mirror of
synced 2024-09-13 13:41:15 +02:00
Other minor translation updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -255,6 +255,7 @@
{"Members not added (inexistent vhost!): ","Membres no afegits (perquè el vhost no existeix): "}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Necessites ser membre d'aquesta sala per a poder entrar"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Memoritza la teva contrasenya, o escriu-la en un paper guardat a un lloc segur. A XMPP no hi ha una forma automatitzada de recuperar la teva contrasenya si la oblides."}.
{"Mere Availability in XMPP (No Show Value)","Simplement disponibilitat a XMPP (sense valor de 'show')"}.
{"Message body","Missatge"}.
@ -384,7 +385,7 @@
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Recorda que aquestes opcions només fan còpia de seguretat de la base de dades Mnesia. Si estàs utilitzant el mòdul d'ODBC també deus de fer una còpia de seguretat de la base de dades de SQL a part."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Si us plau, espera una mica abans d'enviar una nova petició de veu"}.
{"Possessing 'ask' attribute is not allowed by RFC6121","Processar l'atribut 'ask' no està permès per RFC6121"}.
{"Possessing 'ask' attribute is not allowed by RFC6121","Posseir l'atribut 'ask' no està permès per RFC6121"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Presentar Jabber ID's reals a"}.
{"Previous session not found","No s'ha trobat la sessió prèvia"}.
{"Previous session PID has been killed","El procés de la sessió prèvia ha sigut matat"}.
@ -467,6 +468,7 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Taula Ordinaria"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Apager el Servei"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}.
{"Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clients XMPP poden emmagatzemar la teva contrasenya al ordinador, però només hauries de fer això al teu ordinador personal, per raons de seguretat."}.
{"Specify the access model","Especificar el model d'accés"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Especifica el tipus de missatge d'event"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar el model del publicant"}.
@ -497,9 +499,11 @@
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","El sobrenom ja l'està utilitzant una altra persona"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","El sobrenom ja està registrat per una altra persona"}.
{"The account already exists","El compte ha existeix"}.
{"The account was not unregistered","El compte no ha sigut esborrat"}.
{"The body text of the last received message","El contingut del text de l'ultim missatge rebut"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","El CAPTCHA es vàlid."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La verificació CAPTCHA ha fallat"}.
{"The captcha you entered is wrong","El CAPTCHA que has proporcionat és incorrecte"}.
{"The child nodes (leaf or collection) associated with a collection","El nodes fills (fulla o col·leccions) associats amb una col·lecció"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Les col.leccions amb les que un node està afiliat"}.
{"The DateTime at which a leased subscription will end or has ended","La Data i Hora a la que una subscripció prestada terminarà o ha terminat"}.
@ -523,6 +527,7 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","La contrasenya conté caràcters inacceptables"}.
{"The password is too weak","La contrasenya és massa simple"}.
{"the password is","la contrasenya és"}.
{"The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed.","La contrasenya del teu compte XMPP s'ha canviat correctament."}.
{"The password was not changed","La contrasenya no ha sigut canviada"}.
{"The passwords are different","Les contrasenyes son diferents"}.
{"The presence states for which an entity wants to receive notifications","El estats de presencia per als quals una entitat vol rebre notificacions"}.
@ -536,6 +541,12 @@
{"The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element.","La URL de uns transformació XSL que pot ser aplicada als payloads per a generar un element apropiat de contingut de missatge."}.
{"The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to the payload format in order to generate a valid Data Forms result that the client could display using a generic Data Forms rendering engine","La URL de una transformació XSL que pot ser aplicada al format de payload per a generar un resultat valid de Data Forms, que el client puga mostrar usant un métode generic de Data Forms"}.
{"The username is not valid","El nom d'usuari no es vàlid"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Hi ha hagut un error canviant la contrasenya: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hi ha hagut un error creant el compte: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hi ha hagut un error esborrant el compte: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Això no distingeix majúscules de minúscules: macbeth es el mateix que MacBeth i Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to register an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID (Jabber ID) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Aquesta pàgina permet crear un compte XMPP en aquest servidor XMPP. El teu JID (Jabber ID; Identificador Jabber) tindrà aquesta forma: usuari@servidor. Si us plau, llegeix amb cura les instruccions per emplenar correctament els camps."}.
{"This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server.","Aquesta pàgina permet esborrar un compte XMPP en aquest servidor XMPP."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Aquesta sala no és anònima"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Este servei no pot processar la direcció: ~s"}.
@ -633,6 +644,7 @@
{"XMPP URI of Associated Publish-Subscribe Node","URI XMPP del Node Associat Publish-Subscribe"}.
{"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","Has sigut expulsat de la sala perquè el sistema va a apagar-se"}.
{"You are not joined to the channel","No t'has unit al canal"}.
{"You can later change your password using an XMPP client.","Podràs canviar la teva contrasenya més endavant utilitzant un client XMPP."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Has sigut bloquejat en aquesta sala"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Has entrat en massa sales de conferència"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Deus d'omplir el camp \"Nickname\" al formulari"}.
@ -642,4 +654,6 @@
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","La teva llista de privacitat activa ha denegat l'encaminament d'aquesta stanza."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La teua cua de missatges offline és plena. El missatge ha sigut descartat."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","La teua petició de subscripció i/o missatges a ~s han sigut bloquejats. Per a desbloquejar-los, visita ~s"}.
{"Your XMPP account was successfully registered.","El teu compte XMPP ha sigut creat correctament."}.
{"Your XMPP account was successfully unregistered.","El teu compte XMPP ha sigut esborrat correctament."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","No tens permís per a crear nodes"}.
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
{"Disc only copy","Jen kopie disku"}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Uložit zálohu do textového souboru na "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Uložit do textového souboru"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Duplicitní skupiny nejsou povoleny dle RFC6121"}.
{"Edit Properties","Upravit vlastnosti"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Povolit nebo odmítnout voice žádost."}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","ejabberd MUC modul"}.
@ -195,7 +194,6 @@
{"Module failed to handle the query","Modul chyboval při zpracování dotazu"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Vícenásobný element <item/> není povolen dle RFC6121"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Víceuživatelský chat"}.
@ -285,7 +283,6 @@
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Podotýkáme, že tato nastavení budou zálohována do zabudované databáze Mnesia. Pokud používáte ODBC modul, musíte zálohovat svoji SQL databázi samostatně."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Prosím, počkejte chvíli před posláním nové žádosti o voice práva"}.
{"Possessing 'ask' attribute is not allowed by RFC6121","Atribut 'ask' není povolen dle RFC6121"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Odhalovat skutečná Jabber ID"}.
{"private, ","soukromá, "}.
@ -368,6 +365,8 @@
{"The query is only allowed from local users","Dotaz je povolen pouze pro místní uživatele"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Dotaz nesmí obsahovat elementy <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Stanza MUSÍ obsahovat pouze jeden element <active/>, jeden element <default/> nebo jeden element <list/>"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Při vytváření účtu došlo k chybě:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Při mazání účtu došlo k chybě: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Tato místnost není anonymní"}.
{"Time delay","Časový posun"}.
@ -93,9 +93,6 @@
{"Configuration","Ρύθμιση παραμέτρων"}.
{"Connected Resources:","Συνδεδεμένοι Πόροι:"}.
{"Contact Addresses (normally, room owner or owners)","Διευθύνσεις της Επαφής (κανονικά, ιδιοκτήτης (-ες) αίθουσας)"}.
{"Could not change the password: ","Δεν μπόρεσα να αλλάξω τον Κωδικό Πρόσβασης: "}.
{"Could not register the account: ","Δεν μπόρεσα να καταχωρήσω το λογαριασμό: "}.
{"Could not unregister the account: ","Δεν μπόρεσα να διαγράψω το λογαριασμό: "}.
{"CPU Time:","Ώρα CPU:"}.
{"Current Discussion Topic","Τρέχων θέμα συζήτησης"}.
@ -120,7 +117,6 @@
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP server.","Μη γνωστοποιείτε τον Κωδικό σας, ούτε στους Διαχειριστές του XMPP εξυπηρετητή."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Αποθήκευση Αντιγράφου Ασφαλείας σε αρχείο κειμένου στο "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Αποθήκευση σε αρχείο κειμένου"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Δεν επιτρέπονται διπλότυπες ομάδες από το RFC6121"}.
{"Dynamically specify a replyto of the item publisher","Δυναμικά προσδιορίστε το Απάντηση σε του εκδότη του αντικειμένου"}.
{"Edit Properties","Επεξεργασία ιδιοτήτων"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Είτε εγκρίνετε ή απορρίψτε το αίτημα φωνής."}.
@ -258,7 +254,6 @@
{"Members not added (inexistent vhost!): ","Τα μέλη δεν προστέθηκαν (ανύπαρκτος vhost!): "}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Απαιτείται αίτηση συμετοχής για είσοδο σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it on a paper placed in a safe place. In XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Απομνημονεύστε ή καταγράψτε τον κωδικό σας σε ασφαλές μέρος. Στο XMPP δεν υπάρχει αυτοματοποιημένος τρόπος ανάκτησης."}.
{"Mere Availability in XMPP (No Show Value)","Διαθεσιμότητα στο XMPP (Χωρίς ένδειξη)"}.
{"Message body","Περιεχόμενο μηνύματος"}.
@ -275,7 +270,6 @@
{"Module failed to handle the query","Το module απέτυχε να χειριστεί το ερώτημα"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Πολλαπλά στοιχεία <item/> δεν επιτρέπονται από το RFC6121"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Συνομιλία με πολλούς χρήστες"}.
{"Name in the rosters where this group will be displayed","Όνομα στις λίστες όπου αυτή η ομάδα θα εμφανίζεται"}.
@ -388,7 +382,6 @@
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Παρακαλώ σημειώστε ότι οι επιλογές αυτές θα αποθήκευσουν Αντιγράφο Ασφαλείας μόνο της ενσωματωμένης βάσης δεδομένων Mnesia. Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε το module ODBC, θα πρέπει επίσης να κάνετε χωριστά Αντιγράφο Ασφαλείας της SQL βάσης δεδομένων σας."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Παρακαλώ, περιμένετε για λίγο πριν την αποστολή νέου αιτήματος φωνής"}.
{"Possessing 'ask' attribute is not allowed by RFC6121","Η ιδιότητα 'ask' δεν επιτρέπεται από το RFC6121"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Παρούσιαση πραγματικών ταυτοτήτων Jabber σε"}.
{"Previous session not found","Η προηγούμενη περίοδος σύνδεσης χρήστη δεν βρέθηκε"}.
{"Previous session PID has been killed","Το προηγούμενο αναγνωριστικό περιόδου σύνδεσης PID αφαιρέθηκε"}.
@ -471,7 +464,6 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Δείτε Κοινό Πίνακα"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Τερματισμός Υπηρεσίας"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","Bytestreams του SOCKS5"}.
{"Some XMPP clients can store your password on the computer, but for safety reasons you should do this on your personal computers .","Μερικοί XMPP-πελάτες μπορούν να αποθηκεύσουν τους κωδικούς σας, αλλά αυτό να επιτρέπεται μόνο σε δικούς σας υπολογιστές."}.
{"Specify the access model","Καθορίστε το μοντέλο πρόσβασης"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Καθορίστε τον τύπο μηνύματος συμβάντος"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Καθορίστε το μοντέλο εκδότη"}.
@ -529,6 +521,7 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης περιέχει μη αποδεκτούς χαρακτήρες"}.
{"The password is too weak","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι πολύ αδύναμος"}.
{"the password is","ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι"}.
{"The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed.","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης του XMPP λογαριασμού σας έχει αλλάξει επιτυχώς."}.
{"The password was not changed","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης δεν άλλαξε"}.
{"The passwords are different","Οι κωδικοί πρόσβασης δεν ταιριάζουν"}.
{"The presence states for which an entity wants to receive notifications","Η παρουσία δηλώνει για ποιους θέλει κάποιος να λαμβάνει ειδοποιήσεις"}.
@ -542,9 +535,8 @@
{"The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element.","Το URL ενός μετασχηματισμού XSL το οποίο μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί σε φόρτους εργασίας για να παραχθεί το κατάλληλο στοιχείο του σώματος του μηνύματος."}.
{"The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to the payload format in order to generate a valid Data Forms result that the client could display using a generic Data Forms rendering engine","Το URL ενός μετασχηματισμού XSL, το οποίο μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί στους τύπους φόρτου εργασίας για να παραχθεί έγκυρο αποτέλεσμα Data Forms, τέτοιο που ο πελάτης μπορεί να εμφανίσει, χρησιμοποιώντας μια ευρείας χρήσης μηχανή επεξεργασίας Data Forms"}.
{"The username is not valid","Το όνομα Χρήστη δεν είναι έγκυρο"}.
{"This is case insensitive: \"macbeth\" is the same as \"MacBeth\" and \"Macbeth\".","Αυτό σημαίνει ότι δεν έχει σημασία αν είναι κεφαλαία ή πεζά γράμματα: \"κατσαντώνης\" είναι το ίδιο με \"ΚατσΑντώνης\" , όπως και \"Κατσαντώνης\"."}.
{"This page allows registering an XMPP account on this XMPP server. Your JID (Jabber ID) will be of the form: username@server. Please read the instructions carefully before filling in the fields.","Αυτή η σελίδα σας επιτρέπει να καταχωρήσετε έναν XMPP λογαριασμό σε αυτόν τον σέρβερ. Το JID (ταυτότητα ID) θα είναι της μορφής: όνομαχρήστη@σέρβερ. Παρακαλούμε διαβάστε προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες πριν συμπληρώσετε τα πεδία."}.
{"This page allows unregistering an XMPP account on this XMPP server.","Αυτή η σελίδα σας επιτρέπει να διαγράψετε έναν XMPP λογαριασμό σε αυτόν τον σέρβερ."}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία του λογαριασμού: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη διαγραφή του λογαριασμού: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Η αίθουσα αυτή δεν είναι ανώνυμη"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Αυτή η υπηρεσία δεν μπορεί να επεξεργαστεί την διεύθυνση: ~s"}.
@ -592,7 +584,6 @@
{"URL for Archived Discussion Logs","URL αρχειοθετημένων καταγραφών συζητήσεων"}.
{"User already exists","Ο χρήστης υπάρχει ήδη"}.
{"User JID","JID Χρήστη"}.
{"User (JID)","Χρήστης (JID)"}.
{"User Management","Διαχείριση χρηστών"}.
{"User removed","Ο Χρήστης αφαιρέθηκε"}.
{"User session not found","Η περίοδος σύνδεσης χρήστη δεν βρέθηκε"}.
@ -631,13 +622,9 @@
{"Whether to make all subscriptions temporary, based on subscriber presence","Αν επιτρέπεται να γίνουν όλες οι συνδρομές προσωρινές, βασιζόμενοι στην παρουσία του συνδρομητή"}.
{"Whether to notify owners about new subscribers and unsubscribes","Αν πρέπει να ειδοποιούνται οι ιδιοκτήτες για νέους συνδρομητές και αποχωρήσεις"}.
{"Who may associate leaf nodes with a collection","Ποιός μπορεί να συσχετίζει leaf nodes με μία συλλογή"}.
{"Wrong CAPTCHA entered","Εισήχθη εσφαλμένη CAPTCHA"}.
{"Wrong parameters in the web formulary","Εσφαλμένες παράμετροι στην διαμόρφωση τυπικότητας του δυκτίου"}.
{"Wrong xmlns","Εσφαλμένο xmlns"}.
{"XMPP account password changed.","Ο Κωδικός λογαριασμού XMPP άλλαξε."}.
{"XMPP account registered.","Ο λογαριασμός XMPP καταχωρήθηκε."}.
{"XMPP Account Registration","Εγγραφή με Ψευδώνυμο στο "}.
{"XMPP account unregistered.","Ο λογαριασμός XMPP αφαιρέθηκε."}.
{"XMPP Domains","Ονόματα χώρου XMPP"}.
{"XMPP Show Value of Away","Δείξε τιμή XMPP Απεμακρύνθην"}.
{"XMPP Show Value of Chat","Δείξε τιμή XMPP Αξία Συνομιλίας"}.
@ -646,7 +633,6 @@
{"XMPP URI of Associated Publish-Subscribe Node","XMPP URI του συσχετισμένου κόμβου Δημοσίευσης-Εγγραφής"}.
{"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","Απαιτείται η απομάκρυνσή σας από την αίθουσα, λόγω τερματισμού συστήματος"}.
{"You are not joined to the channel","Δεν λαμβάνετε μέρος στο κανάλι"}.
{"You can change your password using an XMPP client later.","Μπορείτε να αλλάξετε το Κωδικό σας μέσῳ του προγράμματος-πελάτη XMPP, αργότερα."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Σας έχει απαγορευθεί η είσοδος σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Είσθε σε πάρα πολλά συνέδρια"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Απαιτείται να συμπληρώσετε το πεδίο \"Ψευδώνυμο\" στη φόρμα"}.
@ -292,6 +292,8 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Aro kun kiu nodo estas filigita"}.
{"The password is too weak","La pasvorto estas ne sufiĉe forta"}.
{"the password is","la pasvorto estas"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Estis eraro dum kreado de la konto:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Estis eraro dum forigado de la konto:"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ĉi tiu babilejo ne estas anonima"}.
{"Time delay","Prokrasto"}.
@ -255,6 +255,7 @@
{"Members not added (inexistent vhost!): ","Miembros no añadidos (el vhost no existe): "}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Necesitas ser miembro de esta sala para poder entrar"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In XMPP there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Memoriza tu contraseña, o apúntala en un papel en un lugar seguro. En XMPP no hay un método automatizado para recuperar la contraseña si la olvidas."}.
{"Mere Availability in XMPP (No Show Value)","Disponible en XMPP (sin valor de Mostrado)"}.
{"Message body","Cuerpo del mensaje"}.
@ -467,6 +468,7 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Tabla Ordinaria"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Detener el servicio"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}.
{"Some XMPP clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Algunos clientes XMPP pueden guardar tu contraseña en la máquina, pero solo deberías hacer esto en tu propia máquina personal, por razones de seguridad."}.
{"Specify the access model","Especifica el modelo de acceso"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Especifica el tipo del mensaje de evento"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar el modelo del publicante"}.
@ -497,9 +499,11 @@
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Ese apodo ya está siendo usado por otro ocupante"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","El apodo ya está registrado por otra persona"}.
{"The account already exists","La cuenta ya existe"}.
{"The account was not unregistered","La cuenta no fue eliminada"}.
{"The body text of the last received message","El contenido de texto del último mensaje recibido"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","El CAPTCHA es válido."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La verificación de CAPTCHA ha fallado"}.
{"The captcha you entered is wrong","El CAPTCHA que has introducido es erróneo"}.
{"The child nodes (leaf or collection) associated with a collection","Los nodos hijos (ya sean hojas o colecciones) asociados con una colección"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Las colecciones a las que un nodo está afiliado"}.
{"The DateTime at which a leased subscription will end or has ended","La FechayHora en la que una suscripción prestada acabará o ha terminado"}.
@ -523,6 +527,7 @@
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","La contraseña contiene caracteres inaceptables"}.
{"The password is too weak","La contraseña es demasiado débil"}.
{"the password is","la contraseña es"}.
{"The password of your XMPP account was successfully changed.","La contraseña de tu cuenta XMPP se ha cambiado correctamente."}.
{"The password was not changed","La contraseña no fue cambiada"}.
{"The passwords are different","Las contraseñas son diferentes"}.
{"The presence states for which an entity wants to receive notifications","Los estados de presencia para los cuales una entidad quiere recibir notificaciones"}.
@ -536,6 +541,12 @@
{"The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element.","La URL de una transformación XSL que puede aplicarse a payloads para generar un elemento de contenido del mensaje apropiado."}.
{"The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to the payload format in order to generate a valid Data Forms result that the client could display using a generic Data Forms rendering engine","La URL de una transformación XSL que puede aplicarse al formato de payload para generar un resultado de Formulario de Datos válido, que el cliente pueda mostrar usando un mecanismo de dibujado genérico de Formulario de Datos"}.
{"The username is not valid","El nombre de usuario no es válido"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Hubo uno error al cambiar la contaseña: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hubo uno error al crear la cuenta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hubo un error borrando la cuenta: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","No importa si usas mayúsculas: macbeth es lo mismo que MacBeth y Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to register an XMPP account in this XMPP server. Your JID (Jabber ID) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta página te permite crear una cuenta XMPP este servidor XMPP. Tu JID (Jabber ID) será de la forma: nombredeusuario@servidor. Por favor lee detenidamente las instrucciones para rellenar correctamente los campos."}.
{"This page allows to unregister an XMPP account in this XMPP server.","Esta página te permite borrar tu cuenta XMPP en este servidor XMPP."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Sala no anónima"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Este servicio no puede procesar la dirección: ~s"}.
@ -552,7 +563,7 @@
{"Too many <list/> elements","Demasiados elementos <list/>"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Demasiadas (~p) autenticaciones fallidas de esta dirección IP (~s). La dirección será desbloqueada en ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many receiver fields were specified","Se han especificado demasiados campos de destinatario"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Demasiados mensajes sin haber reconocido recibirlos"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Demasiados mensajes sin haber reconocido recibirlos"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","Demasiados usuarios en esta sala"}.
{"Total rooms","Salas totales"}.
@ -633,6 +644,7 @@
{"XMPP URI of Associated Publish-Subscribe Node","URI XMPP del Nodo Asociado de Publicar-Subscribir"}.
{"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","Estás siendo expulsado de la sala porque el sistema se va a detener"}.
{"You are not joined to the channel","No has entrado en el canal"}.
{"You can later change your password using an XMPP client.","Puedes cambiar tu contraseña después, usando un cliente XMPP."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Has sido bloqueado en esta sala"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Has entrado en demasiadas salas de conferencia"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Debes rellenar el campo \"Apodo\" en el formulario"}.
@ -642,4 +654,6 @@
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Tu lista de privacidad activa ha denegado el envío de este paquete."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Tu cola de mensajes diferidos de contactos está llena. El mensaje se ha descartado."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Tu petición de suscripción y/o mensajes a ~s ha sido bloqueado. Para desbloquear tu petición de suscripción visita ~s"}.
{"Your XMPP account was successfully registered.","Tu cuenta XMPP se ha registrado correctamente."}.
{"Your XMPP account was successfully unregistered.","Tu cuenta XMPP se ha borrado correctamente."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","No tienes permitido crear nodos"}.
@ -78,7 +78,6 @@
{"Displayed:","Affichés :"}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Enregistrer la sauvegarde dans un fichier texte sur "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Sauvegarder dans un fichier texte"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Les groupes ne peuvent être dupliqués (rfc6121)"}.
{"Edit Properties","Modifier les propriétés"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Accepter ou refuser la demande de voix."}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","Module MUC ejabberd"}.
@ -211,7 +210,6 @@
{"Module failed to handle the query","Échec de traitement de la demande"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Les elements <item/> multiples ne sont pas autorisés (rfc6121)"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Discussion de groupe"}.
{"Name:","Nom :"}.
@ -302,7 +300,6 @@
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Ces options sauvegardent uniquement la base de données interne Mnesia. Si vous utilisez le module ODBC vous devez sauvegarde votre base SQL séparément."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Attendez un moment avant de re-lancer une requête de voix"}.
{"Possessing 'ask' attribute is not allowed by RFC6121","Le traitement de l'attribut 'ack' n'est pas autorisé (rfc6121)"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Rendre le Jabber ID réel visible pour"}.
{"private, ","privé"}.
@ -385,6 +382,8 @@
{"the password is","le mot de passe est"}.
{"The query is only allowed from local users","La requête n'est autorisé qu'aux utilisateurs locaux"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","La requête ne doit pas contenir d'élément <item/>"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Il y a eu une erreur en créant le compte : "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Il y a eu une erreur en effaçant le compte : "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ce salon n'est pas anonyme"}.
{"Time delay","Délais"}.
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
{"Disc only copy","Copia en disco soamente"}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Exporta copia de seguridade a ficheiro de texto en "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Exportar a ficheiro de texto"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Os grupos duplicados non están permitidos por RFC6121"}.
{"Edit Properties","Editar Propiedades"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Aproba ou rexeita a petición de voz."}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","Módulo de MUC para ejabberd"}.
@ -195,7 +194,6 @@
{"Module failed to handle the query","O módulo non puido xestionar a consulta"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Múltiples elementos <item/> non están permitidos por RFC6121"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Salas de Charla"}.
@ -285,7 +283,6 @@
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Ten en conta que estas opcións só farán copia de seguridade da base de datos Mnesia. Se está a utilizar o módulo de ODBC, tamén necesita unha copia de seguridade da súa base de datos SQL por separado."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Por favor, espera un pouco antes de enviar outra petición de voz"}.
{"Possessing 'ask' attribute is not allowed by RFC6121","Posuír o atributo 'ask' non está permitido por RFC6121"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Os Jabber ID reais poden velos"}.
{"private, ","privado, "}.
@ -368,6 +365,8 @@
{"The query is only allowed from local users","A solicitude só se permite para usuarios locais"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","A solicitude non debe conter elementos <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","A estroa DEBEN conter un elemento <active/>, un elemento <default/> ou un elemento <list/>"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao crear a conta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao eliminar a conta: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Sala non anónima"}.
{"Time delay","Atraso temporal"}.
@ -335,6 +335,8 @@
{"The password is too weak","הסיסמה חלשה מדי"}.
{"the password is","הסיסמה היא"}.
{"The type of node data, usually specified by the namespace of the payload (if any)","סוג מידע ממסר, לרוב מצוין לפי מרחב־שמות של מטען הייעוד (אם בכלל)"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","אירעה שגיאה ביצירת החשבון: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","אירעה שגיאה במחיקת החשבון: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","חדר זה אינו אנונימי"}.
{"Thursday","יום חמישי"}.
{"Time delay","זמן שיהוי"}.
@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
{"Disc only copy","Csak lemez másolása"}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Biztonsági mentés kiírása szövegfájlba itt: "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Kiírás szövegfájlba"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","A kettőzött csoportok nem engedélyezettek az RFC6121 alapján"}.
{"Edit Properties","Tulajdonságok szerkesztése"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Hagyja jóvá vagy utasítsa el a hangkérelmet."}.
{"ejabberd HTTP Upload service","ejabberd HTTP feltöltési szolgáltatás"}.
@ -206,7 +205,6 @@
{"Module failed to handle the query","A modul nem tudta kezelni a lekérdezést"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Több <item/> elem nem engedélyezett az RFC6121 alapján"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Többfelhasználós csevegés"}.
@ -294,7 +292,6 @@
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Ne feledje, hogy ezek a beállítások csak a beépített Mnesia adatbázisról készítenek biztonsági mentést. Ha az ODBC modult használja, akkor az SQL adatbázisról is különálló biztonsági mentést kell készítenie."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Várjon egy kicsit az új hangkérelem küldése előtt"}.
{"Possessing 'ask' attribute is not allowed by RFC6121","Az „ask” attribútum feldolgozása nem engedélyezett az RFC6121 alapján"}.
{"Previous session not found","Az előző munkamenet nem található"}.
{"Previous session PID has been killed","Az előző munkamenet folyamat-azonosítója ki lett lőve"}.
{"Previous session PID has exited","Az előző munkamenet folyamat-azonosítója kilépett"}.
@ -377,6 +374,7 @@
{"The account already exists","A fiók már létezik"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","A CAPTCHA érvényes."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","A CAPTCHA ellenőrzése nem sikerült"}.
{"The captcha you entered is wrong","A beírt CAPTCHA hibás"}.
{"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","A kért funkciót nem támogatja a konferencia"}.
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","A jelszó elfogadhatatlan karaktereket tartalmaz"}.
{"The password is too weak","A jelszó túl gyenge"}.
@ -387,6 +385,8 @@
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","A lekérdezés nem tartalmazhat <item/> elemeket"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","A stanzának csak egyetlen <active/> elemet, egyetlen <default/> elemet vagy egyetlen <list/> elemet KELL tartalmaznia"}.
{"The username is not valid","A felhasználónév nem érvényes"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hiba történt a fiók létrehozásakor: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hiba történt a fiók törlésekor: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ez a szoba nem névtelen"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Ez a szolgáltatás nem tudja feldolgozni a címet: ~s"}.
@ -283,6 +283,8 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Le collezioni a cui è affiliato un nodo"}.
{"The password is too weak","La password è troppo debole"}.
{"the password is","la password è"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Si è verificato un errore nella creazione dell'account: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Si è verificato un errore nella cancellazione dell'account: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Questa stanza non è anonima"}.
{"Time delay","Ritardo"}.
@ -297,6 +297,8 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","提携されたノードの集合です"}.
{"The password is too weak","このパスワードは単純過ぎます"}.
{"the password is","パスワードは"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","アカウントの作成中にエラーが発生しました: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","アカウントの削除中にエラーが発生しました: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","このチャットルームは非匿名です"}.
{"Time delay","遅延時間"}.
@ -292,6 +292,8 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","De collecties waar een node mee is gerelateerd"}.
{"The password is too weak","Het wachtwoord is te zwak"}.
{"the password is","het wachtwoord is"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Er was een fout bij het creeern van de account:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Er was een fout bij het verwijderen van de account."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Deze chatruimte is niet anoniem"}.
{"Time delay","Vertraging"}.
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
{"Disc only copy","Kopia tylko na dysku"}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Zapisz kopię zapasową w pliku tekstowym na "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Wykonaj kopie do pliku tekstowego"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Duplikaty grup nie są dozwolone"}.
{"Edit Properties","Edytuj właściwości"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Zatwierdź lub odrzuć żądanie głosowe."}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","Moduł MUC"}.
@ -195,7 +194,6 @@
{"Module failed to handle the query","Moduł nie był wstanie przetworzyć zapytania"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Dopuszczalny jest wyłącznie pojedynczy <item/> "}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Wieloosobowa rozmowa"}.
@ -284,7 +282,6 @@
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Te opcje kopii zapasowych dotyczą tylko wbudowanej bazy danych typu Mnesia. Jeśli korzystasz z modułu ODBC, musisz wykonać kopie bazy we własnym zakresie."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Proszę poczekać chwile, zanim wyślesz nowe żądanie głosowe"}.
{"Possessing 'ask' attribute is not allowed by RFC6121","Atrybut 'ask' nie jest dozwolony"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Prawdziwe Jabber ID widoczne dla"}.
{"private, ","prywatny, "}.
@ -367,6 +364,8 @@
{"The query is only allowed from local users","To żądanie jest dopuszczalne wyłącznie dla lokalnych użytkowników"}.
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Żądanie nie może zawierać elementów <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Żądanie może zawierać wyłącznie jeden z elementów <active/>, <default/> lub <list/>"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia konta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Podczas usuwania konta wystąpił błąd: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ten pokój nie jest anonimowy"}.
{"Time delay","Opóźnienie"}.
@ -87,7 +87,6 @@
{"Disc only copy","только диск"}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Копирование в текстовый файл на "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Копирование в текстовый файл"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Группы с одинаковыми названиями запрещены стандартом RFC6121"}.
{"Edit Properties","Изменить параметры"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Подтвердите или отклоните право голоса."}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","ejabberd MUC модуль"}.
@ -215,7 +214,6 @@
{"Module failed to handle the query","Ошибка модуля при обработке запроса"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Множественные элементы <item/> запрещены стандартом RFC6121"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Конференция"}.
@ -311,7 +309,6 @@
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Заметьте, что здесь производится резервное копирование только встроенной базы данных Mnesia. Если Вы также используете другое хранилище данных (например с помощью модуля ODBC), то его резервное копирование следует осуществлять отдельно."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Пожалуйста, подождите перед тем как подать новый запрос на право голоса"}.
{"Possessing 'ask' attribute is not allowed by RFC6121","Включение атрибута 'ask' запрещено стандартом RFC6121"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Сделать реальные Jabber ID участников видимыми"}.
{"Previous session not found","Предыдущая сессия не найдена"}.
{"Previous session PID has been killed","Предыдущая сессия была убита"}.
@ -399,6 +396,7 @@
{"The account already exists","Учётная запись уже существует"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Проверка капчи прошла успешно."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Проверка капчи не пройдена"}.
{"The captcha you entered is wrong","Неправильно введённое значение капчи"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Имя коллекции, в которую входит узел"}.
{"The feature requested is not supported by the conference","Запрашиваемое свойство не поддерживается этой конференцией"}.
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Пароль содержит недопустимые символы"}.
@ -410,6 +408,8 @@
{"The query must not contain <item/> elements","Запрос не должен содержать элементов <item/>"}.
{"The stanza MUST contain only one <active/> element, one <default/> element, or one <list/> element","Строфа может содержать только один элемент <active/>, один элемент <default/> или один элемент <list/>"}.
{"The username is not valid","Недопустимое имя пользователя"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Ошибка при создании аккаунта:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Ошибка при удалении аккаунта:"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Эта комната не анонимная"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Сервер не может обработать адрес: ~s"}.
@ -282,6 +282,8 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Kolekcie asociované s uzlom"}.
{"The password is too weak","heslo je"}.
{"the password is","heslo je"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Pri vytváraní účtu nastala chyba: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Pri rušení účtu nastala chyba:"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Táto miestnosť nie je anonymná"}.
{"Time delay","Časový posun"}.
@ -282,6 +282,8 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Bir düğüm ile bağlantılı koleksiyonlar"}.
{"The password is too weak","Parola çok zayıf"}.
{"the password is","parola :"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hesap oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hesabın silinmesi sırasında bir hata oluştu:"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Bu oda anonim değil"}.
{"Time delay","Zaman gecikmesi"}.
@ -299,6 +299,8 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Колекція, до якої входить вузол"}.
{"The password is too weak","Пароль надто простий"}.
{"the password is","пароль:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Помилка при створенні акаунту:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Помилка при видаленні акаунту: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ця кімната не анонімна"}.
{"Time delay","Час затримки"}.
@ -299,6 +299,8 @@
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Les ramexhnêyes k' on nuk est afiyî avou"}.
{"The password is too weak","li scret est trop flåw"}.
{"the password is","li scret est"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot ahivant l' conte: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot disfaçant l' conte: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Cisse såle ci n' est nén anonime"}.
{"Time delay","Tårdjaedje"}.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user