* src/ejabberd_commands.erl: API to restrict who can execute what

commands and arguments (EJAB-910)

SVN Revision: 2023
This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2009-04-17 13:43:15 +00:00
parent f954d6829b
commit 5db572171b
2 changed files with 113 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2009-04-17 Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>
* src/ejabberd_commands.erl: API to restrict who can execute what
commands and arguments (EJAB-910)
2009-04-14 Badlop <badlop@process-one.net> 2009-04-14 Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>
* doc/guide.tex: Explain that the recommended Erlang/OTP version * doc/guide.tex: Explain that the recommended Erlang/OTP version

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@ -216,7 +216,8 @@
get_tags_commands/0, get_tags_commands/0,
register_commands/1, register_commands/1,
unregister_commands/1, unregister_commands/1,
execute_command/2 execute_command/2,
]). ]).
-include("ejabberd_commands.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_commands.hrl").
@ -225,7 +226,7 @@
init() -> init() ->
ets:new(ejabberd_commands, [named_table, set, public, ets:new(ejabberd_commands, [named_table, set, public,
{keypos, #ejabberd_commands.name}]). {keypos, #ejabberd_commands.name}]).
%% @spec ([ejabberd_commands()]) -> ok %% @spec ([ejabberd_commands()]) -> ok
%% @doc Register ejabberd commands. %% @doc Register ejabberd commands.
@ -256,9 +257,9 @@ unregister_commands(Commands) ->
list_commands() -> list_commands() ->
Commands = ets:match(ejabberd_commands, Commands = ets:match(ejabberd_commands,
#ejabberd_commands{name = '$1', #ejabberd_commands{name = '$1',
args = '$2', args = '$2',
desc = '$3', desc = '$3',
_ = '_'}), _ = '_'}),
[{A, B, C} || [A, B, C] <- Commands]. [{A, B, C} || [A, B, C] <- Commands].
%% @spec (Name::atom()) -> {Args::[aterm()], Result::rterm()} | {error, command_unknown} %% @spec (Name::atom()) -> {Args::[aterm()], Result::rterm()} | {error, command_unknown}
@ -266,9 +267,9 @@ list_commands() ->
get_command_format(Name) -> get_command_format(Name) ->
Matched = ets:match(ejabberd_commands, Matched = ets:match(ejabberd_commands,
#ejabberd_commands{name = Name, #ejabberd_commands{name = Name,
args = '$1', args = '$1',
result = '$2', result = '$2',
_ = '_'}), _ = '_'}),
case Matched of case Matched of
[] -> [] ->
{error, command_unknown}; {error, command_unknown};
@ -287,11 +288,24 @@ get_command_definition(Name) ->
%% @spec (Name::atom(), Arguments) -> ResultTerm | {error, command_unknown} %% @spec (Name::atom(), Arguments) -> ResultTerm | {error, command_unknown}
%% @doc Execute a command. %% @doc Execute a command.
execute_command(Name, Arguments) -> execute_command(Name, Arguments) ->
execute_command([], noauth, Name, Arguments).
%% @spec (AccessCommands, AuthList, Name::atom(), Arguments) -> ResultTerm | {error, Error}
%% where
%% AccessCommands = [{Access, CommandNames, Arguments}]
%% Auth = {user, string()}, {server, string()}, {password, string()} | noauth
%% Method = atom()
%% Arguments = [...]
%% Error = command_unknown | account_unprivileged | invalid_account_data | no_auth_provided
execute_command(AccessCommands, Auth, Name, Arguments) ->
case ets:lookup(ejabberd_commands, Name) of case ets:lookup(ejabberd_commands, Name) of
[Command] -> [Command] ->
execute_command2(Command, Arguments); try check_access_commands(AccessCommands, Auth, Name, Command, Arguments) of
[] -> ok -> execute_command2(Command, Arguments)
{error, command_unknown} catch
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
[] -> {error, command_unknown}
end. end.
execute_command2(Command, Arguments) -> execute_command2(Command, Arguments) ->
@ -326,3 +340,86 @@ get_tags_commands() ->
orddict:new(), orddict:new(),
CommandTags), CommandTags),
orddict:to_list(Dict). orddict:to_list(Dict).
%% -----------------------------
%% Access verification
%% -----------------------------
%% At least one AccessCommand must be satisfied
%% @spec (AccessCommands, Auth, Method, Command, Arguments) -> ok
%% where
%% AccessCommands = [ {Access, CommandNames, Arguments} ]
%% Auth = {User::string(), Server::string(), Password::string()}
%% Method = atom()
%% Arguments = [...]
%% It may throw {error, Error} where
%% Error = account_unprivileged | invalid_account_data | no_auth_provided
check_access_commands([], _Auth, _Method, _Command, _Arguments) ->
check_access_commands(AccessCommands, Auth, Method, Command, Arguments) ->
{ok, User, Server} = check_auth(Auth),
AccessCommandsAllowed =
fun({Access, Commands, ArgumentRestrictions}) ->
case check_access(Access, User, Server) of
true ->
check_access_command(Commands, Command, ArgumentRestrictions,
Method, Arguments);
false ->
case AccessCommandsAllowed of
[] -> throw({error, account_unprivileged});
L when is_list(L) -> ok
check_auth(noauth) ->
throw({error, no_auth_provided});
check_auth({User, Server, Password}) ->
%% Check the account exists and password is valid
AccountPass = ejabberd_auth:get_password_s(User, Server),
AccountPassMD5 = get_md5(AccountPass),
case Password of
AccountPass -> {ok, User, Server};
AccountPassMD5 -> {ok, User, Server};
_ -> throw({error, invalid_account_data})
get_md5(AccountPass) ->
lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~.16B", [X])
|| X <- binary_to_list(crypto:md5(AccountPass))]).
check_access(Access, User, Server) ->
%% Check this user has access permission
case acl:match_rule(global, Access, jlib:make_jid(User, Server, "")) of
allow -> true;
deny -> false
check_access_command(Commands, Command, ArgumentRestrictions, Method, Arguments) ->
case Commands==all orelse lists:member(Method, Commands) of
true -> check_access_arguments(Command, ArgumentRestrictions, Arguments);
false -> false
check_access_arguments(Command, ArgumentRestrictions, Arguments) ->
ArgumentsTagged = tag_arguments(Command#ejabberd_commands.args, Arguments),
fun({ArgName, ArgAllowedValue}) ->
%% If the call uses the argument, check the value is acceptable
case lists:keysearch(ArgName, 1, ArgumentsTagged) of
{value, {ArgName, ArgValue}} -> ArgValue == ArgAllowedValue;
false -> true
end, ArgumentRestrictions).
tag_arguments(ArgsDefs, Args) ->
fun({ArgName, _ArgType}, ArgValue) ->
{ArgName, ArgValue}