúčený z tejto miestnosti"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Boli ste vylúčený z tejto miestnosti"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Musíte vyplniť políčko \"Prezývka\" vo formulári"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Musíte vyplniť políčko \"Prezývka\" vo formulári"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Na registráciu prezývky potrebujete klienta podporujúceho z x:data"}. {"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Na registráciu prezývky potrebujete klienta podporujúceho z x:data"}.
@ -342,6 +331,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Na vyhľadávanie potrebujete klienta podporujúceho x:data"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Na vyhľadávanie potrebujete klienta podporujúceho x:data"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Aktívny list súkromia zbránil v smerovaní tejto stanzy."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Aktívny list súkromia zbránil v smerovaní tejto stanzy."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Fronta offline správ tohoto kontaktu je plná. Správa bola zahodená."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Fronta offline správ tohoto kontaktu je plná. Správa bola zahodená."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Jabber účet bol úspešne vytvorený."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Váš Jabber účet bol úspešne odstránený."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Správa určená pre ~s bola zablokovaná. Oblokovať ju môžete na ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Správa určená pre ~s bola zablokovaná. Oblokovať ju môžete na ~s"}.

View File

@ -547,10 +547,11 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Zobrazené skupiny:" msgstr "Zobrazené skupiny:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "Nevyzrádzajte heslo nikomu, ani administrátorom tohoto Jabber servera." msgstr "Nevyzrádzajte heslo nikomu, ani administrátorom tohoto XMPP servera."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -632,8 +633,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Zadajte zobrazený text" msgstr "Zadajte zobrazený text"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -706,8 +708,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Vyplnte políčka pre vyhľadávanie Jabber užívateľa" msgstr "Vyplnte políčka pre vyhľadávanie XMPP užívateľa"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -940,10 +942,6 @@ msgstr "Vytváranie miestnosti nie je povolené"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Registrácia jabber účtu"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1097,12 +1095,12 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Pre vstup do miestnosti je potrebné byť členom" msgstr "Pre vstup do miestnosti je potrebné byť členom"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Zapamätajte si heslo alebo si ho zapíšte na papier. Jabber neposkytuje " "Zapamätajte si heslo alebo si ho zapíšte na papier. XMPP neposkytuje "
"automatickú funkciu ako zistiť zabudnuté heslo. " "automatickú funkciu ako zistiť zabudnuté heslo. "
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1814,8 +1812,9 @@ msgstr "Zoznam kontaktov"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Zaregistrovať Jabber účet" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Zaregistrovať XMPP účet"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2055,12 +2054,13 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Vypnúť službu" msgstr "Vypnúť službu"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Niektorí Jabber klenti môžu ukladať heslá v počítači. Používajte túto " "Niektorí XMPP klenti môžu ukladať heslá v počítači. Používajte túto funkciu "
"funkciu len ak veríte, že sú tam v bezpečí. " "len ak veríte, že sú tam v bezpečí. "
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2246,7 +2246,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:611 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:611
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "The account was not deleted" msgid "The account was not deleted"
msgstr "Váš Jabber účet bol úspešne odstránený." msgstr "Váš XMPP účet bol úspešne odstránený."
#: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397 #: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397
msgid "The body text of the last received message" msgid "The body text of the last received message"
@ -2328,8 +2328,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "heslo je" msgstr "heslo je"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Heslo k Jabber účtu bolo úspešne zmenené." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Heslo k XMPP účtu bolo úspešne zmenené."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2400,19 +2401,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Macbeth." "Macbeth."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Táto stránka umožňuje refistrovať Jabber účet na tomto serveri. Vaše JID " "Táto stránka umožňuje refistrovať XMPP účet na tomto serveri. Vaše JID "
"(Jabber IDentifikátor) bude vo formáte: užívateľ@server. Pozorne sledujte " "(Jabber IDentifikátor) bude vo formáte: užívateľ@server. Pozorne sledujte "
"inštrukcie, aby ste údaje vypnili správne." "inštrukcie, aby ste údaje vypnili správne."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Na tejto stránke si môžete zrušiť Jabber účet registrovaný na tomto serveri." "Na tejto stránke si môžete zrušiť XMPP účet registrovaný na tomto serveri."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2558,8 +2561,9 @@ msgstr "Zrušiť účet"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Zrušiť Jabber účet" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Zrušiť XMPP účet"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2800,6 +2804,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Registrácia jabber účtu"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2836,8 +2845,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Nieje povolené posielať súkromné správy" msgstr "Nieje povolené posielať súkromné správy"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Neskôr si heslo môžete zmeniť pomocou Jabber klienta." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Neskôr si heslo môžete zmeniť pomocou XMPP klienta."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2869,12 +2879,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Nieje povolené posielať súkromné správy" msgstr "Nieje povolené posielať súkromné správy"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber účet bol úspešne vytvorený." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "XMPP účet bol úspešne vytvorený."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Váš Jabber účet bol úspešne odstránený." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Váš XMPP účet bol úspešne odstránený."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Skriv in sökväg till spoolfil från jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Skriv in sökväg till spoolfil från jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Skriv in sökväg till textfil"}. {"Enter path to text file","Skriv in sökväg till textfil"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Skriv in sökväg till textfil"}. {"Enter the text you see","Skriv in sökväg till textfil"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Error","Fel"}. {"Error","Fel"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportera data av alla användare i servern till en PIEFXIS fil (XEP-0227):"}. {"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportera data av alla användare i servern till en PIEFXIS fil (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportera data av användare i en host till PIEFXIS fil (XEP-0227):"}. {"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportera data av användare i en host till PIEFXIS fil (XEP-0227):"}.

View File

@ -553,8 +553,8 @@ msgstr "Visade grupper:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -637,8 +637,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Skriv in sökväg till textfil" msgstr "Skriv in sökväg till textfil"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -710,7 +711,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Fyll i fält för att söka efter jabberanvändare" msgstr "Fyll i fält för att söka efter jabberanvändare"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
@ -947,10 +948,6 @@ msgstr "Skapandet av rum är förbjudet enligt lokal policy"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1107,8 +1104,7 @@ msgstr "Du måste vara medlem för att komma in i det här rummet"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1826,7 +1822,7 @@ msgstr "Kontaktlista"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
@ -2068,8 +2064,8 @@ msgstr "Stäng ner servicen"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2341,7 +2337,7 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Lösenordet är" msgstr "Lösenordet är"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
@ -2412,13 +2408,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
@ -2565,7 +2561,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
@ -2807,6 +2803,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Registrera smeknamn på "
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2843,7 +2844,7 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Det ar inte tillåtet att skicka privata meddelanden" msgstr "Det ar inte tillåtet att skicka privata meddelanden"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
@ -2878,11 +2879,11 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Det ar inte tillåtet att skicka privata meddelanden" msgstr "Det ar inte tillåtet att skicka privata meddelanden"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860

View File

@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","ป้อนพาธไปยัง jabberd14 spool dir"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","ป้อนพาธไปยัง jabberd14 spool dir"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","ป้อนพาธไปยังไฟล์เก็บพักข้อมูล jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","ป้อนพาธไปยังไฟล์เก็บพักข้อมูล jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","ป้อนพาธของไฟล์ข้อความ"}. {"Enter path to text file","ป้อนพาธของไฟล์ข้อความ"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Family Name","นามสกุล"}. {"Family Name","นามสกุล"}.
{"February","กุมภาพันธ์"}. {"February","กุมภาพันธ์"}.
{"Friday","วันศุกร์"}. {"Friday","วันศุกร์"}.

View File

@ -552,8 +552,8 @@ msgstr "กลุ่มที่แสดง:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -637,8 +637,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "ป้อนพาธของไฟล์ข้อความ" msgstr "ป้อนพาธของไฟล์ข้อความ"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -709,8 +710,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "กรอกข้อมูลลงในฟิลด์เพื่อค้นหาผู้ใช้ Jabber ที่ตรงกัน" msgstr "กรอกข้อมูลลงในฟิลด์เพื่อค้นหาผู้ใช้ XMPP ที่ตรงกัน"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -946,10 +947,6 @@ msgstr "การสร้างห้องสนทนาถูกปฏิเ
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1108,8 +1105,7 @@ msgstr "ต้องเป็นสมาชิกจึงจะสามาร
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1829,7 +1825,7 @@ msgstr "บัญชีรายชื่อ"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
@ -2072,8 +2068,8 @@ msgstr "ปิดการบริการ"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2343,7 +2339,7 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "รหัสผ่านคือ" msgstr "รหัสผ่านคือ"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
@ -2414,13 +2410,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
@ -2566,7 +2562,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
@ -2810,6 +2806,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "การลงทะเบียนชื่อเล่นที่ "
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2845,7 +2846,7 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "ไม่อนุญาตให้ส่งข้อความส่วนตัวไปยังห้องประชุม" msgstr "ไม่อนุญาตให้ส่งข้อความส่วนตัวไปยังห้องประชุม"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
@ -2880,11 +2881,11 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "ไม่อนุญาตให้ส่งข้อความส่วนตัวไปยังห้องประชุม" msgstr "ไม่อนุญาตให้ส่งข้อความส่วนตัวไปยังห้องประชุม"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860

View File

@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Yükleri (payload) olay uyarıları ile beraber gönder"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Yükleri (payload) olay uyarıları ile beraber gönder"}.
{"Description:","Tanım:"}. {"Description:","Tanım:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Sadece disk kopyala"}. {"Disc only copy","Sadece disk kopyala"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Parolanızı kimseye söylemeyin, Jabber sunucusunun yöneticilerine bile."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Metin Dosyasına Döküm Alarak Yedekle : "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Metin Dosyasına Döküm Alarak Yedekle : "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Metin Dosyasına Döküm Al"}. {"Dump to Text File","Metin Dosyasına Döküm Al"}.
{"Edit Properties","Özellikleri Düzenle"}. {"Edit Properties","Özellikleri Düzenle"}.
@ -82,7 +81,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","jabberd14 spool dosyası için yol giriniz"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","jabberd14 spool dosyası için yol giriniz"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Metin dosyasının yolunu giriniz"}. {"Enter path to text file","Metin dosyasının yolunu giriniz"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Gördüğünüz metni giriniz"}. {"Enter the text you see","Gördüğünüz metni giriniz"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Sunucusu"}.
{"Error","Hata"}. {"Error","Hata"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","CAPTCHA doğrulamasını şu Jabber ID'ler için yapma"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","CAPTCHA doğrulamasını şu Jabber ID'ler için yapma"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Sunucudaki tüm kullanıcıların verisini PIEFXIS dosyalarına (XEP-0227) dışa aktar:"}. {"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Sunucudaki tüm kullanıcıların verisini PIEFXIS dosyalarına (XEP-0227) dışa aktar:"}.
@ -122,7 +120,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","\"groupchat\" tipinde özel mesajlar gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","\"groupchat\" tipinde özel mesajlar gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Konferansa özel mesajlar gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Konferansa özel mesajlar gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Özel mesaj gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Özel mesaj gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber Hesap Kaydı"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","Ocak"}. {"January","Ocak"}.
{"joins the room","odaya katıldı"}. {"joins the room","odaya katıldı"}.
@ -148,7 +145,6 @@
{"May","Mayıs"}. {"May","Mayıs"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Bu odaya girmek için üyelik gerekiyor"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","Bu odaya girmek için üyelik gerekiyor"}.
{"Members:","Üyeler:"}. {"Members:","Üyeler:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Parolanızı ezberleyin ya da bir kağıda yazarak güvenli bir yerde saklayın. Jabber'da parolanızı unutursanız, otomatik kurtarmak için bir yöntem bulunmuyor."}.
{"Memory","Bellek"}. {"Memory","Bellek"}.
{"Message body","Mesajın gövdesi"}. {"Message body","Mesajın gövdesi"}.
{"Middle Name","Ortanca İsim"}. {"Middle Name","Ortanca İsim"}.
@ -222,7 +218,6 @@
{"RAM copy","RAM kopyala"}. {"RAM copy","RAM kopyala"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Günün mesajını silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Günün mesajını silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Alıcı konferans odasında değil"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Alıcı konferans odasında değil"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Bir Jabber hesabı kaydet"}.
{"Registered Users","Kayıtlı Kullanıcılar"}. {"Registered Users","Kayıtlı Kullanıcılar"}.
{"Registered Users:","Kayıtlı Kullanıcılar:"}. {"Registered Users:","Kayıtlı Kullanıcılar:"}.
{"Register","Kayıt Ol"}. {"Register","Kayıt Ol"}.
@ -264,7 +259,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Önemli Tabloyu Göster"}. {"Show Integral Table","Önemli Tabloyu Göster"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Sıradan Tabloyu Göster"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Sıradan Tabloyu Göster"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Servisi Kapat"}. {"Shut Down Service","Servisi Kapat"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Bazı Jabber istemcileri parolanızı bilgisayarınızda saklayabilir. Bu özelliği ancak bilgisayarın güvenli olduğuna güveniyorsanız kullanın."}.
{"Specify the access model","Erişim modelini belirtiniz"}. {"Specify the access model","Erişim modelini belirtiniz"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Olay mesaj tipini belirtiniz"}. {"Specify the event message type","Olay mesaj tipini belirtiniz"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Yayıncı modelini belirtiniz"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Yayıncı modelini belirtiniz"}.
@ -288,13 +282,10 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Bir düğüm ile bağlantılı koleksiyonlar"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Bir düğüm ile bağlantılı koleksiyonlar"}.
{"The password is too weak","Parola çok zayıf"}. {"The password is too weak","Parola çok zayıf"}.
{"the password is","parola :"}. {"the password is","parola :"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Jabber hesabınızın parolası başarıyla değiştirildi."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Parolanın değiştirilmesi sırasında bir hata oluştu:"}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Parolanın değiştirilmesi sırasında bir hata oluştu:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hesap oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Hesap oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hesabın silinmesi sırasında bir hata oluştu:"}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hesabın silinmesi sırasında bir hata oluştu:"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Burada büyük küçük harfi yapılmaz: macbeth ile MacBeth ve Macbeth aynıdır."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Burada büyük küçük harfi yapılmaz: macbeth ile MacBeth ve Macbeth aynıdır."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Bu sayfa bu Jabber sunucusunda bir Jabber hesabı oluşturulmasına olanak tanıyor. Sizin JID'iniz (Jabber Tanımlayıcısı) şu biçemde olacaktır: kullanici_adi@sunucu. Lütfen alanları doğru doldurabilmek için yönergeleri dikkatle okuyunuz."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Bu sayfa bu Jabber sunucusundan bir Jabber hesabının kaydını silmeye olanak tanıyor."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Bu oda anonim değil"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Bu oda anonim değil"}.
{"Thursday","Perşembe"}. {"Thursday","Perşembe"}.
{"Time delay","Zaman gecikmesi"}. {"Time delay","Zaman gecikmesi"}.
@ -309,7 +300,6 @@
{"Tuesday","Salı"}. {"Tuesday","Salı"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","İnsan doğrulaması (CAPTCHA) oluşturulamadı"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","İnsan doğrulaması (CAPTCHA) oluşturulamadı"}.
{"Unauthorized","Yetkisiz"}. {"Unauthorized","Yetkisiz"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Bir Jabber hesabı kaydı sil"}.
{"Unregister","Kaydı Sil"}. {"Unregister","Kaydı Sil"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Günün mesajını güncelle (gönderme)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Günün mesajını güncelle (gönderme)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Tüm sunuculardaki günün mesajını güncelle (gönderme)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Tüm sunuculardaki günün mesajını güncelle (gönderme)"}.
@ -334,7 +324,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Çarşamba"}. {"Wednesday","Çarşamba"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Son yayınlanan öğe ne zaman gönderilsin"}. {"When to send the last published item","Son yayınlanan öğe ne zaman gönderilsin"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Üyeliklere izin verilsin mi"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Üyeliklere izin verilsin mi"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Parolanızı daha sonra bir Jabber istemci kullanarak değiştirebilirsiniz."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Bu odaya girmeniz yasaklandı"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Bu odaya girmeniz yasaklandı"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Formda \"Takma isim\" alanını doldurmanız gerekiyor"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Formda \"Takma isim\" alanını doldurmanız gerekiyor"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Takma isminizi kaydettirmek için x:data ve CAPTCHA destekleyen bir istemciye gereksinimiz var"}. {"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Takma isminizi kaydettirmek için x:data ve CAPTCHA destekleyen bir istemciye gereksinimiz var"}.
@ -342,6 +331,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Arama yapabilmek için x:data becerisine sahip bir istemciye gereksinimiz var"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Arama yapabilmek için x:data becerisine sahip bir istemciye gereksinimiz var"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Etkin mahremiyet listeniz bu bölümün yönlendirilmesini engelledi."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Etkin mahremiyet listeniz bu bölümün yönlendirilmesini engelledi."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Çevirim-dışı mesaj kuyruğunuz dolu. Mesajını dikkate alınmadı."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Çevirim-dışı mesaj kuyruğunuz dolu. Mesajını dikkate alınmadı."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Jabber hesabınız başarıyla oluşturuldu."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Jabber hesabınız başarıyla silindi."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","~s kullanıcısına mesajlarınız engelleniyor. Durumu düzeltmek için ~s adresini ziyaret ediniz."}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","~s kullanıcısına mesajlarınız engelleniyor. Durumu düzeltmek için ~s adresini ziyaret ediniz."}.

View File

@ -550,10 +550,11 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Gösterilen Gruplar:" msgstr "Gösterilen Gruplar:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "Parolanızı kimseye söylemeyin, Jabber sunucusunun yöneticilerine bile." msgstr "Parolanızı kimseye söylemeyin, XMPP sunucusunun yöneticilerine bile."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -635,8 +636,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Gördüğünüz metni giriniz" msgstr "Gördüğünüz metni giriniz"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Sunucusu" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Sunucusu"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -711,7 +713,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Eşleşen jabber kullanıcılarını aramak için alanları doldurunuz" msgstr "Eşleşen jabber kullanıcılarını aramak için alanları doldurunuz"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
@ -947,10 +949,6 @@ msgstr "Odanın oluşturulması servis politikası gereği reddedildi"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Jabber Hesap Kaydı"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1104,13 +1102,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "Bu odaya girmek için üyelik gerekiyor" msgstr "Bu odaya girmek için üyelik gerekiyor"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Parolanızı ezberleyin ya da bir kağıda yazarak güvenli bir yerde saklayın. " "Parolanızı ezberleyin ya da bir kağıda yazarak güvenli bir yerde saklayın. "
"Jabber'da parolanızı unutursanız, otomatik kurtarmak için bir yöntem " "XMPP'da parolanızı unutursanız, otomatik kurtarmak için bir yöntem "
"bulunmuyor." "bulunmuyor."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1823,8 +1821,9 @@ msgstr "Kayıt Ol"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Bir Jabber hesabı kaydet" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Bir XMPP hesabı kaydet"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2063,12 +2062,13 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Servisi Kapat" msgstr "Servisi Kapat"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Bazı Jabber istemcileri parolanızı bilgisayarınızda saklayabilir. Bu " "Bazı XMPP istemcileri parolanızı bilgisayarınızda saklayabilir. Bu özelliği "
"özelliği ancak bilgisayarın güvenli olduğuna güveniyorsanız kullanın." "ancak bilgisayarın güvenli olduğuna güveniyorsanız kullanın."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2254,7 +2254,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:611 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:611
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "The account was not deleted" msgid "The account was not deleted"
msgstr "Jabber hesabınız başarıyla silindi." msgstr "XMPP hesabınız başarıyla silindi."
#: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397 #: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397
msgid "The body text of the last received message" msgid "The body text of the last received message"
@ -2336,8 +2336,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Parola çok zayıf" msgstr "Parola çok zayıf"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber hesabınızın parolası başarıyla değiştirildi." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "XMPP hesabınızın parolası başarıyla değiştirildi."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2407,20 +2408,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Burada büyük küçük harfi yapılmaz: macbeth ile MacBeth ve Macbeth aynıdır." "Burada büyük küçük harfi yapılmaz: macbeth ile MacBeth ve Macbeth aynıdır."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Bu sayfa bu Jabber sunucusunda bir Jabber hesabı oluşturulmasına olanak " "Bu sayfa bu XMPP sunucusunda bir XMPP hesabı oluşturulmasına olanak tanıyor. "
"tanıyor. Sizin JID'iniz (Jabber Tanımlayıcısı) şu biçemde olacaktır: " "Sizin JID'iniz (Jabber Tanımlayıcısı) şu biçemde olacaktır: "
"kullanici_adi@sunucu. Lütfen alanları doğru doldurabilmek için yönergeleri " "kullanici_adi@sunucu. Lütfen alanları doğru doldurabilmek için yönergeleri "
"dikkatle okuyunuz." "dikkatle okuyunuz."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Bu sayfa bu Jabber sunucusundan bir Jabber hesabının kaydını silmeye olanak " "Bu sayfa bu XMPP sunucusundan bir XMPP hesabının kaydını silmeye olanak "
"tanıyor." "tanıyor."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
@ -2567,8 +2570,9 @@ msgstr "Kaydı Sil"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Bir Jabber hesabı kaydı sil" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Bir XMPP hesabı kaydı sil"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2809,6 +2813,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "XMPP Hesap Kaydı"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2845,9 +2854,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Özel mesaj gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor" msgstr "Özel mesaj gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "" msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
"Parolanızı daha sonra bir Jabber istemci kullanarak değiştirebilirsiniz." msgstr "Parolanızı daha sonra bir XMPP istemci kullanarak değiştirebilirsiniz."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2884,12 +2893,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Özel mesaj gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor" msgstr "Özel mesaj gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber hesabınız başarıyla oluşturuldu." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "XMPP hesabınız başarıyla oluşturuldu."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Jabber hesabınız başarıyla silindi." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "XMPP hesabınız başarıyla silindi."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Доставляти разом з повідомленнями про публікації самі публікації"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Доставляти разом з повідомленнями про публікації самі публікації"}.
{"Description:","Опис:"}. {"Description:","Опис:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Тільки диск"}. {"Disc only copy","Тільки диск"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Нікому не кажіть свій пароль, навіть адміністраторам сервера."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Копіювання в текстовий файл на "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Копіювання в текстовий файл на "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Копіювання в текстовий файл"}. {"Dump to Text File","Копіювання в текстовий файл"}.
{"Edit Properties","Змінити параметри"}. {"Edit Properties","Змінити параметри"}.
@ -87,7 +86,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Введіть шлях до файла зі спула jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Введіть шлях до файла зі спула jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Введіть шлях до текстового файла"}. {"Enter path to text file","Введіть шлях до текстового файла"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Введіть текст, що ви бачите"}. {"Enter the text you see","Введіть текст, що ви бачите"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Error","Помилка"}. {"Error","Помилка"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Пропускати ці Jabber ID без CAPTCHA-запиту"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Пропускати ці Jabber ID без CAPTCHA-запиту"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Експорт усіх таблиць, як SQL запити, у файл"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Експорт усіх таблиць, як SQL запити, у файл"}.
@ -131,7 +129,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Не дозволяється надсилати приватні повідомлення типу \"groupchat\""}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Не дозволяється надсилати приватні повідомлення типу \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Не дозволяється надсилати приватні повідомлення в конференцію"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Не дозволяється надсилати приватні повідомлення в конференцію"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Приватні повідомлення не дозволені"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Приватні повідомлення не дозволені"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Реєстрація Jabber-акаунту"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","січня"}. {"January","січня"}.
{"joins the room","увійшов(ла) в кімнату"}. {"joins the room","увійшов(ла) в кімнату"}.
@ -158,7 +155,6 @@
{"May","травня"}. {"May","травня"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","В цю конференцію можуть входити тільки її члени"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","В цю конференцію можуть входити тільки її члени"}.
{"Members:","Члени:"}. {"Members:","Члени:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Запам'ятайте пароль, або запишіть його на папері, який треба зберегти у безпечному місці. У Jabber'і немає автоматизованих засобів відновлення пароля на той випадок, якщо ви його забудете."}.
{"Memory","Пам'ять"}. {"Memory","Пам'ять"}.
{"Message body","Тіло повідомлення"}. {"Message body","Тіло повідомлення"}.
{"Middle Name","По-батькові"}. {"Middle Name","По-батькові"}.
@ -238,7 +234,6 @@
{"RAM copy","ОЗП"}. {"RAM copy","ОЗП"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Насправді, видалити повідомлення дня?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Насправді, видалити повідомлення дня?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Адресата немає в конференції"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Адресата немає в конференції"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Зареєструвати Jabber-акаунт"}.
{"Registered Users","Зареєстровані користувачі"}. {"Registered Users","Зареєстровані користувачі"}.
{"Registered Users:","Зареєстровані користувачі:"}. {"Registered Users:","Зареєстровані користувачі:"}.
{"Register","Реєстрація"}. {"Register","Реєстрація"}.
@ -281,7 +276,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Показати інтегральну таблицю"}. {"Show Integral Table","Показати інтегральну таблицю"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Показати звичайну таблицю"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Показати звичайну таблицю"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Вимкнути Сервіс"}. {"Shut Down Service","Вимкнути Сервіс"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Деякі Jabber-клієнти можуть зберігати пароль на вашому комп'ютері. Користуйтесь цією функцією тільки у тому випадку, якщо вважаєте її безпечною."}.
{"Specify the access model","Визначити модель доступу"}. {"Specify the access model","Визначити модель доступу"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Вкажіть тип повідомлень зі сповіщеннями про події"}. {"Specify the event message type","Вкажіть тип повідомлень зі сповіщеннями про події"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Умови публікації"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Умови публікації"}.
@ -305,13 +299,10 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Колекція, до якої входить вузол"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Колекція, до якої входить вузол"}.
{"The password is too weak","Пароль надто простий"}. {"The password is too weak","Пароль надто простий"}.
{"the password is","пароль:"}. {"the password is","пароль:"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Пароль вашого Jabber-акаунту був успішно змінений."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Помилка при зміні пароля: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Помилка при зміні пароля: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Помилка при створенні акаунту:"}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Помилка при створенні акаунту:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Помилка при видаленні акаунту: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Помилка при видаленні акаунту: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Регістр не має значення: \"МАША\" та \"маша\" буде сприйматися як одне й те саме ім'я."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Регістр не має значення: \"МАША\" та \"маша\" буде сприйматися як одне й те саме ім'я."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Тут ви можете зареєструвати обліковий запис Jabber на цьому сервері. Ваш JID (ідентифікатор Jabber) матиме вигляд \"користувач@сервер\". Щоб вірно заповнити поля нижче, будь ласка, уважно читайте інструкції до них."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Ця сторінка дозволяє видалити свій акаунт з Jabber-сервера."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ця кімната не анонімна"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Ця кімната не анонімна"}.
{"Thursday","Четвер"}. {"Thursday","Четвер"}.
{"Time delay","Час затримки"}. {"Time delay","Час затримки"}.
@ -329,7 +320,6 @@
{"Tuesday","Вівторок"}. {"Tuesday","Вівторок"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Нема можливості згенерувати капчу"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Нема можливості згенерувати капчу"}.
{"Unauthorized","Не авторизовано"}. {"Unauthorized","Не авторизовано"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Видалити Jabber-акаунт"}.
{"Unregister","Видалити"}. {"Unregister","Видалити"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Оновити повідомлення дня (не надсилати)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Оновити повідомлення дня (не надсилати)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Оновити повідомлення дня на всіх хостах (не надсилати)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Оновити повідомлення дня на всіх хостах (не надсилати)"}.
@ -356,7 +346,6 @@
{"Wednesday","Середа"}. {"Wednesday","Середа"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Коли надсилати останній опублікований елемент"}. {"When to send the last published item","Коли надсилати останній опублікований елемент"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Дозволяти підписку"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Дозволяти підписку"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Пізніше можна змінити пароль через Jabber-клієнт."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Вам заборонено входити в цю конференцію"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Вам заборонено входити в цю конференцію"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Вам необхідно заповнити поле \"Псевдонім\" у формі"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Вам необхідно заповнити поле \"Псевдонім\" у формі"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Для реєстрації псевдоніму необхідно використовувати клієнт з підтримкою x:data"}. {"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Для реєстрації псевдоніму необхідно використовувати клієнт з підтримкою x:data"}.
@ -364,6 +353,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Для пошуку необхідний клієнт із підтримкою x:data"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Для пошуку необхідний клієнт із підтримкою x:data"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Маршрутизація цієї строфи була відмінена активним списком приватності."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Маршрутизація цієї строфи була відмінена активним списком приватності."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Черга повідомлень, що не були доставлені, переповнена. Повідомлення не було збережено."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Черга повідомлень, що не були доставлені, переповнена. Повідомлення не було збережено."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Ваш Jabber-акаунт було успішно створено."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Ваш Jabber-акаунт було успішно видалено."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Ваші повідомлення до ~s блокуються. Для розблокування відвідайте ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Ваші повідомлення до ~s блокуються. Для розблокування відвідайте ~s"}.

View File

@ -550,9 +550,10 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Видимі групи:" msgstr "Видимі групи:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "Нікому не кажіть свій пароль, навіть адміністраторам сервера." msgstr "Нікому не кажіть свій пароль, навіть адміністраторам сервера."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -635,8 +636,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Введіть текст, що ви бачите" msgstr "Введіть текст, що ви бачите"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -707,8 +709,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Заповніть поля для пошуку користувача Jabber" msgstr "Заповніть поля для пошуку користувача XMPP"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -944,10 +946,6 @@ msgstr "Створювати конференцію заборонено пол
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Реєстрація Jabber-акаунту"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1101,14 +1099,14 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "В цю конференцію можуть входити тільки її члени" msgstr "В цю конференцію можуть входити тільки її члени"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Запам'ятайте пароль, або запишіть його на папері, який треба зберегти у " "Запам'ятайте пароль, або запишіть його на папері, який треба зберегти у "
"безпечному місці. У Jabber'і немає автоматизованих засобів відновлення " "безпечному місці. У XMPP'і немає автоматизованих засобів відновлення пароля "
"пароля на той випадок, якщо ви його забудете." "на той випадок, якщо ви його забудете."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1819,8 +1817,9 @@ msgstr "Реєстрація"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Зареєструвати Jabber-акаунт" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Зареєструвати XMPP-акаунт"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2062,11 +2061,12 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Вимкнути Сервіс" msgstr "Вимкнути Сервіс"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Деякі Jabber-клієнти можуть зберігати пароль на вашому комп'ютері. " "Деякі XMPP-клієнти можуть зберігати пароль на вашому комп'ютері. "
"Користуйтесь цією функцією тільки у тому випадку, якщо вважаєте її безпечною." "Користуйтесь цією функцією тільки у тому випадку, якщо вважаєте її безпечною."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2253,7 +2253,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:611 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:611
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "The account was not deleted" msgid "The account was not deleted"
msgstr "Ваш Jabber-акаунт було успішно видалено." msgstr "Ваш XMPP-акаунт було успішно видалено."
#: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397 #: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397
msgid "The body text of the last received message" msgid "The body text of the last received message"
@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_meta_data.erl:710 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_meta_data.erl:710
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "The number of subscribers to the node" msgid "The number of subscribers to the node"
msgstr "Чи дозволити цьому Jabber ID підписатись новини наданого вузла" msgstr "Чи дозволити цьому XMPP ID підписатись новини наданого вузла"
#: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:343 #: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:343
msgid "The number of unread or undelivered messages" msgid "The number of unread or undelivered messages"
@ -2335,8 +2335,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "Пароль надто простий" msgstr "Пароль надто простий"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Пароль вашого Jabber-акаунту був успішно змінений." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Пароль вашого XMPP-акаунту був успішно змінений."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2407,18 +2408,20 @@ msgstr ""
"саме ім'я." "саме ім'я."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Тут ви можете зареєструвати обліковий запис Jabber на цьому сервері. Ваш JID " "Тут ви можете зареєструвати обліковий запис XMPP на цьому сервері. Ваш JID "
"(ідентифікатор Jabber) матиме вигляд \"користувач@сервер\". Щоб вірно " "(ідентифікатор Jabber) матиме вигляд \"користувач@сервер\". Щоб вірно "
"заповнити поля нижче, будь ласка, уважно читайте інструкції до них." "заповнити поля нижче, будь ласка, уважно читайте інструкції до них."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ця сторінка дозволяє видалити свій акаунт з Jabber-сервера." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "Ця сторінка дозволяє видалити свій акаунт з XMPP-сервера."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2567,8 +2570,9 @@ msgstr "Видалити"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Видалити Jabber-акаунт" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Видалити XMPP-акаунт"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2806,6 +2810,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Реєстрація XMPP-акаунту"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2842,8 +2851,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Приватні повідомлення не дозволені" msgstr "Приватні повідомлення не дозволені"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Пізніше можна змінити пароль через Jabber-клієнт." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Пізніше можна змінити пароль через XMPP-клієнт."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2879,12 +2889,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Приватні повідомлення не дозволені" msgstr "Приватні повідомлення не дозволені"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ваш Jabber-акаунт було успішно створено." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Ваш XMPP-акаунт було успішно створено."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Ваш Jabber-акаунт було успішно видалено." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Ваш XMPP-акаунт було успішно видалено."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Nhập đường dẫn đến thư mục spool jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Nhập đường dẫn đến thư mục spool jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Nhập đường dẫn đến tập tin spool jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Nhập đường dẫn đến tập tin spool jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Nhập đường dẫn đến tập tin văn bản"}. {"Enter path to text file","Nhập đường dẫn đến tập tin văn bản"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server Bản quyền"}.
{"Family Name","Họ"}. {"Family Name","Họ"}.
{"February","Tháng Hai"}. {"February","Tháng Hai"}.
{"Friday","Thứ Sáu"}. {"Friday","Thứ Sáu"}.

View File

@ -552,8 +552,8 @@ msgstr "Nhóm được hiển thị:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
@ -637,8 +637,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Nhập đường dẫn đến tập tin văn bản" msgstr "Nhập đường dẫn đến tập tin văn bản"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber Server Bản quyền" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP Server Bản quyền"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -709,10 +710,10 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Điền vào các ô để tìm kiếm bất kỳ các thông tin nào khớp với Người sử dụng " "Điền vào các ô để tìm kiếm bất kỳ các thông tin nào khớp với Người sử dụng "
"Jabber" "XMPP"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -948,10 +949,6 @@ msgstr "Việc tạo phòng bị ngăn lại theo chính sách dịch vụ"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1110,8 +1107,7 @@ msgstr "Yêu cầu tư cách thành viên khi tham gia vào phòng này"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1836,7 +1832,7 @@ msgstr "Bảng phân công"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
@ -2083,8 +2079,8 @@ msgstr "Tắt Dịch Vụ"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2354,7 +2350,7 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "mật khẩu là" msgstr "mật khẩu là"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
@ -2425,13 +2421,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
@ -2577,7 +2573,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
@ -2821,6 +2817,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Đăng Ký Bí Danh tại"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2856,7 +2857,7 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Không được phép gửi những thư riêng đến phòng họp" msgstr "Không được phép gửi những thư riêng đến phòng họp"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
@ -2896,11 +2897,11 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Không được phép gửi những thư riêng đến phòng họp" msgstr "Không được phép gửi những thư riêng đến phòng họp"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860

View File

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Evoyî l' contnou avou les notifiaedjes d' evenmints"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Evoyî l' contnou avou les notifiaedjes d' evenmints"}.
{"Description:","Discrijhaedje:"}. {"Description:","Discrijhaedje:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Copeye seulmint sol deure plake"}. {"Disc only copy","Copeye seulmint sol deure plake"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","Ni dnez vosse sicret a nolu, nén ddja ås manaedjeus do sierveu Jabber."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Copeye di såvritè viè on fitchî tecse so "}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Copeye di såvritè viè on fitchî tecse so "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Schaper en on fitchî tecse"}. {"Dump to Text File","Schaper en on fitchî tecse"}.
{"Edit Properties","Candjî les prôpietés"}. {"Edit Properties","Candjî les prôpietés"}.
@ -87,7 +86,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' fitchî di spool jabberd14"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' fitchî di spool jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' fitchî tecse"}. {"Enter path to text file","Dinez l' tchimin viè l' fitchî tecse"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Tapez l' tecse ki vos voeyoz"}. {"Enter the text you see","Tapez l' tecse ki vos voeyoz"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Sierveu Jabber Erlang"}.
{"Error","Aroke"}. {"Error","Aroke"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Esclure les IDs Jabber des kesses CAPTCHA"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Esclure les IDs Jabber des kesses CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Espoirter totes les tåves, come des cmandes SQL, viè on fitchî"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Espoirter totes les tåves, come des cmandes SQL, viè on fitchî"}.
@ -131,7 +129,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","C' est nén possibe d' evoyî des messaedjes privés del sôre «groupchat»"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","C' est nén possibe d' evoyî des messaedjes privés del sôre «groupchat»"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","On n' pout nén evoyî des messaedjes privés dins cisse conferince ci"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","On n' pout nén evoyî des messaedjes privés dins cisse conferince ci"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Ci n' est nén permetou d' evoyî des messaedjes privés"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","Ci n' est nén permetou d' evoyî des messaedjes privés"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Edjîstraedje di conte Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}. {"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}.
{"January","djanvî"}. {"January","djanvî"}.
{"joins the room","arive sol såle"}. {"joins the room","arive sol såle"}.
@ -158,7 +155,6 @@
{"May","may"}. {"May","may"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","I fåt esse mimbe po poleur intrer dins cisse såle ci"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","I fåt esse mimbe po poleur intrer dins cisse såle ci"}.
{"Members:","Mimbes:"}. {"Members:","Mimbes:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Rimimbrez vosse sicret, ou scrijhoz l' so on papî ki vos wådroz en ene place bén a hoûte, ca avou Jabber i n' a pont moyén di rapexhî vosse sicret si vos l' rovyîz."}.
{"Memory","Memwere"}. {"Memory","Memwere"}.
{"Message body","Coir do messaedje"}. {"Message body","Coir do messaedje"}.
{"Middle Name","No do mitan"}. {"Middle Name","No do mitan"}.
@ -238,7 +234,6 @@
{"RAM copy","Copeye e memwere (RAM)"}. {"RAM copy","Copeye e memwere (RAM)"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Voloz vs vormint disfacer l' messaedje do djoû?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","Voloz vs vormint disfacer l' messaedje do djoû?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Li riçuveu n' est nén dins l' såle di conferince"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","Li riçuveu n' est nén dins l' såle di conferince"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Edjîstrer on conte Jabber"}.
{"Registered Users","Uzeus edjistrés"}. {"Registered Users","Uzeus edjistrés"}.
{"Registered Users:","Uzeus edjistrés:"}. {"Registered Users:","Uzeus edjistrés:"}.
{"Register","Edjîstrer"}. {"Register","Edjîstrer"}.
@ -281,7 +276,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","Mostrer totå"}. {"Show Integral Table","Mostrer totå"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrer crexhince"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrer crexhince"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Arester siervice"}. {"Shut Down Service","Arester siervice"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Des cliyints Jabber k' i gn a polèt wårder vosse sicret sol copiutrece, mins vos n' duvrîz fé çoula ki sol copiutrece da vosse, po des råjhons di såvrité."}.
{"Specify the access model","Sipecifyî l' modele d' accès"}. {"Specify the access model","Sipecifyî l' modele d' accès"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Sipecifyî l' sôre do messaedje d' evenmint"}. {"Specify the event message type","Sipecifyî l' sôre do messaedje d' evenmint"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Dinez l' modele d' eplaideu"}. {"Specify the publisher model","Dinez l' modele d' eplaideu"}.
@ -305,13 +299,10 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Les ramexhnêyes k' on nuk est afiyî avou"}. {"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Les ramexhnêyes k' on nuk est afiyî avou"}.
{"The password is too weak","li scret est trop flåw"}. {"The password is too weak","li scret est trop flåw"}.
{"the password is","li scret est"}. {"the password is","li scret est"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Li scret do conte Jabber da vosse a stî candjî comifåt."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot candjant l' sicret: "}. {"There was an error changing the password: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot candjant l' sicret: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot ahivant l' conte: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot ahivant l' conte: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot disfaçant l' conte: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot disfaçant l' conte: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pont d' diferince etur les grandes et ptitès letes: «macbeth» est l' minme ki «MacBeth» ou co «Macbeth»"}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pont d' diferince etur les grandes et ptitès letes: «macbeth» est l' minme ki «MacBeth» ou co «Macbeth»"}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Cisse pådje permete d' ahiver on conte Jabber so ç' sierveu Jabber ci. Li JID (IDintifieu Jabber) da vosse serè del cogne: noduzeu@sierveu. Lijhoz atintivmint les instruccions po bén rimpli les tchamps."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Cisse pådje permete di disdjîstrer on conte Jabber so ç' sierveu ci."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Cisse såle ci n' est nén anonime"}. {"This room is not anonymous","Cisse såle ci n' est nén anonime"}.
{"Thursday","djudi"}. {"Thursday","djudi"}.
{"Time delay","Tårdjaedje"}. {"Time delay","Tårdjaedje"}.
@ -329,7 +320,6 @@
{"Tuesday","mårdi"}. {"Tuesday","mårdi"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Nén moyén di djenerer on CAPTCHA"}. {"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Nén moyén di djenerer on CAPTCHA"}.
{"Unauthorized","Nén otorijhî"}. {"Unauthorized","Nén otorijhî"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Disdjîstrer on conte Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Disdjîstrer"}. {"Unregister","Disdjîstrer"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Mete a djoû l' messaedje do djoû (nén l' evoyî)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","Mete a djoû l' messaedje do djoû (nén l' evoyî)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Mete a djoû l' messaedje do djoû so tos les lodjoes (nén l' evoyî)"}. {"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Mete a djoû l' messaedje do djoû so tos les lodjoes (nén l' evoyî)"}.
@ -356,7 +346,6 @@
{"Wednesday","mierkidi"}. {"Wednesday","mierkidi"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Cwand evoyî l' dierin cayet eplaidî"}. {"When to send the last published item","Cwand evoyî l' dierin cayet eplaidî"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Si on permete les abounmints"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","Si on permete les abounmints"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Vos ploz candjî vosse sicret pus tård avou on cliyint Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Vos avoz stî bani di cisse såle ci"}. {"You have been banned from this room","Vos avoz stî bani di cisse såle ci"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Vos dvoz rimpli l' tchamp «Metou no» dins l' formiulaire"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Vos dvoz rimpli l' tchamp «Metou no» dins l' formiulaire"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data eyet CAPTCHA po vs edjîstrer"}. {"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data eyet CAPTCHA po vs edjîstrer"}.
@ -364,6 +353,4 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data po fé on cweraedje"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data po fé on cweraedje"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Vosse djivêye di privaceye active a rfuzé l' evoyaedje di ç' messaedje ci."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Vosse djivêye di privaceye active a rfuzé l' evoyaedje di ç' messaedje ci."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Li cawêye di messaedjes e môde disraloyî di vosse soçon est plinne. Li messaedje a stî tapé å diale."}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Li cawêye di messaedjes e môde disraloyî di vosse soçon est plinne. Li messaedje a stî tapé å diale."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Li conte Jabber da vosse a stî ahivé comifåt."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Li conte Jabber da vosse a stî disfacé comifåt."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Vos messaedjes po ~s sont blokés. Po les disbloker, alez vey ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Vos messaedjes po ~s sont blokés. Po les disbloker, alez vey ~s"}.

View File

@ -549,10 +549,11 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "Groupes håynés:" msgstr "Groupes håynés:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "Ni dnez vosse sicret a nolu, nén ddja ås manaedjeus do sierveu Jabber." msgstr "Ni dnez vosse sicret a nolu, nén ddja ås manaedjeus do sierveu XMPP."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -634,8 +635,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "Tapez l' tecse ki vos voeyoz" msgstr "Tapez l' tecse ki vos voeyoz"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Sierveu Jabber Erlang" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Sierveu XMPP Erlang"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -711,8 +713,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "Rimplixhoz les tchamps po cweri èn uzeu Jabber" msgstr "Rimplixhoz les tchamps po cweri èn uzeu XMPP"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -948,10 +950,6 @@ msgstr "L' ahivaedje del såle est rfuzé pal politike do siervice"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Edjîstraedje di conte Jabber"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1105,13 +1103,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "I fåt esse mimbe po poleur intrer dins cisse såle ci" msgstr "I fåt esse mimbe po poleur intrer dins cisse såle ci"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Rimimbrez vosse sicret, ou scrijhoz l' so on papî ki vos wådroz en ene place " "Rimimbrez vosse sicret, ou scrijhoz l' so on papî ki vos wådroz en ene place "
"bén a hoûte, ca avou Jabber i n' a pont moyén di rapexhî vosse sicret si vos " "bén a hoûte, ca avou XMPP i n' a pont moyén di rapexhî vosse sicret si vos "
"l' rovyîz." "l' rovyîz."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
@ -1826,8 +1824,9 @@ msgstr "Edjîstrer"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Edjîstrer on conte Jabber" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "Edjîstrer on conte XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2066,11 +2065,12 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "Arester siervice" msgstr "Arester siervice"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Des cliyints Jabber k' i gn a polèt wårder vosse sicret sol copiutrece, mins " "Des cliyints XMPP k' i gn a polèt wårder vosse sicret sol copiutrece, mins "
"vos n' duvrîz fé çoula ki sol copiutrece da vosse, po des råjhons di såvrité." "vos n' duvrîz fé çoula ki sol copiutrece da vosse, po des råjhons di såvrité."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
@ -2257,7 +2257,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:611 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:611
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "The account was not deleted" msgid "The account was not deleted"
msgstr "Li conte Jabber da vosse a stî disfacé comifåt." msgstr "Li conte XMPP da vosse a stî disfacé comifåt."
#: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397 #: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397
msgid "The body text of the last received message" msgid "The body text of the last received message"
@ -2340,8 +2340,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "li scret est trop flåw" msgstr "li scret est trop flåw"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Li scret do conte Jabber da vosse a stî candjî comifåt." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "Li scret do conte XMPP da vosse a stî candjî comifåt."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2412,18 +2413,20 @@ msgstr ""
"ki «MacBeth» ou co «Macbeth»" "ki «MacBeth» ou co «Macbeth»"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Cisse pådje permete d' ahiver on conte Jabber so ç' sierveu Jabber ci. Li " "Cisse pådje permete d' ahiver on conte XMPP so ç' sierveu XMPP ci. Li JID "
"JID (IDintifieu Jabber) da vosse serè del cogne: noduzeu@sierveu. Lijhoz " "(IDintifieu Jabber) da vosse serè del cogne: noduzeu@sierveu. Lijhoz "
"atintivmint les instruccions po bén rimpli les tchamps." "atintivmint les instruccions po bén rimpli les tchamps."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Cisse pådje permete di disdjîstrer on conte Jabber so ç' sierveu ci." msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "Cisse pådje permete di disdjîstrer on conte XMPP so ç' sierveu ci."
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2572,8 +2575,9 @@ msgstr "Disdjîstrer"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Disdjîstrer on conte Jabber" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "Disdjîstrer on conte XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2811,6 +2815,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "Edjîstraedje di conte XMPP"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2847,8 +2856,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "Ci n' est nén permetou d' evoyî des messaedjes privés" msgstr "Ci n' est nén permetou d' evoyî des messaedjes privés"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Vos ploz candjî vosse sicret pus tård avou on cliyint Jabber." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "Vos ploz candjî vosse sicret pus tård avou on cliyint XMPP."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2882,12 +2892,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "Ci n' est nén permetou d' evoyî des messaedjes privés" msgstr "Ci n' est nén permetou d' evoyî des messaedjes privés"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Li conte Jabber da vosse a stî ahivé comifåt." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "Li conte XMPP da vosse a stî ahivé comifåt."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "Li conte Jabber da vosse a stî disfacé comifåt." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "Li conte XMPP da vosse a stî disfacé comifåt."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."

View File

@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","用事件通告传输有效负载"}. {"Deliver payloads with event notifications","用事件通告传输有效负载"}.
{"Description:","描述:"}. {"Description:","描述:"}.
{"Disc only copy","仅磁盘复制"}. {"Disc only copy","仅磁盘复制"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the Jabber server.","不要将密码告诉任何人, 就算是Jabber服务器的管理员也不可以."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","转储备份到文本文件于"}. {"Dump Backup to Text File at ","转储备份到文本文件于"}.
{"Dump to Text File","转储到文本文件"}. {"Dump to Text File","转储到文本文件"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","按照RFC6121不允许有重复组"}. {"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","按照RFC6121不允许有重复组"}.
@ -96,7 +95,6 @@
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","请输入 jabberd14 spool 文件的路径"}. {"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","请输入 jabberd14 spool 文件的路径"}.
{"Enter path to text file","请输入文本文件的路径"}. {"Enter path to text file","请输入文本文件的路径"}.
{"Enter the text you see","请输入您所看到的文本"}. {"Enter the text you see","请输入您所看到的文本"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber服务器"}.
{"Error","错误"}. {"Error","错误"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","从验证码挑战中排除Jabber ID"}. {"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","从验证码挑战中排除Jabber ID"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","将所有表以SQL查询语句导出到文件:"}. {"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","将所有表以SQL查询语句导出到文件:"}.
@ -158,7 +156,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","\"群组聊天\"类型不允许发送私聊消息"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","\"群组聊天\"类型不允许发送私聊消息"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","不允许向会议发送私聊消息"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","不允许向会议发送私聊消息"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","不可以发送私聊消息"}. {"It is not allowed to send private messages","不可以发送私聊消息"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber帐户注册"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}. {"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"January","一月"}. {"January","一月"}.
{"joins the room","加入房间"}. {"joins the room","加入房间"}.
@ -186,7 +183,6 @@
{"May","五月"}. {"May","五月"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","进入此房间需要会员身份"}. {"Membership is required to enter this room","进入此房间需要会员身份"}.
{"Members:","会员:"}. {"Members:","会员:"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","记住你的密码, 或将其记到纸上并放于安全位置. 如果你忘记了密码, Jabber也没有自动恢复密码的方式."}.
{"Memory","内存"}. {"Memory","内存"}.
{"Message body","消息主体"}. {"Message body","消息主体"}.
{"Message not found in forwarded payload","转发的有效载荷中找不到消息"}. {"Message not found in forwarded payload","转发的有效载荷中找不到消息"}.
@ -300,7 +296,6 @@
{"RAM copy","内存(RAM)复制"}. {"RAM copy","内存(RAM)复制"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","确实要删除每日消息吗?"}. {"Really delete message of the day?","确实要删除每日消息吗?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","接收人不在会议室"}. {"Recipient is not in the conference room","接收人不在会议室"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","注册Jabber帐户"}.
{"Registered Users","注册用户"}. {"Registered Users","注册用户"}.
{"Registered Users:","注册用户:"}. {"Registered Users:","注册用户:"}.
{"Register","注册"}. {"Register","注册"}.
@ -343,7 +338,6 @@
{"Show Integral Table","显示完整列表"}. {"Show Integral Table","显示完整列表"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","显示普通列表"}. {"Show Ordinary Table","显示普通列表"}.
{"Shut Down Service","关闭服务"}. {"Shut Down Service","关闭服务"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","某些 Jabber 客户端可以在你的计算机里存储密码. 请仅在你确认你的计算机安全的情况下使用该功能."}.
{"Specify the access model","指定访问范例"}. {"Specify the access model","指定访问范例"}.
{"Specify the event message type","指定事件消息类型"}. {"Specify the event message type","指定事件消息类型"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","指定发布人范例"}. {"Specify the publisher model","指定发布人范例"}.
@ -370,7 +364,6 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","密码包含不可接受的字符"}. {"The password contains unacceptable characters","密码包含不可接受的字符"}.
{"The password is too weak","密码强度太弱"}. {"The password is too weak","密码强度太弱"}.
{"the password is","密码是"}. {"the password is","密码是"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","你的Jabber帐户密码已成功更新."}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","仅本地用户可以查询"}. {"The query is only allowed from local users","仅本地用户可以查询"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","查询不能包含 <item/> 元素"}. {"The query must not contain <item/> elements","查询不能包含 <item/> 元素"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","本节必须只含一个 <active/> 元素, <default/> 元素,或 <list/> 元素"}. {"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","本节必须只含一个 <active/> 元素, <default/> 元素,或 <list/> 元素"}.
@ -378,8 +371,6 @@
{"There was an error creating the account: ","帐户创建出错: "}. {"There was an error creating the account: ","帐户创建出错: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","帐户删除失败: "}. {"There was an error deleting the account: ","帐户删除失败: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","此处不区分大小写: macbeth 与 MacBeth 和 Macbeth 是一样的."}. {"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","此处不区分大小写: macbeth 与 MacBeth 和 Macbeth 是一样的."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","本页面允许在此服务器上创建Jabber帐户. 你的JID (Jabber ID) 的形式如下: 用户名@服务器. 请仔细阅读说明并正确填写相应字段."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","此页面允许在此Jabber服务器上注销Jabber帐户"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","此房间不是匿名房间"}. {"This room is not anonymous","此房间不是匿名房间"}.
{"Thursday","星期四"}. {"Thursday","星期四"}.
{"Time delay","时间延迟"}. {"Time delay","时间延迟"}.
@ -405,7 +396,6 @@
{"Unable to register route on existing local domain","在已存在的本地域上无法注册路由"}. {"Unable to register route on existing local domain","在已存在的本地域上无法注册路由"}.
{"Unauthorized","未认证的"}. {"Unauthorized","未认证的"}.
{"Unexpected action","意外行为"}. {"Unexpected action","意外行为"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","注销Jabber帐户"}.
{"Unregister","取消注册"}. {"Unregister","取消注册"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","不支持的 <index/> 元素"}. {"Unsupported <index/> element","不支持的 <index/> 元素"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","更新每日消息(不发送)"}. {"Update message of the day (don't send)","更新每日消息(不发送)"}.
@ -442,7 +432,6 @@
{"Wednesday","星期三"}. {"Wednesday","星期三"}.
{"When to send the last published item","何时发送最新发布的内容条目"}. {"When to send the last published item","何时发送最新发布的内容条目"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","是否允许订阅"}. {"Whether to allow subscriptions","是否允许订阅"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","你可以稍后用Jabber客户端修改你的密码."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","您已被禁止进入该房间"}. {"You have been banned from this room","您已被禁止进入该房间"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","您加入的会议太多"}. {"You have joined too many conferences","您加入的会议太多"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","您必须填充表单中\"昵称\"项"}. {"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","您必须填充表单中\"昵称\"项"}.
@ -451,7 +440,5 @@
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来搜索"}. {"You need an x:data capable client to search","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来搜索"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","你的活跃私聊列表拒绝了在此房间进行路由分发."}. {"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","你的活跃私聊列表拒绝了在此房间进行路由分发."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","您的联系人离线消息队列已满. 消息已被丢弃"}. {"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","您的联系人离线消息队列已满. 消息已被丢弃"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","你的Jabber帐户已成功创建."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","你的 Jabber 帐户已成功删除."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","您发送给~s的消息已被阻止. 要解除阻止, 请访问 ~s"}. {"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","您发送给~s的消息已被阻止. 要解除阻止, 请访问 ~s"}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","您不可以创建节点"}. {"You're not allowed to create nodes","您不可以创建节点"}.

View File

@ -544,10 +544,11 @@ msgid "Displayed:"
msgstr "已显示的组:" msgstr "已显示的组:"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:283 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the " "Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP "
"Jabber server." "server."
msgstr "不要将密码告诉任何人, 就算是Jabber服务器的管理员也不可以." msgstr "不要将密码告诉任何人, 就算是XMPP服务器的管理员也不可以."
#: src/mod_configure.erl:880 #: src/mod_configure.erl:880
msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at " msgid "Dump Backup to Text File at "
@ -629,8 +630,9 @@ msgid "Enter the text you see"
msgstr "请输入您所看到的文本" msgstr "请输入您所看到的文本"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:213 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:213
msgid "Erlang Jabber Server" #, fuzzy
msgstr "Erlang Jabber服务器" msgid "Erlang XMPP Server"
msgstr "Erlang XMPP服务器"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1203
msgid "Error" msgid "Error"
@ -701,8 +703,8 @@ msgstr "文件大于 ~w 字节"
#: src/mod_vcard.erl:458 #: src/mod_vcard.erl:458
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User" msgid "Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User"
msgstr "填充字段以搜索任何匹配的Jabber用户" msgstr "填充字段以搜索任何匹配的XMPP用户"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:472
msgid "Friday" msgid "Friday"
@ -934,10 +936,6 @@ msgstr "创建房间被服务策略拒绝"
msgid "JID normalization failed" msgid "JID normalization failed"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
msgid "Jabber Account Registration"
msgstr "Jabber帐户注册"
#: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995 #: src/mod_vcard_mnesia.erl:113 src/mod_configure.erl:995
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1012 src/mod_configure.erl:1022
#: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042 #: src/mod_configure.erl:1032 src/mod_configure.erl:1042
@ -1091,13 +1089,13 @@ msgid "Membership is required to enter this room"
msgstr "进入此房间需要会员身份" msgstr "进入此房间需要会员身份"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:294 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In " "Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In "
"Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget " "XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"记住你的密码, 或将其记到纸上并放于安全位置. 如果你忘记了密码, Jabber也没有自" "记住你的密码, 或将其记到纸上并放于安全位置. 如果你忘记了密码, XMPP也没有自动"
"恢复密码的方式." "恢复密码的方式."
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1181
msgid "Memory" msgid "Memory"
@ -1799,8 +1797,9 @@ msgstr "注册"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:214 src/mod_register_web.erl:242
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:250 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:250
msgid "Register a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "注册Jabber帐户" msgid "Register an XMPP account"
msgstr "注册XMPP帐户"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:588
msgid "Registered Users" msgid "Registered Users"
@ -2036,12 +2035,13 @@ msgid "Shut Down Service"
msgstr "关闭服务" msgstr "关闭服务"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:290 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:290
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should " "Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do "
"do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons." "this only in your personal computer for safety reasons."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"某些 Jabber 客户端可以在你的计算机里存储密码. 请仅在你确认你的计算机安全的情" "某些 XMPP 客户端可以在你的计算机里存储密码. 请仅在你确认你的计算机安全的情"
"下使用该功能." "下使用该功能."
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_node_config.erl:1344
#: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322 #: deps/xmpp/src/pubsub_publish_options.erl:322
@ -2229,7 +2229,7 @@ msgstr "节点已存在"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:611 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:611
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "The account was not deleted" msgid "The account was not deleted"
msgstr "你的 Jabber 帐户已成功删除." msgstr "你的 XMPP 帐户已成功删除."
#: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397 #: deps/xmpp/src/push_summary.erl:397
msgid "The body text of the last received message" msgid "The body text of the last received message"
@ -2311,8 +2311,9 @@ msgid "The password is too weak"
msgstr "密码强度太弱" msgstr "密码强度太弱"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:146 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:146
msgid "The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed." #, fuzzy
msgstr "你的Jabber帐户密码已成功更新." msgid "The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed."
msgstr "你的XMPP帐户密码已成功更新."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:613 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:613
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
@ -2381,17 +2382,19 @@ msgid "This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth."
msgstr "此处不区分大小写: macbeth 与 MacBeth 和 Macbeth 是一样的." msgstr "此处不区分大小写: macbeth 与 MacBeth 和 Macbeth 是一样的."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:252 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "" msgid ""
"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID " "This page allows to create an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID "
"(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read " "(Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read "
"carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields." "carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"本页面允许在此服务器上创建Jabber帐户. 你的JID (Jabber ID) 的形式如下: 用户名@" "本页面允许在此服务器上创建XMPP帐户. 你的JID (Jabber ID) 的形式如下: 用户名@"
"务器. 请仔细阅读说明并正确填写相应字段." "务器. 请仔细阅读说明并正确填写相应字段."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:507 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:507
msgid "This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server." #, fuzzy
msgstr "此页面允许在此Jabber服务器上注销Jabber帐户" msgid "This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server."
msgstr "此页面允许在此XMPP服务器上注销XMPP帐户"
#: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805 #: src/mod_muc_log.erl:805
msgid "This room is not anonymous" msgid "This room is not anonymous"
@ -2537,8 +2540,9 @@ msgstr "取消注册"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:219 src/mod_register_web.erl:497
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:505 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:505
msgid "Unregister a Jabber account" #, fuzzy
msgstr "注销Jabber帐户" msgid "Unregister an XMPP account"
msgstr "注销XMPP帐户"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:1417
msgid "Unselect All" msgid "Unselect All"
@ -2776,6 +2780,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong xmlns" msgid "Wrong xmlns"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:203 src/mod_register_web.erl:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "XMPP Account Registration"
msgstr "XMPP帐户注册"
#: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440 #: src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl:440
msgid "XMPP Domains" msgid "XMPP Domains"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -2812,8 +2821,9 @@ msgid "You are not joined to the channel"
msgstr "您不可以创建节点" msgstr "您不可以创建节点"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:287 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:287
msgid "You can later change your password using a Jabber client." #, fuzzy
msgstr "你可以稍后用Jabber客户端修改你的密码." msgid "You can later change your password using an XMPP client."
msgstr "你可以稍后用XMPP客户端修改你的密码."
#: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091 #: src/mod_muc_room.erl:2091
msgid "You have been banned from this room" msgid "You have been banned from this room"
@ -2844,12 +2854,14 @@ msgid "You're not allowed to create nodes"
msgstr "您不可以创建节点" msgstr "您不可以创建节点"
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:118 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:118
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully created." #, fuzzy
msgstr "你的Jabber帐户已成功创建." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully created."
msgstr "你的XMPP帐户已成功创建."
#: src/mod_register_web.erl:131 #: src/mod_register_web.erl:131
msgid "Your Jabber account was successfully deleted." #, fuzzy
msgstr "你的 Jabber 帐户已成功删除." msgid "Your XMPP account was successfully deleted."
msgstr "你的 XMPP 帐户已成功删除."
#: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860 #: src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:704 src/ejabberd_c2s.erl:860
msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza." msgid "Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza."