mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-12-26 17:38:45 +01:00

Split ACME module into two

1. A communications module that handles all requets/responses and other low level stuff that have to do with the ACME CA
2. A head module that will do all the useful stuff
This commit is contained in:
Konstantinos Kallas 2017-07-04 11:44:22 +03:00
parent d3c477646f
commit 56fc0efbc8
2 changed files with 440 additions and 401 deletions

View File

@ -1,24 +1,11 @@
-module (ejabberd_acme).
-export([%% Directory
%% Account
%% Authorization
%% Certificate
%% Ejabberdctl Commands
-export([%% Ejabberdctl Commands
%% Command Options Validity
%% Misc
%% Debugging Scenarios
@ -35,144 +22,6 @@
-define(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 5000). % 5 seconds.
-define(MAX_POLL_REQUESTS, 20).
-define(POLL_WAIT_TIME, 500). % 500 ms.
%% Directory
-spec directory(url()) -> {ok, dirs(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
directory(CAUrl) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/directory",
prepare_get_request(Url, fun get_dirs/1).
%% Account Handling
-spec new_account(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"new-reg" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{ <<"resource">>, <<"new-reg">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_tos/1).
-spec update_account({url(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
EJson = {[{ <<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
-spec get_account({url(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}]},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_tos/1).
-spec delete_account({url(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
delete_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
EJson =
{[{<<"resource">>, <<"reg">>},
{<<"status">>, <<"deactivated">>}]},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
%% Authorization Handling
-spec new_authz(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"new-authz" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"new-authz">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_location/1).
-spec get_authz({url(), string()}) -> {ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_authz({CAUrl, AuthzId}) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/authz/" ++ AuthzId,
prepare_get_request(Url, fun get_response/1).
-spec complete_challenge({url(), string(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
complete_challenge({CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallId}, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/challenge/" ++ AuthzId ++ "/" ++ ChallId,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"challenge">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
%% Certificate Handling
-spec new_cert(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), list()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"new-cert" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"new-cert">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_location/1,
-spec get_cert({url(), string()}) -> {ok, list(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_cert({CAUrl, CertId}) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/cert/" ++ CertId,
prepare_get_request(Url, fun get_response/1, "application/pkix-cert").
-spec revoke_cert(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
revoke_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"revoke-cert" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"revoke-cert">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1,
%% Handle Response Functions
-spec get_dirs({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, map(), nonce()}.
get_dirs({ok, Head, Return}) ->
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
StrDirectories = [{bitstring_to_list(X), bitstring_to_list(Y)} ||
{X, Y} <- Return],
NewDirs = maps:from_list(StrDirectories),
{ok, NewDirs, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, proplist(), nonce()}.
get_response({ok, Head, Return}) ->
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, Return, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response_tos({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()}.
get_response_tos({ok, Head, Return}) ->
TOSUrl = get_tos(Head),
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, {TOSUrl, Return}, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response_location({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()}.
get_response_location({ok, Head, Return}) ->
Location = get_location(Head),
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, {Location, Return}, NewNonce}.
@ -320,143 +169,6 @@ attribute_oid(organizationName) -> ?'id-at-organizationName';
attribute_oid(_) -> error(bad_attributes).
%% Authorization Polling
-spec get_authz_until_valid({url(), string()}) -> {ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}) ->
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}, ?MAX_POLL_REQUESTS).
-spec get_authz_until_valid({url(), string()}, non_neg_integer()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_authz_until_valid({_CAUrl, _AuthzId}, 0) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Maximum request limit waiting for validation reached", []),
{error, max_request_limit};
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}, N) ->
case get_authz({CAUrl, AuthzId}) of
{ok, Resp, Nonce} ->
case is_authz_valid(Resp) of
true ->
{ok, Resp, Nonce};
false ->
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}, N-1)
{error, _} = Err ->
-spec is_authz_valid(proplist()) -> boolean().
is_authz_valid(Authz) ->
case proplists:lookup(<<"status">>, Authz) of
{<<"status">>, <<"valid">>} ->
_ ->
%% Request Functions
%% TODO: Fix the duplicated code at the below 4 functions
-spec make_post_request(url(), bitstring(), string()) ->
{ok, proplist(), proplist()} | {error, _}.
make_post_request(Url, ReqBody, ResponseType) ->
Options = [],
HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
case httpc:request(post,
{Url, [], "application/jose+json", ReqBody}, HttpOptions, Options) of
{ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
decode_response(Head, Body, ResponseType);
Error ->
failed_http_request(Error, Url)
-spec make_get_request(url(), string()) ->
{ok, proplist(), proplist()} | {error, _}.
make_get_request(Url, ResponseType) ->
Options = [],
HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
case httpc:request(get, {Url, []}, HttpOptions, Options) of
{ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
decode_response(Head, Body, ResponseType);
Error ->
failed_http_request(Error, Url)
-spec prepare_post_request(url(), jose_jwk:key(), jiffy:json_value(),
nonce(), handle_resp_fun()) -> {ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, HandleRespFun) ->
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, HandleRespFun, "application/jose+json").
-spec prepare_post_request(url(), jose_jwk:key(), jiffy:json_value(),
nonce(), handle_resp_fun(), string()) -> {ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, HandleRespFun, ResponseType) ->
case encode(EJson) of
{ok, ReqBody} ->
FinalBody = sign_encode_json_jose(PrivateKey, ReqBody, Nonce),
case make_post_request(Url, FinalBody, ResponseType) of
{ok, Head, Return} ->
HandleRespFun({ok, Head, Return});
Error ->
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p when encoding: ~p", [Reason, EJson]),
{error, Reason}
-spec prepare_get_request(url(), handle_resp_fun()) ->
{ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun) ->
prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun, "application/jose+json").
-spec prepare_get_request(url(), handle_resp_fun(), string()) ->
{ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun, ResponseType) ->
case make_get_request(Url, ResponseType) of
{ok, Head, Return} ->
HandleRespFun({ok, Head, Return});
Error ->
%% Jose Json Functions
-spec sign_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), bitstring(), nonce()) -> {_, jws()}.
sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
PubKey = jose_jwk:to_public(Key),
{_, BinaryPubKey} = jose_jwk:to_binary(PubKey),
PubKeyJson = jiffy:decode(BinaryPubKey),
%% TODO: Ensure this works for all cases
AlgMap = jose_jwk:signer(Key),
JwsMap =
#{ <<"jwk">> => PubKeyJson,
%% <<"b64">> => true,
<<"nonce">> => list_to_bitstring(Nonce)
JwsObj0 = maps:merge(JwsMap, AlgMap),
JwsObj = jose_jws:from(JwsObj0),
jose_jws:sign(Key, Json, JwsObj).
-spec sign_encode_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), bitstring(), nonce()) -> bitstring().
sign_encode_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
{_, Signed} = sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce),
%% This depends on jose library, so we can consider it safe
@ -464,20 +176,6 @@ sign_encode_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
-spec get_nonce(proplist()) -> nonce() | 'none'.
get_nonce(Head) ->
case proplists:lookup("replay-nonce", Head) of
{"replay-nonce", Nonce} -> Nonce;
none -> none
-spec get_location(proplist()) -> url() | 'none'.
get_location(Head) ->
case proplists:lookup("location", Head) of
{"location", Location} -> Location;
none -> none
-spec location_to_id(url()) -> {ok, string()} | {error, not_found}.
location_to_id(Url0) ->
Url = string:strip(Url0, right, $/),
@ -489,74 +187,14 @@ location_to_id(Url0) ->
{ok, string:sub_string(Url, Ind+1)}
%% Very bad way to extract this
%% TODO: Find a better way
-spec get_tos(proplist()) -> url() | 'none'.
get_tos(Head) ->
[{_, Link}] = [{K, V} || {K, V} <- Head,
K =:= "link" andalso
lists:suffix("\"terms-of-service\"", V)],
[Link1, _] = string:tokens(Link, ";"),
Link2 = string:strip(Link1, left, $<),
string:strip(Link2, right, $>)
_:_ ->
-spec get_challenges(proplist()) -> [{proplist()}].
get_challenges(Body) ->
{<<"challenges">>, Challenges} = proplists:lookup(<<"challenges">>, Body),
decode_response(Head, Body, "application/pkix-cert") ->
{ok, Head, Body};
decode_response(Head, Body, "application/jose+json") ->
case decode(Body) of
{ok, Return} ->
{ok, Head, Return};
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Problem decoding: ~s", [Body]),
{error, Reason}
encode(EJson) ->
{ok, jiffy:encode(EJson)}
_:Reason ->
{error, Reason}
decode(Json) ->
{Result} = jiffy:decode(Json),
{ok, Result}
_:Reason ->
{error, Reason}
is_error({error, _}) -> true;
is_error(_) -> false.
%% Handle Failed HTTP Requests
-spec failed_http_request({ok, _} | {error, _}, url()) -> {error, _}.
failed_http_request({ok, {{_, Code, _}, _Head, Body}}, Url) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected status code from <~s>: ~B, Body: ~s",
[Url, Code, Body]),
{error, unexpected_code};
failed_http_request({error, Reason}, Url) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error making a request to <~s>: ~p",
[Url, Reason]),
{error, Reason}.
%% Handle Config and Persistence Files
@ -670,11 +308,11 @@ get_certificates0(CAUrl, HttpDir, "new-account") ->
PrivateKey = generate_key(),
%% Create a new account
{ok, _Id} = create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, Key),
{ok, Id} = create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey),
%% Write Persistent Data
{ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
NewData = set_account_persistent(Data, {Id, Key}),
NewData = set_account_persistent(Data, {Id, PrivateKey}),
ok = write_persistent(NewData),
get_certificates1(CAUrl, HttpDir, PrivateKey).
@ -686,13 +324,13 @@ get_certificates1(CAUrl, HttpDir, PrivateKey) ->
%% Get a certificate for each host
PemCertKeys = [get_certificate(CAUrl, Host, PrivateKey, HttpDir) || Host <- Hosts],
{AccId, PrivateKey, PemCertKeys}.
{ok, PrivateKey, PemCertKeys}.
get_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
?INFO_MSG("Getting a Certificate for domain: ~p~n", [DomainName]),
case create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) of
{ok, Authz} ->
{ok, _Authz} ->
create_new_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey);
{error, authorization} ->
{error, {authorization, {host, DomainName}}}
@ -702,13 +340,15 @@ get_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
%% Find a way to ask the user if he accepts the TOS
create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(CAUrl),
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [Contact]}],
{ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{<<"id">>, AccIdInt} = lists:keyfind(<<"id">>, 1, Account),
AccId = integer_to_list(AccIdInt),
Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}],
{ok, Account2, _Nonce2} = update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce1),
{ok, _Account2, _Nonce2} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce1),
{ok, AccId}
E:R ->
@ -718,12 +358,13 @@ create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey) ->
create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(CAUrl),
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
Req0 = [{<<"identifier">>,
{[{<<"type">>, <<"dns">>},
{<<"value">>, DomainName}]}},
{<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>}],
{ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce1} = new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce1} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{ok, AuthzId} = location_to_id(AuthzUrl),
Challenges = get_challenges(Authz),
@ -731,10 +372,10 @@ create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
acme_challenge:solve_challenge(<<"http-01">>, Challenges, {PrivateKey, HttpDir}),
{ok, ChallengeId} = location_to_id(ChallengeUrl),
Req3 = [{<<"type">>, <<"http-01">>},{<<"keyAuthorization">>, KeyAuthz}],
{ok, SolvedChallenge, Nonce2} =
complete_challenge({CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallengeId}, PrivateKey, Req3, Nonce1),
{ok, SolvedChallenge, Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:complete_challenge(
{CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallengeId}, PrivateKey, Req3, Nonce1),
{ok, AuthzValid, _Nonce} = get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}),
{ok, AuthzValid, _Nonce} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}),
{ok, AuthzValid}
E:R ->
@ -745,7 +386,7 @@ create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
create_new_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(CAUrl),
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
CSRSubject = [{commonName, bitstring_to_list(DomainName)}],
{CSR, CSRKey} = make_csr(CSRSubject),
{NotBefore, NotAfter} = not_before_not_after(),
@ -754,7 +395,7 @@ create_new_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey) ->
{<<"notBefore">>, NotBefore},
{<<"NotAfter">>, NotAfter}
{ok, {CertUrl, Certificate}, Nonce1} = new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce0),
{ok, {CertUrl, Certificate}, Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce0),
{ok, CertId} = location_to_id(CertUrl),
@ -788,9 +429,10 @@ not_before_not_after() ->
%% A typical acme workflow
scenario(CAUrl, AccId, PrivateKey) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(CAUrl),
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
{ok, {_TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce0),
{ok, {_TOS, Account}, Nonce1} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce0),
?INFO_MSG("Account: ~p~n", [Account]),
Req =
@ -799,7 +441,7 @@ scenario(CAUrl, AccId, PrivateKey) ->
{<<"value">>, <<"my-acme-test-ejabberd.com">>}]}},
{<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>}
{ok, Authz, Nonce2} = new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce1),
{ok, Authz, Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce1),
{Account, Authz, PrivateKey}.
@ -807,19 +449,21 @@ scenario(CAUrl, AccId, PrivateKey) ->
new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) ->
PrivateKey = generate_key(),
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(CAUrl),
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
%% ?INFO_MSG("Directories: ~p", [Dirs]),
Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [<<"mailto:cert-example-admin@example2.com">>]}],
{ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{_, AccIdInt} = proplists:lookup(<<"id">>, Account),
AccId = integer_to_list(AccIdInt),
{ok, {_TOS, Account1}, Nonce2} = get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce1),
{ok, {_TOS, Account1}, Nonce2} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce1),
%% ?INFO_MSG("Old account: ~p~n", [Account1]),
Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}],
{ok, Account2, Nonce3} = update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce2),
{ok, Account2, Nonce3} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce2),
%% NewKey = generate_key(),
%% KeyChangeUrl = CAUrl ++ "/acme/key-change/",
@ -838,10 +482,11 @@ new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) ->
{<<"value">>, DomainName}]}},
{<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>}
{ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce4} = new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req2, Nonce3),
{ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce4} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req2, Nonce3),
{ok, AuthzId} = location_to_id(AuthzUrl),
{ok, Authz2, Nonce5} = get_authz({CAUrl, AuthzId}),
{ok, Authz2, Nonce5} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_authz({CAUrl, AuthzId}),
?INFO_MSG("AuthzUrl: ~p~n", [AuthzUrl]),
Challenges = get_challenges(Authz2),
@ -856,11 +501,12 @@ new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) ->
[ {<<"type">>, <<"http-01">>}
, {<<"keyAuthorization">>, KeyAuthz}
{ok, SolvedChallenge, Nonce6} = complete_challenge({CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallengeId}, PrivateKey, Req3, Nonce5),
{ok, SolvedChallenge, Nonce6} = ejabberd_acme_comm:complete_challenge(
{CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallengeId}, PrivateKey, Req3, Nonce5),
%% ?INFO_MSG("SolvedChallenge: ~p~n", [SolvedChallenge]),
%% timer:sleep(2000),
{ok, Authz3, Nonce7} = get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}),
{ok, Authz3, Nonce7} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}),
#{"new-cert" := NewCert} = Dirs,
CSRSubject = [{commonName, bitstring_to_list(DomainName)},
@ -874,11 +520,12 @@ new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) ->
{<<"notBefore">>, NotBefore},
{<<"NotAfter">>, NotAfter}
{ok, {CertUrl, Certificate}, Nonce8} = new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req4, Nonce7),
{ok, {CertUrl, Certificate}, Nonce8} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req4, Nonce7),
?INFO_MSG("CertUrl: ~p~n", [CertUrl]),
{ok, CertId} = location_to_id(CertUrl),
{ok, Certificate2, Nonce9} = get_cert({CAUrl, CertId}),
{ok, Certificate2, Nonce9} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_cert({CAUrl, CertId}),
DecodedCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(list_to_binary(Certificate2), plain),
%% ?INFO_MSG("DecodedCert: ~p~n", [DecodedCert]),
@ -897,9 +544,9 @@ new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) ->
Base64Cert = base64url:encode(Certificate2),
Req5 = [{<<"certificate">>, Base64Cert}],
{ok, [], Nonce10} = revoke_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req5, Nonce9),
{ok, [], Nonce10} = ejabberd_acme_comm:revoke_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req5, Nonce9),
{ok, Certificate3, Nonce11} = get_cert(CertUrl),
{ok, Certificate3, Nonce11} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_cert(CertUrl),
{Account2, Authz3, CSR, Certificate, PrivateKey}.
@ -918,26 +565,30 @@ delete_account_scenario(CAUrl) ->
PrivateKey = generate_key(),
DirURL = CAUrl ++ "/directory",
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(DirURL),
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(DirURL),
%% ?INFO_MSG("Directories: ~p", [Dirs]),
Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [<<"mailto:cert-example-admin@example2.com">>]}],
{ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{_, AccIdInt} = proplists:lookup(<<"id">>, Account),
AccId = integer_to_list(AccIdInt),
{ok, {_TOS, Account1}, Nonce2} = get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce1),
{ok, {_TOS, Account1}, Nonce2} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce1),
%% ?INFO_MSG("Old account: ~p~n", [Account1]),
Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}],
{ok, Account2, Nonce3} = update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce2),
{ok, Account2, Nonce3} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce2),
%% Delete account
{ok, Account3, Nonce4} = delete_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce3),
{ok, Account3, Nonce4} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:delete_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce3),
{ok, {_TOS, Account4}, Nonce5} = get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce4),
{ok, {_TOS, Account4}, Nonce5} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce4),
?INFO_MSG("New account: ~p~n", [Account4]),
AccIdBin = list_to_bitstring(integer_to_list(AccIdInt)),
@ -948,7 +599,8 @@ delete_account_scenario(CAUrl) ->
{<<"value">>, DomainName}]}},
{<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>}
{ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce6} = new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req2, Nonce5),
{ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce6} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req2, Nonce5),
{ok, Account1, Account3, Authz}.

src/ejabberd_acme_comm.erl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
-export([%% Directory
%% Account
%% Authorization
%% Authorization polling
%% Certificate
%% Not yet implemented
%% key_roll_over/5
%% delete_authz/3
-define(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 5000). % 5 seconds.
-define(MAX_POLL_REQUESTS, 20).
-define(POLL_WAIT_TIME, 500). % 500 ms.
%% Directory
-spec directory(url()) -> {ok, dirs(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
directory(CAUrl) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/directory",
prepare_get_request(Url, fun get_dirs/1).
%% Account Handling
-spec new_account(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"new-reg" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{ <<"resource">>, <<"new-reg">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_tos/1).
-spec update_account({url(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
EJson = {[{ <<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
-spec get_account({url(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}]},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_tos/1).
-spec delete_account({url(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
delete_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
EJson =
{[{<<"resource">>, <<"reg">>},
{<<"status">>, <<"deactivated">>}]},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
%% Authorization Handling
-spec new_authz(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"new-authz" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"new-authz">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_location/1).
-spec get_authz({url(), string()}) -> {ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_authz({CAUrl, AuthzId}) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/authz/" ++ AuthzId,
prepare_get_request(Url, fun get_response/1).
-spec complete_challenge({url(), string(), string()}, jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
complete_challenge({CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallId}, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/challenge/" ++ AuthzId ++ "/" ++ ChallId,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"challenge">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
%% Certificate Handling
-spec new_cert(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), list()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"new-cert" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"new-cert">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_location/1,
-spec get_cert({url(), string()}) -> {ok, list(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_cert({CAUrl, CertId}) ->
Url = CAUrl ++ "/acme/cert/" ++ CertId,
prepare_get_request(Url, fun get_response/1, "application/pkix-cert").
-spec revoke_cert(dirs(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
revoke_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
#{"revoke-cert" := Url} = Dirs,
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"revoke-cert">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1,
%% Handle Response Functions
-spec get_dirs({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, map(), nonce()}.
get_dirs({ok, Head, Return}) ->
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
StrDirectories = [{bitstring_to_list(X), bitstring_to_list(Y)} ||
{X, Y} <- Return],
NewDirs = maps:from_list(StrDirectories),
{ok, NewDirs, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, proplist(), nonce()}.
get_response({ok, Head, Return}) ->
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, Return, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response_tos({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()}.
get_response_tos({ok, Head, Return}) ->
TOSUrl = get_tos(Head),
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, {TOSUrl, Return}, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response_location({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()}.
get_response_location({ok, Head, Return}) ->
Location = get_location(Head),
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, {Location, Return}, NewNonce}.
%% Authorization Polling
-spec get_authz_until_valid({url(), string()}) -> {ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}) ->
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}, ?MAX_POLL_REQUESTS).
-spec get_authz_until_valid({url(), string()}, non_neg_integer()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_authz_until_valid({_CAUrl, _AuthzId}, 0) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Maximum request limit waiting for validation reached", []),
{error, max_request_limit};
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}, N) ->
case get_authz({CAUrl, AuthzId}) of
{ok, Resp, Nonce} ->
case is_authz_valid(Resp) of
true ->
{ok, Resp, Nonce};
false ->
get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}, N-1)
{error, _} = Err ->
-spec is_authz_valid(proplist()) -> boolean().
is_authz_valid(Authz) ->
case proplists:lookup(<<"status">>, Authz) of
{<<"status">>, <<"valid">>} ->
_ ->
%% Request Functions
%% TODO: Fix the duplicated code at the below 4 functions
-spec make_post_request(url(), bitstring(), string()) ->
{ok, proplist(), proplist()} | {error, _}.
make_post_request(Url, ReqBody, ResponseType) ->
Options = [],
HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
case httpc:request(post,
{Url, [], "application/jose+json", ReqBody}, HttpOptions, Options) of
{ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
decode_response(Head, Body, ResponseType);
Error ->
failed_http_request(Error, Url)
-spec make_get_request(url(), string()) ->
{ok, proplist(), proplist()} | {error, _}.
make_get_request(Url, ResponseType) ->
Options = [],
HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
case httpc:request(get, {Url, []}, HttpOptions, Options) of
{ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
decode_response(Head, Body, ResponseType);
Error ->
failed_http_request(Error, Url)
-spec prepare_post_request(url(), jose_jwk:key(), jiffy:json_value(),
nonce(), handle_resp_fun()) -> {ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, HandleRespFun) ->
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, HandleRespFun, "application/jose+json").
-spec prepare_post_request(url(), jose_jwk:key(), jiffy:json_value(),
nonce(), handle_resp_fun(), string()) -> {ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, HandleRespFun, ResponseType) ->
case encode(EJson) of
{ok, ReqBody} ->
FinalBody = sign_encode_json_jose(PrivateKey, ReqBody, Nonce),
case make_post_request(Url, FinalBody, ResponseType) of
{ok, Head, Return} ->
HandleRespFun({ok, Head, Return});
Error ->
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p when encoding: ~p", [Reason, EJson]),
{error, Reason}
-spec prepare_get_request(url(), handle_resp_fun()) ->
{ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun) ->
prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun, "application/jose+json").
-spec prepare_get_request(url(), handle_resp_fun(), string()) ->
{ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun, ResponseType) ->
case make_get_request(Url, ResponseType) of
{ok, Head, Return} ->
HandleRespFun({ok, Head, Return});
Error ->
%% Jose Json Functions
-spec sign_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), bitstring(), nonce()) -> {_, jws()}.
sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
PubKey = jose_jwk:to_public(Key),
{_, BinaryPubKey} = jose_jwk:to_binary(PubKey),
PubKeyJson = jiffy:decode(BinaryPubKey),
%% TODO: Ensure this works for all cases
AlgMap = jose_jwk:signer(Key),
JwsMap =
#{ <<"jwk">> => PubKeyJson,
%% <<"b64">> => true,
<<"nonce">> => list_to_bitstring(Nonce)
JwsObj0 = maps:merge(JwsMap, AlgMap),
JwsObj = jose_jws:from(JwsObj0),
jose_jws:sign(Key, Json, JwsObj).
-spec sign_encode_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), bitstring(), nonce()) -> bitstring().
sign_encode_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
{_, Signed} = sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce),
%% This depends on jose library, so we can consider it safe
%% Useful funs
-spec get_nonce(proplist()) -> nonce() | 'none'.
get_nonce(Head) ->
case proplists:lookup("replay-nonce", Head) of
{"replay-nonce", Nonce} -> Nonce;
none -> none
-spec get_location(proplist()) -> url() | 'none'.
get_location(Head) ->
case proplists:lookup("location", Head) of
{"location", Location} -> Location;
none -> none
%% Very bad way to extract this
%% TODO: Find a better way
-spec get_tos(proplist()) -> url() | 'none'.
get_tos(Head) ->
[{_, Link}] = [{K, V} || {K, V} <- Head,
K =:= "link" andalso
lists:suffix("\"terms-of-service\"", V)],
[Link1, _] = string:tokens(Link, ";"),
Link2 = string:strip(Link1, left, $<),
string:strip(Link2, right, $>)
_:_ ->
decode_response(Head, Body, "application/pkix-cert") ->
{ok, Head, Body};
decode_response(Head, Body, "application/jose+json") ->
case decode(Body) of
{ok, Return} ->
{ok, Head, Return};
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Problem decoding: ~s", [Body]),
{error, Reason}
encode(EJson) ->
{ok, jiffy:encode(EJson)}
_:Reason ->
{error, Reason}
decode(Json) ->
{Result} = jiffy:decode(Json),
{ok, Result}
_:Reason ->
{error, Reason}
%% Handle Failed HTTP Requests
-spec failed_http_request({ok, _} | {error, _}, url()) -> {error, _}.
failed_http_request({ok, {{_, Code, _}, _Head, Body}}, Url) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected status code from <~s>: ~B, Body: ~s",
[Url, Code, Body]),
{error, unexpected_code};
failed_http_request({error, Reason}, Url) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error making a request to <~s>: ~p",
[Url, Reason]),
{error, Reason}.