mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-06 21:37:17 +02:00

Support get-cert, revoke-cert. Also cleaned some typespecs

This commit is contained in:
Konstantinos Kallas 2017-06-26 19:03:21 +03:00
parent 330456bcf0
commit 637d9b054b
2 changed files with 110 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-spec key_authorization(string(), jose_jwk:key()) -> bitstring().
-spec key_authorization(bitstring(), jose_jwk:key()) -> bitstring().
key_authorization(Token, Key) ->
Thumbprint = jose_jwk:thumbprint(Key),
%% ?INFO_MSG("Thumbprint: ~p~n", [Thumbprint]),
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ parse_challenge(Challenge0) ->
{<<"status">>,Status} = proplists:lookup(<<"status">>, Challenge),
{<<"uri">>,Uri} = proplists:lookup(<<"uri">>, Challenge),
{<<"token">>,Token} = proplists:lookup(<<"token">>, Challenge),
Res =
Res =
type = Type,
status = list_to_atom(bitstring_to_list(Status)),
@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ parse_challenge(Challenge0) ->
-spec solve_challenge(bitstring(), [{proplist()}], _) -> {ok, url(), bitstring()} | {error, _}.
-spec solve_challenge(bitstring(), [{proplist()}], _) ->
{ok, url(), bitstring()} | {error, _}.
solve_challenge(ChallengeType, Challenges, Options) ->
ParsedChallenges = [parse_challenge(Chall) || Chall <- Challenges],
case lists:any(fun is_error/1, ParsedChallenges) of
@ -63,7 +64,8 @@ solve_challenge(ChallengeType, Challenges, Options) ->
-spec solve_challenge1(acme_challenge(), _) -> {ok, url(), bitstring()} | {error, _}.
-spec solve_challenge1(acme_challenge(), {jose_jwk:key(), string()}) ->
{ok, url(), bitstring()} | {error, _}.
solve_challenge1(Chal = #challenge{type = <<"http-01">>, token=Tkn}, {Key, HttpDir}) ->
KeyAuthz = key_authorization(Tkn, Key),
FileLocation = HttpDir ++ "/.well-known/acme-challenge/" ++ bitstring_to_list(Tkn),
@ -85,5 +87,7 @@ is_challenge_type(DesiredType, #challenge{type = Type}) when DesiredType =:= Typ
is_challenge_type(_DesiredType, #challenge{type = _Type}) ->
-spec is_error({'error', _}) -> 'true';
({'ok', _}) -> 'false'.
is_error({error, _}) -> true;
is_error(_) -> false.

View File

@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
-module (ejabberd_acme).
%% Account
%% Authorization
%% Certificate
%% Debugging Scenarios
%% , key_roll_over/5
%% Not yet implemented
%% key_roll_over/5
%% delete_authz/3
@ -23,7 +31,7 @@
-define(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 5000). % 5 seconds.
-define(MAX_POLL_REQUESTS, 20).
-define(POLL_WAIT_TIME, 500).
-define(POLL_WAIT_TIME, 500). % 500 ms.
@ -45,21 +53,18 @@ directory(Url) ->
-spec new_account(url(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_account(Url, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
%% Make the request body
EJson = {[{ <<"resource">>, <<"new-reg">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_tos/1).
-spec update_account(url(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
update_account(Url, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
%% Make the request body
EJson = {[{ <<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
-spec get_account(url(), jose_jwk:key(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_account(Url, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
%% Make the request body
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}]},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_tos/1).
@ -79,7 +84,7 @@ delete_account(Url, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
-spec new_authz(url(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_authz(Url, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"new-authz">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_location/1).
@ -102,10 +107,22 @@ complete_challenge(Url, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
-spec new_cert(url(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
{ok, {url(), list()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_cert(Url, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"new-cert">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1, "application/pkix-cert").
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_location/1,
-spec get_cert(url()) -> {ok, list(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_cert(Url) ->
prepare_get_request(Url, fun get_response/1, "application/pkix-cert").
-spec revoke_cert(url(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
revoke_cert(Url, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"revoke-cert">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1,
@ -153,40 +170,28 @@ get_response_location({ok, Head, Return}) ->
%% 2. Derive the whole algo objects from Key
%% TODO: Encode Strings using length.
-spec make_csr(proplist()) -> binary().
-spec make_csr(proplist()) -> {binary(), jose_jwk:key()}.
make_csr(Attributes) ->
Key = generate_key(),
{_, KeyKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(Key),
KeyPub = jose_jwk:to_public(Key),
SubPKInfoAlgo = subject_pk_info_algo(KeyPub),
{ok, RawBinPubKey} = raw_binary_public_key(KeyPub),
SubPKInfo = subject_pk_info(SubPKInfoAlgo, RawBinPubKey),
{ok, Subject} = attributes_from_list(Attributes),
CRI = certificate_request_info(SubPKInfo, Subject),
{ok, EncodedCRI} = der_encode(
SignedCRI = public_key:sign(EncodedCRI, 'sha256', KeyKey),
SignatureAlgo = signature_algo(Key, 'sha256'),
CSR = certification_request(CRI, SignatureAlgo, SignedCRI),
{ok, DerCSR} = der_encode(
Result = base64url:encode(DerCSR),
{Result, Key}
_:{badmatch, {error, bad_public_key}} ->
{error, bad_public_key};
@ -260,7 +265,7 @@ length_bitstring(Bitstring) ->
false ->
LenOctets = binary:encode_unsigned(Size),
FirstOctet = byte_size(LenOctets),
<<12:8, 1:1, FirstOctet:7, LenOctets:(FirstOctet * 8), Bitstring/binary>>
<<12:8, 1:1, FirstOctet:7, Size:(FirstOctet * 8), Bitstring/binary>>
@ -289,6 +294,7 @@ attribute_parser_fun({AttrName, AttrVal}) ->
{error, bad_attributes}
-spec attribute_oid(atom()) -> tuple().
attribute_oid(commonName) -> ?'id-at-commonName';
attribute_oid(countryName) -> ?'id-at-countryName';
attribute_oid(stateOrProvinceName) -> ?'id-at-stateOrProvinceName';
@ -412,7 +418,7 @@ prepare_get_request(Url, HandleRespFun, ResponseType) ->
-spec sign_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), string(), nonce()) -> jws().
-spec sign_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), bitstring(), nonce()) -> {_, jws()}.
sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
PubKey = jose_jwk:to_public(Key),
{_, BinaryPubKey} = jose_jwk:to_binary(PubKey),
@ -428,7 +434,7 @@ sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
JwsObj = jose_jws:from(JwsObj0),
jose_jws:sign(Key, Json, JwsObj).
-spec sign_encode_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), string(), nonce()) -> bitstring().
-spec sign_encode_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), bitstring(), nonce()) -> bitstring().
sign_encode_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
{_, Signed} = sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce),
%% This depends on jose library, so we can consider it safe
@ -571,11 +577,6 @@ new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) ->
Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}],
{ok, Account2, Nonce3} = update_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce2),
%% Delete account
%% {ok, Account3, Nonce4} = delete_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce3),
%% {ok, {_TOS, Account4}, Nonce5} = get_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce4),
%% ?INFO_MSG("New account: ~p~n", [Account4]),
%% NewKey = generate_key(),
%% KeyChangeUrl = CAUrl ++ "/acme/key-change/",
%% {ok, Account3, Nonce4} = key_roll_over(KeyChangeUrl, AccURL, PrivateKey, NewKey, Nonce3),
@ -618,7 +619,7 @@ new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) ->
#{"new-cert" := NewCert} = Dirs,
CSRSubject = [{commonName, bitstring_to_list(DomainName)},
{organizationName, "Example Corp"}],
CSR = make_csr(CSRSubject),
{CSR, CSRKey} = make_csr(CSRSubject),
{MegS, Sec, MicS} = erlang:timestamp(),
NotBefore = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({MegS-1, Sec, MicS}),
NotAfter = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({MegS+1, Sec, MicS}),
@ -627,9 +628,34 @@ new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) ->
{<<"notBefore">>, NotBefore},
{<<"NotAfter">>, NotAfter}
{ok, Certificate, Nonce8} = new_cert(NewCert, PrivateKey, Req4, Nonce7),
{ok, {CertUrl, Certificate}, Nonce8} = new_cert(NewCert, PrivateKey, Req4, Nonce7),
{Account2, Authz2, Authz3, CSR, Certificate, PrivateKey}.
{ok, Certificate2, Nonce9} = get_cert(CertUrl),
DecodedCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(list_to_binary(Certificate2), plain),
%% ?INFO_MSG("DecodedCert: ~p~n", [DecodedCert]),
PemEntryCert = public_key:pem_entry_encode('Certificate', DecodedCert),
%% ?INFO_MSG("PemEntryCert: ~p~n", [PemEntryCert]),
{_, CSRKeyKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(CSRKey),
PemEntryKey = public_key:pem_entry_encode('ECPrivateKey', CSRKeyKey),
%% ?INFO_MSG("PemKey: ~p~n", [jose_jwk:to_pem(CSRKey)]),
%% ?INFO_MSG("PemEntryKey: ~p~n", [PemEntryKey]),
PemCert = public_key:pem_encode([PemEntryKey, PemEntryCert]),
%% ?INFO_MSG("PemCert: ~p~n", [PemCert]),
ok = file:write_file(HttpDir ++ "/my_server.pem", PemCert),
Base64Cert = base64url:encode(Certificate2),
#{"revoke-cert" := RevokeCert} = Dirs,
Req5 = [{<<"certificate">>, Base64Cert}],
{ok, [], Nonce10} = revoke_cert(RevokeCert, PrivateKey, Req5, Nonce9),
{ok, Certificate3, Nonce11} = get_cert(CertUrl),
{Account2, Authz3, CSR, Certificate, PrivateKey}.
generate_key() ->
@ -638,14 +664,56 @@ generate_key() ->
scenario3() ->
CSRSubject = [{commonName, "my-acme-test-ejabberd.com"},
{organizationName, "Example Corp"}],
CSR = make_csr(CSRSubject).
{CSR, CSRKey} = make_csr(CSRSubject).
%% It doesn't seem to work, The user can get a new authorization even though the account has been deleted
delete_account_scenario(CAUrl) ->
PrivateKey = generate_key(),
DirURL = CAUrl ++ "/directory",
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(DirURL),
%% ?INFO_MSG("Directories: ~p", [Dirs]),
#{"new-reg" := NewAccURL} = Dirs,
Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [<<"mailto:cert-example-admin@example2.com">>]}],
{ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = new_account(NewAccURL, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{_, AccId} = proplists:lookup(<<"id">>, Account),
AccURL = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ integer_to_list(AccId),
{ok, {_TOS, Account1}, Nonce2} = get_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce1),
%% ?INFO_MSG("Old account: ~p~n", [Account1]),
Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}],
{ok, Account2, Nonce3} = update_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce2),
%% Delete account
{ok, Account3, Nonce4} = delete_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce3),
{ok, {_TOS, Account4}, Nonce5} = get_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce4),
?INFO_MSG("New account: ~p~n", [Account4]),
AccIdBin = list_to_bitstring(integer_to_list(AccId)),
#{"new-authz" := NewAuthz} = Dirs,
DomainName = << <<"my-acme-test-ejabberd">>/binary, AccIdBin/binary, <<".com">>/binary >>,
Req2 =
{[{<<"type">>, <<"dns">>},
{<<"value">>, DomainName}]}},
{<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>}
{ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce6} = new_authz(NewAuthz, PrivateKey, Req2, Nonce5),
{ok, Account1, Account3, Authz}.
%% Just a test
scenario0(KeyFile, HttpDir) ->
PrivateKey = jose_jwk:from_file(KeyFile),
%% scenario("http://localhost:4000", "2", PrivateKey).
%% delete_account_scenario("http://localhost:4000").
new_user_scenario("http://localhost:4000", HttpDir).
%% scenario3().